Cicada Moving

Chapter 751: Don't worry about anything, be cautious when something happens

Chapter 751: Don’t worry about anything, be cautious when something happens

 Jinling, Qilu.

Zuo Zhong put his general hat on the crook of his arm and stood respectfully in the center of the living room waiting for the arrival of the bald lady, not daring to relax at all.

He came to see him in the middle of the night. Fortunately, the guard knew that he had served as a personal guard for the bald man and had contributed to his rescue.

This makes the officer on duty risk being scolded to report, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible, even if he has urgent business to report.

After waiting in silence for more than half an hour, the Qilu was quiet and no one came to greet him, a little colonel.

Zuo Chongyan looked at his nose and heart, and was too lazy to make any oath such as thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, so he continued to wait patiently.

 He knew that the bald lady would never go out to meet people without makeup, and she would also have to change into a cheongsam, which would take about an hour each time.

But the one who is in danger is her husband. Others are not in a hurry, and he is even less anxious. At worst, he can contribute more to the banquet.

 Twenty minutes later.

The bald lady, combing her hair in a bun, gracefully walked down from the second floor of Qilu, and slowly moved to the living room with a few maids.

Hearing the sound, Zuo Zhong immediately took out a chili pepper from the space and threw it into his mouth. The strong spicy stimulation immediately made him sweat profusely.

 To run errands in the party-state and the government, you may not know how to be a person or do things, but you must be able to act, so that you will have a future.

The bald lady entered the house and saw Zuo Zhong, who was dripping sweat from his forehead and the tip of his nose with a frightened expression, and immediately asked with a smile.

“It’s Zuo Zhong’a, what’s the matter? For work-related matters, you can just contact the chairman and Chunfeng. You don’t need to report to me.”


Zuo Zhong quickly saluted and said hello, but did not answer her question immediately. Instead, he looked at the female servants with a confused look on his face.

Upon seeing this, the bald lady knew that what he was about to say was a confidential matter, so she whispered to her followers to go to the door and not come in without an order.

Soon there was no one else in the living room. Zuo Zhong took two steps closer, leaned over slightly, and spoke anxiously in a voice that only two people could hear.

“Madam, Zhang Yang mutinied, and the whereabouts of the Chairman are unknown. This is the information sent back from Chang’an an hour ago. It is very accurate.”

This news was like a bolt from the blue. The bald lady's hand softened while she was drinking water, and the water glass fell to the carpet with a muffled sound.


The maid outside heard the sound and opened the door. She looked at Zuo Zhong warily and asked softly whether the bald lady needed to call the guards.

"Get out! You all get out! No one is allowed in. Call Minister Song immediately and ask Minister Song to come to my place. Hurry, be sure to hurry."

The bald lady has seen the big world, and she quickly calmed down, knowing that now was not the time to panic, and she must stay calm.

The only people she can trust now are her relatives and Zuo Zhong who came to report. Others may hope that their husbands will die and live in peace.

For example, Mr. Wang, this person has always been very ambitious. He has been eyeing the chairman's throne for a day or two, and he has also formed a reorganization faction.

Once the other party learns of this, they are likely to stand up and fight for power. By then, the situation will get worse and even implicate the leader.

"Be careful, I will tell you to be cautious."

The bald lady quickly thought about the current situation, tried her best to put on a smile, and communicated with Zuo Zhong in a kind tone.

 Zuo Zhong has nothing to do, but he is cautious when things happen. He goes forward when using people and doesn’t use people backward. He is worthy of being a couple with a bald head, Zuo Zhong secretly complained.

But on the surface he pretended to be flattered and replied with an excited expression: "It is a humble honor for my wife to be able to call you a humble word.

 Please rest assured that the Secret Service will always be loyal to the leader and his wife. I have arranged for personnel to go to Mr. Wang for close surveillance.

As long as the person named Wang has evil thoughts, we can launch a thunderous strike at any time to eradicate this traitor who has repeatedly colluded with Japanese spies. "

 You cannot dye the top red with the blood and lives of ordinary people. You can use traitors and traitors. Zuo Zhong has no psychological barriers at all.

 “Okay, you’re ready.”

The bald lady over there felt a huge stone in her heart. With the help of the Secret Service, the situation in Jinling was half stabilized.

As for the other half of the political struggle, that was beyond the scope of the secret service. She thought for a few minutes and was ready to listen to Zuo Zhong's opinion.

“Shen Zhi, the Chairman of the General Assembly has repeatedly praised you as an intelligence expert in the government. You are loyal and alert, and you are a trustworthy person.

 The situation of the leader is unknown now. I am worried that the top leaders of the government and the military will have different opinions. How to deal with this matter? Please tell me your opinion. "

 This begins to win over people’s hearts.

 These old ladies are not simple.

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes and spoke out the plan he had thought of for a long time: "Madam, I have a few immature ideas for your reference.

I think the top priority is to find out whether the chairman is safe. This can be done in two ways, light and dark, and a two-pronged approach.

