Cicada Moving

Chapter 667: mansion

Chapter 667 Mansion

Looking at the furious Song Minghao, Zuo Zhong snorted and picked up the phone, notifying Wu Chunyang to prepare for action. While they arrested Yang Changqing, they also controlled those officials who behaved suspiciously.

So much manpower and material resources have been spent on investigating this case, and we have finally identified all the people involved. Closing the case earlier would be a good thing for the Secret Service and him, and it cannot be delayed any longer.

As for what to do if Yang Changqing refuses to admit it, it doesn’t matter. If such a rich man who owns many restaurants falls, there will be countless vultures hovering over his body, trying to get a piece of the pie.

The humus soil and rose leaves are just a primer, giving an explanation to the outside world and the other party's backstage, giving the secret service a reason to arrest this person, and other evidence will be supplemented by enthusiastic citizens.

 The problem?

 You will find it if you look for it.

After arranging the task, Zuo Zhong hurried to the detention center and called out Gu Qi, who was interrogating Ren Guanglin. The two led a team of guards to the surveillance point near Yang Changqing's residence.

 “Deputy Director, Section Chief.”

Wu Jingzhong saw the two officers and quickly lined up with his men to greet them. This time he and Song Minghao had such a big problem. He knew that he had to do something, otherwise he would definitely be marginalized.

So after saying hello, he humbly leaned forward and reported: "Bizhi has arranged a mobile observation post at a nearby intersection to prevent the target from getting the news and escaping. Please give instructions from the deputy director."

Zuo Zhong walked to the table at the surveillance point and nodded slightly as he looked at the map full of marks. Old Song and Old Wu were still trying their best, but it was a pity that the Japanese made a mistake.

Remembering that the two of them had no merit but hard work, he waved his hand to drive the little spy away, took Gu Qi and Wu Jingzhong to a small room, and seriously criticized the mistakes they made.

"Old Wu, what happened? Why did such a low-level mistake happen? If we hadn't found clues from Ren Guanglin and discovered Yang Changqing's trick, both of you would have been dealt with by military law."

"Yes, Lao Wu, you have always done things safely. How could you be so careless this time and let the surveillance target escape from surveillance? This is a serious malfeasance." Gu Qi also frowned.

 “Yes, yes, it is the responsibility of a humble position.”

Wu Jingzhong took out a handkerchief and kept wiping the cold sweat on his head, bending lower and lower: "I bear an unshirkable responsibility in this matter, and I am willing to accept all punishments from Corey and the department."

His attitude in admitting his mistake was very sincere. He did not make any reasons or excuses. He took the responsibility on his own head. As a subordinate, he could not let the deputy section chief Song Minghao take the blame.

Moreover, as soon as Zuo Zhong said the word "error", he knew that the problem was not big. The error was due to accidental negligence and could be made up for; the error was caused by subjective reasons and was unforgivable.

The difference in just one word can have huge consequences. The dereliction of duty mentioned by Gu Qi only pointed out that the nature of the matter can be major or minor. The result depends on how the deputy director handles it.

 “Okay, let’s learn from it in the future.”

Zuo Zhong interrupted his apology and made a task arrangement: "Wait until Song Minghao comes back from Renxin Hospital, and take action directly after determining the action steps. Don't give Yang Changqing time and opportunity to react.

 The operation will be directed by Lao Wu and Lao Song. Lao Gu and I will not participate. The frontline commander will see if Gui Youguang can come. If not, you can discuss it yourself and see who will lead the people in.

I have seen the map. Before the arrest, 7 intersections and 4 roads near Yang Changqing's residence must be blocked. No one is allowed to enter or exit, including vehicles from the military police Xiante agency.

The target of making friends is broad, and there may be a bad sheep willing to act as a lackey to help this guy escape. Without my order, not a fly can be let go, and anyone who disobeys the order will be shot. "


 Gu Qi and Wu Jingzhong responded loudly, especially Wu Jingzhong. He knew that he could not make any more mistakes in the next action. The Deputy Director gave them the opportunity. If they could not seize it again, they should retire.

Thinking of this, he asked a question: "Yang Changqing has old people and children at home. If these people resist during the operation, you have to make up your mind whether they should be captured alive or killed directly."

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows after hearing this and scolded in a deep voice: "The target is going to the flower garden to meet Ren Guanglin. What method will he use to hide himself? Naturally, he will dig a tunnel. This is the only way to hide it from you.

 Think on your heels, wouldn't Yang Changqing's family know about such a big project and action? They must be insiders. If they don't report the knowledge, they are already guilty. If they dare to resist, the crime will be increased.

 In our line of work, if you don’t do it, then you have to do it. If you do it, you must go all out. You must not be merciful as a woman. You must treat everyone equally, regardless of gender, age or child. If you are not ruthless, it means death. Do you understand. "

Wu Jingzhong nodded. He understood the truth, but with so many lives at stake, they had to get the authorization from the deputy director, otherwise it would be troublesome for the superiors to pursue the matter later.

