Cicada Moving

Chapter 737: After I finish speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

Chapter 737 I have finished speaking. Who is in favor and who is against?

“Okamoto-kun, have those prisoners set off? I hope they can make some noise, but there’s still no response from the higher ups.”

Ando Teruzo, who was studying a map of Tokyo, saw Zuo Shige coming back from outside and threw the pencil in his hand on the table with an ugly look on his face.

 The entire military and police system in Tokyo seems to have no idea about the mutiny. There is no communication and no encirclement, allowing them to move freely.

The only official action was that the navy sent additional troops to establish a defense line near the Imperial Palace to prevent anyone from harming and frightening the Tianchu family.

  Sometimes being targeted is not terrible, but being ignored is the greatest insult. This sentence is more suitable to describe the current mutiny team.

Shiro Nonaka also lowered his head and sat listlessly aside, as if his own mother had died, full of negative energy.

 “Please cheer up!”

Zuo Zhong secretly cursed these devils as they were really stuck in the mud, and then yelled: "Now it's a life-and-death struggle, how can we slack off.

 There are so many soldiers and citizens who sympathize with us outside who are looking forward to it. What you as soldiers have to do is to continue fighting against the plutocrats' lackeys.

Since they dare to ignore us, we will do something to let those rebellious officials know that we are not joking. "

 Not even able to rebel.

 A bunch of rubbish!

Zuo Chong wished he could go into battle himself and demonstrate what it means to be an outlaw. Unfortunately, for the sake of safety, he could only guide the Japanese to do it themselves.

 Hearing what he said, Teruzo Ando asked the general in a very cooperative manner, and then looked at Mr. Military Advisor expectantly.

At this moment, Ando is like a drowning man grasping at straws. He is willing to do anything as long as it attracts the attention of the Locusts and the cabinet.

 “Please give me some advice, Okamoto-kun.”

Shiro Nonaka even dragged out a sentence. He could see that in terms of decisiveness and wisdom, none of them could compare with Okamoto Shigenobu.

Left Point nodded, without directly stating the plan. Instead, he walked to the window, opened it, pointed at a building in the distance and said meaningfully.

“They pretend not to see, why don’t we come closer, come in front of them, beside them, and let them see clearly.

Similarly, if the voice of a thousand warriors is not loud enough, what about ten thousand or one hundred thousand people? How dare they turn a blind eye to it.

I suggest that we call on the citizens and mutinous troops to surround the imperial palace, ask the Locusts to come forward and make a guarantee, and start the Showa Restoration immediately. "

Forced the palace!

 Make a public break with Locust!

Teruzo Ando and Shiro Nonaka glanced at each other secretly. If they were to reach this point, the mutiny team would have no way out.

 What they thought before was to kidnap or make the secret of Tian Locust disappear and support Xin Tian Locust to achieve its goal. After all, there is always a fig leaf.

  But if they do what Okamoto says, they will be on the opposite side of the Locusts. Even if the mutiny succeeds, they will become rebels.

"You two, you don't want your wife to become the plaything of the powerful, or your children to be forever inferior and have no future."

Zo Shige continued to fan the flames, but found that Shiro Nonaka's eyes suddenly lit up. Could it be that he had awakened to something terrible.

It’s not surprising for Japanese people, but it has nothing to do with him. After saying this, he shut his mouth. He still understands the principle that too much is not enough.

 Besides, rebellion cannot be done through force, but through individual initiative. He believes that the Japanese will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry.


  In the early morning of February 26th, Tokyo time,

 Heavy snow.

Things developed just as Zuo Chongguessed. As the murderous mutiny teams all over Tokyo gathered at the staff headquarters, people's hearts began to fluctuate.

Many soldiers chose to participate in the mutiny, not for the benefit of the citizens at all, but just as a result of their hot-headed impulses.

At this moment, my head calmed down, and I was frightened by the thought of killing an elder and important minister. Some of them wanted to run away, and some of them wanted to stop there.

 Unexpectedly, Kiyoshi Koda and others who were firm before the action were hesitant, but Teruzo Ando was determined.

 “Everyone, listen to me.”

In a room, the haggard Teruzo Ando had a loud voice: "We have no retreat, we can only move forward, even if we pay for it with our lives.

Mr. Okamoto proposed a forced uterus before you guys come back to force the locusts to agree to our advice. I think it’s time. "

He thought for a long time after listening to Zuo Zhong's words, and couldn't help but think of a Chinese saying, that is, one must constantly resist the chaos.

Seeing the confused eyes of the soldiers again, he understood that if they did not take any action and did not wait for the military to suppress the rebellion, they themselves would collapse.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise from the other side of the city, and a plume of smoke shot straight into the sky. Everyone present looked at each other in shock.

