Cicada Moving

Chapter 655: The case gradually becomes clear

Chapter 655 The case gradually becomes clear

Having someone take the thief out of the interrogation room, Zuo Zhong thought for a while and asked Gu Qi: "Lao Gu, let's talk freely, excluding the information we have found so far, what kind of person Lu Yongxuan is in your eyes."

"Yes, deputy director, let me tell you my opinion. It may not be accurate. This person can become a warlord from a grassroots officer, and from a warlord to a provincial chairman. His means and mentality are naturally first-rate."

Gu Qi sat on a chair, folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen and pondered for a moment: "But the other party was able to dominate the previous dynasty and the Republic of China for decades. I think there is only one reason in the final analysis - to adapt to the wind."

 “Haha, Lao Gu, you are so polite.”

Zuo Zhong laughed when he heard this, and then said with disdain: "I think he is two-faced and a standard slave with three surnames. When the former dynasty was still alive, he was a loyal minister and a filial son, and he was willing to be a lackey of a foreign race.

After the success of the Revolutionary Party uprising, he quickly changed his tune and joined the revolution. He successively served the Beiyang government, General Cai, the first president, and the chairman of the general committee. He can be called the little first leader of his own party and country.

 It’s just that you have to admit that this kind of person inherently knows who is more worthy of trust, and at the same time, he will not let go of the rabbit before he sees it. This is why I think he killed Su Zifu after finding a new channel for drugs. "


  If you don't see a rabbit, don't let go of the eagle.

Gu Qi grasped these two key words keenly. According to the deputy director, the other party must have a reason to kill Su Zifu. If it wasn't because of the new drug channel, then what could it be.

 First of all, it must be beneficial to himself. Lu Yongyi is a selfish person. He will not take risks for others. If Su Zifu exposes the secret, his many years of hard work will be ruined.

Especially Su Zifu is not a person, there is an organization behind this person. Judging from the bacterial weapons in the Yaowan Street warehouse and the wine shop, there is a 90% possibility that it is a Japanese intelligence organization.

So after killing Su Zifu, Lu Yongqi was not afraid of revenge. The other party could destroy him by just sending a letter of report, unless he had made sure that the secret would not be spread before killing the person.

 I really wish there was only one,

 He has contacted Su Zifu’s upline!

Zuo Zhong noticed Gu Qi's changing expression and nodded with satisfaction. The key threads were picked out. No matter how complicated the lines were, they were easy to straighten out. This would not be difficult for an experienced old agent.

He patted Gu Qi's arm affectionately: "Well, think about it, it must be the person behind Su Zifu who made the guarantee, and Lu Yongmao killed the person, or the person behind the scenes directly did it.

 Actually, I was a little surprised when I learned that Su Zifu took drugs. When had you ever seen a Japanese intelligence officer do this? But at that time, we had no conclusive evidence to prove that Su Zifu was a spy.

Now that a bacterial weapon has been discovered in the wine store, this guy is most likely a spy. In addition, I have just speculated that this person is blackmailing Lu Yongqi, so I am sure of one thing. Su Zifu is acting in private.

Taking medicine and extorting are prohibited behaviors by all intelligence agencies. Do you remember Liang Yuandong and Jin Jiang’s men? So many medicines were placed there, and those people didn’t even dare to touch them. "

"yes, I remember."

 Gu Qi seriously replied that there should be no weaknesses in the intelligence business, and taking medicine is the biggest weakness. If drug addiction breaks out, he may resort to anything before the enemy tortures him.

So the field staff became addicted to drugs. If they were lucky enough, they would be transferred to a less lucrative logistics position, if they were almost fired, and if they were even worse, they would be exterminated. Obviously, Su Zifu was unlucky.

“So, there were external factors for Lu Yongqi’s killing of Su Zifu. He gave me a showdown at the wine shop. Our next step is to find the other party and reciprocate.”

Zuo Zhong proposed a new task, then stood up and stretched in the interrogation room full of torture instruments. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said something meaningful.

“Lao Gu, have you ever thought about it, is it enough to just kill Su Zifu? There are still two witnesses alive. People say that a couple can be kind to each other for a hundred days, and a couple for a hundred days is as deep as the sea. Dean Lu is so cruel.”

 “Shashi and the child in her belly!”

 Gu Qi immediately thought of something. If Lu Yongqi wanted to be completely safe, he had to eliminate all insiders. It was impossible for the other party's sophistication to not think of this, but why was he the one who died?

Did Su Zifu's upline choose to silence him for safety, or did Sha Shi feel the danger and strike first? Unfortunately, there is a lack of necessary evidence to support it, and it is difficult to determine the specific reason.

With this question in mind, the two of them returned to their respective offices. At this time, some other people attending the banquet also said that they saw Lu Yongqi, Sha Shi, and Su Zifu leaving the banquet hall one after another.

 After learning about it, Zuo Zhong instructed the agents to make the confession more solid. The thief's testimony was an isolated piece of evidence and had a certain subjective description. The more evidence collected, the more objective the situation presented.

