Cicada Moving

Chapter 661: Confrontation with Pang Chong (2)

 Chapter 661 Confrontation with Pang Chong (2)

Facing such a stubborn opponent, Zuo Zhong kept smiling and listened carefully, analyzing Pang Chong's inner activities in detail. This person said this simply because he wanted to prove his innocence.

What does this mean? It means that he is still trying to deceive the Secret Service and even wants to escape unscathed. It seems that his attitude towards life is not as indifferent as he shows. The first weakness appears.

On the other side, Pang Chong said solemnly: "Deputy Director Zuo, you have really misunderstood. I have made great contributions to the party and the country, I have shed blood for the country, and I will never do anything detrimental to the nation.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask in the military. Pang moved forward bravely during the Northern Expedition. Even the Chairman of the Generalissimo praised him. I hope you can investigate the facts clearly and clear my name. "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong chuckled and pointed at the other party with his finger: "Chief Pang, Section Chief Pang, I know what your intentions are. You just want to learn about the situation outside from me.

  Okay, then let me tell you that your two young masters told you everything, including Su Zifu and the boss. Su Zifu probably never dreamed that he would die in the hands of his own people. "

 Everyone is acting, so let’s see who acts more realistically. He tells the clues he got based on speculation. This is a gamble. If you win, you will gain a lot, and if you lose, it will not affect the overall situation.

And compared to intelligence officers like them who have received professional training and are accustomed to cooperation, old-school spies like Pang Chong who were trained in a master-student relationship are naturally suspicious of their partners.

 Imagine that in an era without radios, telephones, and lack of support, "he" needed to fight the enemy alone. If he was not vigilant, he would not be able to survive. This is a double-edged sword, which is good and bad.

 The advantage is that you act carefully,

 The disadvantage is that there is no trust.

If Zuo Chong is arrested one day and the enemy tells him that Wu Chunyang or Gui Youguang confessed, his first reaction is to not believe it, because they know each other very well during their long-term operations.

 It was just the opposite when it came to Pang Chong. He was on high alert and used to have a lot of thoughts and doubts about anything and anyone, even his own son.

In fact, as soon as he said the name Su Zifu, Pang Chong's expression changed slightly. The muscles on his face subconsciously pulled his eyebrows down and tightened inward, and his brows were furrowed.

The body also leaned back slightly, obviously not wanting to hear about this matter. There were many reasons for not wanting to hear it. Perhaps he could not accept being betrayed by his son, or perhaps he was upset that he could not keep the secret.

Zuo Zhong watched Pang Chong's reaction quietly, without pursuing the victory and asking questions. At this time, it was best to let the other party think about it alone. He did not need to add many details. Pang Chong would automatically fill in his own brain.

A few minutes later.

Pang Chong woke up from the chaos, looked at the confident Zuo Zhong and sighed: "Is it because I was followed by those two unsatisfactory **** when I met the boss? I should have taken action earlier."

“Haha, Section Chief Pang, please stop joking. You are so cautious in your communication methods. Your Majesty can’t keep track of you. There are just some things that others don’t want to know unless you do nothing yourself, right?

 The energy we have in Jinling, as a member of the state apparatus, you should be very clear about, and this is not a difficult task. "Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly and stared at the other person's face with his peripheral vision.

The two sides had a quiet confrontation. It was impossible for a spy with such a concealed identity to directly communicate with his superiors. There must be a carrier pigeon or a traffic officer responsible for the intermediate liaison work.

Perhaps Su Zifu played this role, otherwise this person would not know the address of Pang's family. It is not very strange for a banker with a wide network of friends to know a grassroots official.

Based on his understanding of the current intelligence, Zuo Zhong decisively denied the other party's statement. This is also in line with Pang Chong's suspicious character. He must not make a mistake now, otherwise all his efforts will be wasted.

Hearing his words, Pang Chong's nostrils opened slightly. This was the other person's brain telling his body that it needed more oxygen when thinking. Zuo Zhong naturally leaned back on the back of the chair to give him a little space.

 You want to think, then I will let you think.

  Anyway, the more you think about it, the more loopholes you will have.

Soon Pang Chong slowly tightened his lips and told Zuo Zhong that he had guessed correctly. Being followed in the so-called joint was a test. These Japanese spies were not easy to deal with - except for the two filial sons.

There was another long silence in the cell. Zuo Zhong raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already the time to put away the newspaper and leave. So he stood up and walked outside quietly.

The rhythm of the interrogation is very important. You should pay attention to the relaxation and relaxation. It is the same as playing football. When the interrogator knows more information, he will be like the stronger side in the football match.

You must learn to control the rhythm and let the other party follow your rhythm, fast and slow, left and right. The interrogator must decide when to end and start a conversation and take the initiative.

Looking at his back, Pang Chong had no reaction. It was unrealistic to expect a conversation to open the mouth of a senior spy who had been lurking for decades. It would take time to break long-standing beliefs.

After all, the fake Pang family must have some kind of lofty ideal in their hearts to be able to persist in a foreign country for such a long time. If they want the other party to surrender, they must break down this false psychological support bit by bit.

 Early the next morning.

Zuo Zhong came to the cell again at the old time. This time Pang Chong's expressions and movements were obviously much more obvious. This was a sign that the psychological defense was about to be broken. Reality is sometimes so strange.

