Cicada Moving

Chapter 643: Yaowan Street

Chapter 643 Yaowan Street


The stern alarm passed through the quiet Jinling night sky. A car rushed out of the gate of the Honggong Temple into the dark street, and the soldiers moved in two ways in different directions.

Zuo Zhong personally led a dozen agents to Yaowan Street to search the warehouse, while Gu Qi took over the archives of the Central Hospital. The others were still responsible for the work at hand, speeding up the investigation.


The agents who went to the warehouse pulled the sleeves and bolts of their guns one after another in the car. God knows whether there will be a firefight later. The warehouse can be a test or a trap. In short, you can never go wrong with caution.

Zuo Zhong also held the PPK in his hand. The cold gun body gave people a sense of security. On the battlefield, bullets would not bypass you because of your high official position. Only weapons can protect your own safety.

 Half an hour later.

With a hiccup, the car passed through the dug-out threshold of Zhonghua Gate and quickly passed the Changqian Bridge. It turned west and entered Yaowan Street. It slowly stopped on the side of the deserted road and kept starting.

Under the dazzling car lights, the two little agents got out of the car and walked around to confirm that there was no ambush around them and raised their hands and made a gesture. After receiving the signal, the others got out of the car and closed the door forcefully.



After the crisp sound of closing the door, several tall and strong men protected Zuo Zhong as he moved towards No. A 7. Some residents heard the sound and looked outside secretly. After seeing this scene, they retreated silently.

The people of Jinling City all know that he wears all black Chinese tunic suits and goes out late at night, with no one else but spies. It is best not to interfere with such noisy matters, otherwise he will easily be taken away for investigation.

Zuo Zhong and others walked a few dozen meters and stopped outside a courtyard surrounded by red bricks. They quickly went to the concierge and knocked on the door. The clanging sound made the nearby wild dogs bark.

The gatekeeper in the house opened the door nervously when he heard the sound. Before he could ask, someone put a gun to his head and took away the key. The courtyard door opened immediately, and the spies swarmed in.

 “Keep an eye on it, stay vigilant.”

Zuo Zhong said something to the man controlling the gatekeeper, turned around and stepped into the yard. The first thing he saw was a large open space with L-shaped warehouses on two sides and a small trestle on one side.

  It can both park cars and transfer water. This kind of warehouse is a hot commodity in Jinling. The rental price is probably not too cheap. The other party is willing to leave this place vacant. It seems that the money is really not bad.

Walking around the open space, he kicked the soil around the courtyard wall and in the center of the open space, and found that the latter was pressed very hard, indicating that there was a large amount of transportation here and the vehicles were fully loaded.

 What was put in the warehouse before?

 What is the use here for the murderer?

Two questions popped up in Zuo Zhong's mind. After pondering for a while, he walked into an iron door. The light inside had been turned on by a small agent, and dim yellow light shot out from the light bulb above his head to illuminate the warehouse.

There were some empty wooden boxes placed on the smooth concrete floor. There were no other items. The site was cleaned very clean. Zuo Zhong bent down and wiped the ground with his hands. After checking, his face became solemn.

 Gu Qi told him before that Su Zifu's office and residence were handled by professional cleanup personnel, and the same was done here. All valuable evidence was destroyed, and the work was done very well.

 Clearing traces in intelligence operations is the most overlooked link, but it is very important. Sometimes a newspaper, a footprint, or a hair can allow the enemy to lock your identity.

There are many specific methods. The more refined ones include cleaning it spotlessly like this, or using other people to enter the scene to confuse the scene. The more crude ones include setting fire, water bubbles or blasting.

This aspect confirms one thing. These local snakes in Caobang are very smart and did not alarm each other, because the former is only suitable for use when there is plenty of time, not during emergency evacuation.

 In addition, with such careful handling, the other party may hope to use this place again. After all, the geographical location of this place is quite superior, and there is no better place than this in the entire Jinling City.

To the north is the urban area of ​​Jinling.

 Going south you can enter the wilderness.

 Go west and the moat leads directly to the Yangtze River.

 To the east, where the water network is densely covered, you can go to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum.

Anyway, if Zuo Zhong is lurking behind enemy lines, he will definitely not give up this stronghold that can be advanced, retreated, attacked and defended easily. Destroying this place will at least cut off an escape route for the murderer.

This is just the beginning. If a clue is found next, the Secret Service will deal with it with the most severe attitude, gradually oppressing the murderer's space for movement, and slowly suffocating him.

Zuo Zhong thought of a lot in an instant, and then walked towards the wooden box. It happened that a few agents had just checked whether there were any explosives inside. When they saw him coming, they quickly got out of their observation position and stood aside to protect him.

Putting on his gloves and squatting down, he knocked on the wood and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. In this era, only fragile and moisture-sensitive goods need to be stored in wooden boxes, such as medicines and glass products.

So what is stored here? Ask the old man at the door. He has been looking at the door for so long, so he should know something about the warehouse, but don't forget the cunning and cruelty of the murderer.

