Cicada Moving

Chapter 687: October

Chapter 687 October

 October, twenty-fourth year of the Republic of China.

Time is like water, and four months have passed unknowingly. October is considered the golden autumn in the mainland, but it is a bit chilly in Harbin. People have put on thin sweaters or fabric coats.

Early in the morning, the residents of Wutang Street in Harbin got up and washed up as usual, then went out to buy breakfast at the surrounding stalls. The smell of food was everywhere in the streets and alleys.

 Fried cakes, fried until golden and crispy, hot and fragrant; Stewed Eggs, a bowl of stewed eggs in the morning, paired with porridge or steamed buns, red and green, harmonious and complete.

There are also sesame cakes that are crispy on the outside and crispy on the inside, which are perfect paired with a bowl of tofu. The shortbread cakes are crispy and fragrant, with a soft texture and full of fillings that make you mouth-watering when you bite into them.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the market, a drugstore with a red cross opened its door. The owner familiarly greeted the people coming and going as well as the owner of the breakfast stall.

But what is strange is that this person did not buy breakfast. After walking around for a while, he returned to the store, picked up a bowl of ramen from the counter, and started eating it.

People around him didn't care either. They knew that the drugstore owner named Okamoto was not used to northern food. He occasionally ate wontons a few times, and other times he only ate noodles cooked by his wife.

 Speaking of which, this guy is a bit interesting.

Different from the Japanese soldiers and other Japanese businessmen patrolling the streets, the other party has a good attitude towards Chinese customers. He smiles when they meet him and rarely acts like shoddy goods.

It is said that he stayed in the government for several years and was frightened by the anti-Japanese students and officials. In short, he was an honest person, and the residents were willing to take care of his business.

 So within a few months of opening, this small store called Jiren Pharmacy has squeezed out a Chinese medicine store and a Western medicine store also opened by Japanese, which shows how prosperous the business is.

But no matter how nice Okamoto's attitude is, he is still Japanese. Everyone treats him at a respectful distance. No one wants to say much to him other than buying medicine, so as not to cause any trouble.

  Harbin has not been peaceful these past few months.

First, the warehouse of the freight station was set on fire, burning dozens of Japanese managers to death. A train of munitions from the Kwantung Army was also damaged and exploded into the sky.

  That explosion was probably heard throughout Harbin that night, and the flames turned half the sky red. The faces of the people in the police department and the fire brigade looked like their dead mothers.

Before the Japanese could react, another person died in the Manchurian Railway Official House area not far away. Several technicians from Tokyo hanged themselves in their rooms. Legend has it that they were innocent souls seeking their lives.

The reason is that these **** caused trouble to several Chinese female students in railway schools. One of the girls had no way to sue and committed suicide by hanging a rope at the gate of Manchu Railway.

In addition, a dozen big Japanese businessmen, officials, and even military officers disappeared inexplicably on the riverside. No one was found alive or dead, and the salvage team searched for half a month but couldn't find them.

For this reason, the National Police Agency and the Kwantung Army went crazy and organized many search operations in the city. God knows whether this Okamoto is an informant of the Japanese, so it is better to keep a distance.


Suddenly a car horn sounded, and the residents buying breakfast got out of the way. Upon seeing this, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove to the entrance of Jiren Pharmacy and stopped.

As soon as the car stopped, a White Russian jumped out of the car and rushed into the pharmacy. He shouted to the boss anxiously: "Okamoto-kun, Okamoto-kun, the medicinal materials you ordered have arrived at the freight station."

“Yoshi, that’s great.” Zuo Zhong, whose pseudonym was Okamoto Shigenobu, put down his bowls and chopsticks with a happy face. The pharmacy he opened sells both Chinese and Western medicines, but the most lacking thing now is herbal medicine.

He went around the counter and poured a glass of water for Torrieta, a taxi driver he had met when he first came to Harbin. He took out a wad of Japanese yen from his pocket with a smile and gave it directly to the taxi driver.

“Torletta, please take the money first and thank you for your help. Otherwise, I really don’t know what to do. If the medicinal materials are no longer available, my small shop will close down.

Those **** anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements dared to set fire to the warehouse and burned more than a dozen boxes of medicinal herbs I ordered from the Republic of China. They will definitely be punished, Baga. "

Speaking of the goods being burned, Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and cursed, his eyes full of anger, and he looked at the crowd outside the store. It seemed that the person who set the fire was outside.

 “Haha, my friend.”

Torletta, who was counting the money with his head down, grinned, shook the banknotes vigorously and made a few crisp noises, proudly put the money into his wallet, raised his hand and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

“Don’t be so frustrated, you didn’t pay the other party anyway, right? As for the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements, you really need to take care of them. These **** guys are killing people and setting fires everywhere.

Rich people are afraid of being targeted by them, so they are hiding at home. No one wants to take a taxi. My business has dropped a lot. If it weren't for your part-time job, I would be hungry. "

"Money is nothing. What I need is herbs. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore." Zuo Zhong waved his hand pretending to be impatient: "Is there any news about what I asked you to inquire about?"

 “Of course, my friend.”

Toletta sat down on the stool, took a sip of water and said: "There are a lot of platycodon and parsnip over there in the Calf Corner Valley. The quality is quite good. I will take you there to take a look when you have time."

This person has been in the Northeast for many years. He speaks Northeastern fluently and knows many people from all walks of life. Relying on this advantage, he does some brokerage business while driving.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with his answer. The two chatted in a harmonious atmosphere for a while. After a long time, Torretta stood up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, Torretta asked seemingly unintentionally.

