Cicada Moving

Chapter 756: Mentor (Harmonious Version)

Chapter 756 Mentor (Harmonious Edition)

Zuo Zhong did not go to Baldhead after all, just because Mrs. Baldhead and the young marshal had not reached consensus on certain things and aspects.

 Especially General Yang, another organizer of the military remonstrance, did not believe that Baldhead would stop the civil war and was too lazy to participate in the peace talks.

This veteran warrior, who was born as a swordsman, firmly believed that instead of wasting time talking, it would be better to kill the bald head and replace him with a committee chairman.

  If you don’t change the head, then change the person.

It's also a solution.

Zuo Zhong stood outside the door of the conference room of Xijing Guesthouse and listened for a while, looked at the time, and went to the toilet calmly.

After returning, he gently knocked on the door of the conference room and walked in. He said a few words beside the bald lady. The other party looked up in surprise.

Zuo Zhong nodded affirmatively, looked at the young marshal and the underground party representative again, walked out and continued to wait outside.

 Inside the house.

Watching him leave, the bald lady thought for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, she took out her handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes and said to the young marshal.

“Thank you, Marshal, for your mercy and saving the life of the Chairman. I want to go to the Xincheng Building to have a look, but I don’t know if it’s possible.”

The young marshal did not expect that the other party would find out about the Xincheng Building. He pondered for a moment and promised that even if the peace talks failed, it would not affect their meeting.

Taking this kind of thing to threaten others is a hooligan act. Even if there is a result from the negotiation, someone will not be convinced, which is putting the cart before the horse.

The joint anti-Japanese war is not about division of power or who wins and who loses. What is pursued is the unity of the Kuomintang party, the underground party and all patriots.

 Subsequently, he formally put forward the underground party’s proposition, which included several demands, all based on solutions to various current contradictions.

 The Marshal explained the reasons for proposing these conditions, and also explained that if the party can accept and guarantee the implementation of the above conditions.

 He will personally accompany someone back to Jinling City. He does this out of pure patriotism and has no selfish ideas.


 Divisions remain.

What Mrs. Baldhead means is that the conditions should not be mentioned for the time being. Chang'an will release the people first, and then wait for Baldhead to return to Jinling to complete these requirements step by step.

The reason is that Bald is in poor health, and the current situation in Jinling is delicate. Minister He and others may launch a rebellion at any time to clear the emperor's side.

The reason is very good, but the young commander does not believe in Bald's character at all, indicating that he can only be released if the requirements are fulfilled, otherwise there will be no discussion.

This is already a big concession. After all, the leader has done too many things of burning bridges, duplicity, and not keeping his words.

 The two sides talked about it late at night on the 22nd.

 Still no results.

The impetuous young marshal could no longer bear it and walked away. Before leaving, he asked his subordinates to "escort" the bald lady to the New City Building.

 The underground party representative didn’t say anything. He also wanted to go back to contact the party organization in the northwest to report on today’s tripartite negotiations.

Just when he was going out, he glanced at Zuo Zhong standing solemnly at the door, and he became more vigilant about this big spy leader of the Fruit Party.

 The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

He has heard the name of the Secret Service more than once, and he even knows the missions that this intelligence agency has performed better than Baldhead.

Different from the literati and gangsters at the Secret Service Headquarters, the Secret Service staff are very professional, very aggressive, and extremely combat-effective.

 Beiping, Jinling, Shanghai, Ningbo, Germany, Manchukuo, and Tokyo, all forces failed to take advantage of them.

  What is noteworthy is that these tasks are all directed by the young people in front of him, which proves that the other party is a dangerous person.

The first time we interacted with him today, this person exposed him and the young marshal in an unexpected place. It seemed that he was coming with bad intentions.


 Not an easy character to deal with.

This is the underground party representative’s initial impression of Zuo Zhong, and since he came to Chang’an at this time, he must be someone’s most trusted confidant.

Since the 21st year of the Republic of China, in just four years, this person has been promoted from a white-coated man with outstanding merit to a colonel and deputy director of the Secret Service.

So it’s understandable to be so foolish and loyal, but it’s a pity that he didn’t realize the difference between small loyalty and big loyalty, and became an accomplice of evil.

After leaving the Xijing guest house, the underground party representative tactfully reminded the young marshal and suggested sending someone to monitor Zuo Zhong's every move.

The young marshal was very upset and agreed casually. The underground party representative couldn't say much, so he sighed secretly and left.

after an hour.

The bald lady put on a new cheongsam, and, accompanied by Zuo Zhong and armed personnel of the Northeast Army, got into a car and headed to the Xincheng Building.

On the road, no one said a word, the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, and the footsteps of patrols could be heard from time to time deep in the dark streets.

And the closer we get to the destination, the denser the sounds become, even to the point where there is a checkpoint every few hundred meters.

Zuo Zhong silently memorized the weapons, equipment, number of people, defensive measures, etc. of these people in order to better answer the bald head's inquiry.