I wonder if you remember He Yijun, who killed the cook of Tangshan Sanatorium to avenge her parents. She is currently collecting intelligence in Chang'an.

 She has carried out missions behind enemy lines many times and has rich experience. With her as a hidden line, we will soon know what happened.

On the bright side, Australian reporter Duan Na, who is an adviser to the chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party of China, has known the old marshal and the young marshal for many years and has a close friendship.

Can you please ask him to go to Chang'an, as a bridge of communication between the two sides, and even persuade the young marshal to step back from the brink and not make the same mistake again and again? "

 “Yes, Mr. Donner.”

The bald lady’s eyes lit up and she clapped her hands excitedly: “He has a good personal relationship with both parties, and both parties can listen to his words.

 Furthermore, Duna is a foreigner and does not have too many factional entanglements in the country. He is indeed a representative acceptable to all parties.

Miss He is also very good. She endured humiliation and heavy burdens at a young age to avenge her parents. She is a role model for women in our country.

I feel relieved to let her collect information. Shen Zhong, please tell me if you have any other ideas. I will leave Darling's safety to you. "

 “Yes, ma’am.”

Zuo Zhong stood at attention, straightened his chest, and continued to report: "Things in the army are not difficult. The leader and the Huangpu officers have a teacher-student relationship.

 These people have served as officers at all levels in the army after graduation. They are an important force that cannot be ignored and must be appeased as much as possible.

As long as you can guarantee that their original status, military pay, promotion and other benefits will not change for the time being, I don't think they will act rashly.

As for politics, I don’t know much about the situation from my humble position, but my old principal Zhu Jiahua is loyal to the chairman and has a wide network of contacts.

With your permission, Madam, I would like to see Mr. Zhu and ask him to contact a group of knowledgeable people to stop the actions of some ambitious people. "

At this point, Zuo Zhong glanced at the attentive bald lady, took a deep breath, and made a somewhat dangerous suggestion.

“Finally, if it is confirmed that the leader is safe and the young commander intends to resolve the matter peacefully, I will boldly ask my wife to go to Chang’an.

I think the person the Chairman wants to see most at this time must be you. Your visit can bring great spiritual comfort to the Chairman.

 In addition, the leader has always had a tough personality, and when he suddenly encountered Zhang Yang's mutiny, the low-level student was afraid that he would be distracted for a while, and thus..."

 Hence what,

Of course it was self-commitment.

Although Zuo Zhong didn't finish what he said, the bald lady knew very well how honorable her husband was. If his subordinates rebelled, it would be a slap in his face.

Even if the person is safe and sound, the mental shock alone is difficult for the other party to accept, and the person may act impulsively unwisely. She looked at Zuo Zhong with pleasure. At this time, she was still thinking about the chairman. After all, he was a little fellow countryman who knew everything about him, and he was different from others.

No wonder her husband has always used people from his hometown. Now she understands the reason. When things happen, she can feel free to use her own people.

 Far and near, close and distant,

 They are all about employing people.

After pondering for a moment, the bald lady decided to do what Zuo Zhong said and start from three aspects: intelligence, politics, and military.

“Shen Zhong, go and tell Zhu Jiahua that the news of the mutiny can’t be kept secret for long, please ask him to do his best in view of Darling’s past.”

 Mr. Duan Na, I will contact the Huangpu officer. Without further ado, I will ask someone to prepare a generous gift for you to bring when you visit later.

If you have any news, come directly to Qilu to report to me. When Jinling is stable, I will go to Chang'an to face the greatest danger in my life with the Chairman. "

 After saying this, she wiped away her tears. Zuo Zhong could not persuade him, nor could he dissuade him, so he had no choice but to decisively activate his flattery skills to show his loyalty.

He talks a lot about repaying the work of dogs and horses, and about motherly benevolence to the world. Anyway, good words don't cost money. If you are willing to listen, he can talk for a day.

 “Little sister, what happened?”

While the two were talking, Minister Song, the brother of the bald lady, came with a tired look. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his sister who was crying.

This made the God of Wealth of the Government feel nervous, and he quickly asked the reason. Then he saw Zuo Zhong beside him and asked again: "Who is this?"

“Reporting to Minister Song, my humble position is Zuo Zhong, deputy director of the Special Affairs Division of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. I have just reported an important piece of information to my wife.”

Zuo Zhong didn't say much. He couldn't overstep his authority on some private matters, and he had no obligation to report to the Minister of Finance on public matters.


The bald lady called Minister Song with red eyes and took him to the next door, probably revealing relevant news and plans.

Zuo Zhong vaguely heard Minister Song exclaim, and then there was no movement in the room, and the living room fell into silence.

 Minister Song walked out a few minutes later with an ugly face. Thinking of the serious consequences of the mutiny, he actually vented his anger on Zuo Zhong.

"Why did your Secret Service handle such a big matter so badly that it didn't receive intelligence in advance? I think Dai Chunfeng is out of his mind."


