Cicada Moving

Chapter 725: Peers (6000 words long

Chapter 725: Traveling Together (6,000 words long chapter)

 Stone Town.

 An old street with a long history in Tokyo Minato District. It was once a shore gathering area for fishermen. It became a new residential area after the Great Kanto Earthquake.

Because it is close to the seaside, has beautiful scenery and fresh air, many relatives of foreign embassy and consulate officials, literati and artists live here.

Zuo Zhong held a piece of paper and kept checking the house numbers on the street. After walking for more than ten minutes, he finally found the interview target's home at the corner of the street.

Today he is going to meet the famous Japanese female poet and writer, Yosano Akiko, a woman who has made remarkable achievements in a patriarchal society.

 The other party’s husband, fellow poet Yosano Hiroshi, had just passed away a few months ago, and it is said that he left behind an excellent collection of poems that has not been published publicly.

Ono Satoshi sent him here just to inquire about the news through the interview, to see if he could sign an agency contract and eat human blood steamed buns.

What the Japanese think is not important. The main reason is that Zuo Zhong wants to get in touch with famous people in Japan and collect relevant thoughts and public opinion trends.

 At the same time, find out the political beliefs of these people, provide basic intelligence for instigating rebellion and propaganda during wartime, and make preparations in advance.


Zuo Zhong knocked on the door and looked up at the two-story Western-style building in front of him. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that writing poetry was so profitable that Yosano Akiko could afford to live in such a luxurious house.

Gan, if he had known what kind of spy he was, he might as well have copied the novels written by the QiDian gang and moved them to the Republic of China. He might have made a fortune long ago.

While he was thinking wildly, a square-faced woman with a firm face and a strong back opened the door, glanced at Zuo Zhong a few times, frowned and asked.

 “May I ask who you are looking for, sir?”

Even though it was the first time we met, for some reason, the woman who opened the door felt that the pretty boy who knocked on the door was not a good thing.

“Konikiwa, this is Okamoto Shigenobu from Tokyo Nichichi Shimbun. I have made an appointment with Ms. Yosano Akiko for an interview. Who are you?”

Zuo Zhong didn't care about the other party's attitude, and still introduced himself politely, bent down and handed out the name badge printed by the newspaper with both hands.

 “Daily news?”

The square-faced woman frowned slightly when she heard this. After checking her name, she stood at the door with a helpless expression on her face: "Please come in, I am Yosano Akiko whom you sir found.

 Please forgive me for being rude just now. There are really too many people coming to the door recently, which not only disturbs my writing, but also disturbs the children's study. "

She spoke beautifully, but she had no intention of moving at all. She blocked the door of her house tightly with her thick body.

 “You are Ms. Yosano Akiko.”

Zuo Zhong was really shocked. It turned out that the legendary female literary youth looked like this. After being stunned for two seconds, she unceremoniously squeezed into the entrance and took off her leather shoes.

He naturally saw and heard the other party's evasion, but for an intelligence officer, face is dispensable.

 How much is face worth?

 The task is the most important.

Yosano Akiko's face turned dark. How could someone be so rude? She was just being polite. How could this guy take it seriously?

However, considering her status as a reporter, she had no choice but to lead Zuo Zhong to the living room. The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa quickly stood up to greet him.

This man is wearing a suit and leather tie, has a square face, has short hair and looks energetic. He has a latest German Leica camera hanging around his neck.

 Yo, let’s go together.

 Which newspaper is it from?

Sasushige immediately realized that Yosano Akiko didn’t want him to come in, not only because she was afraid of being disturbed, but also because she was afraid that she would see this person, which was interesting.

This female writer is not an ordinary person. She first released the news that her late husband had left behind works, and then waited comfortably at home for the publisher to come to her door.

There were many speculations in his mind for a moment, and then he turned to look at Yosano Akiko, who was blushing after her trick was exposed, and pretended to be curious.

 “Excuse me, who is this?”


