Cicada Moving

Chapter 708: What a warrior

Chapter 708 What a warrior

 “Is there any evidence?”

Zhou Mingshan asked a key question after listening. He was not deliberately looking for trouble. There were so many lives and tasks at stake. There was no harm in being cautious. He had to be responsible for everyone.

What the agents of the Secret Service said were all speculations. What if there is no secret passage in Beiyin River or the exit of the secret passage is not in Xiaoniujiaogou Village? What if this is a trap.

These possibilities must be considered. Of course, he sincerely hopes that the other party's inference is correct. Outsmarting can reduce casualties, which is a good thing for the precious resistance of personnel.

  “Yes, two points.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t mind Zhou Mingshan’s questioning and raised a finger: “First, the intelligence showed that the women in Xiaoniujiaogou Village washed their clothes and ran away from the village, acting in secret.

Two days ago, our informant was outside a courtyard in the village and saw Kwantung Army uniforms being dried. From this alone, we can conclude that this place is connected to the Beiyinhe base. "

What the so-called informant discovered was actually what he saw with his own eyes. On that day when he and Torletta were waiting for the village chief, the thing floating in the lower yard was the unique shit-yellow uniform of the Japanese army.

 “Two, I received the news.”

 After finishing the first point, Zuo Zhong stretched out his second finger: “One of the tasks of Japanese government officials stationed in Harbin is to purchase daily necessities and send them to Xiaoniujiaogou Village on a regular basis.

 Why do they care about whether a Chinese village can eat fresh vegetables or meat? The answer is obvious. These things are for their internal consumption, naturally. "

 In fact, when Zuo Zhong went to the village for the first time, he was a little skeptical. The food at the village chief’s house was a little too good. Take Guobao Pork as an example, it is a quite complicated dish②.

It needs to be soaked, fried, and fried again, and more importantly, it needs fresh pork. How can fresh pork come from a remote village? No matter how rich the Northeast is, pork will not fall from the sky.

 This is just a doubt.

 It is not evidence.

But he later asked Xiao Qingmin to collect information about Beiyin River. The other party called back and said that the Japanese had sent a lot of supplies to the south of the city. Now all the clues were connected together.

Xiaoniujiaogou Village has an independent supply channel, with the purpose of preventing fake villagers from interacting with the outside world. In order to keep the secret of bacterial weapons, the little devils really took great pains.

Zuo Zhong listed these evidences one by one, but did not say anything about his personal investigation. You must be cautious when dealing with people from the Anti-League, or at least appear to be cautious.

Don’t forget, He Yijun, Ling Sanping, Wu Chunyang and Zheng Tingbing are still around, especially Zheng Tingbing, who loves to make snitches and must keep his distance from the underground party.

Anyway, among the six of them, there must be Lao Dai's eyeliner. No, there is another one. Zuo Zhong suddenly thought of something and quickly winked at Ling Sanping next to him.

 Xu Enzeng!

Ling Sanping also reacted and quickly turned around and ran towards the place where the sparrow stayed. He squatted on the ground and dug out a person from the snow. It was Director Xu Da who almost froze to death.

I saw that this guy had his eyes tightly closed, his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was shaking, and there was a big bump on his forehead. The big bald head of the Anti-League Throwing was very accurate, hitting the target without any bias.

Ling Sanping was afraid that Lao Xu was dead, so he quickly checked and found that the other party was just a little hypothermic. As for whether he had a concussion, he had to wait for the sleeping pills to wear off before he could confirm.

But there is a high probability that it will be fine. If good people don't live long and harm lasts for thousands of years, Xu Enzeng will probably live forever. Freezing in the snow for a few hours is nothing.

 “Captain, look.”

The bald head of the Anti-League League was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he saw this scene. He kept raising his eyebrows at Zhou Mingshan, indicating that he had hit Agent Gou of the Secret Service, which was considered revenge.

The bald man would be happier if he knew that he was the person in charge of the Secret Service Headquarters. Speaking of the enemies of the underground party, the Secret Service Headquarters and Xu Enzeng would definitely be in the top three.

