Cicada Moving

Chapter 664: Ren Guanglin

Chapter 664 Ren Guanglin

Late at night, Zuo Zhong stood at the door and said thank you to the residents for their cooperation. Then he turned around and walked out of a small courtyard with his men. He took out a pen and drew a check mark on the household registration book.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already two o'clock in the morning. From nine o'clock in the evening to now, they had searched a total of twenty households, with an average of more than ten minutes per house. So far, nothing was found.

 This is the norm in large-scale searches. It is impossible for the enemy to put radios and weapons in the living room. Rather than looking for suspicious items, they are looking for people who reacted suspiciously during the search.

 “Let’s go to the next area.”

Zuo Zhong gave a reminder to the tired Operations Division agents and police: "Everyone should note that the house to be searched below is not the closest to the three alleys, but there are the fewest obstacles in between.

Our target this time is a professional intelligence officer. He is very cautious and will probably not choose to live in a location with the best observation conditions. Instead, he will choose this seemingly ordinary place. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

"Yes, sir."

The agents and policemen from the Operations Section summoned up the energy to reply. As for the two newcomers, they followed the others at a distance and did not dare to speak. After searching for so long, they knew what was wrong.

Although Zuo Zhong said at the meeting that people who live alone should be given priority, this does not mean that people who do not live alone are not suspicious. Anything can happen during the operation.

For example, like now, raindrops suddenly appeared in the sky and soon turned into a downpour. The strong wind that arose at an unknown time swept away the heat of early summer and made people feel chilled all over.

The importance of preparations was shown at this time. Everyone took out their raincoats from their bags and put them on. In the quiet night, they arrived in front of a two-story residential building.

Zuo Zhong touched the cold rain on his face, looked up at the surrounding environment, and found that there was no observation field on the first floor, so he decisively ordered to skip it and started searching directly from the residents on the second floor.

 “Information about the residents on the floor above.”

“Ren Guanglin, 34 years old, businessman.”

As he went upstairs, he lowered his voice and asked. The Operations Section agent opened the file, looked at it, and replied. The accompanying policemen were alert when they heard the news. A single man in a high-risk area deserves attention.

This is different from newcomers who only pay attention to people who live alone. They have been doing police work for more than ten years and know very well when to be nervous and when to relax, otherwise they will not survive this time.

Still the old rules, when you come to the door, the Operations Section agent is responsible for knocking. Others avoid the windows and distribute on both sides to guard. Everyone's hands are once again placed on the pistols at their waists.


 “Open the door and let the police station check.”


The Operations Section agent knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered. Just when everyone was about to break down the door, the lights in the room turned on, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and then the door opened a crack.

A man with glasses looked out through the crack in the door. Just as a flash of lightning illuminated the dark corridor, Zuo Zhong and others, wearing a hooded raincoat, looked at each other with serious expressions.

“Open the door, we are from the police station.”

An old policeman said lazily, pushing open the door with his hands, and forcing the residents in the house to the corner with his body. The agents and other policemen behind him took the opportunity to rush into the room.

Zuo Zhong was the last to enter. After confirming that the scene was under control, he raised his hand and put down the hood of his raincoat. He glanced at the man who seemed to be Ren Guanglin, and then at the layout of the house.

This is a suite with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a small study room. The decoration and area are pretty good for this kind of old residential area, and the monthly rent is not very cheap.

While he was observing, the Operations Section agent roughly checked the room and found no hidden enemies, so he quietly made a gesture, and the personnel involved in the search immediately dispersed their positions.

 When searching in a place with many rooms, the first thing to do after confirming safety is to control the internal and external entrances to prevent the person being searched from jumping over the wall to escape or hiding in a certain room to resist.

Zuo Zhong saw that the security work was almost done, turned around and said coldly: "Your name is Ren Guanglin, we are staff from the Jinling Police Department, and we are searching for the murderer of a murder case.

Now you are going to be searched. Please put your hands on the wall and stand with your feet apart for inspection. I ask you if you have any weapons on you. If so, it is best to say it to avoid misunderstanding. "

 “Yes, I am Ren Guanglin.”

The resident who was stared at by several pairs of eyes nervously adjusted his glasses, turned around and lay on the wall obediently, and said: "I have no weapons on me, sir. I will definitely cooperate with your work."

Seeing that this person was so obedient, Zuo Zhong raised his chin at the action department agent and motioned for him to search him. This is a dangerous job and must be completed by experienced professionals.

Because a close-in search means that the searcher has entered the suspect's best attack range, even if countless body searches have been successfully performed before, it does not mean that this time it will be safe. Defensive search measures must always be taken before placing the suspect safely in the detention room. This matter has been emphasized many times in the training of the Secret Service. This is an experience summed up with human life.

