Cicada Moving

Chapter 739: Tan food pot pulp

Chapter 739: Tao Eats Pot of Pulp

  1936, the morning of February 26.


 The window of a drugstore with the Matsumoto family crest on a Tokyo street was broken, and a dozen young people jumped into the store and robbed it wantonly.

  The pharmacy manager and clerk just stood in the corner watching all this with expressionless faces, while touching the business money in their pockets.

 The salary of less than 30 yen a month is not enough for them to take risks to stop the mob, not to mention that everyone’s butts are dirty.

 What’s more, it’s not his own property. Even if he is beaten to death, the Matsumoto family will at most give him a pension, but his life is his own.

 One party only wants money but not his life.

One party only wants life, not money.

The two sides who were supposed to be on opposite sides had a tacit understanding. The young people ignored the staff on the side and started shopping for 0 yuan as if no one else was around.

 Aspirin, equine, and various antipyretics on the shelves can be easily exchanged for cash on the black market, and their value is stronger than the Japanese yen.

In the distance, a patrolman blew his whistle feebly, but his feet did not move. The Metropolitan Police Department was gone, so there was no need to take it too seriously.

Hearing the whistle, one of the young men stuffed several boxes of medicine into his arms, then came to the door and raised his right hand to the watching crowd.

 “Citizens, take over the chaebol assets!”

Robbers know very well that there is a saying that the law does not punish the crowd. When the cost of trial is greater than the property damage, the police will not focus on small groups.

Anyway, the responsibility lies with those righteous men who respect the emperor and punish traitors on the radio. They are just following the trend to make a small fortune, it is nothing.

 Besides, when onlookers heard the slogan, their first reaction was to take two steps back. After all, most people are good and well-behaved people.

However, there are also smart people who noticed the silent policeman. As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, and the crowd gradually became a little commotion.

 It’s not easy to learn,

 A bad learner will run away.

One person, two people, three people, more and more onlookers rushed into the drugstore, staring with blood-red eyes and began to search for property.

 Group violence is easily contagious, especially when social order is facing collapse and expensive drugs are readily available.

 Ten minutes later, the goods and valuables in the pharmacy were looted, and the furniture was set on fire by the person who had called before leaving.

 The raging fire rose fiercely, and smoke enveloped the bustling streets of Tokyo. The ground was littered with broken glass and pharmaceutical packaging.

 “Commander, what should I do?”

At the corner of the street, a captured Tokyo Station agent retracted his head and asked in a low voice. They had just finished dealing with the traitor when they saw this scene.

Thinking of Tan Wei, the traitor who knelt down to beg for mercy, made all kinds of ugly appearances, and was stabbed dozens of times in the end, the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

It’s just that their old boss, Zhuang Zili, didn’t ask for mercy before he died. Instead, he asked them to burn incense sticks for his dead brothers.

 Is it useful? Life cannot be resurrected. In addition, what will the families of those who have lost their sons, husbands, and fathers live on in the future?

"what to do?"

On the other side, the middle-aged man whom he called the unit chief sneered: "Mother Xipi, after being arrested, the Japanese did not stop greeting our brothers.

Three people were beaten to death, and their bodies were finally taken away and thrown into the sea, ending up dead without a burial place.

Of course this revenge must be avenged. When it comes to destruction, these people are just making small fuss. Can you tell me what is the most important part of a city? "


 “Medical treatment.”

 “Water supply.”


Several agents immediately replied that inciting and organizing riots is a required course in Secret Service training, and the choice of target is very important.

Ordinary people need property, while agents pursue the goal of undermining the rule of hostile forces and creating confrontation between hostile governments and citizens.

 These places they mentioned are all related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and involve a large number of people. Once something happens, it will be a big event.

 At that time, with a little provocation, millions of Tokyo residents would start a riot, and it would be useless for the police and the army to take to the streets, unless they went on a killing spree.


A sharp light flashed in the chief's eyes: "If we don't do it, we will do it. If we do, we will turn the whole of Tokyo upside down and make the Japanese heartache.

The police have mutinous Japanese to deal with them, so we don't care about them. We can't do anything about them. Everyone is injured and we don't have any extra weapons.

 Next, everyone is divided into three groups. The first group goes to the hospital. I don’t care what method you use, try to kill the medical staff.

 The second group went to the water plant and destroyed water supply facilities and pipelines. I want to make all houses, factories, and fire hydrants in Tokyo deprived of water.

 The last group randomly set fire to trams and buses, causing chaos in buses and train stations and paralyzing urban traffic.

 At the end of the operation, go to the backup mailbox to get the new safe house address, and then find a way to contact the office or find a way to return home. "

 Speaking of this, he glanced around: "I have to remind you not to have other ideas, but also to be prepared to succeed or fail.

Our capture cannot be concealed, the higher-ups will definitely know about it, and the experience of escaping was too bizarre to escape internal scrutiny.

  If you don’t wash away the shame on your body, you and I will meet at the execution ground. Okay, let’s prepare ourselves and act separately. "

After speaking, he quickly left the chaotic streets with his people. Opportunities to fish in troubled waters were rare, so he had to hurry up and set off two more fires.

at the same time.

 Vicious criminal activities of beating, smashing, looting and burning occurred in several districts in Tokyo. Without the command of the Metropolitan Police Department, the police stood still.

 It’s not that they can’t arrest people because there’s no one to direct them, but because they lack the necessary procedures, it’s easy to become a scapegoat when something goes wrong.

Of course, there are also people who are dedicated to their duties. Some police officers spontaneously formed teams to arrest mobs who robbed the assets of the plutocrats.

