Cicada Moving

Chapter 6: teach mobile skills

Chapter 6 Teaching Mobility Techniques

With the end of the basic theoretical courses, the special training class is ready to start the practical practice of operational techniques. The police students and military police cadres are fine, but the students and trainees are different. They have never even seen a gun before.

"Gui Youguang, you are a famous sharpshooter. You will show your skills to the brothers later." The police academy cadets cheered.

Gui Youguang, known by everyone as a bald man, had the best performance in the police academy. He said with false modesty: "Oh, blah blah blah."

At this time, Zuo Zhong came over with a teaching book under his arm. Several soldiers carried several boxes and walked behind him. Zuo Zhong first called the names according to the roster to make sure that no one was missing.

“The mobile technology practical class has begun, who will give a demonstration first?” Zuo Zhong has been waiting for today for a long time.


 But before Zuo Zhejiang could reload, a bald man walked out from the crowd.

Zuo Zhong’s smile froze on his face, and then he wrote down Gui Youguang in his pocket book, deciding to carry forward the tradition of the party-state and send this guy to the Northeast in the future.

“Wait a minute, let me first talk about the weapons used today.” Zuo Zhong took out a pistol from the box, held it high and asked the students: “Do you know it?”

 The students, including Gui Youguang, all shook their heads. The one Zuo Zhong held in his hand was a luzi, but it was different from any existing luzi in China.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with their ignorance and introduced: “The PPK pistol produced by Walter Arsenal in Germany has a magazine capacity of 7 rounds and fires 7.65 mm caliber Browning pistol bullets with an effective range of fifty meters.

This gun is small and exquisite, easy to conceal, and it is very convenient to quickly draw the gun from your clothes or trouser pockets. Best of all, the design is structurally simple and with proper maintenance, mechanical failure is almost impossible.

 After using a special barrel, the PPK can also be equipped with a silencer. I have applied to the director many times so that you guys can use such a cutting-edge weapon. Come and try it out. "

Zuo Zhong spoke so well of PPK that students came forward one after another. After experiencing it, they found that it was indeed more refined than the common ones, and the feel was very suitable for shooting.

After seeing that the students had almost finished reading, Zuo Zhong took out a pistol and asked, "Gui Youguang, do you know this guy?"

"Zilaide made by virtue!" Of course Gui Youguang knew it. Zilaide is also called a box gun. It is the most common pistol in China. It can be made by oneself in large quantities. It is issued to police academies and military police.

  PPK is good, but it is too expensive, and the box gun has really strong firepower. In addition, the German trading company has a special version of the Republic of China 20-round magazine, which can be used as a submachine gun. If you are heavy on the left, choose it as a supplement.

 “Come, let everyone see your marksmanship.” Zuo Zhong said to Gui Youguang.


Gui Youguang picked up the Zilaide, checked it skillfully, took out the magazine from the ammunition box and loaded it, then stood in a standard standing position with his left hand on his waist, holding the gun in his right hand, taking aim and shooting at the target nearly fifty meters away. stand up.

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Zuo Zhong and the students applauded. Gui Youguang's marksmanship was really good. The target fifty meters away was riddled with dense bullet holes. The accuracy of the gun was very poor. At the same time, it was a new gun that had not been calibrated. Gui Youguang It is calibrated while shooting.

Gui Youguang put down the gun with a red face: "Instructor Zuo, how about you give me a demonstration?"

The students who were not too shy to watch the excitement cheered: "Okay!"

“The marksmanship is good, but it only took you ten seconds to aim. Can any enemy be so stupid on the battlefield?”

Zuo Zhong said calmly and then asked: "For those of you who have actual combat experience, can you tell me about the distance between pistols when a battle breaks out?"

 The students didn’t know what Zuo Zhong meant by this, and they all answered 10 meters, 15 meters, and 5 meters. After all, the effective distance is not the same as the practical distance.

 Zoofeng nodded and asked again: "When we get to the Secret Service, where do you think battles will most likely break out in the future? Or, in other words, where will pistols be used?"

 The students thought for a while, and the military and police students took the lead in saying: "Indoors, streets and other small spaces."

"So, students, from now on we will fight the enemy within a few inches and die within a few steps. Gui Youguang's posture is very accurate, but unfortunately it is too slow and impractical."

Zuo Zhong did not wait for Gui Youguang to retort, picked up a handful of PPK and announced: "Scene: indoor search, Gui Youguang, you have to cooperate."

 Zuo Zhong's posture is very strange, his body is slightly bowed, his hands are in front of his face, and his elbows are pressed against his ribs. The gun is held close to the body in the right hand, and the right hand is firmly grasped with the left hand.

This gesture was a bit obscene, and the students burst into laughter, but the military and police officers with actual combat experience were thoughtful. Although they didn't know the meaning of Zuo Zhong's move, they always felt it was pleasing to the eye and safe.

Gui Youguang looked at Zuo Zhong and frowned. In reality, if you don't have a gun and the other party has a gun, the first thing you do is to avoid it. But this was a drill, so he had to get close to Zuo Zhong as quickly as possible, and then grab the gun.

It's just that Zuo Zhong's gun-holding posture makes him very awkward. This posture puts the weapon very close to Zuo Zhong's body, making it less easy to grab the gun than holding the gun with a straight arm.

