Cicada Moving

Chapter 714: Explosion(4000 words)

Chapter 714 Explosion (4000 words)

Zuo Zhong looked at the iron fence blocking the elevator door. He stood up and walked over again. He stretched out his thumb and index finger to measure the width of the elevator door. The number he came up with was less than 1 meter.

 The width of the two scratches on the secret passage floor is about 1.1 meters, and the difference between the two is at least 0.1 meters. How does a transport vehicle with a fixed wheelbase get in and out of the elevator?

Things that can leave marks on high-grade military grade cement are certainly not light in weight. The Japanese would not be able to lift them out diagonally, and the elevator would probably not be able to withstand the weight.

He thought for a moment and walked quickly along the scratches. The scratches started from the elevator entrance and extended toward the entrance. Everything seemed normal, but there were some problems that just looking at were useless.

Hand down, I used the length of my knuckles as a standard to measure the depth of the scratches at three locations: the elevator entrance, the middle of the lane, and the corner, and I quickly discovered the problem.

 From the elevator entrance to the middle of the tunnel, the scratches in this section are relatively shallow.

 From the middle of the roadway to the corner, the scratches in this section are relatively deep.

 It seems that the middle of the tunnel is the starting point of the mysterious transport. It goes to the entrance more often and less to the elevator. Otherwise, the depth gap cannot be explained.

Zuo Zhong looked around thoughtfully. Could such a big thing appear out of thin air? Absolutely not. He must have overlooked something. He raised his hand and knocked on the alleyway wall.


The echoes from the walls on both sides are normal. There doesn't seem to be any space behind him. It may be that he didn't use enough force. There are enemies everywhere here. No matter how strong he is, it's easy to alarm the opponent.

However, after careful observation, he was able to determine that the ground against the wall was smooth and flat, with no traces of transportation vehicles passing by, which ruled out the possibility of secret doors on both sides of the lane.

Perplexed, Zuo Zhong stood there and lowered his head, staring blankly at the scratches that seemed to fall from the sky. Then, as if he thought of something, he suddenly looked up at the top of his head.


The anti-union fighters, who were not wearing much to begin with, took off their cotton-padded jackets, coats, hats, and even undershirts and piled them at the entrance of the elevator, even though water was dripping and turning into ice outside.

Zhou Mingshan is no exception. Underground party cadres pay attention to setting an example. Everyone is a life-long comrade. There is no distinction between high and low status at work, only the division of labor.

At this time, he was touching a sweater, his eyes full of reluctance, but he finally put it into the pile of clothes and glanced at his partner who had his head raised.

The other party was a little difficult for him to see through. He had been wearing a mask since they met. Even when he went to infiltrate, he only took it off when he was out of sight. When they met in the secret passage, he covered his face again.

 Being so mysterious, this person's identity may be very sensitive and he does not want to reveal his true appearance in front of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Zhou Mingshan has rich experience in struggle and guessed this possibility.

Then who will the other party be?

 What identity.

Zhou Mingshan kept guessing, but unfortunately he didn't have any clues. There was too little information available. He only knew that Tiger should be very young and of high status, and he couldn't be some kind of leftist.

He smiled. It was impossible for such a high-ranking official to perform tasks behind enemy lines. Does the party have such qualified officials? Yes, there were many in the 16th year of the Republic of China, but now there are very few.

 Because all the real idealists and life-defying people in the Guo Party have died①, and most of the ones left behind are minions and speculators. If you can get promoted by flattering, there is no need to risk coming to the Northeast.

While he was thinking, someone came to the side and whispered: "Report, the sweater was specially knitted for you by my eldest sister before she died. It's better to keep it as a thought. There is enough ignition material."

The bald man from the Anti-League handed over the sweater Zhou Mingshan had just put down with a solemn expression. Although he didn't say much, he explained the special meaning behind this piece of clothing.

 “No need, burn it.”

Zhou Mingshan smiled faintly and said in an unusually firm tone: "I know her. If she knew that she could contribute to the destruction of the bacterial weapons base, I don't know how happy she would be.

By the way, you are an expert in explosions. Check the timing device several times to make sure it detonates on time. You only have one chance. Once you have arranged it, retreat. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. "

"team leader."

 “Brother Gun, I’ve made a discovery.”

Without waiting for the big bald man to persuade him again, Zuo Zhong came over and told Zhou Mingshan something, and then asked the Anti-Japanese Federation if there were any operatives who were good at blasting in enclosed spaces.

 “Yes, Lao Hei can do it.”

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingshan showed a look of surprise, patted his confused bald head and introduced: "This guy used to fire cannons in the coal mine of Hegang, and his skills are very good.

