Cicada Moving

Chapter 68: Traitor punished

Chapter 68 The traitor was punished

“Reporting to Virgo, Zuo Zhong will complete the task today. If he is determined not to succeed, he will become a benevolent person. Please don’t worry, Virgo, and use the Class A secret message.”

Zuo Zhong held a tear gas canister in his hand and spoke a telegram to He Yijun. This kind of telegram must be a little more sensational, otherwise how can it show the difficulty of the task? This is indeed the reality.

He Yijun was not very fast when she sent the message. After all, she had just been training for a while, but Zuo Zhong believed that with her tenacity and intelligence, she would become proficient in it soon.

 After a while, Jinling called back.

“Virgin called back, asking us to pay attention to safety, and also asked us to report our current contact location.” He Yijun took off his earphones and handed the translated message to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong understood that Dai Chunfeng already knew that people like him were responsible for the Liuguo Hotel, but his telegram was very interesting and he seemed to want to cover it up for himself.

As long as he casually mentions an address, if someone investigates him later and checks the telegram file, he will find that someone was in XX at that time. What does it have to do with the robbery of the Liuguo Hotel?

It seems that the cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng is still responsible. Zuo Zhong decided to let Lao Dai wait a little longer. The situation has begun to change.

 “Call back, please wait patiently.”

 “Brother Zuo, is that all?”

 “Yes, just say this.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he looked at the abundant ingredients and fruits outside the door and showed an unhappy expression. I fought for you last night, so you just use these things to deal with me.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong walked out of the Liuguo Hotel again. At this time, there were more people outside the hotel, including reporters from other places and new people.

I saw a masked man walking out of the hotel, and there were people cheering loudly, just like fans of celebrities in later generations.

“My younger brother Zhen Sanshan admires your righteous deeds and wants to bring his brothers to join the team.”

“What were your casualties last night? Do you need a doctor?”

 “Masked man, will you execute the hostages today?”

“Friends, please be quiet. On behalf of the Northeastern Republican Army, I announce that we will shoot the traitors Zhang Jingyao and Zhao Tinggui in front of the Liuguo Hotel later. Please look forward to it. Thank you.” Zuo Zhong said and walked back.

 The reporters and onlookers did not expect that the execution would come so quickly. They immediately prepared and occupied favorable positions. This was a rare scene.

Zuo Chong returned to the hotel and asked people to bring Zhang Jingyao and Zhao Tinggui over and prepare sumptuous food for them. Zuo Chong was a very particular person.

“Zhang Jingyao, in your life, you have eaten what you should eat, played what you should play, and committed all the sins you should do. What else do you have to say?”

Zhang Jingyao calmed down for a few days and seemed to have accepted his fate. When the Japanese came to rescue him last night, he had no abnormal reaction and knew that he would not be able to escape this time.

"Thank you brother, I'll have a good meal and go on my way, but the Japanese won't let you go, so be careful." Zhang Jingyao half threatened and half reminded.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about me. Even if you die tomorrow, it doesn't matter. I am willing to sacrifice for the sake of the country and the nation. I can also get a good name in the history books. As for you? You will be infamy for thousands of years!"

Zhang Jingyao's eyes turned red and he said regretfully: "Why is this so important? Why is this so important! Please send me on my way, little brother!"

Zhao Tinggui was slumped aside. He couldn't even sit upright, let alone eating. When he heard that Zhang Jingyao was seeking death, he was so frightened that he peed like urine.

“Tie them up and take them to the hotel door!”


The agents tied the two men up and dragged them outside. Zuo Zhong walked behind with a pistol in his hand. The murderous aura shocked the people outside into silence and they dared not look directly.

 Journalists find the best angles. These photos must be sent to all parts of the world through radio waves, and readers must feel the atmosphere of the scene.

The agents kicked Zhang Jingyao and Zhao Tinggui to the ground, took out black cloth and prepared to tie it around their eyes. This is the executioner's rule.

It is said that they are afraid that the condemned prisoners will turn into ghosts and seek revenge when they see the executioner. Others say that if the condemned prisoners see dogs and cats before they die, they will turn into animals in the next life and they will be resentful.

But Zuo Zhong stopped them: "Let them watch. I am not afraid of them when they are alive. Why are I afraid that they will turn into ghosts? I will kill them even if they become ghosts! It will be easier for them to turn into beasts."

 “Okay! Be brave and prosperous!”

 “Bah! Lackey traitor!”

Zuo Zhong bowed his hands to the crowd of onlookers: "Brothers are here to execute the traitors Zhang Jingyao and Zhao Tinggui today. If anyone feels that they have been wronged, feel free to come forward!" Everyone kept their mouths shut. In the past few days, newspapers have introduced the relevant situation one after another. , Zhang Jingyao recognized the traitor as his father, attempted to incite the old troops, and launched a riot in Beiping City. The evidence is conclusive.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Zuo Zhong looked around and said, "Okay, then I will sentence Zhang Jingyao and Zhao Tinggui to death on behalf of the brothers and sisters who were killed by the Japanese. Do you have any objections?"