 After arranging this matter, he picked up the mission briefings sent by Wu Jingzhong, Song Minghao, Wu Chunyang and Shen Dongxin to see how other cases were going during the days of isolation.

 There are three briefing papers in total.

The first one is the tracking and monitoring record of Yang Changqing, the owner of Xianle Western Restaurant. The content is nothing special. It is basically business dealings and trivial matters between parents. It is very normal. Zuo Zhong looked at the records of the day he took someone to the wine shop. Yang Changqing had no social activities that day and went home early to rest. Wu Jingzhong was sure that the other party did not go out, let alone answer the phone.

There were no suspicious sounds near Yang's house. The optical signal was just an ordinary day. Early the next morning, Yang Changqing went to a restaurant under his name for inspection. He was very busy at work.

After hesitating for a moment, Zuo Zhong put the document aside and read the second one. This was an investigation report on Yang Changqing's men, the focus of which was the taciturn driver Ada.

Song Minghao is personally responsible for this part of the work. In order to ensure that no one is alerted, he is currently only leading people to comprehensively collect basic information such as the places where the other party frequents, preferences, and living habits.

Judging from the known situation, this person named Ada lives a life like an ascetic, working and resting every day. Compared with Gui Youguang, he has a wide range of interests and hobbies.

 Besides this, the Secret Service does not know the other person’s surname, where he is from, and whether he has parents, wife, or children at home. To find out, the Secret Service must conduct direct contact.

For example, asking the police station to pretend to conduct household registration and visit the house, but if Ada or Yang Changqing are Japanese spies, doing so is tantamount to telling them that they are being watched, although they may already know it.

Zuo Zhong touched his chin, picked up a pen and made a quick review: surveillance and tracking should be kept at an appropriate distance, be careful of target decoupling tests, no overreaction, no arrest.

Whether Yang Changqing and A Da know that the Secret Service is following them or not, doing so can confuse the other party. Now is not the time to face each other face to face. They cannot act rashly without solid evidence.


While he was thinking, He Yijun knocked on the door and walked in carrying a lunch box. Zuo Zhong was quarantined a few days ago. She was waiting outside anxiously and prepared tonic as soon as the quarantine was lifted.

It's the hardest thing to bear the kindness of a beauty. Zuo Zhong looked at the greasy chicken soup in the lunch box, gritted his teeth and drank it all in one gulp. He finally fooled the other person out of the office and continued to check the mission briefing.

 The third and final report is related to the 15 dead officials. They all went to Xianle Western Restaurant before their deaths. The difference is that some went on their own initiative and some were invited.

It's hard to deal with people who go there on their own initiative. They can only check where the restaurant coupons that put them on the road to **** came from, see if they can find the person who distributed the coupons, and leave everything to fate.

The key point is the people who were invited. To be precise, the people who invited them are the key point. Through Wu Jingzhong’s report, Wu Chunyang previously found several people who behaved abnormally before and after the death of 15 officials.

 The specific number of people is 7, involving both the government and the military, with high and low positions. None of them have access to sensitive information. No problems have been found in routine reviews in the past few years.

In order to open a breakthrough as soon as possible, Wu Chunyang and Shen Dongxin took turns to lead the reconnaissance team 24 hours a day. After a period of time, they achieved nothing. The only result was to thoroughly understand the information of these people.

Zuo Zhong quickly scanned the information with one eye and ten lines, and saw a familiar agency name in it. He recalled where he had heard it before, and then took the phone and called Gu Qi.

“Hey, Lao Gu, does Lu Yong Ai have a good friend in the military who works in the General Affairs Department of the Training Directorate Department? That is to say, Lu Yong Ai was in a low mood and then suddenly became better. What’s going on with him?”

"Yes, that man's name is Pang Chong. He is a fellow countryman whom Lu Yongyi met during the Northern Expedition. He was excluded because he followed the wrong commander. He is now the chief of the management section of the General Affairs Department of the Training Directorate. Do you think there is something wrong with him?"

“It’s nothing, I’m just a little curious. There is a suspect over in Chunyang who also works at the Training Directorate. So, as it happens nothing happens, the two of us will go to the Training Directorate to see Pang Chong.”

 “Okay, I’ll be right away.”

 “Well, let’s meet at the parking lot.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and hung up the phone, checked his gun, walked out of the office and walked downstairs. When he passed the door of the duty room, he hesitated, opened the door and called a team of agents.

The enemy this time is unusual, very aggressive, and even dares to use bacterial weapons. You have to prevent the opponent from carrying out beheading operations. There are strong winds and waves, so don't capsize the boat in the small ditch.

With four or five guards and a ten-person action team, he and Gu Qi drove to the Training Directorate, a compound not too far from the National Government, and met Pang Chong smoothly.

As soon as they met, the man's full beard caught Zuo Zhong's attention. Even if the national army did not restrict soldiers from growing beards, doing so would still be a little bit unique. No wonder he didn't get along well.

Under Pang Chong's lukewarm welcome, the two parties came to a reception room and sat down. Several young orderlies flexibly served tea and water, brought ashtrays, and then quietly retreated out.

 (End of this chapter)

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