 Later, the Japanese forcibly occupied the mines and killed innocent miners. Lao Hei joined the Anti-Alliance in anger. In previous battles, he killed many Japanese soldiers with dangerous goods. "


Zuo Zhong was a little surprised when he heard this. He originally thought that this old black man, like Gui Youguang, was a reckless man with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. He never expected that he was also a technical talent.

Not everyone can be a coal mine blaster. The geology in the mine is complex and the air contains flammable and explosive gases. A slight mistake during blasting can cause a big explosion.

Only experienced veterans are qualified to do this job. Alas, they are all bald. Why are their men so powerful? Zuo Zhong sighed and turned to look at Lao Hei.

“Are you sure we can carry out a small-scale blasting of the secret passage without damaging the overall structure? The laboratory is on top. We must open a gap to get up.”

As he spoke, he looked up at the dark gray cement wall above the heads of the three people. If he guessed correctly, there should be a flap that can be lowered at the top of the secret passage for transportation vehicles to pass.

This speculation is not only because there are scratches on the ground, but also because the elevator is unreliable. It will stop working once there is a power outage, and it is easy for someone to block the elevator entrance when retreating.

The cunning rabbit has three caves,

  Not to mention the Japanese.

The Kwantung Army’s water supply and epidemic prevention troops would never be so stupid as to place their own safety on one passage. Considering this, it is very likely that the secret passage has two entrances.

At the same time, the flap also has another function. Imagine what they would do if they launched a strong attack on the elevator and a wall suddenly fell from behind them in the middle of the attack.

 The enemy who has the advantage of the terrain does not need to do anything. All he has to do is block both ends, starve everyone for a few days, or release poisonous gas. Today next year will be the death anniversary of everyone present.

  Advance can attack,

  You can retreat.

The Japanese's wishful thinking was loud and clear. Zuo Zhong sneered. If he hadn't noticed the scratches, there was no guarantee that everyone would not fall into the trap. Then there would be a real dilemma.

Zhou Mingshan also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat behind his back. There were no heavy machine guns or guards at the third level, which looked lax, but was actually the most dangerous.

 Lao Hei didn't know what the two of them were thinking. After listening to Zuo Zhong's question, he didn't answer in a hurry. Instead, he picked up the flashlight and looked above his head carefully, but found nothing.

The walls are tightly sealed, and there is no trace of the existence of flaps. However, the party agent swears by it, and it can be seen from his previous actions that the other party is not someone who just talks nonsense.

 “Put up a ladder.”

After roughly looking around, he asked two resistance fighters to carry him close to the top of the secret. His eyes were glued to the cement surface, searching inch by inch, and he wiped his saliva on the wall from time to time.

If there is a flap in the secret passage, there must be a gap between it and the normal wall. The water absorption of the gap is different from that of other locations, which can be distinguished by the liquid drying time. This is a unique skill he learned in the coal mine. In order to avoid squibs and water penetration accidents, the blastholes must avoid locations that are too absorbent. The principle used is similar to finding a flap.

 Compared to the dark, damp mines with poor visibility, the conditions of the secret tunnel were much better. At least it was well-lit and allowed for better observation, so he soon made a discovery.


Lao Hei said something to his comrades, then took the dagger given to him and used force to draw a rectangular area more than 1 meter wide and 3 to 4 meters long on the top wall.

After finishing the painting, he lightly jumped to the ground and reported solemnly to Zhou Mingshan: "Captain, after the Japanese used the flip board last time, they should have put a layer of cement on it. It is difficult to distinguish the appearance.

There is no problem with blasting. If dangerous goods are placed along the gap, the shock wave will be transmitted along the weak point after detonation, destroying the control structure of the flap, and will not have much impact on the secret passage.

 It's just that the ventilation here is not smooth, and the smoke generated by the explosion will probably be very large. Based on my experience, it takes at least twenty minutes for the smoke to fade, which is unavoidable.

Also, we don’t have any tools. How are we going to put the dangerous goods on the top unless we hold them with our hands? Leave this task to me. The task is very important and must be completed. "



 They are indeed two big troubles.

Zhou Mingshan understood what the other party meant. The smoke could block the enemy's vision, which was originally a good thing, but when it appeared here, they would lose the advantage of sneak attacks and preemptive strikes.

 After all, with the smoke, the operators couldn't even see where the enemy was. How could they shoot at the enemy? When the smoke cleared, the Japanese would have already reacted and prepared themselves.

As for Lao Hei's request, he would not approve it. If he wanted to die, he, the captain, would be the one to die. According to the rules of the Anti-League, cadres go first when in danger, rather than letting the soldiers die.

Zhou Mingshan thought for a moment and took the initiative to ask Zuo Zhong: "Mr. Tiger, the Secret Service is the elite of the government. Is there any way to solve these two problems? We don't have much time."