Yosano Akiko, who was usually quick-thinking, stammered and couldn't speak. Her big face turned red with shame, and she opened her mouth several times without saying anything.

The middle-aged man was still kind, bowed slightly and said: "Hello, I am Ozaki, a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun. I don't know which newspaper you are from."

He is not a fool either. Zuo Shige is dressed similarly to him. Looking at Yosano Akiko’s reaction, he immediately knew there was something fishy about it.

 Just as an old friend of Xie Yekuan, he couldn't watch the other party's widow being bullied. He still had to stand up when it was time to stand up.


 Asahi Shimbun?

When Zuo Zhong heard the other party's words, his heart suddenly moved. The name seemed familiar. It couldn't be the Ozaki in his memory.

If so, this person deserves attention. After all, there are not many underground party intelligence officers who can sneak into the Japanese cabinet, let alone Sorge.

Unexpectedly, after just getting rid of the NKVD Torretta in Harbin, he met an important member of the legendary Red Russian spy team in Tokyo.

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind and bowed solemnly on the surface: "It turns out to be Ozaki-kun. I am Okamoto Shigenobu from Tokyo Nichichi Shimbun. Please take care of me.

 It seems that you are also here to discuss with Ms. Yosano Akiko about the publication of Mr. Yosano’s legacy. As a latecomer, I am willing to withdraw.

  To use a Chinese saying, this is called first come, first served. Moreover, vicious competition is likely to cause tension between our two newspapers, which will not bring any benefits. "

 After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave, completely ignoring Yosano Akiko who was furious. To deal with such a person, you have to put him on the fire.

 “bridge beans sack.”

Ozaki didn't expect that the visitor was a reporter from the Tokyo Daily News, and his words were so sharp. His heart skipped a beat and he quickly reached out to stop him.

Then he smiled heartily: "Okamoto-kun, don't leave in a hurry, Mr. Yosano and I are old friends in life, and I am here mainly to visit my wife.

If your newspaper's offer is suitable, we at the Asahi Shimbun are willing to withdraw. We just hope that more people will know about the extraordinary talent of the deceased. "

This person is obviously a completely sensible person. Friendship is friendship, business is business, and he is unwilling to be used as a price-raiser or taken advantage of by others.

 “Oh, no, no.”

 Zo Shige was not stupid and waved his hands repeatedly: "How is this possible? Ozaki-kun, the sincere friendship between you and Mr. Yosano cannot be measured by money.

It is a pity that a friend has passed away. If you can help him fulfill his unfulfilled wish, it will be a good story if this incident is spread, and it may be spread throughout the world.

 In ancient China, there are allusions to Boya Ziqi and Gao Shuishui. The touching stories of these two are by no means inferior to them. It really makes Okamoto envious. "

 He came here just to check out the situation, and he was not really interested in what Yosano Hiroshi wrote, so there was no need to waste time on it.

Ozaki frowned: little fox.

 Zuo Zhong smiled: each other, each other.

The two of them are pushing each other here, and Yosano Akiko is anxious, won't the poetry collection fall into her hands? She wants a pile of paper for no use.

A smile appeared on her rough face: "Two reporters, please sit down and speak slowly. I will pour you some of that person's green tea."


ˆ is a scornful term for China. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, the Japanese, who had long regarded China as a superior country, were shocked and intoxicated.

 So many Japanese people like to use this contemptuous title for the victors to the losers, and even the Japanese government calls China this.

This made Ozaki, who had been in Shanghai for several years and liked Chinese culture very much, very dissatisfied. At the same time, he looked at the other party with confusion in his eyes.

 My friend Yosano Hiroshi is a pacifist. This woman also opposed the war during the Japanese War and wrote a poem.

The poem is called "You Don't Want to Die." This anti-war poem caused a wave of reflection in Japanese society at the time and caused considerable controversy.

Some right-wingers regard her as a national traitor because of this, believing that she has insulted the bloodshed and sacrifice of tens of thousands of soldiers, and some even want to kill her.

