Cicada Moving

Chapter 587: A fat man emerged from the crowd

Chapter 587 A fat man emerged from the crowd


As soon as this statement came out, the reporter became even more enthusiastic. He quickly pressed the shutter and took a picture of the deformed face of Ikuta Takaki. Japanese diplomats poached rare migratory birds, and newspaper sales increased.

Kuang Fuan, who was leading the arrest team, sneered when he heard this and signaled his men to pull him up. Then he walked up to Ikuta Takaki, patted his dirty collar and said.

“Mr. Takaki Ikuta, I have ordered you to be arrested in accordance with the law by Mr. John Kaiziwei of the police station. If you have any opinions, please wait until we get to the patrol room. Please remain silent now.”

 “Baga, this is a shameless frame-up.”

Takaki Ikuta raised his neck and tried to break free: ""I did not poach migratory birds. You will pay a heavy price for what you did today. The Empire of Japan will not allow it, huh~"

Before he could finish his sentence, the policeman blocked his mouth with a piece of cloth. This was a routine operation. Before the interrogation was conducted and the case was clear, the prisoner had to be prevented from informing other accomplices.

Kuang Fuan quickly searched Ikuta Takaki and found his wallet, keys and a Nanbu pistol. When he pulled the gun, he saw that the chamber was filled with yellow-orange bullets.

The patrolmen immediately swallowed their saliva. He was really a lunatic. He was not on a battlefield. He had no problem loading his personal weapon and was not afraid of it going off in the event of a collision. Fortunately, he was able to control the target in time.

Otherwise, if the other party fires and resists in the downtown area, it is unknown how many citizens will be killed or injured. At that time, let alone meritorious service, he will be lucky if he is not treated as a scapegoat and thrown into prison by the arrest ward.

“Handcuff him to me and add shackles at the same time. The intelligence says that this person is a Japanese intelligence officer and is likely to be able to open locks. You must keep an eye on him and never let him escape.”

Kuang Fuan touched his beautiful moustache, gave instructions to his men, and then raised his head to look upstairs. The window with the lights out just now should be where the target stayed, and he had to search for it.

The target’s car must also be carefully inspected. Kai Ziwei revealed that the carcasses of poached migratory birds and the guns used during poaching are in the car. Also, the other party cannot use a pistol to hunt.

As long as these evidences are found, the case can be turned into a solid case. The Japanese have always been shameless. Without conclusive evidence, they will certainly not admit that their diplomats poached migratory birds.

Looking at Ikuta Takaki who was struggling desperately, he raised his finger and pointed at the residential building: "A team of people went to search the suspicious house to see if there were any other physical evidence inside. Search carefully.

 Let a group of people take a look at the car again, and ask the people watching to step back and not to damage the scene. Everyone has a snack. I will report the truth to Mr. Kai Ziwei when I get back and ask for credit for you. "

 “Yes, thank you, Inspector.”

 The patrols, including the foreign police officers and the Indian police officers, showed excitement. No matter what color their skin was, a superior who could take care of his subordinates was a good superior. They immediately started to act according to Kuang Fuan's order.

Seven or eight Chinese prisoners, led by a white inspector, rushed into the stairwell. The thumping sound of footsteps made Ikuta Takaki startled. My father would not keep the information at home.

No way?

No way!

If the British discover information in the house, they will be doomed. The empire will never let go of any traitor, not even the son-in-law of the Matsumoto family. This will cause big trouble.

 Ikuta Takaki regretted it endlessly. He shouldn't have come to this hellish place to meet his father. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. His legs began to tremble unconsciously. It was only the police officer's pull that kept him from falling to the ground.

Not far away, a group of Indian catchers held hands to separate the onlookers from the cars. Perhaps because their immediate boss was also Chinese, they had a good attitude and did not verbally abuse or hit anyone.

Kuang Fuan glanced at the pale Ikuta Takaki and knew that the search was the right step. There must be something deadly in the house and car, otherwise the Japanese agent would not be so panicked.

So he asked his subordinates to take him to the car on the roadside. He took out the key he had just found and tried it. He successfully opened the door and saw a rifle quietly placed in the back seat.

 “Thirty-eight forms?”

He put on his gloves with a little surprise, took the gun in his hand and ejected the bullet. He put the chamber and the cartridge in front of his nose. He immediately smelled a strong smell of gunpowder, indicating that the gun had been fired.

And the shooting time was not long ago, but few people use rifles to hunt, especially agile birds. This is a test of marksmanship. I didn't realize that this person was a sharpshooter.

 “Report, discover evidence.”

Suddenly, the patrolman who was searching behind the car shouted, attracting everyone's attention. Reporters and citizens crowded outside the cordon, craning their heads to look at the open trunk.

I saw three motionless migratory birds lying inside. One of them had its neck broken at a 90-degree angle. It was obvious that it was dead. This scene made the crowd exclaim and then curse loudly.

