Cicada Moving

Chapter 613: The flower of special higher education

 Chapter 613 The Flower of Extra-high School Course

A middle-aged man in his thirties loaded the MP18 in his hand, and then looked at the indifferent face next to him: "Mr. Hase, what happened? Why did the German police come out?"

"I don't know. I'm catching a thief or someone is dead. Don't be too nervous. This is the Embassy of the Empire of Japan. The police won't rush in." The speaker turned out to be Ryosuke Hase, who should be in Shanghai.

After saying this, he rolled his eyes at the other party, feeling increasingly disdainful of these rude Kwantung Army troops. They were really stupid. If the Germans captured them, what could these dozen people do?

What a pity, I was suddenly thrown on a cruise ship by a special envoy from Tokyo to perform a so-called secret mission. It was too late to report the relevant situation to Nobita, otherwise I would have made a lot of money this time.

 Hase Ryosuke sat lazily on a stool and yawned, secretly cursing Doihara and the senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If these two parties were not so troubled, how could he have come to this ghost place.

The reason for his appearance here is very simple. After receiving the task of sabotaging the transfer of weapons patterns between China and Germany, the Kwantung Army asked for nothing but an expert on China issues and a diplomat.

These two requirements are not excessive. The Kwantung Army did not send professional spies to carry out such a death mission, but only found a group of soldiers who had been trained in intelligence to act. These people did not understand foreign languages ​​​​at all.

 It is more than 10,000 kilometers from the Northeast to Europe, and it is difficult to travel even if there is no language. In addition, the task also involves the National Government. Joining a member who is familiar with the situation of the Republic of China can better complete the task.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan studied for a long time and found that Ryosuke Hase, who had just served as deputy director of the Intelligence Department of the Consulate in Shanghai, perfectly met these two requirements and was worthy of being the flower of their special higher education course.

 First of all, when the military and other intelligence agencies failed many times in Jinling, only the intelligence personnel led by the other party successfully lurked. It is not an exaggeration to call them experts on China issues.

 Coupled with Tongwen Yuan's resume and the advantages of knowing several foreign languages, there is no more suitable candidate than him. In this way, Hase Ryosuke said goodbye to the feasting and entertainment of Shili Foreign Market and came here.

The Kwantung Army operators in the room heard his explanation and nodded vigorously. The Japanese Empire was not a weak country that could be bullied. During the European War, it even defeated the German army in Lu Province.

So the Germans could not risk the breakdown of relations between the two countries by entering the embassy, ​​and there was no reason to arrest them. After all, the assassination operation had not yet begun, and the other party could not predict the situation in advance.

But half an hour later, the third secretary of the embassy walked in with a dark face and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw all the Kwantung Army personnel. Then he pulled Hase Ryosuke aside and asked in a low voice.

“Mr. Changgu, these red deer didn’t go out just now. Your target Mao Yike was assassinated dozens of minutes ago. According to his escorts, the murderer was an intelligence agent of the empire.

Now the German side requires the ambassador to explain and hand over the assassin. Otherwise, a formal diplomatic note will be submitted to the empire. This matter has nothing to do with the Berlin Embassy and requires your decision. "


Hase Ryosuke’s eyes widened. Before he and others could take action, the target was assassinated. He originally thought of letting the opponent go by showing a flaw, but now there was no need.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head firmly: "They did not go out. You can verify this with the security personnel of your building. Moreover, according to the plan, the operation time is tonight, not during the day.

I think there must be a misunderstanding here. Please rest assured, Mr. Ambassador, that the Chinese and Germans have no evidence. The final outcome is likely to be a major incident that will be trivialized and will not affect Japan-Germany relations. "

Hase Ryosuke talked nonsense and made up his mind not to take the blame no matter what. He came to Germany to assist in the mission, not to lead. If there is a problem, the embassy should contact the Kwantung Army.

The third secretary, who also graduated from Tongwen Academy, heard the subtext of his words, glanced at the Kwantung Army personnel who knew nothing, turned around and walked out of the room without saying anything, and returned the order to the ambassador.

 “Baga, non-national.”

The middle-aged man who asked what happened earlier cursed in a low voice when he saw this. The people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were too much. He was a lieutenant in the army of the empire, and this man actually ignored him.

Then he stared at Ryosuke Hase, whose face was gloomy and uncertain. His heart was like a cat scratching his head. He wanted to ask about the specific situation, but he was afraid of offending this generous and talented man from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 When Chang Gu came to his senses, he felt happy when he saw him scratching his head and head. He sadly reported the latest information, showed their embarrassing situation, and asked the other party to contact the Kwantung Army immediately.

The implication behind the words is to ask if there are two teams of personnel performing tasks. This is a common method for secret intelligence operations, one is overt and the other is covert, and each does not know the existence of each other.

Lieutenant Colonel was stunned after hearing this. He was a half-way agent who was born in the field army. How could he know about this kind of thing? He was doubtful and asked the operator to go to the embassy telegraph room to verify the transmission to Northeast China.

 In short, the assassination of Mao Yike made the Germans and the Japanese agitated. Both sides are using various channels to find clues, but one side is to pursue accountability, and the other is to get rid of suspicion.

Zuo Zhong and the Secret Service personnel received the news and immediately rushed to the German hospital, where Mao Yike was receiving treatment. All the surgical experts in Berlin City were recruited here by the military.

Not only doctors, but also Berlin policemen in police uniforms, Wehrmacht officers in military uniforms, and a strong man in plain clothes surrounded the narrow door of the operating room.