 He couldn't understand how a person's views could change so quickly, so he asked this question after sitting on the sofa.

 “Haha, Mr. Ozaki.”

After listening to this, Akiko Yosano poured tea and smiled softly: "During the Rilu War, my youngest brother was participating in the battle in Lushun.

My mother almost cried her eyes out when she found out, and my father stood in the yard without saying a word. As a sister, I had to do something.

 Fortunately, my brother was ordered to retire and successfully inherited the family property. The house where my husband and I live was bought for us by him. "

She seemed to have said nothing, and yet she seemed to have said everything. The greatest effect of an anti-war poem is to allow an executioner to go home safely.

Zuo Zhong listened to the conversation between the two people calmly, sneering in her heart. She was opposed to the war. What she objected to was the injury of her own relatives.

The other party is a standard refined egoist. Her parents feel uncomfortable, and the parents of those who were killed by the Japanese army feel uncomfortable.

With a change of thought, he sat down next to Ozaki and took out a pen and paper: "Ms. Yosano, thank you for accepting the interview with Tokyo Daily News.

 Since the Mite Island Incident in Showa 6 (1931), too many soldiers of the empire died in the Republic of China without any substantial gains.

For example, the biggest beneficiary of the establishment of the Mite Kingdom is the restoration of the Mites, and it will not be beneficial to the ordinary people of the empire. Do you think this is correct? "

  Is it a country of mites?

Ozaki's heart tightened. Could this be another guy who was in favor of annexing Mite Island? He wanted to refute, but he couldn't say it directly because of his identity.

His supervisor Sorge said that intelligence personnel must have a firm stance, and they must keep this stance deep in their hearts and not reveal it to anyone.

A firm stance can help him avoid the influence and temptation of his enemies, while hiding his stance can help him avoid enemy suspicion and protect himself.

As a Japanese reporter, there are some things he cannot say. What he should do is to stay calm and try his best to collect information for the reference of his superiors. Thinking of this, Ozaki turned his attention to Yosano Akiko. The other party's remarks just now were very excessive, and he didn't know how to answer this question.

 “You two, please have some tea.”

Yosano Akiko handed the tea cup to the two people who stood up to thank them, then sat down on the sofa with a strong body, twisted, and spoke.

“In the seventh year of the Showa era, Major Idle was injured in a battle in Shanghai. He refused preferential treatment and treatment from the Republic of China army and heroically chose to commit suicide.

 My husband was deeply moved after hearing this and wrote the song "Sorrowful Lord - A Poem for the Idle Major's Suicide", and I also composed "Death of a Beauty".

 These two poems have not been published. I would like to ask Ozaki-kun and Okamoto-kun for your help. I am willing to sell them at the lowest price. "

This female writer, who was once famous in Japan for her anti-war, revealed a secret unknown to outsiders and expressed her views with a smile.

“Although many unfortunate people of the Republic of China died in the war, who deceived the innocent people and made them enemies of the kind-hearted Japan.

The National Government insisted on going its own way and rejected the empire's goodwill. His Majesty Tianxiao decided to let Mite Island read the law in order to protect the oppressed Mite Island people.

As subjects, even if we do not understand, we must obey completely, and we must abandon and eliminate all wrong ideas that incite class contradictions.

 This is my opinion about Miczhou Kingdom. Please wait a moment while I take out those poems and give them to the two reporters to slowly appreciate them. "

 “Yoshi, please.”

Zuo Zhong replied with a smile on his face, raised his hand to take a sip of water, his eyes flashed behind the tea cup, but his expression returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Hearing this, Akiko Yosano bowed and walked to the second floor. The sound of clogs slowly faded away, and the room became extremely quiet.

Ozaki on the side just lowered his head and drank tea without saying anything. From this point of view, he was still far from a qualified intelligence officer.

This matter is normal. The Red Russian intelligence agency likes to recruit non-professional spies. These people are very enthusiastic about work but have poor professional skills.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other party out of the corner of his eye, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then checked the furnishings in the room to see if he could find any valuable clues.