 When you say you have a falling out, you fall out.

You are a dog, right?

Zuo Zhong cursed secretly and explained respectfully: "Minister Song, I have been handling smuggling cases since I came back from Europe.

Last night, I deduced from the daily reports of the past two days that Zhang Yang might have something unusual, and immediately sent a warning message to Director Dai.

Not long after the telegram was sent, Zhang Yang took action boldly. Our intelligence officers in Chang'an learned about it and reported it as quickly as possible.

In order to prevent commotion, the Secret Service has made corresponding arrangements for Mr. Wang, Minister He, Er Chen and the Jinling Police Department. "

 Have advance warning.

 Be prepared afterwards.

 No one is qualified to accuse Zuo Zhong of dereliction of duty. Mutiny is not a treat. It is not easy for the Secret Service to issue early warning.

They are not roundworms in the stomachs of Zhang and Yang. If they decide to rebel, they will not publicize it widely and let the whole world know.

Moreover, with the lessons learned from the Japanese mutiny, even Zuo Zhong had to admit that the other party's confidentiality work was very good.

That is to say, a young man like Minister Song who cannot distinguish the situation will blame the Secret Service. This is simply pushing the ally to the enemy.

To put it bluntly, if it were not for the overall situation, whoever Zuo Zhong supports now would be able to ascend to the position above ten thousand people.

 “Okay, brother.”

The bald lady glared at Minister Song angrily, feeling a little helpless. She looked at Zuo Zhong, who was still respectful, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She understood that apart from her status as the chairman's wife, she currently had no soldiers, and if she wanted to stabilize the situation, she would have to rely on the Secret Service.

Minister Song, who was interrupted, may have thought of this, his face instantly turned red, he turned around and coughed a few times to cover up his loss.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward. Zuo Zhong felt that there was no need to stay in Qilu any longer, as this would only make the Song brothers and sisters feel uncomfortable.

 A great favor turns into an enmity,

 Take it as soon as you see fit.

He immediately said goodbye. The reason was to convince Zhu Jiahua. No matter how much he talked, it was useless. He had to use practical actions to make the other party believe in him.

The bald lady smiled and agreed, and asked the servants to bring many expensive gifts. One was for the visit, and the other was a special reward.

 She does not reward meritorious deeds, and fails to do good deeds; she does not answer questions about treachery, but commits cruelty for evil deeds. From this point of view, she is much smarter than Minister Song.

Zuo Zhong walked backwards out of the living room, put the gifts in the trunk, started the car, and headed straight to the home of his dearest old principal.

 As for Dai Chunfeng,


Who is that?

Thousands of miles away, Lao Dai had no time to care about his proud disciple's thoughts. He stood at General Yang's mansion for a while and then was taken to the Xincheng Building.

This place is where the Chang'an Peace Office is located. The entire building is made of cement and can be called a copper wall. It is very suitable for detaining prisoners.

Dai Chunfeng was very worried. He didn't know how the young commander would deal with him as a spy. Every step he took felt like he was getting closer to the underworld.

  When he arrived outside the east wing of the building, a familiar voice sounded inside: "You rebels, beat me to death!"


 The leader is not dead.

Dai Chunfeng didn't know where he got the strength, he broke free from the restraints of the soldiers beside him, pushed open the door, rushed in and threw himself at someone's feet.

“The students had just been kidnapped by the rebels, and they felt that they were not far from death. They wanted to die as martyrs, but they had not seen the leader, and they were unwilling to do so.

Now that I know that the principal is fine, I can rest in peace even if I die on the spot. Please take care of yourself to avoid being harmed by evil spirits. "

He hit the ground with his fist and cried with tears in his eyes, looking like a loyal minister and filial son. It really made those who heard it cry and those who listened were sad.

As a result, the bald man yelled loudly after hearing this: "Mother Xipi, you didn't come when it was time to come. Why are you here now? Get out of here right now."

I have given so much funding to the Secret Service, but you don’t even know about such a big thing as Zhang Ni and Yang Ni’s rebellion. I am really disappointed. "

 “Principal, principal.”

Dai Chunfeng knew that this matter was related to his family and life, so he hurriedly explained: "Shen Ji sent a warning before the mutiny, and the students also want to inform you.

 But the communications in the city are controlled by the rebels. Before I could leave the city, Zhang's people broke in. Please believe what the students say.

 Don't worry, Shen finally didn't receive my reply message. He must know that something happened in Chang'an, and the counter-insurgency team may be on the way. "

Before Lao Dai could finish speaking, the soldier covered his mouth and punched him on the head several times. Director Dai suddenly had panda eyes.

The bald man said nothing, just watching his confidant being forcibly dragged away, his face expressionless and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Principal of the school, students will swear loyalty to the death and will never disobey~" Dai Chunfeng's hoarse shouts outside the door slowly faded away until they disappeared.

  (I was screened once at 12 o’clock)

 It was blocked once. It’s not that there were no updates, and the author had nothing to do. He had been very careful.

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