Cicada Moving

Chapter 700: Anti-joint

 Chapter 700 and Anti-joints

“Sir, please take a seat upstairs.”

Two days later, a middle-aged guest came to Jixiang Hotel in Fujiadian. This person was wearing Western sunglasses and a white suit. He was Zheng Tingbing, the deputy director of the Secret Service.

Hearing the greeting from the waiter, he touched the jade ring on his finger, looked around the environment, nodded slightly, walked up to the second floor, found a small private room and sat down.

"Bring some melon seeds and a fruit plate, and a pot of good tea from the south. I'll wait for a friend first, and then I'll order the food when they arrive. Don't close the door when you go out. I'll call you if I need anything."

Zheng Tingbing gave instructions to the waiter in a very dignified manner, throwing out a few small copper coins as a reward. To treat these little people at the bottom of society, no matter how much money is given, it is better to give them money.

 “Well, please wait a moment.”

As if by magic, the waiter waved his right hand on the table. He didn't take away a single cloud, but he pocketed the reward. He shouted back happily and ran out.

After a while, this person came in with a tray containing melon seeds, peanuts, and autumn pears, plus a pot of steaming tea. After serving these things, Zhiqu left the room.

In this business, the most important thing is to understand when to talk more and when to talk less. You can't look at the guests and insist on getting up close to them because they don't want to talk. That's asking for scolding.

The waiter wiped the table for a while and heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He turned around curiously and saw another middle-aged guest arriving. He looked around and walked towards the small private room.

 “Sir, please lend me a fire.”

This man came to Zheng Tingbing, asked in a low voice, took out a pack of Harbin's local Lao Baduo cigarettes from his pocket, and handed one to him.

Zheng Tingbing, who had noticed the visitor a long time ago, looked normal. After taking the cigarette, he pushed the matchbox over and suddenly said in surprise: "I seem to have seen my brother by the river."

“Isn’t it, three days ago.” The other party lit the cigarette quickly and sat down on the stool, staring at the person opposite the table with his bright eyes.

No one said anything after that, they just smoked cigarettes and drank tea. The private room became quieter and quieter, until the waiter knocked on the door gently and came to ask if he wanted to order.

 “Come on, no wine required.”

Zheng Tingbing knocked on the table, glanced at the Anti-League people, and said, "Pick five or six of your store's specialty dishes. We have something to talk about. Don't come in if you have nothing to do."

The waiter nodded and went to place the order. The middle-aged man who came after him finally said: "I don't know what to call this gentleman. My surname is Hong. Just call me Mr. Hong."

Hong, Hong, this is obviously a fake name. The surname is the color red, which symbolizes the underground party. The person who calls himself Mr. Hong directly reveals his identity and looks at Zheng Tingbing expressionlessly.

If the other party hadn't saved Lao Li and indirectly saved dozens of comrades, and the discussion was still about the Japanese bacterial weapons, he would not have come here to meet with the Fruit Party people.

 “Haha, my surname is Lan.”

Zheng Tingbing was not a light-hearted man either. He understood the implication of the person’s words and used the colors of the Kuomintang flag as his alias in a tit-for-tat manner. If you want to take advantage of others, let’s do it together.

 From the beginning of the meeting, the two did not get along very well. This was due to historical reasons. The massacre in the 16th year of the Republic of China made it difficult for both parties to communicate calmly.

 As the victim of the underground party, it is quite restrained to sit here and not take action. If it were not for the Japanese, I am afraid that a certain spy would have been killed long ago.

Before the national righteousness, the Anti-Japanese Alliance showed superhuman courage, temporarily put aside the blood feud, and agreed to cooperate to deal with the common enemy, which has to be admired.

 “Let’s have tea, Mr. Hong.”

Zheng Tingbing personally poured a cup of tea for the other party and sighed secretly in his heart. Who in the early days of Huangpu students didn’t have a few good underground party classmates? It’s a pity that things have changed.

 The progressive young people of those days chose different paths and even fought against each other for their thoughts, beliefs or personal futures. Countless outstanding people died at the gunpoint of their classmates.

 He ​​suddenly thought of that afternoon in Yangcheng, the smiling faces with sweat and sunshine, and everyone enthusiastically looking forward to the future. It would be great if all this had not happened.

But this emotion only lasted a few seconds. Zheng Tingbing quickly realized that the past was over. Now everyone is their own master, and the underground party is still the biggest enemy of the party-state.

 “Mr. Lan, let’s get straight to the point.”

Mr. Hong on the other side was not interested in this kind of entertainment and stated the purpose of his visit: "I was appointed by my superiors and would like to ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer them truthfully.

 The first question is, how much information do you have about the Baoyinhe base currently, such as the internal building blueprints, personnel information, armed configuration and the garrison situation around the base.

 The second question is, what is the purpose of the operation? Is it to destroy the test base, to rescue the people inside, or to obtain technical information on Japanese bacterial weapons.

 The third question is, how can you ensure that you will not burn bridges after taking action? Don't make excuses. This is the consistent style of your party and the chairman, and you and I know it well.