 Could there be anyone else rebelling? Such a violent explosion can only be caused by military dangerous goods. The other party is too brave.

Ando Teruzo was very excited. He ran to the window, looked at the smoke column and then at Zuo Zhong, and suppressed his excitement and asked.

 “Has it started yet?”

 “Yes, Ando-kun.”

Zo Shige had an endless conversation with him. The Japanese officers around him were confused, except Shiro Nonaka.

 He patted his thigh hard and said with a smile: "That's where the Matsumoto Department Store is, and the collaboration team took action.

These guys are really smart and managed to get dangerous goods. No wonder they are detained in the staff headquarters. They are indeed dangerous elements. "

 Then he quickly explained to everyone the origin of the Emperor's Rape Cooperation Group, its composition, and the specific tasks of these people.


 “A good plan.”

The Japanese said that as long as they could give the plutocrats some color, it didn't matter if a few people died. How could there be a mutiny without killing people?

As for releasing Chinese spies privately, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the great cause of respecting the emperor and punishing traitors. Anyway, they will not be the ones responsible in the future.

In the midst of joy, Ozaki, who followed Koda Kiyoshi to kill Okada Keisuke, secretly observed Zuo Shige and decided to stop absorbing him.

It must be Okamoto Shigenobu’s idea to carry out sabotage in the city. It is not the style of the underground party to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal.

"So I think."

Taking advantage of the arrival of the good news, Teruzo Ando held the table with both hands, scanned the faces of his colleagues with sharp eyes, and spoke word by word.

“Seize this opportunity and let all citizens who agree to punish the traitors in the country go out and clean up all plutocratic properties. I’m talking about everyone.

Today, there are no laws or any rules in Tokyo, only destruction, which is the only way to completely change the social class. Those who have suffered injustice and been oppressed by the plutocrats will be the best allies. No one dares to shoot at so many citizens.

 Finally, the gathering point for action is at the Imperial Palace, so that His Majesty can see our determination. I’ve finished, who agrees? Who objects? "


Forcing the uterus.

The officers' expressions changed again and again, and at the same time they were depressed. They just wanted to have a good mutiny, why did things develop to this point.

Zuo Zhong, who was performing confidently, almost lost control of his facial expression management when he heard the two sentences of who was in favor and who was against.

The room was quiet for a few minutes. Shiro Nonaka was the first to make a choice. He stood up decisively and stood behind Teruzo Ando.

 One is the captain of the 6th Squadron,

 One is the captain of the 7th Squadron.

The combined strength of these two men was more than 500, nearly half of the mutiny team, which was enough to decide the next plan.

  Immediately after Xiangtian Qingzhen, everyone expressed their stance one by one, confirming that they would incite common people to riot and force Tianlu to make concessions.

 But these people also put forward conditions. They wanted to contact the leaders of the Imperial Faction and the top army officials for the last time before taking formal action.

Teruzo Ando didn’t say anything. It would be good to solve the problem through dialogue. Coercing people to disrupt order is the last resort.

Sashige and Ozaki also had no objection. They followed the officers to the telephone room of the General Staff Headquarters and watched Teruzo Ando pick up the phone.

 “What’s the matter?”

Ando shouted into the phone, and when he heard the operator's voice, he reported the name of former Army Deputy Chief of Staff Masaki Jinzaburo.

 The Japs looked relaxed. As a leader of the Imperial Sect, the other party would definitely support them, otherwise they would not provide the 1,000 yen.

Zuo Chong looked on with cold eyes. No one knew the virtues of politicians better than him. According to the standard, if you have breasts, you are a mother. There is no morality at all.

If the mutiny team had successfully controlled the locusts last night, the other party would have jumped out long ago, so there would be no need for active contact here.

Jinzaburo Masaki remained silent for one reason. This guy was not optimistic about the mutiny and was even ready to abandon his car to protect his commander.

Sure enough, after a long wait, there was no sound on the other end of the phone, and Teruzo Ando's face slowly darkened.

The mutiny officer who was originally smiling also realized that something was wrong. The smile slowly solidified on his face, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.

 What should we do if the boss abandons us?

This question is lingering in everyone’s mind.

Until the waiting time expired and the operator called again and asked if he wanted to reconnect, General Masaki Jinzaburo still did not answer the call.

Perhaps unwilling to give up, Ando Teruzo tried to contact former Army Minister Sadao Araki again, but this time someone answered the call and it was quick.

But the person who answered the phone was not Sadao Araki himself. The other party said that Mr. Araki had not returned from visiting friends and did not know about the mutiny.

