Cicada Moving

Chapter 677: The devil is one foot tall

Chapter 677 The Devil is One Foot High

 That evening, Dehe Tower.

 Cars parked on the side of the road one after another. The spies walked into the hotel chatting with each other, and were led by the waiter into a dining room, which had been reserved by the Secret Service.

At this time, the dining room was buzzing with people, and the crowd was automatically divided into those from the Jigexiang period, those from the Honggong Temple period, or those from the Intelligence Department and the Operations Department, exchanging certain information.

Just as he was talking, the door was pushed open. Someone stood at the door and shouted loudly that "Sir Zuo is here." The agents quickly stood at attention and saluted. They looked at Zuo Zhong who walked in slowly and said hello in unison.

 “Hello, Deputy Director.”

 “Well, hello everyone.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded, shook hands with everyone, and then led Gu Qi and others to a big table. After everyone sat down, Song Minghao immediately asked people to serve food.

 Different from the previous celebration banquet, there was no liquor on the table this time, only freshly squeezed juice and hot tea, and not even dishes such as rice dumplings.

The agents were not surprised. After all, the Secret Service is a military agency, and today was not a day off. According to the rules, they were not allowed to drink. Those who violated military law would be severely punished.

Seeing that everyone was already seated, Zuo Zhong put his hands on his hips and said some nonsense about loyalty to the leader, and then announced the start of the meal. The procedure was so simple that everyone present was a little surprised.


The officers did not speak. Gradually there was only the sound of clinking bowls and chopsticks in the restaurant. The atmosphere became more and more depressing. Many people looked at each other and tried to figure out what was going on.

 Among them was Wu Chunyang. His foot placed under the table touched Gui Youguang. As a result, the bald man just lowered his head to finish the food and ignored his hint.

He had no choice but to change the target of the inquiry to Shen Dongxin who was standing aside. But Shen Dongxin shook his head, obviously not knowing what Zuo Zhong meant, and no one dared to take the initiative to ask.

 “Tick tock, tick tock”

As time passed, the number of pedestrians on the street outside gradually decreased, and the traffic flow became much thinner. The Hong Gong Temple, several kilometers away from Dehe Tower, fell into silence.

Since all the personnel of the Intelligence Division and some members of the Operations Division went to attend the celebration banquet, and it was past the off-duty time, there were only a few personnel on duty in the Secret Service, and the office building was dark.

At the back of the office building, the situation is the same in the detention center. Jinling is extremely hot in the summer, and mosquitoes fly freely at night. The guards hide in their rooms and do not want to come out.

Suddenly, Yang Changqing, who was lying quietly on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. After hearing the noise, he got out of bed and went to the toilet in the corner of the cell. He took off his pants and sat on it.

He gritted his back molars with a ferocious expression, and frowned as if he was in great pain. Constipation was very common here, and agents would not consider the nutrition and meat and vegetable mix of prisoners' meals.

 “Creak. Da. Da.”

Soon it was time for inspection. A guard walked out of the duty room, wiped his eyes and walked around the corridor. When he passed by Yang Changqing's cell, he took a look inside.

As a result, the scene and smell inside made the person cover his nose quickly and ran over in a hurry, cursing as he ran: "MD, Japanese **** really stinks!"

Yang Changqing inside the bars was neither angry nor embarrassed. He continued to tense up. After an unknown amount of time, he was finally relieved with a splashing sound.

  After casually picking up a few pieces of tissue paper and cleaning up his personal hygiene, he came to the iron gate and took a look around, making sure that the guard was not there before walking back to the toilet and extending his right hand without changing his expression.


Yang Changqing held his breath, staring at a small spider on the wall that happened to be passing by accidentally, and his hands were looking for something in the toilet. After a few dozen seconds, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He came to the bed with a fist tightly clenched, picked up the rice bowl from the ground, which contained the water provided when putting the meal, and then he opened his right hand and put something in it.

With the dim light in the corridor, an item wrapped in oil paper was quickly cleaned. Yang Changqing silently tore it open, and a master key appeared in front of him.

 He raised his head and looked at the keyhole in the middle of the iron door of the cell, his eyes filled with relief. As a strictly trained agent, a lock of this level could not stop him at all.


In the detention center that was supposed to be extremely quiet, a deliberately suppressed cough came faintly from the distance. Yang Changqing understood that this was a code signal, and listened carefully with his ears tilted.

But after waiting for a long time, no sound appeared again, which made his face look a little ugly. According to the plan, this operation was carried out by three people, and he and one of them had tools hidden in their bodies.

Judging from the voice, the person who coughed just now was the third person without tools. The other person probably had an accident. If there was no problem, he should have sent out the code.

This was in his expectation. Using the human body to carry foreign objects is inherently dangerous. Once the foreign object pierces the intestines, the carrier will be very dangerous. It can be said that there is a narrow escape from death.

According to the human experiments of the Kwantung Army, ten Malu Dalu swallowed the keys in this way, and half of them died. This was the reason why he went to the Northeast.

 Fortunately, double protection was adopted, otherwise the operation would have failed before it started. Should we wait for the other party? An idea flashed in Yang Changqing's mind and he gave it up immediately.

 It’s too late, time waits for no one.

 The Secret Service is hosting a celebration banquet tonight. This is the opportunity they have been waiting for. In order to create opportunities, they even took the initiative to expose themselves to Chinese intelligence officers.

 If you miss this time, you don’t know when the next time will be. The zoo team has put too much effort into the plan and has thrown out more than twenty informants. The operation must be successful.