 The fourth question is, what kind of help can you provide during the operation? We cannot bleed and sacrifice while you sit back and enjoy the results. In that case, it would be better for us to resist the alliance than to attack Beiyinhe alone. "

 Four questions, each of which points to the key point.

 The most important ones are items 2 and 3. If the Communist Party masters bacterial weapons, will it be used on the underground party? Anyone who knows the answer to this question knows the answer, it will definitely be.

If this matter is not made clear, the Anti-Japanese Alliance will not agree to joint operations. It would be equivalent to personally delivering the knife to the opponent's hands, and it would not be as simple as hundreds or thousands of people dying.

It is a tradition of the national government to kill donkeys and unloading mills. They are not only merciless to the underground party, but also to other people. Before the Southwest Campaign ended, the various warlords were completely divided.

If there is no security guarantee, the underground party would rather act alone than be cannon fodder and scapegoat. When dealing with the fruit party, you must be more cautious. This is a **** lesson.

 “Mr. Hong is really quick to talk.”

Zheng Tingbing complimented with a smile, turned to look outside, and replied seriously: "First point, we only know the peripheral situation of the target, so we seek your cooperation.

 The second point is that the base must be destroyed, people must be saved, and information must be obtained. This is evidence of crime that must be disclosed to the outside world. If your party is not at ease, both parties can each keep part of it.

 The third point is that the Anti-Japanese Alliance can only provide intelligence without sending personnel, and there is no need to worry about personnel safety. If you want to participate in the operation, our personnel will be mixed and not affiliated with each other.

 Fourth point, we can provide weapons, equipment, medicines, and funds. Haha, the high-power American-made submachine guns and pistols are definitely better than what you are using now. "

 After speaking, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, looking a little proud. I heard that these poor guys still used guns and ammunition from the Russo-Japanese War, and they didn’t even have grenades.

What a bunch of bumpkins,


But Zuo Zhong guessed it right. The underground party was indeed worried about the government. The questions raised by the other party were all expected, and the Jinling Bureau headquarters also gave them relevant authority.

These things are insignificant, so just agree if you agree to it. Moreover, in the words of Zuo, you can go back on your promise. This guy is really a villain. Bah.

At this time, the waiter brought the ordered dishes one by one, then bent down and slowly backed out. Zheng Tingbing, who had finished despising Zuo Zhong, picked up his chopsticks, picked up a prawn and greeted politely.

"You're welcome, Mr. Hong. The fried prawns here are famous far and wide. Try it quickly. You have to eat and sleep in your life. Let's talk about it after the meal. Please."

 “No need, Mr. Lan can help himself.”

Mr. Hong naturally wouldn't eat his food. He waved his hand gently, thinking about the other party's answer in his mind. It sounded like Guodang was sincere, but he couldn't let down his guard.

It is common for the National Government to not be trustworthy. You must be careful, otherwise you will die if you are sold. You must keep an eye on the other party's personnel when taking action to avoid falling into a trick.

As for those benefits, don’t give them up in vain. Just treat them as a big deal. Even if the ammunition for American-made weapons is not easy to supply, they can be used as reserves. The Anti-Japanese Alliance needs supplies.

After quickly analyzing the pros and cons, Mr. Hong looked up at Zheng Tingbing, whose mouth was full of oil, and said a few words: "We have all the information about the bacterial weapons base."


Zheng Tingbing dropped his chopsticks on the table and leaked all the information about Yinhe? The Kwantung Army regarded bacteriological weapons as if they were ordered by Gengzi, so they just had to set up their headquarters in the base.

With so many of them working hard for several months, they only figured out the peripheral situation. As a result, the underground party knew everything. This shows that the other party's intelligence network in the Northeast is very complete.

No wonder the Chairman of the Generalissimo regards dissidents as the number one enemy. If this kind of infiltration ability is used in the national government, then what secrets will be left on our own side? It's terrible, it's terrible.

Thinking of this, he expressed his doubts with a smile: "All the information? Can you please give Mr. Hong a brief introduction? It's not that I don't believe it. Lan just wants to gain experience."

 “Haha, of course.”

Mr. Hong didn’t mind at all, his eyes flashed: “After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese gradually moved their local bacterial research and experimental center to the Northeast region.

 Mainly because Japan regards the Red Russian Far East as the target of aggression and expansion, and needs to test bacterial weapons suitable for use in cold areas for future wars.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Kwantung Army selected Beiyinhe. The reason why it established an experimental site here was that it was close to Harbin and could easily obtain experimental equipment and supplies.

Secondly, the place is relatively remote and well hidden. Once a severe bacterial infection occurs, the epidemic prevention and water supply troops can quickly take measures to control the situation.

 Finally, there is a considerable rural population and resources gathered in the local area, which can provide cheap labor. The projects within the wall are very large and difficult to see from the outside. "

 He ​​explained the background and reasons for the Japanese bacterial weapons research base. Don’t think that these are not important. Any information is valuable. The key lies in how to use it.

Mr. Hong then introduced the target’s defense facilities, security personnel and many other details in detail. Finally, the layer of fog shrouding the Beiyinhe base gradually dissipated.

 (End of this chapter)

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