  “Tell me what’s going on.”

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Zuo Zhong grabbed the neck of the leading guard and asked fiercely, as if he wanted to eat someone. The agents were so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath. This mistake was really too big.

There are no mistakes in security work, and mistakes mean failure. It is better that Mao Yi is not dead. If he is, the prestige that the Secret Service has accumulated over the past few years will be wiped out in one fell swoop. The guard who led the team cried mournfully: "Director Mao saw a friend who was about to get into the car. Someone suddenly opened fire on the roof of a building more than 100 meters away. Fortunately, other brothers pulled the gun and the bullet only hit the shoulder.

 Sir, I am willing to accept military law. This matter has nothing to do with anyone else. I did not inspect the commanding heights as required, but the murderer must be a Japanese. I heard that it was a Type 38 gunshot. "

 “Hmph, I’ll deal with you later.”

Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and pushed him away, saying hello to the restless Colonel Muhe in unskilled German. As a result, the other party nodded perfunctorily and continued to look anxiously in the direction of the operating room.

  Everyone stopped talking, and the hospital corridor was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The nurses and doctors passing by noticed that there was a large group of officers here, and they all closed their mouths and quickened their pace.

 More than an hour later.

 The light at the door of the operating room went out.

 A doctor opened the wooden door and walked out of the operating room, telling everyone the good news. The operation went very smoothly. They successfully removed the bullet from Mao Yike's shoulder and disinfected and bandaged it.

As long as he spends some time cultivating himself carefully, Mao Yike's life and work will not be affected in the future. After introducing the situation, the doctor also handed a slightly deformed warhead to Mu He.

“Japanese-made Arisaka 6.5mm rifle ammunition.”

Zuo Zhong said coldly next to him, and everyone present nodded after identifying it. Everyone was an expert with guns, so they naturally knew that this was a Type 38 bullet, a standard weapon of the Japanese army.

Muhe winked at a man in leather clothes, who silently withdrew from the crowd and walked away quickly. Gui Youguang took a clear look at this scene and quietly tugged on the hem of Zuo Zhong's clothes.

Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly. He noticed these people as soon as he arrived, because he could smell the same smell on each other from a long distance away. If he guessed correctly, they were probably the Gestapo.

 When it comes to major domestic cases and political protection work in Germany, the Gestapo will definitely get involved. What is interesting is what Muh does and why he can order them.

Mu He didn't know that his actions were noticed by the Secret Service. After confirming that Mao Yi's life was not in danger, he sat down on the waiting chair and exhaled two long breaths. Things were not too bad.

As long as people are alive, the plan can continue to be implemented. At worst, the time will be delayed a little. In the face of the entire national strategy, I must be patient. The people of the Republic of China can't leave now anyway.

Thinking of this, a surgical trolley was rolled out from the operating room. Mao Yike was lying on it with his eyes tightly closed. His face was extremely pale and bloodless, and his shoulders were wrapped with a layer of gauze.

Zuo Zhong walked over and grabbed his wrist. His pulse was a little fast but very strong. It seemed that the doctor didn't lie to them. Getting back to health depends on self-cultivation. Fortunately, it was really God's blessing.

Seeing that Mao Yi was fine, the people from the police station left a few guards behind and left. The officers also left and dispersed. Only Mu He and his men were left at the scene, and they seemed to be preparing to accompany him personally.

Whether this behavior is true or not, at least there is nothing to criticize in his attitude. Strictly speaking, the responsibility for the assassination lies with Mao Yiko himself. This behavior by the Germans can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous act.

Muhe called the hospital staff, asked for a high-end ward, and asked the doctor to use the most expensive and best medicines. He made all arrangements and sat next to the hospital bed, waiting for his former student to wake up.

I don’t know how long it took, but Mao Yike’s eyelids slowly fluttered, and finally he opened his eyes. He saw Zuo Zhong and Mu He smiling bitterly. He wanted to speak but his throat hurt so much that he had no choice but to nod.

After all, there are only a few gods who can still jump around after being shot, not to mention military guns like the Type 38. Perhaps it was a problem with the shooting angle. Mao Yi was lucky not to have his leg amputated.


Just as everyone was sighing, someone knocked on the door, and a small agent came in and handed Zuo Zhong a document, reporting softly that it was an urgent telegram from Jinling, related to this mission.

Zuo Zhong took it and frowned after reading it. He looked at the half-dead Mao Yike and helplessly whispered a few words into his ear. Mao Yike pointed to the water glass on the bedside while listening.

Muhe reacted quickly. He quickly stood up and picked up a water cup to feed the other person water. He also persuaded: "Mao, drink slowly. People who lose too much blood will easily become thirsty, but they cannot take in too much water in a short period of time."

 “Thank you, thank you.”

Moistened his throat with water, Mao Yike thanked him with difficulty, and after taking a breath, he said intermittently: "Colonel Muhe, our government sent a telegram asking me to inspect the weapons blueprints as soon as possible.

But look at my current state, could you please transport the drawings to Berlin? I can proofread them first while I recover from my injuries. After I recover from my injuries, I will go to Württemberg to inspect the weapon samples and discuss the specific details. "

Muhe was a little hesitant. After thinking for a long time, he expressed that he wanted to ask for instructions. This was not something he could decide. Fortunately, after Mao Yike's repeated pleas, he temporarily left the hospital to ask for instructions from his so-called superiors.

 (End of this chapter)

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