Yang Changqing made up his mind and took a few steps to the door. He inserted the master key into the keyhole and turned it gently. The solid iron door opened. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

Before leaving, he used the quilt to make a human figure. This was a safety measure. According to calculations, the guard's next patrol would be in half an hour, so there was plenty of time for action. Pushing open the iron door, he walked out of the cell with a low body and closed the iron door with his backhand. He moved to another cell in a half-crouching position, where there was already a person waiting for him.

 “Come out quickly and be quiet.”

Yang Changqing opened the cell door and spoke to the other party, and the two immediately sneaked into the third cell together. Since there was no light in the room, they could only hear waves of painful moans.

The man who was released earlier came to the bed and professionally checked the body of his accomplice on the bed. It didn't take long for the man to straighten up and shake his head to report the situation.

 “Team leader, No. 2 can’t do it anymore.”

The moonlight passed through the transom and shone on the face of the speaker. It was Pang Chong who had been lurking in the Republic of China for decades. Lying on the bed was Ren Guanglin. At this time, the other person's face was like gold paper and his head was covered with sweat.

Ren Guanglin endured the pain that was like a knife in his abdomen and whispered: "Team leader, it is my honor to sacrifice myself for His Majesty Tian Locust. Please don't leave me to the Chinese, please."

Yang Changqing was silent for two seconds and nodded. He took the quilt and covered his face. Together with Pang Chong, they suppressed Ren Guanglin who was struggling subconsciously until the other party made no sound.


After dealing with the accomplices who hindered the operation, Yang Changqing's mood did not fluctuate at all. He calmly called Pang Chong to leave the cell. They had no time to grieve for a dead person now.

From the day they joined the Second Department of the Army General Staff Headquarters, everyone understood that life no longer belonged to themselves, but to the Empire of Japan and the supreme Majesty Tian Locust.

 The two of them were sometimes crawling, sometimes hiding, and sometimes stooping, heading towards the outer area of ​​the detention center, where light-duty prisoners were held, and the security and guards were even more lax.

While passing by several of the cells, Pang Chong's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he asked Yang Changqing in front of him for instructions: "Team Leader, please allow me to go in and kill those two Chinese bastards.

 They have Chinese blood and have betrayed the empire. They can never be forgiven. Don’t worry, sir. Give me a minute. My actions will not alarm others soon. "

 “Baga, shut up.”

Yang Changqing glared at Pang Chong and walked out without stopping. It was already late and he still wanted to deal with family matters. The closer it was to the next inspection, the higher the risk for the two of them.

Pang Chong looked unwilling to be reprimanded. He looked at his eldest son in the cell bitterly and followed Yang Changqing with a stomp of his feet. The two of them came to the wall of the detention center without any danger.

The detention center is a high-security area. Barbed wire fences are installed on all the walls facing the outside world, except for the side facing the compound, because there is no need for it.

From a normal person's perspective, what needs to be guarded against here is prison escape. The primary purpose of prisoners escaping is to leave. They will not run inside. Under normal circumstances, they are looking for death.

  But today was not a normal situation. There was no one in the Secret Service compound. Yang Changqing and Pang Chong jumped off the wall and quickly approached the office building along the green belt on the roadside.

When they got downstairs, the two of them did not rush in. Instead, they lowered their heads and rummaged around in the surrounding ground and trees. After a while, they found several heavy cloth bags.

 “Alert, I will prepare weapons.”

 “Hai, team leader.”

Yang Changqing took out the gun parts from the cloth bag and quickly assembled the gun with his hand and muscle memory in the darkness, while Pang Chong stood in the corner and kept looking outside.

It only took five minutes for two MP18 submachine guns to appear in their hands. The two carefully pulled the bolts to load the bullets, and then took out the suction cups and diamond drills from the cloth bags.

These two tools are commonly used by thieves. The diamond is used to break the window, and the suction cup ① is used to fix and remove the scratched glass. The whole process does not make any sound.

Relying on good training, the two of them successfully entered the Secret Service office building through the window. Yang Qingchang pointed to the last bag and issued an order to Pang Chong.

“The target is on the top floor. Use the demolition tools and be sure to open the safe within five minutes. We will leave here from the predetermined location in ten minutes and there will be someone outside to respond.”

 “I understand, team leader.”

Pang Chong responded in a low voice full of excitement. He and the team leader were about to complete an unprecedented feat and steal secret documents from Dai Chunfeng, the top leader of the Chinese intelligence agency.

That safe will be a treasure. The secret list of lurkers in it, the internal secrets of the National Government, etc., can bring huge gains to the Japanese Empire.

In fact, his guess was correct. Dai Chunfeng kept more documents in the Secret Service than in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. This was not only due to the emphasis on the place where he made his fortune, but also for safety.

The bureau headquarters has many people with mixed eyes. Eyes from all walks of life can form a reinforced company. There is no such hidden danger in Hong Gong Temple. The problem is that this time the enemy comes from outside.

While the Japanese were getting excited, Zuo Zhong in Dehe Tower looked at his watch, put down his chopsticks and stood up. Looking at his subordinates who had calmed down, he issued an order in a cold voice.

“There will be an important action later. All people in groups of three must not separate without authorization. They must remember not to say what they should not say, not to see what they should not see, and not to ask what they should not ask.

Your weapons and equipment are in your respective cars. Anyone who disobeys orders during operations will be killed without mercy! Those who practice favoritism and bend the law will be killed without mercy! Leaders of each section, unit, and team lead the team and set off! "


A deafening echo sounded, almost knocking down the entire ceiling, and murderous agents filed out of the dining room one by one and ran toward the door.

①The application of natural rubber is very early.



 (End of this chapter)

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