As the three of them were talking, Song Minghao came with Gui Youguang. Zuo Zhong raised his eyes and looked at the fat, bald man. It seemed that he was recovering well in the hospital and should not have any sequelae.

Gui Youguang walked up to him and saluted: "Deputy Director, action team leader Gui Youguang asked to return to the team. If you have any tasks, just ask me. I've been suffocated by Dr. Ling these days." "Don't worry, There is a place for you to play.”

Zuo Zhong didn't say much more and went outside the small room with everyone, asking Song Minghao to introduce the layout of Yang Changqing's residence. Unlike previous tasks, this time the target was located in a place with a large number of people.

 If you are not careful, important people will be let go. In addition, you may encounter crossfire. You must understand all the situations before taking action. Song and Wu should have done relevant intelligence collection work in advance.

As expected, Song Minghao relaxed after hearing the order. He took out a few photos and a floor plan, and detailed the general structure of the house where Yang Changqing currently lived, as well as the distribution of personnel.

According to the blueprint and peripheral surveys, the target’s home is a four-entry house. The three-entry main house is connected by covered corridors on both sides. The backyard is a small garden with a total of more than ten main and guest rooms.

Such a large house is considered one of the rarest mansions in Jinling City. Yang Changqing's family of six, together with more than a dozen male and female servants, bodyguards, cooks, drivers, and gardeners, live in it.

 (The easter egg has a picture, but if there is no picture, it is under review.)

Everyone quickly determined the action plan based on the floor plan and photos. The specific plan was to arrest people first and then control the area. After Yang Changqing and his family were arrested, the entire Yang family was completely sealed and searched.

The reason for this is very simple. Yang Changqing is a trained spy. If he cannot restrain the opponent at the first time, once he gets the weapon or escapes, the mission will fail.

After unifying their opinions, Zuo Zhong pointed to the map on the table and looked at his subordinates: "Start at 4:30, cut off surrounding traffic, resolve the battle in three minutes, and enter the first batch of support personnel in four minutes.

Remember, Target No. 1 is in the left wing of the third main room. There may be obstacles such as door bolts behind the door. To be on the safe side, if there is light, if you bring someone into the house through a broken window, be careful not to get scratched.

 In addition, the location of the target's bed is currently unknown. It is best to use a few more flash bombs to delay Yang Changqing's reaction time as much as possible, and use the afterglow of the explosion to observe his location.

You decide the following matters yourself. I say it one last time, be firm and ruthless. Whoever obstructs the operation will be shot to death. It doesn’t matter how many shots you fire tonight. Do you hear me? "

 “I heard it, and I promise to complete the task.”

The people present whispered back, and immediately began to prepare for the arrest mission. Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi stood at the observation port and looked into the distance. Neither of them spoke, quietly waiting for the time to take action.

The sunrise time in Jinling in summer is around 5:15 in the morning, and 4:30 is the darkest moment before dawn. It is also the peak period of human fatigue, when the body and mind are at their slowest.

Everyone unanimously proposed to take action at this time, because no matter how early the preparation is, the target may get up later, missing the best action window, and can only take action in broad daylight.

This is unacceptable. Japanese spies are not ordinary gangsters. If a long-term firefight results in a large number of casualties, not to mention Zuo Zhong, a deputy director, cannot bear the burden. Even Dai Chunfeng cannot explain it to Bald Head.

 Four twenty-five.

Groups of armed spies were approaching the Yang family from all directions. Several pedestrians who had gotten up early squatted on the roadside with guns pressed to their heads, their hands cuffed behind their backs, and cloths stuffed in their mouths. Their eyes were full of terror.

In front of passers-by, Gui Youguang, wearing a gas mask, held up a Thompson submachine gun with a magazine and moved quickly with tactical movements, followed by vigilant action team members.

They bent down with guns in hand and walked slowly to the wall of the third main house of the Yang family. One of them threw a black object into the wall. The wolf dog in the yard that was about to get up immediately clamped its tail.

Tongsuo's Jianghu method is very useful. Tiger feces is stronger than poisoning dogs. After all, some domestic dogs are trained not to eat food not fed by their owners, so their actions will be exposed.

 Inside the surveillance point.

“There are three minutes left, Deputy Director. These Japanese spies are very aggressive. Do you think Yang Changqing will shoot to resist?” Looking at the dim Yang family, Gu Qi turned to ask.

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and smiled: "I don't know that. I'm not a fortune teller who can pinch or tell. But it doesn't matter whether the opponent fires or not. The weapons in the hands of the operators are not fire sticks."

After finishing this conversation, the two fell into silence again. As time passed by, suddenly, a few bright lights flashed in the dark night in the distance, followed by three huge explosions.

 “It’s started, very fast.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at his watch and commented with squinted eyes. The minute hand had just jumped to 4:31. This meant that it only took Gui Youguang and others one minute to climb over the wall, move, and launch the attack.

Even if the action team is all good players, this speed is very rare. Don't forget, they are fighting in a completely unfamiliar environment. It will take a lot of time just to identify the houses and avoid obstacles.

 (End of this chapter)

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