The implication behind the words is that no matter what happens in the outside world, it has nothing to do with Araki, and it is best for them not to call again.


Teruzo Ando was so angry that he smashed the microphone on the table and asked Kiyoshi Koda angrily: "Is this what you call high-level acquiescence?

   Baga, we were abandoned by them and betrayed. Maybe the next moment the military police will rush in and hang everyone.

  1,000 yen, so many lives like mine are only worth 1,000 yen. How can such an unfaithful and unjust guy have the honor to survive in the world. "

 Of course,

Not only that, but also the face is very big.

Zuo Zhong looked at the little devils who were mourning for their concubines with sympathetic eyes, and thought to himself, why don't they draw a clear line with you and wait to be liquidated?

In fact, everyone understood this. Xiangda Qingzhen was unable to answer the sharp question of Ando Teruzo, so he had to bow deeply.

Zuo Zhong tried his best not to laugh out loud. If he had put incense candles, laid out wreaths, and had a few filial sons, he would have had a feast on the spot.

At this moment, Ozaki suddenly spoke: "You don't need to argue. The Emperor's Dao Faction does not support the action of respecting the Emperor and punishing traitors, but what about the others?

Could you please contact the current Minister of War, His Excellency Yoshiyuki Kawashima? This person has always had a good relationship with young officers, and things may turn around. "

“Ah, thank you Ozaki-kun for reminding me.”

Xiang Tian Qingzhen was overjoyed and grabbed the microphone happily. He knew Kawashima Yoshiyuki and was considered a loyal old man.

After the call was connected, the loyal old man's servant said that his old man had a cold and that he should wait until he got up to talk about anything.

 No fool would believe this, it was just that he was unwilling to help. Xiangtian Qingzhen hung up the phone in despair and sat down helplessly.

The other party’s statement means that the possibility of carrying out the Showa Restoration by peaceful means is completely gone, and they have only two options left.

Either surrender,

 Either make a desperate move.

Teruzo Ando, ​​who was originally expressionless, sneered: "Everyone has seen it, this is an important minister of the empire, it is really ridiculous.

 We have no way out. We immediately notify the people who control newspapers and radio stations, publish a statement to the outside world, and call on all citizens to rise up.

Everyone has the right to destroy the homes and properties of plutocratic thieves, and they also have the right to resist when the police and military stop them.

In addition, like-minded people who support the Showa Restoration can gather at the main gate of the Imperial Palace, and the mutiny team will provide necessary protection. "


At this moment, the officers all lowered their heads and clenched their fists tightly. A surge of anger at being deceived surged into their hearts and could no longer be suppressed.

Zuo Zhong looked at them with relief. These Japs were finally on their way. It was not easy to live up to his efforts to keep the enemy alive for so long.

I don’t know what Locust will think when the Japanese version of the 0-yuan purchase starts, and whether those forces who fished in troubled waters will regret it.

I just hope that the people in Tokyo are okay. After all, he is not a big evil person. He usually hates things like murder and arson.

 The problem is that once the evil in human nature is released, it is difficult to take it back. It is hard to say how this game will end. Zuo Zhong and Shan smiled.

In the 1950s, the Liu Zhenxiang Department of the 64th Army and the Zheng Tingji Department of the 49th Army of the Guo Army marched to the Xiaomeishan area of ​​​​Gongdelin and encountered a large Japanese army headed by Peking Military Police Commander Shang Cun. With no response and no support, Liu Zhenxiang's troops boldly attacked at an absolute disadvantage of 1:3 in terms of strength, and severely attacked the military police commander Uemura. Later, the Japanese army reinforced the troops, but Liu Zhenxiang's troops still persisted in fighting, containing the main force of the Japanese army and holding on. Awaiting assistance. Subsequently, Zheng Tingji's troops discovered the war situation and quickly sent support signals to Yang Botao of the 18th Army of the Guo Army, Qiu Xingxiang, commander of the 206th Youth Army Reorganized Division and Luoyang Guard Commander, and other units. The large forces of the national army (approximately several corps) quickly assembled and started immediately Entering the front line of Xiaomeishan, they surrounded the Japanese invaders and severely damaged the Japanese army in Shangcun. The national army won a complete victory, known as the Xiaomeishan victory in history. This battle was highly praised by Du Yuming, deputy commander-in-chief of the Xuzhou Suppression Campaign, and was regarded as the greatest victory of the anti-Japanese war after the founding of the People's Republic of China. At the critical moment of the Xiaomeishan battle, a mysterious phone call came to Gongdelin: inform Liu Zhenxiang and ask him to move his right fist to the left 3.23 mm.



 (End of this chapter)

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