 What is interesting is that these police officers either have family members and friends who make a living in chaebol companies, or their family properties are related to chaebols.

 So, money is a good thing that can make people work hard.

It is also a bad thing, and it can make people lose their minds without realizing it.

After listening to the radio, no one knows how many people took to the streets to participate in zero shopping. No one knows the exact number, but it is at least tens of thousands. This does not include the people who were kidnapped. The two together probably numbered tens of thousands, and a small group of police officers could not solve any problem.

These people had just arrested a few people when they were overwhelmed by dozens of mobs that swarmed in. During the beating and kicking, someone pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunshots completely intensified the conflict. The anxious Japanese policemen pointed their guns at their compatriots and fired without caring about anything else.

 “Bang bang bang”

A white snowflake slowly fell and stopped on a pool of bright red blood. The mob stared blankly at the several corpses on the ground.

  People are dead. No matter what happened before, the police and the people have exercised great restraint. That is, they can only grab things and arrest people, but they can't hurt people's lives.

Now that so many of their companions have died, the mob is both frightened and angry, and some strange emotions arise in their hearts little by little.

 The fragile balance of things is broken, and the consequences of the chain reaction that follow are unpredictable, just like today.

 “Kill someone!”

 “The **** of the chaebol are killing people!”

After a moment of dead silence, the smart people in the mob turned around and ran away, shouting as they ran for their lives, and the shrill screams spread far away.

Their running away reminded others that who knew whether the red-eyed policeman would shoot again, and they all ran away with grease on their soles.

Looking at the crowd dispersing in a hurry, the calm policemen’s minds went blank. The matter had become serious, and they were in big trouble now.

Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan’s rule of law has never stopped, especially the sentencing procedures for ordinary people who break the law have gradually become more formalized.

 Killing people without trial?

 This is a crime.

This is not the Edo period where samurai masters could kill people casually with a samurai sword. Of course, big shots still have privileges.

 The problem is that they are not big shots. Now they have only two options. Why are they waiting here to be captured by their colleagues, or fleeing.

However, soon they no longer had to worry about how to choose, because the fleeing mob came back again. The problem was that there were a lot of them.

Hundreds of ferocious-looking young and strong men rushed over with wooden clubs, samurai swords, and spears, each of which could kill someone, and their momentum was astonishing.

 “Baga, these are the losers!”

A man at the front of the team pointed at the frightened policeman and shouted, then quickly approached with a thick wooden stick held high.

As he shouted, the mob sped up again and swung several sharp weapons directly at the chests of the policemen.

Japan has used troops one after another in recent decades, and there are many civilian soldiers in the countryside. Due to lack of survival ability, most of them live in distress.

They believe very much in what the Huangdao Sect said, that their poor life is all due to the plutocrats and national thieves, and Tianlu is unaware of this.

The mob that is charging at the police are such people. Having said that, ordinary Japanese people do not dare to fight with the police with cold weapons.

 They automatically formed the charging formation they learned in the army. Groups of several people covered each other and launched deadly attacks from different angles.


 In the blink of an eye, a stream of scarlet blood spurted out for several meters, and the policeman's head with wide eyes slowly rolled out of the crowd in the struggle.

 The conflict broke out quickly and ended quickly. In just five minutes, several police officers were chopped into parts by the mob.

Since there was no way back, they decided to do it without stopping and eliminate the police officers on the street one by one to facilitate the robbery below.

This trend is getting more and more intense. Even the Xianyu police who did not stop the mob were brutally hacked to death by dangerous elements with hot brains.

 Tokyo seems to have returned to a primitive society. Violence and cannibalism can be seen everywhere. The gray smoke over the city makes people breathless.

House seemingly endless rain,

The hemp rope is specially chosen to be cut at the thinnest part.

 At this time, many doctors were murdered in major hospitals in Tokyo. Medical staff were panicked and unmotivated to work.

 The city's tap water and transportation systems were also damaged. Many citizens took to the streets angrily, and the mob gradually grew.

Even though the ruling army sent personnel to regain control of radio stations and newspapers and issued martial law orders, the situation still did not improve.

Just as Zuo Zhong thought beforehand, it is difficult to take back the evil in human nature after it is released, and getting something for nothing tempts everyone.

 12 noon Tokyo time.

 Sanno Hotel.

This hotel, located very close to the Royal Palace, Army Command and the Parliament Building, became a temporary command post for the mutiny troops.

 Soldiers came and went carrying sandbags and ammunition boxes, while mutiny groups sat by the warm fireplace to discuss the current situation.

With the help of the mob, their situation has improved a lot. Some people even sent a large amount of food, which can be said to be a waste of food.

This scene of vitality and competition among all things was so touching that Zuo Chong, who was not too concerned about watching the excitement, wished he could sing a song on the spot.

The map expands the territory to the north and southwest, and the diary is a story of saving the country through the ages.

If foreign aggression is not resolved, it will turn to Chongqing; if internal aggression is not resolved, it will move to Taiwan.

The water from Huayuan saves drought, and the fire from Changsha City brings warmth.

Jin Yuanjuan was rich in people, and Baojia Company sat down to care for southern Jiangxi.

Mr. Wang is loyal to the country and loves the people like a child in Henan.

He defended Tang Shengzhi in Nanjing and fought decisively against Zhang Yi'an in the northeast.

In the past, heroes were famous, but now the country’s fans are fighting all over the world.

The bandits were destroyed with invincible cannons, and the cyber army bravely returned to the left bank.

Who is he talking about?



 (End of this chapter)

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