Cicada Moving

Chapter 66: Rumbling everywhere

Chapter 66 Rumbling everywhere

 “Throw the grenade, don’t give them a chance to fight back!” Wu Chunyang emptied the Thomson shuttle in his hand and shouted loudly.


"What's going on?" Mizushima Hideyoshi downstairs frowned. Was Team A discovered so quickly? Did the Chinese set up sentries on the roof?

Mizushima Hideyoshi thought about whether to stop the action, but he quickly decided to continue. The feint attacks upstairs and frontally could distract the Chinese.

“There was a fight on the roof of the building. Little Japan is such a thief. I pulled a rope from the building next to it, but luckily it was discovered.” The crowd soon discovered the location and reason for the exchange of fire.

There was already an exchange of fire on the roof of the building. Team C at the door did not wait rigidly for the attack time, but immediately launched an attack. Smoke grenades were thrown out by Japanese soldiers.

Soon a smoke shield was formed at the entrance of the Liuguo Hotel. The Japanese elites quickly jumped out from behind the bunker and quickly approached the gate and broken floor-to-ceiling windows of the Liuguo Hotel.

These Japanese troops are different from the Japanese troops at the previous consulate. They did not form any formation. They just moved in the fastest position with the smallest impact area, but they could also cooperate with each other at any time.

On a tall building in the distance, Bai Longdu and four other consuls were holding telescopes with ugly expressions on their faces. The fighting power of the Japanese is too strong. Will they not be able to defeat the robbers in the hotel?

"These soldiers can be used as low-level officers in any country, but the Japanese have the luxury of forming them into an army. Even we in the United States cannot do this."

“It feels a bit like the German Stormtroopers we encountered. It seems that the Japanese are very concerned about the development of military technology in various countries.”

Berlondo interrupted their evaluation: "Isn't this a new piece of evidence? The Japanese learned from the World War I against Germany and tried to challenge the existing international order. I hope the photographer can take a clearer picture."

The consuls smiled and nodded, and looked at the photographer beside them. He was excitedly focusing his camera on the Japanese troops attacking at the main entrance. Now they had reached the door and the floor-to-ceiling windows.

 “Look, little Japan is about to enter, oh, the heroes are careless!”

 “Hurry up and take pictures, I want to tell every scene here to readers across the UK.”


Suddenly, the hotel door and floor-to-ceiling windows erupted with dazzling firelight, and the shock wave carried countless fragments and hit the Japanese soldiers, and then penetrated their bodies without any hindrance.

In just a moment, the Japanese troops who feigned an attack at the door suffered heavy losses without firing a single shot. The blood on the ground looked extremely bright under the light of the fire.

Before the surviving Japanese soldiers woke up from the stun of the explosion, men in black poured out of the doors and windows, using submachine guns and pistols to quickly harvest lives.

 “Good guy, this is setting up an ambush, hahaha.”

“Be sure to take clear pictures of the corpses of the Japanese soldiers and the robbers who fired the shots.”

The French consul yelled: "Damn robbers, why do you use so many dangerous goods? God knows how much it will cost to repair these!"

Brondo looked indifferent: "If you want to get honey, you have to endure the stings of bees. This is very cost-effective, isn't it? The Japanese pay the bill anyway."

Mizushima Hideyoshi didn't know what happened at the main gate. He only heard violent explosions and continuous gunshots, but now the arrow was on the string and he had to shoot, and there was no room for him to hesitate.



There was another explosion in the hotel. The crowd of onlookers and the consuls were wondering, had the Japanese already invaded? Where did they enter?

Brondo immediately used a telescope to observe the Six Nations Hotel. There was thick smoke on the west side. Was it caused by the explosion just now? Isn't there a garden and a wall? What's going on?

Major Vicente on the side exclaimed: "This is a field attack. The **** Japanese dare to carry out blasting operations in the embassy area. The robbers will be in trouble!"

Major Vicente has actual combat experience. He has also thought about how to break through the blockade of the robbers, but he did not think of blasting, because this is a method that is only used on the battlefield.

“The Japanese are waging a war.” Bailongdu squeezed out these words through his teeth.

The consuls have no choice now but hope that the robbers are really strong, otherwise they will lose their wives and troops, and the country will definitely hold them accountable for their inaction.

 It's like being in the same class. It doesn't matter if everyone is a bad student, but suddenly a child gets a 100, and the problem becomes serious.

At this time, a hole had been blown out of the west wall of the Rikoku Hotel. Mizushima Hideyoshi put on a 87-type gas mask and ordered his subordinates: "Put down tear gas and smoke bombs!"

Tear gas bombs emitting blue smoke and smoke bombs emitting white smoke fell into the hotel from the entrance, and the lobby quickly became blurry.


Mizushima Hideyoshi jumped over and rushed into the hotel through the hole where the smoke had not cleared. The Japanese soldiers behind him also quickly got in and automatically occupied the favorable terrain.

The hotel lobby was quiet and quiet, with no gunshots from the robbers or shouts from the hostages. The slight firelight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, blue tear gas smoke, and white smoke bomb smoke made the place look a bit weird.