 Exquisite Western-style cabinets.

  Trendy electrical appliances.

 There are books everywhere.

Combined with Yosano and his wife’s experience of studying in France, there seemed to be nothing wrong here, but a metal disc on the pile of books caught his attention.


Zuo Zhong listened to the sound upstairs, stood up and walked to the stack of books. He glanced around the metal disk and a thin white paper came into view.

 The white paper is a specific report document by various national agencies on a specific issue. Does this have anything to do with the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters?

He glanced at Ozaki who was in a daze, and immediately turned around to block his sight. His right hand naturally brushed the stack of books and put the white paper into the space.

After being a gentleman on the beam, Zuo Zhong slowly walked back to the sofa and sat down. He raised his cup and tasted the tea. The only sound left in the room was the sound of the two drinking water.


Not long after, I walked down the stairs with Akiko Yosano, holding a few notebooks in his hands, and apologized: "You two have been waiting for a long time. This is it."

"Sorry, Mrs. Yosano, can I borrow the toilet in your mansion?" Zuo Zhong interrupted her with an embarrassed look on his face, while covering his stomach.

 “It’s okay, turn right at the end.”

Yosano Akiko casually pointed to the corridor. Other writers often visited her home. It was common to borrow the toilet, so she didn't think much about it.

  "Arigadoukosimas." After Zuo Zhong said this, he hurried to the toilet. After arriving at the toilet, he quickly closed the door and put his ear against the door panel.

There were faint sounds of pages turning and Ozaki and his wife talking outside, but there was no suspicious sound. He immediately put on his gloves and took out the white paper.

 《Pen Troops》

 These three words on the cover made Zuo Zhong squint his eyes. He checked whether there was any secret message, then opened the first page and looked at the contents inside.

“In order to promote the imperial kingdom and God’s grace, all writers should implement national policy literature and eliminate the anti-war sentiments of the people and the sense of resistance in the occupied areas.

 We must praise the imperial soldiers, create touching national heroes, describe the royal paradise in detail, and slander the enemy's government and army. "

The white paper begins with a long paragraph, focusing on "national policy literature." This word is so heavy that I have never heard it in any intelligence before.

But combined with the following sentence, the sinister intentions of the Japanese are obvious. They are nothing more than tying their own people to the aggression chariot and deceiving and blinding the people of the invaded countries.

They are trying to convince everyone that Japan is a peace-loving country and that the Japanese army is a good team to protect the people, thereby disarming the minds of people in the occupied areas.

 This is an important message. Compared with the fully armed "gun" army with live ammunition, this pen army composed of writers is more harmful.

 Because physical destruction is temporary, ideological, spiritual, and cultural harm is long-lasting and can truly destroy a country.

He continued to read with a serious expression. The white paper listed several very specific requirements for literary works and writers.

For example, you must not write about the defeat of the Japanese army, you must not mention the criminal acts committed by your own side during the war, and the description of the enemy must be full of hatred.

  Also, the overall situation of the battle must not be shown, the organization and name of the troops must not be disclosed, and soldiers must not be written as ordinary people.

 The officers and soldiers above the squad leader level should be described as calm and brave people, so as to boost the spirit of the people. Do not write about the women of the empire.


Zuo Chong cursed silently. He knew that the Japanese would successfully complete this plan in the future, and decades later there would still be many Chinese cheering for their aggression.

He took out his mobile phone and quickly took photos of the key content. He had to find a way to announce this matter to the outside world and completely expose the Japanese's ambition to carry out cultural aggression.

While Zuo Shige was taking photos, Ozaki was also admiring the "masterpiece" of Yosano and his wife. Looking at these shameless and flattering articles, this true peace person was very disappointed.

 One of the articles said: You are an ordinary soldier. You hold a blasting tube and jump into the barbed wire fence. Your body turns to ashes. This is just an example of war. We, the people at the rear, in all walks of life, have become more courageous.