 “Poke that girl, she is really a migratory bird.”

 “Japanese, start the Western Expedition.”

Kuang Fuan picked up a warhead on the floor of the trunk and asked someone to remove the cloth from Ikuta's mouth: "Mr. Ikuta Takaki, what else do you have to explain? Don't say that the car and rifle are not yours.

ˆ With existing criminal technology, we can easily identify whether this bullet was fired from your rifle. As a professional intelligence officer, you should know that I am not lying to you. "

Ikuta Takaki opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened. What on earth was going on? He only shot a dozen wild ducks. These three migratory birds appeared from nowhere. What a ghost. Could it be that someone put the prey in the wrong car? This is not impossible. The cars provided by the consulate are all of the same model. It is normal to see the wrong car in the dim light of the evening. The question is what to do with Lao Dou.


This won't work. If a diplomat becomes a wanted criminal, his future is over. Forget about the Deputy Minister of Intelligence. He might be sent back to the mainland to eat ashes in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warehouse.

He was thinking about a way to escape in his mind, and said viciously: "I don't know, someone else must have put these in my car. Even if I was the one to fight, this is just a public security case."

 According to the treaties signed by various countries, I have the right to require the presence of people from the consulate. Please note, Mr. Patrolman, that there are not only British people on the board of directors of the public concession, but also citizens of the Empire of Japan. "

After thinking for a long time, the only way Ikuta Takaki could think of was to let these **** policemen take the initiative to let him go and end the search. Lao Dou’s information should not be so easy to find.


 Kuang Fuan and the surrounding patrol officers all laughed. It was true that there were Japanese people in the public board of directors, but they had no control over the patrol house. It was unnecessary to use this to threaten them.

As for whether this case is a security case or a criminal case, that is a matter decided by the patrol room. There is no room for a suspect to make irresponsible remarks. There are many disobedient prisoners and they will be honest after suffering.

 “Okay, stop talking nonsense.”

After laughing, Kuang Fuan suppressed his smile, poked Ikuta Takaki on the head and warned: "You are also a decent person, don't force me to treat you in a dishonorable way, okay, Mr. Diplomat.

Perhaps you think you can hide the matter without admitting it, but I want to tell you that no matter how stubborn you are, when you come to the patrol room, you will explain the problem obediently and do not challenge our professionalism. "

 “Baga. Bang!”

 “Baga. Bang!”

 “Baga. Bang!”

 Ikuta Takaki was very unconvinced and wanted to spit out the fragrance, but was slapped three times by Kuang Fu'an, which made him dizzy. His nosebleed spurted out, and the people applauded.

 It is impossible to say whether these people really care about the poaching of three birds. On the contrary, it is the reason why the Japanese are so tyrannical in Shanghai, and everyone wants to kill Ikuta Takaki.

“Dear citizens, the patrol house in the public concession is responsible to all taxpayers and is not a thug of a certain country or person. Anyone who dares to defy the law will be severely punished by the patrol house.”

After slapping his mouth, Kuang Fu'an jumped on the open car door and shouted condescendingly: "Mr. John Kaiziwei said that he would catch the poachers as soon as possible, and now his promise has been fulfilled.

Everyone please believe that we will enforce the law impartially and try this person strictly in accordance with the law. You are welcome to attend the trial when the time comes. If you are dissatisfied, please report it to the patrol room in a timely manner. "

After performing the performance of Mr. Qingtian, and patting John Kaizi on the ass, he jumped out of the car and looked at another team of investigators who were running quickly, but why the other team looked panicked.

 “What did you find upstairs?”

 Kuang Fuan took out a cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette from it and bumped it against the cigarette case, held it in his mouth and asked casually, not knowing at all that a huge storm was about to hit.

 “Sir, we.”

The leading white inspector was sweating profusely and replied with a sad face: "We found some secret documents in the house, which are about information about the Empire's Far East Fleet and the king's health.

We are in big trouble. This is an espionage case, not a poaching case. It involves the royal family and the navy. You must inform the two Mr. Kaiziwei. This matter is very, very sensitive. "

The white inspector said two extremes in a row, which were enough to show his inner panic. Don't think that the British are very open-minded. Private peeking into the palace is a serious political incident in any country.


Kuang Fuan choked at this person's words, and tears welled up in his eyes. While holding his waist to slow down his breathing, he pointed at the incomprehensible Ikuta Takaki and shouted: "Surround the suspect."

He knew very well that the most urgent task at the moment was to protect this audacious spy and not give the other party's accomplices a chance to kill and silence him. If something went wrong with the other party, he would be dead.


Just when the patrols were in a hurry, a fat man emerged from the crowd, with his hands on his hips and shouted loudly, and then more men in black with weapons silently surrounded them.

 (End of this chapter)

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