Cicada Moving

Chapter 746: airplane

Chapter 746 Airplane

  December, 1936.

Several months have passed since Zuo Zhong retreated from Tokyo, and the four seasons have once again gone through a reincarnation silently.

Just after five o'clock that afternoon, the Jinling Party Headquarters was bustling with people. The staff packed their belongings, put on their coats and hats and got ready to get off work.

A middle-aged man walked out of the small office. Everyone quickly stood up and greeted the man respectfully or affectionately.

 “Hello, Deputy Director Xu.”

 “Lao Xu, are you leaving?”

 “Would you like to get something to drink?”

Xu Weimin, deputy director of the Organization Department, smiled and waved his hand: "No, it's too cold today, so it's better to go home early.

It’s not like you don’t know that Xu suffered frostbite when he was working in the north, and his knees will be in unbearable pain in winter. Let’s try next time. "


The person who invited him to drink patted his forehead and said, "Look at my memory, I actually forgot about this. Okay, let's get together again when we have a chance."

By the way, I heard that something big happened in the Secret Service. The secret agents were ambushed while enforcing the law. What happened? "

This person mysteriously pulled Xu Weimin to the corner, looked around at the movement, made sure no one was paying attention to them, and asked in a low voice.

 “What’s this about?”

Xu Weimin gave it a try and calmly took out the cigarette case from his arms, took out a cigarette and lit it, and glanced at the other person with a smile.

The speaker was anxious: "Oh, my Deputy Director Xu, who doesn't know that you are well-informed? Please tell me about it quickly.

The world has been so chaotic recently. At the beginning of the year, there was a plague in Japan. I don’t know how many people died. Even the locusts were almost gone.

Had we not found a special medicine, I'm afraid Japan would be doomed. God is really blind. It would be great if all these **** were dead.

Also, Chief Dai was detained by the British when he went to Hong Kong City. Although he was later released, these incidents made people feel panicked. "

  Japanese Plague.

 Dai Chunfeng was arrested.

Xu Weimin nodded silently. This year was indeed a bit chaotic. All parties encountered a lot of trouble, including the underground party.

As Qiu Chan’s liaison, the code name Old K is known to the chief. This is an honor and a burden.

The group of people who came back from Red Russia actually asked the organization to hand over Qiu Chan to the underground Party International, on the grounds that it would be easier for them to start their work.

This is simply a fool's dream. There is no need to explain how valuable an intelligence officer who has penetrated the top levels of the National Government is.

 Hong Russia wants to ask them to hand over the most important intelligence channels with a single order, which is too underestimated by the Chinese underground party members.

Faced with a mountain of pressure, the chief directly denied the existence of Qiu Chan and classified his intelligence team as top secret.

 “Lao Xu? Lao Xu?”

Xu Weimin, who was thinking, was awakened by the call beside him. He slowly raised his head to look at his anxious colleagues and replied lightly.

“Don’t worry, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with us. It’s the Secret Service that is checking the smuggling and human trafficking business in the city.

 Are people who engage in these two businesses easy to mess with? On the same day, they sent people to attack the head of the secret service investigating the case, and many people died.

I heard from an old colleague from the Central Party Committee that Shangfeng was extremely angry about this incident and ordered the City Defense Headquarters and the Police Department to solve the case as soon as possible.

Tomorrow the three parties involved will hold a closed-door meeting to discuss and resolve the case, but I am disgusted by it, and everyone knows the reason. "

 After speaking, he blew out a puff of smoke and showed an understanding expression on his face. Government affairs must not be handled with common sense.

The person who asked the question smiled and shut his mouth decisively, because in any illegal business, big figures in the party and state would get involved.

This matter will probably go to nothing. Anyway, the unlucky ones are the spies, so they should be regarded as repaying their debts for the sins they committed before.

 In short, I can’t say this anymore.

 It would be taboo to say it again.

Xu Weimin patted the other party on the shoulder, walked out of the Jinling Party Headquarters with his briefcase, and slowly walked back to his residence on Zhuque Street.

 After carefully checking the door and the safety signs in the house, he went to the secret room and sat for a while, waiting for the communication time to take out the radio.

Hold the grenade matchlock in his hand, power on, and adjust the frequency. After completing this series of preparations, he slowly put on the headphones.