Ozaki really didn’t expect that the once staunch anti-war people and the Yosano couple would praise an unjust war without any bottom line.

And actively acted as a political mouthpiece for the Japanese authorities, trying their best to beautify and praise the murderous and beast-like Japanese soldiers.

Is this the so-called imperial literati? Faced with power and bayonets, they easily changed their original intentions and became the lackeys of the Locusts.

His head was a little groggy, and he didn't even notice that his colleague Zuo Zhong had returned. After calming down for a few minutes, he said goodbye.

Yosano Akiko was a little confused, but she politely sent Ozaki to the door and watched her lonely figure slowly walk away.

Before she returned to the living room, Zuo Zhong also walked out of the living room. When he passed by the book, he stretched out his hand and returned to Zhao after the white paper.

"Mrs. Yosano, it's time for Okamoto to leave. I have read the poem and it is very good. I will try my best to recommend it to the newspaper. Please rest assured. Goodbye."

 “Then thank you, Okamoto-kun, and goodbye.”

Yosano Akiko returned the favor with a happy face. The Tokyo Daily News was a big newspaper, and if it was willing to publish the work, it would definitely pay a high price.

Zo Zhong looked at the other party's big face, sneered in his heart, walked out of Yosano's house with a few perfunctory words, and walked quickly into the crowded streets of Ishinomachi.

 He blended in with the not-too-crowded crowd and slowly walked around the surrounding market a few times, cleaning the place behind him and it turned out to be very clean.

After making sure he was safe, he turned around and ducked into an alley. He turned around again, held on to the wall, and reached the next alley, where he took off his coat again.

A few minutes later,

Disguised Zuo Zhong touched the fake beard on his mouth, raised his head to identify the direction, and strode towards the neighborhood near Tokyo Bay.

As he walked, he found that this place was more prosperous and chaotic than where the drugstore was. Rogues with knives could be seen everywhere.

After walking less than a mile, he witnessed several **** fights, and the Japanese police patrolling nearby turned a blind eye to them.

He understood why Fu Ling wanted to place the meeting place in this place. Once discovered by the Japanese, the poor security would make it easier for them to escape.

Ignoring the disturbances on both sides, Zuo Zhong gradually quickened his pace and soon saw a store specializing in selling Western items in the distance.

There was the address Fu Ling had left behind in the secret compartment of the bar toilet. Facing the meeting point that was just around the corner, he walked over as if nothing had happened.

 Fu Ling is very cautious, so it is impossible not to establish an observation point nearby. Instead of risking contact, it is better to meet with the agents at the observation point.

These people are all old members of the Intelligence Department and have followed him on many secret missions. Through them, he can learn the relevant situation as quickly as possible.

 It is not difficult to find an observation point. Unlike the pursuit of a stable joint location, the observation point must first satisfy the requirements of concealment and good vision.

And the scale must not be too large, otherwise it will duplicate the joint locations and waste valuable activity funds and personnel.

Zuo Shi aimed at the small roadside stalls selling ramen on the opposite side of the store. A white headscarf was wrapped on a kimono young man's head, and his hands kept busy.

 “A bowl of ramen.”

He walked up to the other party and said something, then sat on the bench with his back to the road, took out a newspaper from his pocket and read it carefully.

Not long after, the stall owner served a steaming bowl of ramen. The strong aroma of bone broth blew in the wind, making people swallow their saliva.

Zuo Zhong placed a banknote on the table, picked up the noodles with chopsticks, blew on it twice, and sucked the noodles into his mouth.

The stall owner swept the banknotes into the drawer without even looking at them, not wanting a piece of ocean to fall in and make a crisp sound when it collided with a Japanese copper plate.

The muscles in this man's body tensed instantly, and he reached for the kitchen knife with his right hand. But when he looked at his lover's face, his alert expression instantly turned into surprise.

Posted on time. I took melatonin and fell asleep to adjust the jet lag. I corrected typos.



 (End of this chapter)

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