Cicada Moving

Chapter 690: Collect medicine

Chapter 690: Collecting Medicine

 Xiaoniujiaogou Village.

 Located at the foot of the Yumai Mountains of Songfeng Mountain, it has a population of nearly 500. It is a large village. The people in the village basically make a living by farming and collecting medicinal materials. Originally, their lives were relatively prosperous.

However, since the Japanese established the Puppet Manchukuo, due to various apportionments and cruel exploitation, the lives of the local people have been like Wang Xiaoer's New Year, and every year is worse than the last.

Early in the morning, villagers who were drinking coarse grain porridge at the entrance of the village saw a car drive into the village, and then two people got out of the car, one was a White Russian ghost, and the other looked like a Chinese.

But when they saw the other person bowing before talking to the village chief, they immediately knew that he was a Japanese. This bunch of **** looked polite and polite, and their hands were very black.

 If nothing else, let’s talk about the anti-Japanese team that was operating nearby. The Japanese couldn’t fight those heroes in the mountains, so they just set fire to the mountains. I don’t know how many people were burned to death.


The villagers who felt unlucky returned home one after another with their rice bowls in hand. The originally bustling entrance to the village became deserted, except for the village chief who was elected by the Japanese and puppet forces.

“Mr. Okamoto, welcome to Calfhorn Valley. Mr. Torretta has already told you your request. Leave the matter of platycodon and parsnip to me. I promise to arrange it for you.

You must not be like these mud-legged people. They rarely see people outside the mountains. They are a little scared when they see cars and you at first. I will talk about them well later. "

 “Yoshi, very good.”

Zuo Zhong replied in broken Northeastern dialect: "It's Okamoto's impoliteness to scare the villagers of your village. You should say hello to the village chief before coming, and you shouldn't be an uninvited guest.

 Please rest assured, I am a businessman, not a soldier, and I do not care about political matters. If it is convenient, please take me to the medicine field to have a look. I want to check the quality of the medicinal materials. "

"No problem, you're too polite. Please follow me." The village chief raised his hand with a smile and pointed in the direction of the foot of the mountain not far away, where part of the village's medicinal fields are located.

Upon seeing this, Tolletta covered his mouth and rubbed his eyes: "Okamoto, I will rest in the car for a while and wait for you to come back. I am really exhausted after driving all morning. Let's have two drinks at noon."

 “Okay, see you later.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t force the other party to follow him. In fact, even if the Belarusians didn’t say this, he would have asked the other party to stay. With this Japanese informant around, he couldn’t ask directly about many things.

After saying that, he followed the village chief through the fields in a suit. His feet and trouser legs were covered in mud, and his hair wet with dew stuck to his forehead, making him look very embarrassed.

The two of them walked for about twenty minutes and stood on the edge of a **** of dozens of acres. All they could see were medicinal plants growing well. Zuo Zhong pretended to be delighted and squatted down to check.

 During the preparations for the operation, he went to Jinling University to secretly learn basic knowledge of herbal medicine cultivation. With his two-knife skills, he could tell that this place was very suitable for growing medicinal materials.


 The reputation is well-deserved.

 The world often uses sticks to beat roe deer and gourds to scoop out fish to describe the richness of the Northeast. This is no exaggeration. The rich resources and unique geographical climate make this place a natural treasure house.

It’s a pity that such a good place was lost by a certain prodigal and a non-resistance leader. If there is no blood transfusion from the Northeast, the Japanese will not be able to survive that long in the future.

There is also the puppet government of Manchukuo. They sold the precious wealth of the country and the nation to satisfy their own selfish interests and restored an extremely corrupt small court. It is very abominable.

 “Very good, I’m very satisfied.”

 Various thoughts flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind. He stood up and patted the dirt on his hands. He put his hands on his hips and turned around naturally. Then his heart sank. There was actually a rising sun flag floating on the mountain peak.

