Cicada Moving

Chapter 591: Too much is not enough

Chapter 591: Too much is not enough

 Intelligence of the Royal Family and the Far Eastern Fleet.

This sentence startled John Kaiser, who was arranging his clothes, and jumped up from the chair. The blonde on his legs was thrown to the ground, making a grunting sound.

“Damn it, get out of my office right now and watch your mouth. If I know you leaked information, I will transfer you to India to deal with those untouchables. Do you hear me?”

 John Kaiziwei pointed at his secretary and warned him not to talk nonsense when he pulled up his trousers, then pushed him out and then looked at Kuang Fuan.

"Kuang, are you mistaken? Why did the Japanese collect this information? This matter is very serious and there must be no question about its authenticity. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, sir."

Kuang Fuan took out all the documents and replied without hesitation: "This is the original document that was found. For the sake of caution, I opened it without authorization and checked it. It is indeed intelligence.

In addition, when we were passing by Beichuan Provincial Road on our way back, armed personnel from the National Secret Service also appeared, led by a deputy director named Zuo, who asked us to hand over one of the documents. "

 Deputy director with the surname Zuo.

John Kaiziwei narrowed his eyes and immediately thought of a person, Zuo Chong, the deputy director of the Secret Service, who had destroyed the Japanese intelligence network in Jinling many times and was an extremely difficult figure.

Especially because this person has a close relationship with senior officials of the national government, MI2 speculated that Zuo Zhong is likely to become an important person in charge of Chinese intelligence agencies in the future, and this possibility is very high.

Why would such a person take the risk of triggering a diplomatic conflict and bring armed personnel to **** a secret document? Could it be that the intelligence of the royal family and the Far East Fleet has some connection with each other.

He reached out to take the secret document and asked expressionlessly: "What document did the other party ask you to hand over? Faced with the threat from the National Government intelligence officers, you finally chose to succumb, right?"

Acting Inspector Kwong, if this is the case, I will reconsider your appointment. The British Empire does not accept any form of betrayal, and it does not need a coward who cannot bear the pressure. "

 “Sir, please listen to my explanation.”

Kuang Fuan did not panic, shook his head and said: "What the other party wants is Japanese intelligence, and they only want to take pictures. The originals are still in our hands. This condition is not too harsh.

My mission is to protect Ikuta Takaki and the intelligence about the British Empire, and deliver them safely to the general patrol room. As long as I can complete these two tasks, it is worth taking a proper step back. "

Hmm, is that so?

John Kai Ziwei was noncommittal when he heard what he said. He opened the file and flipped through it quickly. He saw that the text above was all in English, and the title did not reveal which force collected the intelligence.

Did the Japanese really do this?

Then why not use Japanese.

He was a little unsure, so he stopped at one of the pictures and found that it turned out to be the route map of the Far East Fleet's base in Shanghai. His green pupils suddenly narrowed, and then he became furious.

Are all the people in the navy blind? How could someone obtain such important information? Once a war breaks out, enemy ships can easily enter the port through the shipping route and launch attacks calmly.

Thinking of the scenes of battleships slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea with thick smoke, he shuddered involuntarily, quickly crossed himself on his chest, and whispered thanking God in his mouth.

Unfortunately, he thanked him too early. Following the route map was a document about the health of the British king. This frightened John Kaiser so much that his legs softened and he sat back in his chair.

Since the succession of George V, there have been countless rumors surrounding the sailor king, such as the other party's scandal in Malta, such as the other party's hobby of stamp collecting, and such as the other party's frail body.

Some of these are rumors, but some are not, especially in 1929, when the other party narrowly escaped an infectious disease and was bedridden for half a year, and his health deteriorated from then on.

As a member of the Kaiziwei family, John Kaiziwei knew that His Majesty the King, who was deeply loved by the people, had entered the final stage of his life and could be taken away by the disease at any time.

Because of this, the physical condition of George V is the most sensitive topic in the British Empire. If London knew that the Japanese were doing this, it would definitely cause huge waves.

Being in Shanghai, he will be in a very dangerous situation. If he is not careful, he will become a victim. The imperial nobles who are eyeing the fat of the public concession will never let go of this opportunity.

 “Crazy Japanese dwarf!”

John Kai Ziwei said with a dull look, the muscles on his face kept beating, and he hated the **** Ikuta Takaki in his heart. You can die if you want. Why did you drag me with you?

To put it bluntly, even if you Japanese want to collect information about the king, please keep it secret and let a group of patrols find the documents. It would be too unprofessional.

At this time, Kuang Fuan next to him spoke again: "We also met Xu Enzeng, the director of the Secret Service Headquarters at the scene. This person said that Takaki Ikuta was the murderer of the three Indian patrol officers.