Zuo Zhong took the military kettle from the waist of an anti-alliance fighter and shook it vigorously: "Place multiple kettles and dangerous goods at intervals. After the explosion, the water vapor will cause the smoke to settle.

 Brother Lao Hei, don’t worry. With the 38 rifles and other things from the previous Japanese soldiers, we can make our own supports. This thing is not difficult to make. "

Speaking of this, he pointed to the iron fence at the elevator door. There were more than a dozen iron bars on it, each at least one meter long. After being connected two by two with cloth strips, the length was definitely more than 2 meters.

After the support is completed, one end is tied with dangerous goods and placed against the gap in the flap, and the other end is supported on the ground. It can detonate by lighting the fuse. Why use a living person to support it?

Zhou Mingshan made a prompt decision and immediately issued a specific order: "Old Hei, prepare dangerous materials for blasting. Others will tear down the iron fence. Keep your voice down and it will be completed within five minutes."

The anti-union soldiers stood and gave a silent military salute, then turned and walked towards the elevator. There were so many young and strong operatives and tools, and they could pull off the iron bars even by pulling hard.

 Outside the secret passage,

 The wind and snow have not stopped.

In a wasteland to the north of the Yiyin River, several Japanese military trucks turned on their headlights. The strong wind blew by and made a whining sound. The wrapped snowflakes were clearly visible in the light.

A dozen or so high-level agents from the Secret Service Section squatted side by side on the ground, moving forward slowly, slowly pushing aside the snow in front of them from time to time, as if they were looking for something.

Gao Bin watched the actions of his men and tightened the collar of his coat. They were investigating the scene of the attack by the anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements the night before. This was not a good job.

No one knows whether the other side will counterattack. The Japanese may even have spies here just to lure the enemy into taking the bait. Gao Bin knows this very well.

 Just be a dog,

That's it.

He stood vigilantly in the darkness, carefully observing the surrounding situation while recalling the incident. A trace of suspicion arose in his heart. This attack was a bit weird.

Judging from the traces and physical evidence left behind, the people who launched the attack were by no means professional soldiers. They had no rules when attacking and retreating, and they collapsed in the face of counterattack.

They rushed and ran away in a swarm, let alone those underground parties of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they were even worse than the bandits and bandits in the mountains. Such people came to Beiyinhe to seek death.

Also, the other party moved openly and openly within the warning range of Beiyin River without any cover-up. Didn't they investigate the intelligence of this place before taking action?

There could be such a stupid person?

No way,

probably not.

Gao Bin thought seriously for a long time, but he was not sure. None of the opponents in the Special Service Division were such useless people. He really couldn't adapt to encountering such an enemy so suddenly.

This is not a good thing. After all, normal people rely on logic to do things, but idiots do not. What the other party does depends on their likes and dislikes. God knows where they will launch an attack next time.

The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. He rubbed his temples and forehead where his chest hurt. He stood quietly in the wind and snow and fell into a daze. After an unknown amount of time, he heard someone shouting excitedly.

“Commander, I found a Ping An coin with a red string and the words Chang Ping Tong Bao written on it.” A little spy stood up from the snow and stumbled over.

 “Goryeo copper coins?”

Gao Bin muttered to himself, took the newly discovered physical evidence from his hand, and after just one glance, he determined that this copper coin was a currency made during the reign of King Inzu of the Goryeo Dynasty.

The copper color is yellow and the writing is elegant. It should be a fine piece of palace casting from that year. The addition of a red rope that has been carefully woven can prove that this was someone's favorite thing.

Looking at the eye-catching blood on the copper coins, he chuckled. The safe money could not guarantee peace. The other party probably died at the scene the night before yesterday. This is too ironic.

However, this thing definitely does not belong to the citizens of Michow. It is a thing from a small country, and it is not embarrassing enough to carry it with you. No one except the Koreans will use it to make peace money.

 Korea Restoration Organization,

  Could they be the attackers?

 But these people are very timid, and most of the time they just hand out leaflets. Since the harm is not great, the Japanese and the police department are too lazy to take care of it. Why did they attack Beiyinhe this time?

Thinking of those big-faced people who were yelling on the streets of Harbin, Gao Bin frowned and was about to ask his men to search the surroundings thoroughly, but there was a muffled sound inside the base.


Non-political propaganda, the performance of many national army generals before and after 1927 was completely different, such as Liu Zhi.

Baldhead self-eliminates the advanced nature of the party, and the Kuomintang army degenerates from an isolated army into a warlord army.

                                                                                           uffled in. The hospital refused to let you out of the hospital.



 (End of this chapter)

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