"Okamoto, didn't you and your wife go out last night? I heard that a movie theater opened nearby, showing the latest American movies. You can go there to have fun."

"No, I'm not interested in movies. Besides, the security in Harbin is so bad. Before the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements are arrested, I will never take Xia Zi out at night. It's too dangerous." Zuo Zhong rudely criticized the work of the police department. , placing the teapot heavily on the table, mumbling something like why he might as well stay in Hui Province.

Tolletta didn't have the patience to listen to his complaints, so he patted his **** and left. As soon as he got in the car, he ran away without a trace. The dust he brought with him floated to the breakfast stall, causing a lot of yelling.

 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Zuo Zhong quickly apologized for the other person. After all, the guy went out from his shop, and they were all neighbors who met without looking up. A quarrel would not do him any good.

  With a smile on his face, he made the old and young men happy. He turned around and walked into the drugstore. The smile on his face slowly faded. Torletta could not be kept here and he had to find an opportunity to send him on his way.

From the moment they first met, the other party set traps for them. Especially during this period of time, when cases of sabotage and disappearances occurred in Harbin, such temptations became more and more frequent.

There were even a few times when he came to me uninvited late at night, saying that he wanted to drink with me, but any fool knew what he meant. He just wanted to confirm whether he was in the store.

 If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves caring about you.

 Hidden dangers cannot be left behind.

Zuo Zhong mentally sentenced the other party to death. At this time, He Yijun, wearing a kimono, stepped on wooden clogs and walked out of the room, inserting a sharp hairpin back into his hair.

It had been several months since her trip to Germany, and her cut hair had already grown back. Now she had her hair **** in a bun that is common among Japanese women, and she walked lightly to Zuo Zhong's side.

“Okamoto-kun, how are you? Did this White Russian see something? If it is to inform you about the medicinal materials, he can contact you by phone. There is no need to come in person.”

"Probably not. If he discovered something, the Secret Service should be here today. Besides, it wasn't the warehouse we burned. How could he see the flaw? Just be more vigilant."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong shook his head, his expression a little distressed. It was such a bad time. As soon as he and others arrived in Harbin, before they had time to take action, the Japanese received several sap blows.

 Set fire,


 To kill.

It's fun, but the problem is that these actions angered the National Police Agency and the Kwantung Army. They can only wait for the right opportunity temporarily, and this wait can last for several months.

I don’t know who did it, but it was definitely not a professional intelligence officer, because the other party’s goals had no strategic value, and the warehouses and arms trains were only interesting.

Underground parties, patriotic students, bandits, and bandits are all possible. There are not a few people in the Northeast who have enmity with the Japanese. It is not surprising that there are one or two fierce people who will do whatever they want.

He Yijun knew his distress, smiled slightly, put away the dishes on the counter, and said in a low voice: "Why did Mr. Okamoto ask him to go to Xiaoniujiaogou to look for platycodon and parsnips?"

“The vigilance around Beiyin River is very strong, and coupled with recent events, the Japanese have once again strengthened security patrols. Without sufficient reasons to go out of the city, it is easy to expose your identity.

According to the preliminary intelligence survey, Xiaoniujiaogou is a famous local medicinal material production area. From there, you can go eastward through the Suiman Railway and a large mountain. The target can be seen from the top of the mountain.

I didn’t name the place directly. This guy asked about it himself, so that I wouldn’t arouse suspicion when I went to check the medicinal materials there. We had to use each other’s identity. "

Zuo Zhong did not hide anything from her and told her everything about his plans. There were some things that he had to explain clearly. If he died unfortunately, someone would have to complete the next task.

In such a turbulent time, the safest way to get out of the city is to use the Japanese informants, and maybe there will be agents from the Secret Service as free bodyguards, wouldn't it be nice?

After explaining what happened in Xiaoniujiaogou, he glanced outside the door and asked, "Are there any secret codes for Wolong Group and Fengchu Group in the newspaper? According to the agreement, they should report that they are safe today."

“Yes, Wolong Group’s hotel has opened, and Fengchu Group is looking for a suitable store. By the way, do you need me to perform regular maintenance on the radio station?” He Yijun asked for instructions.

 “Still looking for a store?”

Zuo Zhong's eyes widened. What on earth were Xu Enzeng and Ling Sanping doing? They had been doing this for three or four months. They were just opening a small grain store, and they were not asked to build a skyscraper.

After being silent for a few seconds, he took a deep breath and said, "Leave the maintenance of the radio station to me. I'm not worried about you going out alone. The signal will be sent out in two days. I want to meet with the Fengchu team."

It was impossible for him to let He Yijun go. For the sake of operational safety, he used special means to transport the radio stations. In fact, the radio stations distributed by the Secret Service were still gathering dust in a corner of Jinling.

 The communication with Jinling relies entirely on his mobile phone. If the Japanese could decipher the signals sent by the system, why not fight World War II and directly dominate the Milky Way?

Just when Zuo Zhong was worried, at the Huamei Restaurant a few kilometers away from Jiren Pharmacy, Xu Enzeng combed his shiny slicked back hair and snapped his fingers at the passing waiter.

 “Witt~have a bottle of red wine.”

Opposite Director Xu Da, the well-dressed Ling Sanping leaned against a woman and whispered. The woman was so amused by his words that the restaurant was filled with a happy atmosphere.

 (End of this chapter)

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