Why do you need to hang a flag in the wilderness? Is there a military facility there or is it a sworn territory? You must figure this out, otherwise the next task will not be easy to handle.

He seemed to have asked unintentionally: "Mr. Village Chief, in addition to platycodon and parsnips, I also need some herbs that grow in rocky areas, such as wild ginseng, Guan Huangbai and Liao Wuwei.

I don’t know if you can introduce it to me. I think your village has a lot of mountainous land, and the land is fertile. If it can be cultivated artificially, the yield and quality will be very good. "

 “This is it”

The village chief looked embarrassed and hesitated for a long time. Seeing Zuo Zhong's face getting darker and darker, he came over and revealed: "The imperial court has set up observation posts on the surrounding hills.

Those anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements like to stay in the woods, but no matter how well they hide, they still have to cook. When they cook, there will be smoke, which can be seen clearly from dozens of miles away.

Mr. Okamoto, you must never go up the mountain. If you are caught, you will be in trouble. Last year, several students from your country said they were going to climb mountains and were arrested and interrogated at the police station for several months. "


 How to survey the topography of Beiyin River now?

You can't kill everyone on sight. That kind of "infiltration" will only appear in the game. In real secret intelligence operations, as long as someone dies, the sight of blood means the operation has failed.

A trace of worry arose in Zuo Zhong's heart, and he smiled cheerfully on the surface: "Mr. Village Chief, please rest assured that I am the most law-abiding person and will never ask for trouble near the top of the mountain.

Then let’s go take a look at other places and confirm your planting environment. I can pay the deposit today and ask for your help in collecting the medicine, Aligado. "

After speaking, he gave another standard bow to express his gratitude to the other party. For a complete performance, the medicinal materials must be purchased. This kind of troublesome matter can only be left to the village chief to deal with.

This era is unlike later generations. Farmers have no trust in outsiders, let alone a nominal Japanese. Not only does he have a lot to do but he is also easily deceived.

 Don’t think that farmers don’t lie to others.

 mixed with sand,

There are many small methods such as splashing water and increasing the weight of goods. It is impossible for Dai Chunfeng to agree to such a long-term waste of money. The Ministry of Finance of the National Government does not open it for the Secret Service and others.

Don't look at the niceness that the bald said, at all costs of Gou fart, if you really spend too much funding, I am afraid the order of emergency recall will be issued the next day from the bureau's headquarters.

 “Okay, okay, you’re welcome.”

The village chief on the other side was relieved when he heard that Zuo Zhong did not force him to go to the top of the mountain, and quickly stepped aside. Japanese people are famous for turning their backs on others and are not easily offended.

There is nothing you can do about the other party being a soldier, but what if you take it out on yourself? This kind of thing is not uncommon in the land of Kanto today. In short, you must be careful when dealing with these beasts.

Both of them were thinking carefully and wandered around among the hypocritical greetings. They took a general look at several medicinal material producing areas in Xiaoniujiaogou. During the period, they also met a group of Japanese soldiers.

On the nearby ridgeline, a dozen heavily armed Kwantung Army troops were patrolling in the north and south directions. When they saw someone at the bottom of the mountain, the officer leading the team held up a telescope to observe from a distance.

The barking of dogs from time to time proves that these people are equipped with military dogs. In the mountains, these things are more effective than any observation equipment. The dogs have a keen sense of smell, so sneak attacks and lurking are out of the question.

On the highest peak called Yantonglizi, an antenna was erected on the roof of the observation post. Apparently it was equipped with a radio station to call for support from other troops.

With such strict security measures, it is not easy to even approach the Beiyin River, not to mention the terrain of the Beiyin River. It seems that we can only wait until night to check the situation. Night will be the best cover.

Zuo Zhong didn’t think about the mission for the time being, just like a businessman who really came to collect medicinal materials, listening intently to the introduction or asking questions, and didn’t go back until lunch was close.