A faint beeping sound sounded in the earphones. Xu Weimin was recording the contents of the secret message while paying attention to what was going on outside the secret room.

 Five minutes later, he quickly turned off the power of the radio station, spread out the code book, lowered his head and deciphered the coded message he had just received.

“The Nationalist Government signed an equipment procurement contract with Germany, involving various types of advanced artillery, and dispatched commissioners to the West to inspect their performance.

 Specifically include:

S5—10620mm machine gun,

 Flak 1837mm anti-aircraft machine gun,

SKC/3088mm anti-aircraft gun

   PAK3737mm combat anti-aircraft gun,

  L/1375mm infantry gun,

 LeIG1875mm infantry gun,

 Bofors M193075mm mountain gun,

 Krupp M190 75mm 29x field gun,

 LeFH18105mm howitzer,

  sFH18/32x and 30x 150mm howitzers,

SKC/28 50mm fortress gun.

It is judged that the national government may use the above-mentioned equipment for encirclement and suppression, and part of the equipment has been distributed to the Central Army and some front-line troops.

 The power of these artillery pieces is truly astonishing, causing heavy losses to the personnel of the International Column. Do not relax your vigilance, remember! Remember! Autumn cicada. "

Xu Weimin looked a little solemn. He rarely saw Qiu Chan repeatedly emphasizing one thing in the message. It seemed that the problem was indeed serious.

 In May of this year, due to the increasing pressure of the Japanese, the National Federation for National Salvation from all walks of life was established in Shanghai, and public opinion was aroused.

Coupled with the organization's public proposal for joint resistance against Japan, the national government expressed its desire to maintain the integrity of territorial sovereignty under pressure from all parties.

High-level negotiations between the Kuomintang and the underground parties are also to be held to deal with the Japanese aggression, but only the talk is heard but no actual actions are seen.

 Judging from Qiu Chan’s information, this is entirely a delaying tactic by the National Government, and the ultimate goal is still to completely eliminate the underground party.

 “Wang Ba Dan!”

Xu Weimin smashed the table with hatred. Now the Japanese are aggressive and the country and nation are under threat of annihilation and genocide.

 As a government, the government does not think about how to resist foreign humiliation. It is busy wiping out underground parties all day long. Do you have to wait until the country is ruined and the family is destroyed before you regret it?

After a long time, he adjusted his mood and forwarded the message to his superiors. Then he restored the secret room to its original state, sat on the sofa and picked up a cup of hot tea.

Qiu Chan's intelligence is as timely, efficient and critical as usual. With the exact information about these equipment, it will be seen how the Fruit Party denies it.

 Speaking of it, the two of them have been cooperating for almost two years. He has been speculating on the identity of the other party, but has not found any clues.

 Attendant’s room,


 Special Service Headquarters, Military Commission Agency.

 There are only a few places where such confidential information can be obtained. Xu Weimin thought thoughtfully and tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers.

At the same time, the atmosphere in Hong Gong Temple was very tense, and the secret agents all had dark faces, because this year was so unfavorable for the Secret Service.

First, Dai Bureau was disgraced by the British in Hong Kong City, and was forced to suspend his duties and reflect at home, making everyone in Jinling watch their jokes.

The aftermath of this incident is not over yet. The people in the Intelligence Section were ambushed by gangsters again. When did the Secret Service suffer this kind of anger?

 What is even more chilling is that the two deputy division chiefs Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu chose to protect themselves rather than avenge their dead brothers.

Everyone usually works with their heads in their belts, but no one stands up when they are bullied. You can imagine how low morale is.

It's a pity that Deputy Director Zuo was not here to perform his duties, otherwise those **** would have been beaten to death and thrown into the Yangtze River to feed the fish.

 “Buzz buzz~”

Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and a spy looked up and saw a Ford three-engine plane flying towards the Ming Palace Airport.

In the plane, a second lieutenant wearing a flight hat opened the door, walked to the seat in the middle of the cabin and raised his hands in a military salute.

“Report to Colonel Zuo, we have arrived and are expected to land in five minutes. The tower said that your personnel are waiting to pick up the plane near the runway.”

"OK, thanks."

Zuo Zhong put his cell phone in his pocket, nodded to the pilot who came to report, and then turned his gaze to Jinling City outside the porthole.

