Cicada Moving

Chapter 684: People's hearts determine success or failure

Chapter 684 People’s will determines success or failure

“Chunyang, after getting off the ship, remember not to talk about Changchun anymore, but Xinjing. This place is full of spies from the Japanese Kwantung Army and the puppet Manchukuo. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger.”

When the Jinlu Maru was about to dock at Lushunkou Pier, Zheng Tingbing, who had already packed his luggage, stood at the stern of the ship and whispered to Wu Chunyang, with a smile on his face.

This is the place he specially selected to talk. It is the only place in the entire ship where he can talk with confidence. Under the sound of the huge propellers, any eavesdropping device will be ineffective.

“Understood, Lao Wang, let’s use pseudonyms from now on. You are Wang Yuewen, and I am Wang Songwu. We are father and son. We come here from Penang, Malaysia to open a hotel.”

Hearing Zheng Tingbing’s familiar address, Wu Chunyang smiled and replied that the two had interacted during the Six Nations Hotel mission two years ago, which was a good thing for the mission.

In the Japanese territory, there is no help or support from other agencies. They can only support each other and can only rely on each other. Acquaintances are naturally better than strangers.

 “That’s right, be careful and you won’t make a big mistake.”

Wang Yuewen, oh no, Zheng Tingbing agreed as he looked at the spreading sailing trajectory. At this time, countless seagulls were flying up and down around the white waves, closely following the cruise ship.

He knew that the main food of these seagulls was fish. When the ship was sailing, the waves stirred up by the stern of the ship could easily knock small fish and shrimps out of the water.

Seagulls can easily catch fish as long as they follow closely behind the ship, and when the ship sails, the air behind it will flow, creating an upward force.

In this way, seagulls can fly in the air without flapping their wings, and there is still food to eat. It seems very good, but it is a pity that high returns are usually accompanied by high risks.

In such a flying posture, seagulls may hit the ship at any time. This is the same situation he will face. A trip to the northeast can be a great achievement but very dangerous.

People die for money,

 Birds die for food.

Zheng Tingbing muttered a few words and found that the cruise ship had begun to dock. He turned around and pointed to the suitcase on the ground: "Songwu, let's get off the ship quickly. We have to catch the train later."

"Okay, father, I asked the telegraph room on the ship to book a second-class seat on the Asia. We will get off the ship and take the train to Liancheng Station to transfer." Wu Chunyang picked up the suitcase and explained the arrangement.


Zheng Tingbing held his crutches, adjusted the glasses on his face, and walked towards the side of the ship. As first-class passengers, they could leave the cruise ship first without having to compete with other passengers.

Not long after, the Kinro Maru **** the mooring rope and the gangway was set up. The two handed the tickets to the sailors and then set foot on Lushunkou, a piece of land that the Chinese had lost for decades.

Before even having time to admire this famous ice-free port in Asia, a group of Japanese soldiers armed with Type 38 rifles suddenly rushed up and drove the passengers towards a building.

 They will be inspected by counterintelligence officers there. As long as they are suspicious, they will be arrested or even shot. There is no need for trial, no evidence, and no need for any legal procedures.

 “Hurry up, no peeking.”

A Japanese major raised his command sword and shouted fiercely. Not far behind him, there were more than a dozen warships slowly entering the harbor, and the huge muzzles looked particularly ferocious.

Lushunkou is located at the strategic point of the Yellow and Bohai Sea. It is an important gateway to Pingjin and Tianjin. It shares the throat of the Bohai Strait with Miaodao of Shandong Province and Dengzhou. It is a natural barrier between North China and the southern part of Northeast China.

This place is surrounded by mountains. There is Golden Mountain to the east of the port and Laohuwei Peninsula to the west. There is a narrow waterway in between that connects to the open sea. The port is well concealed and windproof.

 Coupled with the depth of water in the harbor and its well-equipped facilities, it can provide oil and water to ships and has auxiliary heating facilities. It does not freeze all year round. It has always been one of the most important military ports in East Asia.

Lüshunkou was occupied by the Japanese army during the Sino-Japanese War. Belarus joined forces with Germany, France and other powers to pretend to intervene. The Japanese were forced to return it, and then it was forcibly "leased" by Belarus for seven years.

 Later, when Belarus was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army invaded this place again and set it up as a naval supply port. It was also used as an advance base to contain China and launch aggressive wars.

 “Xia Zi, don’t look there.”

Zuo Zhong on the gangway saw this scene and He Yijun turned his head. He held his mobile phone tightly in his hand, and the camera was steadily focused on the defense positions inside the military port and on the hills near the military port.

There are many hidden firepower points there, which are intertwined into a network and support each other. It is difficult to get close. Therefore, whether it was the Sino-Japanese War or the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army failed to attack the port from the sea.

The Secret Service has thought about finding out what's going on here before, but the Japanese attach great importance to counterespionage, and all the residents around the military port have been relocated, so there is no way for spies to get in.

Moreover, with the completion of the Liancheng Civilian Port, only military ships can be docked here in the future. It will be extremely difficult to come in and take a look at it. We must take this opportunity to collect more intelligence.

 This is a bit risky,

 But the problem is not too big.