Zuo Zhong nodded, pulled down his sleeve, and walked up to Zhao Tinggui. The traitor had already fainted from fright. Zuo Zhong was too lazy to pull him up, and shot him three times in the head and abdomen.

Without saying much after the fight, Zuo Zhong walked directly to the front of Zhang Jingyao, put the pistol against his head, paused for a few seconds and then fired, again in the head and abdomen, a total of three times.

In a reporter's camera, black and white colors, exquisite hotels, lively crowds, cold pistols, the executioner and the tortured face to face, constitute a famous work - "Angry".

Some reporters wrote: Angry people in the Republic of China, angry national sentiments, nakedly displayed in this era of the jungle may be barbaric, but it is necessary.

The agents confirmed that the two people were dead, and Zuo Zhong roared at the crowd: "Whoever dares to be a traitor and a traitor will suffer the consequences like this!"

The onlookers roared: "Whoever dares to be a traitor will suffer the consequences like this!"

 The reporters who were watching were speechless, while the military police and patrol officers felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Bailongdu and other consuls laughed when they heard the news. They knew that the partners were dissatisfied. If they work hard, they should be rewarded. It is fair.

 Bailongdu held a cigar in his mouth: "It seems that our friends are anxious, so let's go to the Japanese Consulate. I believe Toyama Nakaharu should know how to choose. Let's go, friends."

The consuls of Britain, Germany, and France once again visited the Japanese consul Toyama Nakaharu. All parties concerned about the Rikoku Hotel concluded that something big was going to happen.

"What, agree to the masked man's request, compensate for the losses, and withdraw from the board of directors of Liuguo Hotel!" Toyama Nakaji looked at Bai Longdu and the four in disbelief.

Bai Longdu sat upright with a sanctimonious look on his face: "Yes, Mr. Consul, these three conditions are very fair. After all, your private actions have caused heavy losses to the Six Nations Hotel."

Toyama Nakaharu was furious: "Our actions are to save people. What does this have to do with the board of directors? As for agreeing to the masked man's request, please forgive me and say that this is impossible."

He knew why these four consuls wanted to cheer for the robbers. They were working together! The robbers want the empire to bow down, and they want shares, what a pipe dream.

Bai Longdu was not in a hurry and said with a smile: "Consul Yuanshan, don't be anxious yet. I think you should contact your Ministry of Foreign Affairs before making a decision."

If they hadn't made all the preparations, how could they come to the door easily? This pot of Japanese soup has reached the most critical moment, and there is no rush for the delicious food.

Toyama Nakaji looked at the other party's confident look and was confused. Could something have happened? But just four consuls, how much trouble can they cause?

Hypocritically apologizing to the four consuls, Toyama Nakaji took three steps at a time and left. He wanted to contact the country first to see what these people were up to.

Soon a reply from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrived. Nakaji Toyama almost fainted when he saw the contents of the telegram. Unexpectedly, these four little loaches really caused a big storm.

“The Japanese conducted secret surveys in Hawaii”, “Japanese spies are rampant in Southeast Asia”, “The Philippines is not the Japanese’s back garden”, “Europeans, beware! Japan is watching with eager eyes》

These European and American media front-page headlines not only exposed Japan’s espionage operations around the world, but also exposed more cruel atrocities. Allied countries were shocked for a while.

When the U.S. government learned of the good deeds done by the Japanese in Hawaii, it immediately issued a diplomatic note asking the Japanese to explain the purpose of their activities in Hawaii and the Philippines.

Just before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicated with Toyama Nakaharu, the U.S. Naval Intelligence Agency announced that it would conduct security reviews of Japanese-American citizens, and attacks on Japanese-Americans also occurred in various states in the Americas.

In addition, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany also require Japan to immediately stop espionage activities in Europe, otherwise they will not rule out the possibility of expelling Japanese diplomats.

European citizens were also stunned by the ambitions of Japan, a small country, and reported suspicious behaviors of Japanese people from various places to the authorities, and several spies were actually caught.

This matter has become even more serious. In just half a day, the Japanese have been gloriously promoted to the most unpopular group of people in various countries.

The emperor was very angry about this. This incident had destroyed Japan's decades of diplomatic achievements. Under the Great Depression, he originally wanted to rely on disguise and pretending to be pitiful to obtain economic assistance, but forget it now.

 Toyama Nakaji walked back to the conference room in despair. Bai Longdu and the other four were enjoying coffee comfortably. Seeing him like this, the four of them smiled knowingly and agreed.

"Can Consul Yuanshan agree to these three conditions now?" Bai Longdu was not polite. Now is a good time to put pressure.

Toyama Nakaharu begged: "Four consuls, our country and the four countries have cooperated happily on China issues in the past. Why are you doing this?"

"Hahahaha." Bailongdu was very happy: "Consul Yuanshan, many things are not as simple as they seem. Business consortiums, industrial giants and media tycoons are all working hard."

 (End of this chapter)

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