Zhou Mingshan ignored the other party. Since the people from the Secret Service saw the clothes hanging to dry in the village and found the supply channels, it should be true that there is a secret passage in the Beiyin River.

  After pondering for a moment, he said meaningfully: "Sir, I'm afraid there is another reason for not mentioning it, and that is that the previous bacterial weapons were leaked, but Xiaoniujiaogou Village was safe and sound."


Hearing this, Zuo Zhong laughed twice and did not answer. The Northeast information provided by the Red Russians to the government was top secret. According to the confidentiality code, no one was allowed to leak this information to the outside world without authorization.

He certainly couldn't speak directly in front of so many people, and he felt that the Anti-Union League should know about this, they are local snakes. Now it seems that this is indeed the case, he is really powerful.

The layout of the Kwantung Army's secret base and the details of the tightly sealed accident could not be hidden from the other party. He even suspected that the underground party had known about Xiaoniujiaogou Village for a long time.

 Forget it, these things have nothing to do with their mission. The most important thing now is to make corresponding arrangements for the secret passage and clarify the action plan. It will be dark before long.

 “Give me the timetable.”

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong asked He Yijun for a document, handed it to Zhou Mingshan and solemnly said: "Once our actions are exposed, we must block the Japanese and puppet military and police who are supporting Beiyinhe.

The best way is to use dangerous goods to blow up the highway and the special railway connected to the Sui-Manchuria Railway, paralyzing the transportation network from Harbin and Hahaokeng Village to the experimental base.

Your party has sufficient manpower. Can you complete this task? This is the internal timetable of the Sui-Manchuria Railway. When there are trains running, the armored vehicles of the Kwantung Army will not appear.

If the action is not exposed, you can retreat quietly when the time comes. The weapons we provide include dozens of kilograms of powerful military dangerous goods, which are prepared for this purpose. "


Zhou Mingshan was a little curious. The Manchurian Railway was the focus of penetration by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but since most of them were Japanese, there was little progress. Unexpectedly, the Kuomintang people succeeded.

He took the document and read it carefully. Combining some known information, he was able to determine that the timetable was very accurate. With this, it was indeed not too difficult to destroy the railway line.

Just agreeing like this is equivalent to handing over part of the command power. He hesitated for a while and finally nodded. Now is not the time for suspicion and hesitation. The overall situation must be put first.

Besides, there are only five, oh, six people on the other side. If they continue to disrupt traffic, only one or two people may follow them. These people will not act as a check and balance.

  In other words, there are too few hostages,

 Both sides understand this. Folding the timetable and putting it into his pocket, Zhou Mingshan said with a serious expression: "I will arrange two teams to perform this task and ensure that enemy cars and trains are not allowed to approach the Beiyin River.

But I want to ask, there are six of you in total. One is unconscious and one is useless. What are the remaining four good at? They are not temporary scapegoats.

We will go through life and death together later, and you should know the importance of understanding each other. My people are all sharpshooters, and some of them can do Mongolian wrestling or fighting, and know how to blast.

It is said that the Secret Service is the most elite intelligence agency in the government, so I would like to ask you to introduce me to us country bumpkins. Also, what are the names of the six of you? "

 He raised a question through self-deprecation, trying to get a feel for the secret service. In the future, the two parties may be friends or enemies, and it is always good to have more information.

 “Just call me tiger.”

Zuo Zhong replied with a smile, raising his finger and pointing at He Yijun and Wu Chunyang to introduce in turn: "This lesbian, codenamed Peacock, is our radio operator and knows machine maintenance and telegraph services.

He is flexible and can be flat on the galloping train. He is proficient in Japanese and English. The fighting skills are good. It is not a problem to uniform three to four ordinary adult men.

This person is called Fox. He is good at intelligence operations, speaks multiple languages, and has operational capabilities. Your party should be very clear about it. The three dead members of the Puppet Manchukuo Secret Service are proof of this.