The Japanese never dreamed of having such a compact camera. As for the spy camera, it is small enough. The problem is that it must be taken at close range and cannot be taken while moving.

Just walking and taking pictures like this, Zuo Zhong and He Yijun followed the flow of people to the checkpoint. They were interrogated for a while by the Japanese military police wearing black collar badges, and then left the port smoothly. As soon as they got out of the gate, the two of them went straight to the train station. If they wanted to go to Harbin, they had to go from Lushunkou to Liancheng. There were many trains between the two places, so it was very convenient to just go there.

Arrived at the ticket window not long after, Zuo Zhong took out his ID and bought two tickets. He couldn't help but sigh that the "fake ID" obtained through Hase Ryosuke was really useful, but the quantity was too small.

After confirming the Northeast Operation, this unreliable Wang Ba Dan appeared again. According to him, he met many big people in Tokyo and gave away many heavy souvenirs.

In order to make money, this person tried his best to promote the certificate business mentioned in Shanghai. Unfortunately, time was tight and he had to replace the bottom files of other departments. In the end, he only got two copies.

This kind of documents are archived by the Japanese Residency Commission and reviewed by the Shanghai Consulate's Special Education Section. The security is very high. The Kwantung Army's military police took one look at them and let them go.

  It seems that we need to be more prepared when we turn around.

  Anyway, Changgu is not expensive.

Zuo Zhong sat on the train and patted his thigh with his ID. In the future, there would be more and more missions behind enemy lines, and identity forgery was very important. This thing was much more effective than the **** Good Citizen Certificate.

Just as I was thinking about it, the train blew a few whistles and then started to move. The distance of dozens of kilometers was very short. Forty minutes later, the train pulled into Liancheng Railway Station, where passengers would transfer.

After getting off the bus, in the crowded waiting hall, Zuo Zhong and He Yijun passed by Zheng Tingbing and Wu Chunyang. The two parties did not make any unnecessary movements and each found a seat to sit down.

During this period, groups of Japanese soldiers and policemen shuttled back and forth, checking documents from time to time. This high-density investigation did not end until the train from Liancheng to Xinjing entered the station.

Perhaps they were in a hurry, or they couldn't stand the unwarranted harassment by the military and police. Many passengers lined up in a long queue with their luggage, preparing to check in and board the train.

 “O great Asia.”

A Japanese in the team looked at the train outside the waiting room and praised loudly in an exaggerated tone. The Japanese passengers next to him nodded one after another, their faces full of pride and pride.

The Chinese passengers either had expressionless faces or lowered their heads in a daze. Naturally, there were also the Japanese who regarded thieves as their fathers and Yourong Yan, who puffed out their chests as if they were Japanese themselves.

Zuo glanced at the crowd again and focused on this streamlined train, the Asia Express, a propaganda tool for the invaders.

This train is dark blue overall and is divided into six groups. Behind the locomotive are a luggage compartment, two third-class compartments, a dining car, a second-class compartment and a first-class luxury compartment.

 The 400-kilometer journey from Liancheng to Xinjing only takes four hours. In order to please the superiors, the Japanese and puppet departments in Liancheng often transport seafood on the train, so it is also called the seafood truck.

Zuo Zhong smiled when he thought of this, and got into the third-class carriage with He Yijun amidst the noise. Even the third-class carriage was very luxurious, with soft chairs inside, and four people sat opposite each other.

  He reached out and put his luggage on the overhead shelf. He moved his body in the seat. Yes, it was quite comfortable. Then he touched the sides of the seat and found that there were electric adjustment buttons.

This is not surprising. The Japanese took great pains to build this car. They sent vehicle designers to Europe and the United States for inspection and visited many railway companies.

 For the first time, an air-conditioning system was installed in the train, which can provide air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. All windows are closed to avoid coal dust pollution when old trains are running.

In order to increase the speed of the train and reduce air resistance and weight, the Japanese were very generous and used alloy steel to make the body and all axles to use ball bearings.

What's even more exaggerated is that in order to satisfy the Japanese and puppet authorities' dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and gentry, many parts of the car were soundproofed with felt, flannel, and pressed kapok boards.



 Is it advanced?


Many people in later generations used this as evidence, claiming that the Japanese built and developed the Northeast. It seems that without the Japanese invasion, the Northeast would not have become a heavy industrial base.

Some people also cited examples such as Xinjing, the capital of Manchukuo, being the first city in Asia to have universal access to flush toilets and the first city in Asia to have universal access to gas pipelines.

But don’t miss the prefix—these things are limited to new areas where the Japanese live. The Japanese use Chinese money to build various modern facilities for their own enjoyment.

 How to start talking about making contributions to Northeast China?

At this time, the vehicle was slowly sliding. Zuo Zhong looked out the window with a calm expression. The logic of this group of people was very simple. If the Japanese have access to gas and tap water, it is equivalent to universal access.

 As for the Chinese in the Northeast? People are not even considered human beings. They are not worthy of modern technology in the first place. There is no need to count them. Sadly, this argument has already appeared at this time.

 He ​​rubbed the smooth armrest of the sofa and felt that he had come to the right place this time. Success or failure depends on the support of the people. The Japanese cannot be allowed to colonize peacefully, so some movement must be made.

 (End of this chapter)

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