He asked both parties to cooperate in handling the case and find out the truth. In order to come back as soon as possible, I told him that this matter needs to be decided by you. The guy is in the yard now. Do you need to drive him away? "

 “Let him go!”

John Kaiser, who was furious, turned into a master of table cleaning. He stood up and swept all the items on the table to the ground. He roared angrily, looking like he was gnashing his teeth. I am about to go to Southeast Asia or Africa to see wild beasts baring their teeth. The most important thing now is to seize the time and think of an escape plan. Xu Enzeng can look for whoever he likes, just don't bother him here.

Kuang Fuan did not answer immediately, but lowered his head and reminded: "Sir, if this information is really related to the Japanese, then the concession and even the British Empire need the help of the National Government.

 You should not push a potential ally to the enemy's side. With the support of Jinling, we can put diplomatic pressure on the Japanese on many issues and force the other side to surrender. "

  He analyzed the current situation from a perspective that is beneficial to Britain. Anyone who is not a fool can think of the benefits. If China and Britain can stand on the same front, the situation in East Asia will change greatly.


John Kaiser hesitated for a moment and sighed: "Okay, if Xu Enzeng is willing to investigate, let him do it. By the way, in addition to secret documents, Ikuta Takaki also found something else.

The other party is a diplomat, and the relevant evidence must be conclusive. I leave this matter to you. The Special Department of the Police Force is responsible for intelligence verification, and may not be able to help the patrol room much. "

When he said this, his eyes flickered a little, and he obviously had other plans. Compared with the special department directly under the Military Intelligence Department, the people in the patrol room were more trustworthy and easier to control.

To get out of this matter, John Kaiziwei must fully grasp every step of the case's progress. Of course, he cannot rely on the agents with roots in the UK. He must rely on people like Kuang Fuan.

 He couldn't help but sigh, it's better to use traitors.

Over there, Kuang Fuan understood what was going on and said respectfully: "We found a Japanese-made Type 38 rifle and a car with three migratory bird carcasses on them. There are many people who can testify to this.

 So the patrol room has enough reasons to detain the other party. I will compare the fingerprints on the seized documents with those of Ikuta Takaki as quickly as possible, and combine them with the confession to find new breakthroughs.

As long as some physical evidence can be found, the Japanese government has no way to deny that their diplomats have engaged in espionage. If you find the real culprit, you will be much less stressed.

 Sir, please rest assured that we are receiving salaries from the public concession, so we must obey the orders of you and the public board of directors. I will handle this matter in a low-key manner and ask the relevant personnel not to disclose it to the public. "

When he said the word "you", Kuang Fuan emphasized his tone, implicitly swore allegiance to John Kaiziwei, and pointed out what the other party cared about the most, which was not to make things worse.

 Sure enough, John Kaiziwei smiled: "That's very good, Kuang. I am very satisfied with your professionalism. It is right to hand over the espionage case to you. Then I will wait for your good news in the office.

Also, didn't you seize a Japanese rifle? Go do a ballistic trace test with the two warheads extracted from the Elizabeth Hospital on site, and stabilize Xu Enzeng at the Secret Service Headquarters first.

 No matter what the outcome is, this can release goodwill to the National Government, and the Chinese people have tasted the sweetness. The Chairman will take the initiative to seek cooperation. At this time, he needs the friendship of the empire. "

"Yes, sir."

Kuang Fuan nodded. John Kaiziwei was probably disappointed. The rifle fired that day was in the red team's armory. It would be damned if the ballistic traces of the two were the same.

As for whether to do something to instigate relations between Japan and the British, he thought over and over again and decided not to move. His task was to lurk, and the risk of replacing evidence was high, so it was not easy.

 There are complete and strict recording procedures for a piece of evidence from storage, retrieval, and storage. The evidence room will also send people to monitor it. The slightest negligence will lead to exposure. He cannot take this risk.

at the same time.

  No. 75, Jisi Feier Road.

Song Minghao asked with confusion: "Deputy Director, should the documents we prepare for the British be in Japanese, or should the content of the documents reflect that they are intelligence collected by the Japanese."

“Yes, this can better mislead the British, why bother using English.” Wu Jingzhong asked the same question. After being in the Secret Service for so long, the King of Golden Sentences also became pragmatic.


Zuo Zhong did not answer. Instead, he pointed at Gu Qi, the intelligence section chief: "Lao Gu, Lao Song and Lao Wu are both your subordinates. Just explain to them why I did this."


Gu Qi responded, turned around and said solemnly: "If the document is in a Japanese agency, there is no problem in using Japanese, but it is the residence of an intelligence broker, so using Japanese seems a bit deliberate.

Not to mention that the British will not easily believe evidence that is too perfect. This is the habit of professional intelligence officers. There is a word you remember, that is, too much is not enough, and you should think more about your future actions. "

 (End of this chapter)

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