Looking at the dots of lights on the ground, his memory suddenly returned to the way back to the country when he evacuated from Tokyo a few months ago.

“I will go to Germany immediately after receiving the order to participate in the negotiation of military equipment procurement. I will be fully responsible for the security of the meeting and make sure there are no mistakes.”

This message from Baldhead once again sent him to Germany thousands of miles away, but the way of going was slightly different.

Last time it took a group of them several months to reach their destination by cruise ship, but this time it only took a few days to fly from the northwest to Berlin.

 Technology changes everything,

That's absolutely right.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong turned to look at the briefcase cuffed on his left hand. The information inside was very important and there couldn't be any problems.

As for how he got the information, it’s a long story. After arriving in Germany, he thought he would be able to return home after wrangling with the Germans.

Not wanting to have another surprise, the Spanish Civil War broke out at the end of the negotiations, and the German government decided to support the Franco Group.

 Adhering to the capitalist spirit of using it to death, Bald Tou gave him a task - to conduct a practical evaluation of German-made weapons.

Haughty Germans will naturally not agree with the National Government dictating their own equipment and are determined not to share relevant data.

 There was no other way. He could only start with the left-wing Popular Front Alliance and record the damage effects of German weapons from the enemy's perspective.

 The only problem is identity,

This is Europe after all.

 Fortunately, thanks to the Red Russians, they have set up special committees and established numerous volunteer recruitment centers around the world.

He is one of hundreds of anti-fascists who risked being hunted down by their own reactionary governments to travel to Spain.

There are workers, farmers, staff, students, intellectuals, etc. among these people. The difference is in identity, but the same is in belief.

 They call themselves

 —International Brigade.

Zuo Zhong slowly closed his eyes and recalled his experience of disguising his identity and setting off from the Port of Marseille, France, by boat to Barcelona.

There were more than 200 French, American, British, and Chinese people on that ship, all of whom came to protect the new republic.

 In the words of these people, every one of us will die eventually, and if it is for justice, then this is not a bad thing.


 This is the optimism of those who live outside their lives.

 But when they were about to land, they were attacked by an Italian submarine and all the crew fell into the sea. That was the closest he came to death.

 The rocking ship, the blinding cabin, and the toxic fumes produced by the burning interior decorations could all kill him.

 Fortunately, with the help of people around him, he successfully jumped into the cold water and finally grabbed a lifeboat.

At a glance, there were corpses rising and falling on the waves. When the number of people on the shore was counted, there were less than a hundred people left on the entire ship.

Similar things are happening constantly, and many people have sacrificed their precious lives without even setting foot on Spanish soil.

 This is something Zuo Zhong has never experienced. For the sake of ideals and justice for all mankind, these people continue to fight without regrets until their death.

 There are even Japanese among them,

 An American cook.

This man's name was Shirai. The battle broke out when he was delivering food to the frontline soldiers. Shirai jumped out of the trench neatly and never came back.

There are also many Chinese in the International Brigade. Some of them are not underground party members, and they do not come to Spain for novelty or adventure.

They have only one reason. Human beings, no matter which country they come from or what race they are, should respect each other and help each other.

All the things I heard and saw here with my own eyes made Zuo Zhong’s thoughts cleansed and sublimated like never before.

I don't know why, at this moment he seemed to hear the miserable sorrow of the Madrid people in the German fighter bombing.

I saw the lonely figure of a Scotsman playing the melodious Highland bagpipe in front of the battlefield and marching bravely towards the Fascist position.

I saw South American warriors flying across the ocean like steely pigeons, hovering freely over the valley of Madrid’s Blood Rock under the setting sun.


 The muffled sound of the plane's tires colliding with the runway interrupted Zuo Zhong's memories. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, his face regaining its composure.

On the tarmac, Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang, Shen Dongxin and others looked at the slowly taxiing plane and smiled.

 The deputy director is back,

 Some people are in trouble.

 (Please read the author’s words)

Who still remembers Zuo Zhong’s dream when he was spying on the Japanese tomb robbers in Ningbo? Some things can only be passed by in passing. Firstly, there are risks. Secondly, because it is not the main line, it feels uncomfortable to dance with shackles on.



 (End of this chapter)

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