Being able to withstand severe torture, but unable to withstand a few words of persuasion, does not mean that the other party is a person who changes his mind easily. It can only mean that people have weaknesses, and any weaknesses will be exploited. Since the Secret Service already knew a lot of information, Pang Chong had two choices. One was to be shot if he refused to speak, or the other was to confess some irrelevant information and save his life.

Most spies will choose the second path because they can survive this way. Ants are greedy for life, let alone humans. At the same time, many intelligence agencies also allow senior intelligence personnel to fake surrender.

 The purpose is to mix false information into the confession to mislead or confuse the enemy's detection route, so that it may be reactivated at the appropriate time, or to find opportunities to exchange prisoners for rescue.

The guard said that Pang Chong had not slept all night last night. At this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was messy. When he saw Zuo Chong opening the newspaper, he hesitated for a few minutes and began to bargain.

“Sir Zuo, I told you whether you can survive.”

 “Of course, I can guarantee this.”

 “I need the highest level of protection.”

 “Don’t worry, I will arrange it myself.”

 “That’s good, I say.”

Pang Chong lowered his head after getting the answer he wanted: "As you know, my parents are spies of Xuanyang Society, and I belong to Section 7 of the Second Department of the Army General Staff Headquarters.

The mission is to lurk in the Republic of China for a long time. The goal of the first to third generations is to maintain a decent social status. From the fourth generation onwards, they infiltrate into important institutions and help the empire complete its great cause of prosperity. "


 Lesson 7 of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters.

These two strange yet familiar names reached Zuo Chong’s ears. Among them, Xuanyangshe was the superior leader of the Dongyang Academy on Kunshi Road in Shanghai and was the earliest paramilitary intelligence organization in Japan.

The name is taken from the raging waves of the Japanese Sea, which means it can be overwhelming. Its members are mainly from the samurai class. They support mainland expansionism and advocate the idea of ​​destroying the Republic of China, defeating Russia, and annexing Korea.

The Second Department of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters is an old friend of the Secret Service. The special task force for intelligence at the Shanghai Consulate is its dispatched agency. Its full name is the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters.

Lesson 7 is also called the China Course. It is solely responsible for the intelligence work of the Japanese army against the Republic of China. Unexpectedly, the other side deployed spies in the previous dynasty. How many such intelligence personnel are there?

Just when Zuo Zhong was worried, Pang Chong said: "My carrier pigeon is Su Zifu. This guy took drugs and went crazy and ran into my home. I can only report it to someone to kill him.

As for the situation of the boss, I really don’t know. I only know that this person is very cautious. All the contacts between me and the other party are through Su Zifu. After Su Zifu’s death, communication was changed to a secret mailbox.

If I have information to send to my boss, I will choose a different route to work than usual. There are three routes in total, corresponding to general, emergency, and special emergency status.

 The intelligence corresponding to the three states will be placed in different ways, at different times, and at different designated locations to prevent you from tracking it, and then specialized personnel will take away the information. "

Zuo Chong secretly cursed at being cunning. This method is difficult to detect, because in the inherent thinking of secret agents, it is normal to have no fixed route of action. The Japanese do the opposite.

“If the boss has information to give me, he will announce Boss Huang’s purchase of firewood on Shanghai Commercial Radio at 6 p.m., and go to the grocery store near the training director’s office at 3 p.m. to wait for the call.

The death of Su Zifu and Lu Yongqi is over. The other party informed me in this way, Deputy Director Zuo, that the confidentiality of Section 7 is very strict, and the upper line will not meet the down line. "

 Pang Chong seemed to be very cooperative, explaining the issues in detail, his expressions and movements were natural, and he didn't look like he was lying at all. However, he chose to avoid talking about some issues.

Zuo Zhong knocked on the table and snorted coldly: "Chief Pang, aren't you going to talk about Lu Yongqi and Su Zifu's extortion of his subordinates, as well as the 15 party and state officials who were poisoned by you.

How were they attracted to the Xianle Western Restaurant? I asked you to explain it to give you a chance, so that there would be a living witness to report to the peak. It does not mean that we don’t know anything.

It's like a bacterial weapon in a wine shop's warehouse. It's the plague, right? The Kwantung Army's technology is pretty good, but it's a pity that they didn't poison me. If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll stuff the virus into your mouth. "

 “I really don’t know these things.”

Pang Chong blinked and denied, "It was indeed me who introduced Lao Lu to Su Zifu. What happened after that has nothing to do with me. That was Su Zifu's job. This was also the first time I had heard of bacterial weapons.

Since the two of them died, the frequency of contact between my boss and me suddenly dropped a lot. At that time, I had a premonition that I might be exposed, and there was no need for me to cover up for someone who abandoned me. "

 What you say is better than what you sing!

 Zuo Zhong knew that the other party did not tell the truth, but he also knew that he could not ask any more questions, as that would make the other party understand that the Secret Service did not actually have that much information. He immediately said with a cold face.

“Write down the line and radio channel. Chief Pang, don’t blame me for not reminding you. We have a lot of time. If you want to play, then let’s play slowly. But you must be prepared for life to be worse than death!”

 (End of this chapter)

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