He is best at counter-espionage and has captured many spies of the Kwantung Army. His advantage is that he is careful and cautious, but his disadvantage is that he is too careful and cautious. I am really sorry about Mr. Li. "

 “these two”

Zuo Zhong apologized for Wu Chunyang covering Mr. Li last time, and then looked at Ling Sanping and Zheng Tingbing: "One is our doctor codenamed Woodpecker, who once studied abroad.


 The other one is Logistics Expert Parrot, who is familiar with the prices of goods on the black market in various places. If you want to know the value of the seized materials and the sales channels, you are right to ask this guy.

Furthermore, this person is good at disguise and dealing with people. He is an old veteran in the intelligence industry. If this mission were not important, Shangfeng would be reluctant to send this treasure to the Northeast. "

 Tiger, left heavy.

Peacock, He Yijun.

 Fox, Wu Chunyang.

 Woodpecker, Ling Sanping.

 Parrot, Zheng Tingbing.

Zuo Zhong gave himself and his subordinates several codenames that fit their identities and characteristics, making it easier for people in the Anti-Japanese Alliance to call them. Just by doing this, the Secret Service seemed to have become a gathering place for beasts.

In a sense, this is appropriate. When the people of Jinling heard that the spies were coming, they felt like seeing jackals, tigers and leopards. Even the officials of the government had the same view.

The more he thought about it, the more interesting these code names became, and he decided to do them in all future actions. The main reason was that he couldn't keep using the names of those **** from the Secret Service Headquarters. It was too unlucky.

the other side.

 Zhou Mingshan gritted his teeth after listening to Zuo Zhong’s introduction, and his heart was filled with excitement. These four people were all talents urgently needed by the Anti-Japanese League. The stubborn Fruit Party really didn’t take talents seriously.

 Radio talents,

 Intelligence expert,


 Logistics expert.

If these people were his men, even if all the others died, it would not be their turn to go to the battlefield. Wouldn't it be great if one or two could be recruited to join the underground party?

 Don't be impatient. These people are the elite of the Secret Service and must be loyal believers in the Sammin Doctrine. If they want to develop, they must slowly influence them. There is an old saying that it takes time to see people's hearts.

He coughed twice, hid a certain thought deep in his heart, and raised his chin towards Xu Enzeng, who was lying on the snow: "Then this gentleman must not be simple.

In addition, Mr. Tiger, you didn’t say a word about yourself. Could it be that you don’t trust us? Alas, we are all Chinese. What can’t you say? You can call me Lao Qiang. "

Huh? strangeness,

Why is the other person so enthusiastic?

Zhou Mingshan's sudden change of attitude made Zuo Zhong a little suspicious. After some calculations, he kicked Xu Enzeng: "This person's code name is Wild Boar, and his characteristic is that he can eat and sleep.

 He ​​broke his leg a few days ago. During the operation, he will be responsible for guarding the perimeter. I will load dangerous goods on him. When necessary, he will sacrifice himself to cover our evacuation.

 There is also me, who knows a little bit about everything, but is not very proficient in anything. Fortunately, I have a good teacher. This time I am here to do the gold plating. Don’t worry, I will definitely not hold you back.

 Old gun brother, now that we have determined the secret passage, let’s go to Xiaoniujiao Valley and keep an eye on it to see where the exit is, and then find a way to sneak into the underground laboratory. What do you think? "

 “That’s right, let’s do it.”

Zhou Mingshan nodded slightly, glanced at Xu Enzeng, and secretly said that he is really a warrior. How many people are willing to use their own lives to protect others? The secret service is not simple.

As for what Tiger said about gold plating, he didn't believe a word of it. To be able to lead so many elites, this person must be exceptional. Don't worry, the fox's tail will always show out.

 After confirming the next plan, the two people who had their own thoughts looked at each other, smiled faintly at the same time, and then led their men into the ravine and moved towards Xiaoniujiao Valley.

①The two words yellow and color may be blocked when combined.

②A book friend made some comments before, but because they were related to the later chapters, there was no explanation at the time.



 (End of this chapter)

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