Mizushima Hideyoshi felt something was wrong. According to the information given by the consulate, he did not find that the robbers were equipped with gas masks, but why did the robbers make no movement? This is a chloroacetone tear gas imported from France. It is very powerful and can cause strong stimulation to enemies in a closed space, such as tears or violent coughing.

Mizushima Hideyoshi didn't believe that there was no one on the first floor of the hotel. Even if there was a feint attack upstairs and at the door, the robbers wouldn't send all their hands out. At least the hostages still need to be guarded.

By the way, where is Team C who is pretending to attack at the main gate? Mizushima Hideyoshi suddenly thought of a question. Just after an explosion and gunfire, the main gate became quiet.

 “Search forward!” Mizushima Hideyoshi felt that now was not the time to think.

This group of Japanese soldiers is indeed an elite group. They cooperated tacitly and headed toward the restaurant, where the robbers controlled the hostages.

  A Japanese soldier was holding an MP18 and walking cautiously at the front. The broken glass crunching under his boots made him a little irritated. What made him even more uneasy was that the sight line in the gas mask was very narrow, which was fatal in indoor combat.

 Suddenly he felt an object flash over his head. The lead soldier rolled over and hid behind a bunker. He pointed the MP18 in the air to see what it was.

There was only a rope on the chandelier in the hall, and a dark object was hanging from it. It was swaying in the breeze. He wiped the dust on the outside of the gas mask and tried to identify what it was.

Mizushima Hideyoshi also hid after the vanguard action. He did not ask what happened. He believed in the ability of his men. The other party must have discovered something abnormal.

 The soldier pointed at the black shadow above everyone. Mizushima Hideyoshi then realized that there was something on his head. He squinted his eyes and found that there were strings of things under the rope.

 Are these strings of objects the remains of a crystal chandelier? After thinking for a while, Mizushima Hideyoshi's eyes suddenly widened and his mouth opened wide, wanting to remind his subordinates.

Outside the Liuguo Hotel, the reporters were itching to wonder what was going on with the explosion just now, why there was suddenly no movement inside, and the battle on the rooftop was over.

 Who wins and who loses? Have all the robbers been killed by the Japanese? Everyone felt a little pity because the masked man was a good interview subject.

  "It's a pity that there are so many good men. Why don't good people live long?"

"I haven't seen such **** men since the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. I have to go back and burn some paper money for them."

The melon-eating people in Peiping sighed sadly. They knew what the people inside were trying to do, which was to fight for the Chinese people, but it was a pity that they were ruined by the dog-hearted little Japan.

The consuls also looked pale. The Japanese won and they lost. Everything they had done before would be defined as an evil plot to undermine diplomacy and affect relations between the two countries.

"Mr. Bailondu, I think we can meet next time." The American consul regrets it. What do you think you are doing by getting involved in this kind of thing? Isn't it better to make some money in front of the consul?


Just when the consuls were worried about their heirs, there was another explosion inside the hotel. This explosion was more violent than the previous two, and several black shadows were even blown out.

In despair, Bai Longdu jumped to the window. Smoke billowed out of the Liuguo Hotel again, and there were several more Japanese corpses on the ground. He clapped his hands and said, "Well done, hahahaha."

The people eating melons were also shocked. Who would have thought that there would be another explosion? Today, the Liuguo Hotel is as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Mizushima Hideyoshi was lying on the floor. He just recognized what the string of things was. It was a long-handled grenade! These **** robbers have airburst grenades!

Just as he was about to remind his men, he was blown away by the shock wave of the grenade. If it weren't for the bunker in front of him, he might have been turned into pieces, just like the men around him.

Mizushima Hideyoshi felt his ears buzzing, and when he touched it with his hand, he found that it was bleeding. He knew that the shock wave had penetrated the eardrum, and he had to organize a defense immediately.

He insisted on standing up, took off his gas mask, and spat out the blood in his mouth: "Count!"

"one two three."

 After waiting for a long time, Mizushima Hideyoshi heard the reply from three of his subordinates, and they sounded seriously injured. As the main attack team, Team B has nearly 50 elite soldiers.

 Mizushima Hideyoshi had tears in his eyes. Chief of Staff Itagaki gave him 100 elites, but only these few were left. He betrayed the trust of the Chief of Staff.

But no matter what, as a soldier of the Imperial Japanese Empire, he could not accept being captured, so he would die in battle with honor. Mizushima Hideyoshi shouted to the participating Japanese soldiers.



Hearing the response from his subordinates, Mizushima Hideyoshi fumbled to pick up an MP18 from the ground, but he failed to pull the bolt. The explosion was too strong and even the weapon was destroyed.

 Putting down the MP18, Hideyoshi Mizushima took out the Nanbu pistol from his waist. Fortunately, the Nanbu pistol was loaded smoothly this time, and it lived up to the designer Kirijiro Nanbu’s reputation as a firearms master.

 “Cough cough cough.”

Leaning behind an overturned pool table, Hideyoshi Mizushima coughed up some blood clots. He knew that he wouldn't live long. The explosion just now must have injured his internal organs. He felt that the strength in his body was being drained. Pull the silk away.

 (End of this chapter)

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