If the gatekeepers really knew anything, what they saw now would not be a living person. For the murderer who had killed more than a dozen people, killing an old man was no more difficult than killing a chicken. With a cautious attitude, Zuo Zhong still called the janitor, and the result was just as he thought. The other person had seen Su Zifu's photo and said that this was his boss, and he didn't know anything else.

“Sir, at my age, I can earn fifteen dollars a month. I have been blessed for several lifetimes. I don’t have the time to care about my boss’s affairs. I really don’t know what his last name is.”

When the old man heard Zuo Zhong asking about the name of his employer and the situation of the warehouse, he smiled bitterly: "On the first day I came, my boss told me that I was not allowed to enter the warehouse, that I was not allowed to smoke or drink, and that I was not allowed to peek when loading or unloading the goods.

Every ten days and a half, two or three large trucks without license plates will come to load and unload goods. The tires are all flat, and there are a lot of heavy things loaded on the truck. Each time, it takes a long time to load and unload.

Moreover, despite his gentle appearance, he is actually very fierce. There were two gatekeepers here at first, and the other one just glanced into the truck and disappeared the next day without even taking his luggage. "

 When it comes to Su Zifu, his eyes are full of fear, and he obviously has some bad memories. The person who disappeared for no reason may have become a floating corpse in the Yangtze River.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and asked someone to take him out. This situation was expected and consistent with the characteristics of the murderer. He was about to leave and go back to the Secret Service when suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by.

 The fishy smell of the moat water.

 The scent of flowers and plants in the yard.

 The fragrance of earth.

Various smells collided with each other driven by the wind, and an originally faint fragrance became more and more obvious. Zuo Zhong decisively stopped and sniffed hard. It was really strange where the aroma of wine came from.

The gatekeeper said that Su Zifu did not allow them to drink. Judging from the fear on his face, he must not have the guts to secretly hide the wine. Could it be that the transferred goods also included wine besides digitalis?

He immediately turned around and followed the smell, and finally stood next to a wooden box with a puzzled look on his face. He had never heard of wood smelling like wine in his previous life. Could this be some new species?

After observing carefully for a while, Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes, took out a flashlight from his pocket and shined it at the bottom of the box. He saw that the light brown wood seemed to be stained with a light red color. Could this be blood.

That's not right either. The aroma clearly comes from these things. He hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and wiped the light red traces with his fingers, then put it under his nose and smelled it gently.

 (originally written and put in the mouth)

a bit sweet.

 A bit astringent.

 It seems to have a bit of fruity aroma.

Red wine, Zuo Zhong suddenly realized, this is red wine, maybe the red wine in the box was broken, so the wine liquid was stained on the wooden board, escaping the professional cleanup personnel to clean up the traces.

 The question was how could the other party leave such a big loophole for them? He thought about it and felt that it might be Su Zifu's strict management methods that caused the porter who broke the bottle to dare not report it.

Or maybe the wine bottle was not completely broken, but just leaked a little liquid. The highway in the Republic of China is not a highway. It is normal for this kind of thing to happen during bumpy roads. With so many goods, it is inevitable that things will go wrong in the rush.

As for whether the murderer deliberately disturbed the reconnaissance line of sight, it is unlikely. Even if he did, it would be better to leave a wine bottle instead of leaving a wine stain that is not easily discovered.

Zuo Zhong rubbed his fingers and figured out one thing. No wonder Su Zifu didn't allow the janitor to drink, or he didn't want a janitor with a drinking habit. It turned out to be because he was afraid that the janitor would be watching and stealing.

 Caught your fox by the tail,

 Wang Ba Dan!

His eyes flickered, and he thought of more things. First of all, the hardened soil at the door of the warehouse and the gatekeeper's narration proved that there was a lot of goods being circulated in this place.

Even if only part of it is red wine, it is still a very big number. Who or where can consume so much red wine, a hotel? Restaurant? A foreign company that wholesales alcohol?

These are all possible, and it is easy to find out this matter. The red wine market in Jinling is very small. With a little inquiry, they can find out how many bottles of red wine a family uses, and they can quickly identify the murderer.

Zuo Zhong pointed to the wooden box with a smile and said to the little agent: "Tear this apart and hide it in your clothes and take it back. Leave a few people to guard it here and no one is allowed to come in."

He did not forget that there were surveillance personnel surrounding the murderer. If the other party saw them holding the wooden box, they would probably alert the snake. If someone ran away, no one could bear the responsibility.

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Several agents immediately acted according to the order, separated the parts of the wooden box, checked each other's bodies again, walked out of the warehouse with a natural expression, and drove the car back to Hong Gong Temple.

It was getting dark at this time, and there were gradually more pedestrians on the road. Among them, a bearded man in a long robe walked hurriedly from an alley south of Yaowan Street to Jinling City.

An hour later, he got off a rickshaw, looked at the Secret Service not far away, raised his lips, stepped into a grocery store, picked up the phone, and spoke in the local Jinling dialect.

"Boss Sha's goods have been taken away. There is no problem. Yes, the money and goods are fully paid."

 Happy Labor Day everyone, I will continue to work overtime



 (End of this chapter)

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