Cicada Moving

Chapter 585: What is the deputy director doing?

Chapter 585 What is the Deputy Director doing?

At this time, there was a teenage boy on the roadside who counted the number of cars and the approximate number of people. He turned around and left with a natural expression, walked around a few times and walked into a shop with a telephone sign.

Ono naturally didn't know all this. After notifying Hase Ryosuke, he bought some food and returned to the surveillance position. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ikuta Takaki's car still parked in place.

  This is the disadvantage of tracking alone. Without someone to take over, it is easy to lose the target. However, people have three urgent needs. No matter how professional the intelligence personnel are, they cannot violate physiological laws. They should eat and drink when they should.

Ono thought of this and took a bite of the steamed bun. He stretched his head and looked towards a window. He felt no regret at all about giving up blackmailing Ikuta Takaki. There were many things that he couldn't get involved with.

 Money is useful if you have the life to spend it.

If he offends Ikuta Takaki, he still has a chance to survive, but if he offends Ryosuke Hase, who has a lot of connections, it will be in vain even if he runs back to his hometown. Ono understands this very well.

Moreover, that **** Ikuta is a poor man, and he might not pay a single yen even if the secret is exposed, so instead of fearfully blackmailing him, it is better to tell the truth to Section Chief Hase.

Ono is indeed very thoughtful, but unfortunately he is just a chess piece after all, and he cannot escape the fate arranged by others. For example, just when he was thinking about something, several sneaky black figures slowly approached.

In the dark alley, these people walked up behind him silently. One of the black figures raised a wooden stick and tapped his head lightly. There was a thud, and Ono fell down.

 “Have you fainted?”

 “Report to Chief Wu that he fainted.”

“Drag it away, the old rules are, if you don’t see the living person or the dead body, take it to the riverside and dispose of it directly. Remember to take out all the belongings on this guy, and don’t leave his appearance, fingerprints, or birthmarks.”


Wu Chunyang had no time to pay attention to Ono who was being carried away. He looked up at the house where the target was located and patted the shoulder of a subordinate next to him: "Let someone send a signal immediately to inform Chief Gu to evacuate."


The little agent nodded, walked out of the alley and made a gesture, and then a clear and loud shouting sound rang out. There were many small businesses in the residential area, which did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

 The time goes back a few minutes.

The "old man" in the residential building was sitting at a dining table filled with food. He was drinking and listening to the half-drunk Ikuta Takaki talking about the injustices he had encountered today. He felt very helpless.

In order to keep this person longer, he specially prepared wine and food. Unexpectedly, the person stayed, but the other person was too nagging, and he talked about the hunting five or six times at a time.

This is almost life-threatening. When he heard the signal from outside, Gu Qi felt like he was being pardoned. He rubbed his temples and interrupted Ikuta's nagging: "Can you think of a solution to what I said before?"

 “This is very difficult.”

Over there, Ikuta Takaki opened his tongue and explained with a mouth full of alcohol: "It's not that I don't want to make money, but I really can't get the content of Mr. Foreign Minister's speech. I let you down, Mr. Dou."

“Oh, Mr. Dou is in trouble. Mr., please drink first while I go downstairs to call the buyer to see if there are any other needs. You are here, so I can’t let you go in vain.”

  Gu Qi shook his head with pretense of regret, and then made a suggestion.

"Yoshi, Dou-kun, you go ahead. Thank you for chatting with me. Don't worry, I will not treat you badly when our Imperial Japanese Army enters Shanghai." Ikuta Takaki waved his hand.


 Let's wait until you survive.

Gucci suppressed his anger and replied with a few nice words with a smile. He picked up the scarf and coat on the hanger, closed the door in a hurry, walked out of the residential building along the stairs and got into a car on the roadside. “Let’s go, take me to see the deputy director.”

 “Yes, section chief.”

He got in the car and greeted the driver, and glanced back briefly. When we meet again, I am afraid that this Ikuta Takaki will be in the ground, no, maybe without a burial place.

There were a few people who were on the deputy director's radar who met their end. Let's not talk about the distant ones. Let's talk about Liu Gui, the former head of the intelligence section of the Division 1. He was cautious and resourceful, but he was shot dead in the end.

This time the deputy director used so much manpower and material resources to create a big event. It was a sign of virtue for Takaki Ikuta that he could be buried intact under such circumstances.

Just as he was thinking about it, a group of police cars from the concession patrol house roared past. Gu Qi glanced at it from the corner of his eye and then looked away. The stage was set, the British also appeared on stage, and the drama was about to begin.


Not long after driving, the car stopped at the entrance of a brightly lit restaurant. When Gu Qi got out of the car, he saw an intelligence agent. Under his guidance, he walked to the top floor and opened a door.

 “Lao Gu, welcome back.”

Zuo Zhong sat on the sofa and waved to him with a smile. On the side, Yu Xingle, Song Minghao, and Wu Jingzhong, the district chiefs of East China District, quickly stood up to greet him. After all, Gu Qi was their peer and superior.

 “Oh, it turns out to be District Chief Yu.”

 Gu Qi clasped his hands together, stooped slightly and walked into the room. He put down his hand and shook hands with Yu Xingle. He said with emotion: "Compared with the last time we met at Jinling Headquarters, Lao Yu, you have lost a lot of weight.

I heard you say that it is difficult to carry out work here in Shanghai. This time I have experienced it. In the land of the Republic of China, doing something is like being behind enemy lines. Brother Yu, you have suffered a lot in these years. "

As soon as these words came out, Yu Xingle hugged Gu Qi and cried. Everyone saw that he was in charge of the East China region and was free and easy as a local prince, but who could understand the pain in it.

 The British, he did not dare to offend.

 The French, he did not dare to offend.

He didn't dare to offend the Germans, Red Russians, Americans, or even the Japanese. He was not here to be an official. He was clearly a grandson, and he was still a lowly third grandson.

 “Say nothing, alas.”

Yu Xingle grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously, with tears welling up in his eyes. It was clear how serious the situation in Shanghai was to force a veteran intelligence expert to do this.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and clapped his hands: "Okay, don't stand around stupidly. Let's sit down and have something to eat. We'll wait for the news over there. Oh, Lao Yu, you don't know what's going on, right?"


Yu Xingle sat upright and replied respectfully: "I received your call and asked me to arrange a hotel nearby. As for the reason, I dare not make any guesses. Please let the deputy director know clearly."

 “You are serious, you are serious, Lao Yu.”

Zuo Zhong laughed loudly and said: "You and I have known each other since we were young, so there is no need to be so outspoken. I called you here just to ask how many people, I mean armed personnel, can be dispatched from your East China District tonight."


Everyone took a breath, what is the deputy director doing?

 (End of this chapter)

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