 Personal search also means that the search personnel have entered the suspect's grabbing range and must protect the weapons and equipment they carry, so the Operations Section agent handed the pistol to Zuo Zhong for temporary storage.

Zuo Zhong took the pistol and loaded it with a click. This was a reminder to his companions and a warning to Ren Guanglin that if the other party dared to make any dangerous move, he would shoot him immediately.

With cover from other directions, the Operations Section agent approached the opponent and raised his hand. He first stroked the target's waist, searching for hard objects like weapons, focusing on the inside and outside of the waistband and the back pockets.

  The reason why the search starts from the lower back is because many suspects like to put their weapons here, and if the suspect is handcuffed behind their back, their hands will be in this position.

 —It will be very convenient for the opponent to take out the weapon.

 Belt buckles are also very important. Some belt buckles have mechanisms that can be removed and used as weapons, or small knives can be hidden. A little carelessness can cause casualties to search personnel.

Many old intelligence officers even hide handcuff keys, iron pieces and other escape equipment in their belts. In short, a body search must be carried out with caution and carefulness, and there must be no perfunctory mentality.

 A few minutes later, the Special Operations Section groped Ren Guanglin's head and neck, upper limbs, torso, lower limbs and calves. He stood up and nodded to his left side, indicating that the person was very clean.

 “Mr. Ren, what is your job?”

Zuo Zhong handed the pistol back to the other party, looked at the nervous target and asked, just because there are no suspicious items on this guy's body does not mean there is no problem. The next search and inquiry are the focus.

Facing the question, Ren Guanglin's voice trembled: "Do a small business and wholesale Western items from Shanghai to Jinling. Sir, I am really not a murderer. Please believe it."

"Well, we will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. As long as you have nothing to do with the case, no one will frame you. Mr. Ren, do you usually live here alone?"

Zuo Zhong said a police cliché, and with his hand behind his back, he directed the Operations Section agent to go to the inspection room. He looked at the target under the light, and suddenly felt that the person's facial features looked familiar.

This sudden feeling made his heart tighten. As an intelligence officer, he had to trust his instincts. The problem was that after recalling it for a long time, he just couldn't remember where he had seen the other party.

Ren Guanglin didn't know what he was thinking, so he replied happily: "Yes, I think a man should start a career first and then start a family, so I am not in a hurry to get married and have children. I am the only one living here.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask your neighbors. Apart from going out to do business every day, I also read and rest at home. I never interact with those ungrateful people. "

 “Are you teaching me how to do things?”

Zuo Zhong frowned when he heard this and asked the other person in return. The police around him also snorted coldly. A small businessman who bought and sold short actually commanded the Secret Service and the Police Department. How arrogant.

"No, no, it was Ren who made a mistake." Ren Guanglin's face turned red and he stood there not daring to talk nonsense. He cursed in his heart that these government officials were all dogs and would fall out whenever they wanted.

  Looking at the target with squinted eyes, Zuo Zhong walked around the room with a cold face. After thinking for a while, he stepped into the study room. There was a desk and a bookshelf filled with various newspapers and magazines.

He picked up a book at random and flipped through it. The pages with purchase information were obviously worn, which was consistent with the identity of the other party. A businessman naturally needs to know business transaction information when doing business.

I moved the calendar on the table forward again and saw some records of contacting a certain boss and how many goods were provided or sold. It seemed that this guy's business was very good.

Finding nothing special, he wandered back to the living room and carefully observed Ren Guanglin's expression. There was no trace of nervousness on the other person's face, and he even bent over and smiled to please him.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to notice and walked into the kitchen. The furnishings in the room were very simple, including a dining table and a chair. There were water jars, coal stoves, cutlery cabinets and other furniture in the corner.

 The standard kitchen configuration of old-fashioned Jinling houses. The only thing worth noting is the coal stove. The best way to destroy paper evidence in an emergency is to burn it. It is not safe to swallow or tear it up.

Thinking of this, he took out a handkerchief and wrapped it in his hand to prevent fingerprints from damaging the items in the house. He carefully took off the kettle on the coal stove, looked into the furnace and touched the wall.

The temperature is very low,

 It was out for at least an hour or two.

Several pieces of briquettes that had been extinguished long ago were stacked on top of each other. No suspicious ashes or traces could be seen. Unwilling to give up, he put his tongs into the ash outlet and dug out. What came out were normal charcoal residues.

Zuo Zhong threw away the poker and looked solemn. He had definitely seen Ren Guanglin's face. He still had this confidence, but where exactly was it? While thinking about it, he put the handkerchief into his inner pocket.

Suddenly, his fingers touched something, and a face suddenly appeared in his mind. Zuo Zhong couldn't help but paused, and then walked out of the kitchen calmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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