In the distance, several people in Concord uniforms were lying on the grass, monitoring every move here. One of them was a fat man who was Gao Bin, chief of the general senior unit of the Special Agent Section of the National Police Agency.

The man's sharp eyes were fixed on "Okamoto". After a long time, he raised his hand and waved, motioning for his subordinates to follow him. They must not be careless until the other party's suspicion was completely eliminated.


 The village chief’s home.

Zuo Zhong sat cross-legged on the kang and chatted with the village chief and Torretta. The village chief's wife and daughter-in-law were busy with their hands and feet, bringing up several plates of farm food.

 Poeted meat in pot, fish in sauce, big pulled skin, crispy yellow vegetables, braised fish, and a large bottle of home-brewed shochu. The food and wine are so rich that just smelling them will make you salivate.

Outside the house, the village chief's grandson looked at the dinner table through the door curtain and swallowed secretly. It seemed that even if he defected to the Japanese puppets, the village chief's family would not be able to eat these things often.

Ordinarily, such a lunch is nothing to a wealthy household, not to mention that this is the rich Northeast, but the oppression of the Japanese and Manchukuo is open to all Chinese.


Then you also have to pay taxes.

Zuo Zhong noticed this scene out of the corner of his eye, turned around, smiled and waved for the other person to come over. As a result, the child was so frightened that he ran away, earning a severe scolding from the mother outside.

The village chief laughed dryly, picked up the soju and poured a full glass, then changed the position of the pot of meat, and said with a hint of pride: "Mr. Okamoto, this is my specialty.

Last year, when your country and the imperial army were passing by to suppress the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements, several officers finished eating and said, "There is nothing to entertain in the mountains, so you must eat more." "

 “You’re welcome, Mr. Village Chief.”

Zuo Zhong picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, put it into his mouth and tasted it carefully, then gave a thumbs up and praised: "Mr. Village Chief, your lady's cooking is better than many big restaurants.

No wonder even the imperial officers are full of praises. I’ll toast you with this glass of wine, and I’ll leave it to you to collect the medicine. Don’t worry, I will never let you waste your time. "

 “Yes, Mr. Okamoto is very generous.”

Torletta, who was devouring food on the side, did not forget to help. I don’t know if he was hinting at something. Considering the greed of the White Russians, this possibility was very high. They really wanted money.

The village chief nodded with a smile on his face. There was a lot of money to be made in collecting the medicine. Why did he go all out to welcome the Japanese? Isn't it just to win this profitable business?

Since they had something to talk about, the three of them finished their lunch quickly, and then discussed the specific sharing while drinking tea. Finally, Zuo Zhong generously said that he would give all the profits from the medicine collection to the two of them.

The village chief and Torretta were very excited after getting what they wanted. In the evening, they had another big meal of fish and meat. After drinking heavily, the two of them stayed in the side room of the village chief's house.

  It was colder in the mountains than in the city, and the fire bed had already been burned. The warm quilt made them fall asleep quickly. As the lamp oil was lit and the lights were extinguished, the room was dark.


In the middle of the night, Torrieta's loud snoring was deafening. Zuo Zhong, who seemed to be asleep, opened his eyes, pressed his hand on the opponent's carotid artery and slowly exerted force, causing him to fall into coma.

 Based on his experience, this can make the Belarusian lose consciousness for at least two hours, which is enough time for him to go to the surrounding mountains to feel the situation without worrying about being discovered by the other party.

  After doing all this, Zuo Zhong stood up, put on his shoes and looked outside the door, then pushed open the wooden window at the back of the house and climbed out. When he landed, he lowered the window little by little and walked lightly to the backyard.

Let me explain, it’s not just a word count. I originally wanted to use a lot of historical data to prove the cruel exploitation of the Japanese, but in order to be able to write this book, I changed the way, using a small incident to illustrate it sideways, and try to say what I want to say.



 (End of this chapter)

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