After thinking about it, Gui Youguang suddenly rushed towards Zuo Zhong, trying to win with speed. The students all closed their mouths and nervously watched the confrontation between the two. Because the two were not far away, Gui Youguang relied on his speed to quickly approach Zuo Zhong, but Zuo Zhong seemed to have no reaction and no counterattack at all.

 Gui Youguang smiled and reached for the weapon in Zuo Zhong's hand. He believed that as long as he touched the gun, Zuo Zhong would lose.

 But Zuo Zhong suddenly moved. He seemed to be so frightened that he put down his pistol, as if he had given up resistance completely.

 Poof, Gui Youguang almost laughed out loud, is that it?

But soon he stopped laughing. Zuo Zhong put the pistol he had put down back on his abdomen. He was further away from the weapon and could not grab the gun at all.

Moreover, while pressing the gun, Zuo Zhong's right elbow was raised and stretched forward, directly facing his throat!


Zuo Zhong was still merciful and slammed his elbow into Gui Youguang's arm instead of his throat, otherwise he might have been killed this time.

Zuo Zhong was actually very nervous. He knew that many students would defeat him regardless of their marksmanship or actual combat experience.

If you want to win, you have to use surprise. After much deliberation, Zuo Zhong thought of CAR shooting, a niche technique popular among the military and police.

The key to CAR is to hold the gun in your arms to gain maximum control of the gun. This posture can protect the gun and make it difficult for the attacker to grab or seize the gun owner's pistol.

 In addition, because the hands are closer to the head, they can also be regarded as protecting the head. This is why students with actual combat experience find it very pleasing to the eye. This is derived from the intuition on the battlefield.

The students did not see clearly what happened. In the blink of an eye, Gui Youguang, who had the upper hand just now, was taken care of by the instructor. Could it be that Gui Youguang was just being trusted? It is said that both of them are police academy students, which is very possible.

Zuo Zhong moved his arms covertly. Gui Youguang's physical condition was very good. No wonder his fighting performance was the best in the police academy. He felt as if his elbow had hit a stone.

“How is it, do you see it clearly?” Zuo Zhong asked the students.

  "I don't accept it! You have a gun, but I don't have a gun! Let me get a gun if you can!"

The person who yelled this was Gui Youguang, who was lying on the ground. He was stunned by the sudden reversal of the situation, and he didn't react until now.

He was not convinced. He felt that Zuo Zhong's weird posture was nothing special. It was just because he had a gun.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him: "Don't admit defeat? OK, I'll give you another chance. We'll use actual combat as the standard. We'll shoot indoors at close range, with a target distance of five meters."

 “Okay!” Gui Youguang got up. He didn’t believe that Zuo Zhong’s marksmanship could match his, and it wasn’t the first time they competed together.

Both of them used ppk this time, the box cannon was too heavy.

Standing in front of the target, Zuo Zhong still had that strange posture, turning his body sideways to face the target. The students all stared at him, knowing that the instructor seemed to have something.

 “Start!” This is the student who is the referee.


 “Crack, snap, snap.”

Zuo Zhong held the gun close to his chest and fired directly without aiming. At the same time, he used the pitch angle of his body to control the impact point. He emptied the magazine quickly after giving the order.

Everyone has their mouths full, and there is no need to time it. Gui Youguang lost again, and Gui Youguang himself was stunned. Zuo Zhong's rate of fire was very fast, and his accuracy at high rates of fire seemed to be pretty good.

Gui Youguangshang knows that life and death can happen in an instant. Whoever responds faster will fire the first bullet. Whoever can fire the most bullets in the shortest time determines who lives and who dies.

"Instructor Zuo, I lost." Gui Youguang was just unhappy that Zuo Zhong, who had worse grades than him, became an instructor, but he was not a petty person. Since his skills were inferior to others, he would readily admit his mistake.

Zuo gave him a heavy blow on the shoulder: "Why do you apologize? Your standing shooting is much more accurate than mine. We learn from each other."

Zuo Zhong knew that Gui Youguang had the best operational performance among the police academy students. Now that he had given up, Zuo Zhong would not hold on to him. These students and classmates would all work in the Secret Service. There would be no benefit in making the situation too tense now.

“Instructor, what’s the secret of your shooting posture just now, can you teach us.” The atmosphere was much better, and the students took the opportunity to ask Zuo Zhong, this is a way to save their lives in the future.

Zuo Chong smiled and said: "Of course I have to teach you, otherwise I won't be able to afford the salary Virgo gave me, right?"

The students burst into laughter. After they finished laughing, Zuo Zhong said solemnly: "Please note that what I say below are all secrets. You can learn them, but they are not allowed to be leaked. If there is any violation of military law, you will be punished."

Seeing the students nodding seriously, Zuo Zhong continued with satisfaction: "This set of shooting skills is something I figured out when I was free. You can also call it Zuo's action method, but it also has some shortcomings, mainly due to practice. Complex, long range shooting is not as accurate as other shooting methods.”

Zuo Zhong told the truth that this shooting method is not perfect. When Zuo Zhong was at a foreign shooting range, his coach told him the same thing. He should not be superstitious about a certain skill, but should choose the appropriate skill.

 (End of this chapter)

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