It is impossible to save people. For the future of the whole nation, we can only ask the Chairman to stay here for a while longer.

He did this out of consideration for the other party. Throughout his bald life, the wisest decision he made was to join forces to fight against Japan.


Not long after, the car finally stopped at the downstairs of the Xincheng Building. Zuo Zhong jumped out of the car and opened the door for the bald lady.

The bald lady looked excited and hurriedly walked into the building, led by a low-ranking officer to a certain location on the first floor.

As a result, just two steps away, screams of pain, roar, and resentment came from a room, which startled everyone.

Just when Zuo Zhong thought he had touched something unclean again, a familiar Jiangshan curse word suddenly froze him on the spot.     "Begasha, traitor, traitor."

 “I am at odds with you.”

 “Leader, students take the first step.”


Before he finished speaking, he heard someone banging against the wall. Several guards quickly opened the door and rushed in, crackling and fighting.

Zuo Zhong blinked. It was strange that the person inside sounded so like a cheap teacher, but why his voice was so hoarse.

Before he could figure it out, the man who was beaten began to curse Marshal Yang and General Yang again, and called himself the director of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation of the National Government.

Now he was sure that his most beloved mentor was not dead, but was just detained. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong let out a roar.

 “Teacher, my mentor!”

He entered the room with a quick stride and saw Dai Chunfeng, a man of influence in Jinling City, lying on the cement floor with his nose and face swollen after being beaten.

  Why do I often have tears in my eyes? It’s because I love my teacher so deeply. Zuo Zhong pushed aside the crowd and helped Dai Chunfeng up.

“Teacher, this is Shen Zhong. The student has come to Chang’an from Jinling to rescue you. You must hold on and call for a doctor soon.

Director Dai and the young marshal are old acquaintances, but now they just have different political opinions. If something happens to Director Dai, you will both have to go around in pain. "

The soldiers who were beating were in trouble. After hesitating for a moment, they felt that what he said made sense. They couldn't afford to interfere in the affairs of big shots.

One of them reacted and hurriedly ran out to call for help. It’s hard to say whether he was really worried or not, but at least he was able to save his face.

 “Be careful and careful, you are here.”

Over there, Dai Chunfeng tried his best to open his swollen eyes. When he saw Zuo Zhong with a sad face, tears fell from the corners of his eyes and he gave instructions.

"Hurry up and save the Chairman, don't worry about me. It's Dai's honor to be able to leave one by one now. It's Dai's honor to be able to devote himself to the party and the country."

 The leader must be taken away safely. The country can be without me, but it must not be without the leader. From now on, the situation will be left to you. "

Lao Dai is like a cuckoo crying for blood. His words are full of loyalty, which makes people feel sad. He has obviously reached the level of flattery.

Older gingers are more spicy,

 A teacher is a teacher.

Zuo Zhong tried his best not to laugh out loud. He thought to himself that if these few words were heard by the bald head, the teacher might not arrange for you to hit the mountain.

While suppressing laughter, he lifted Dai Chunfeng onto the stool and explained sadly: "Teacher, don't worry, I'm here with my wife.

 The Marshal accepted Jinling’s request for peace talks. In the afternoon, his wife also met with representatives of the underground party and conducted tripartite consultations.

They made a series of demands. As long as the Chairman agrees to join forces to resist Japan, we will be able to return to Jinling safely in a few days. "

 “What, peace talks!”

Dai Chunfeng, who had recovered a little, narrowed his panda eyes and cursed viciously: "An ungrateful person has the nerve to make conditions with the Chairman.

Does this person have no sense of shame at all? If he were not a leader, Zhang should have died to apologize for the loss of land in the Northeast a few years ago.

This matter will not end like this. The young marshal, Yang, and the underground party will not be able to escape. Dai will definitely take revenge. Ouch~~. "

He scratched the wound on his face before he could finish his cruel words. The severe pain made him immediately cover his cheek and take a breath of cold air.

 About shamelessness?

Then who can be better than the Chairman?

Zuo Zhong complained quietly, turned his head to look in the direction of the door, and whispered: "Teacher, you only know one thing but not the other.

After Minister He learned about the Chang'an Incident, he organized a group of scum in the army and created a **** white-robed army to attack Chang'an.

Had the students not realized that the situation was not good and arranged intelligence personnel to monitor the Jinling garrison and certain people, I am afraid that the party, the country, and the world would have lost their surname.

 In order to save the lives of you, the Chairman of the Generalissimo and other officers, peace talks with the rebels are a last resort. Please calm down. "

 The person named He will be Cao Cao.

 What a courage!

Dai Chunfeng cursed loudly when he heard the news, as if he wanted to fly back to Jinling immediately to expose the opponent's wolfish ambitions face to face.

Not far away, in the east wing, there was also a person who was angry. A certain bald man gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

“He Jingzhi, He Jingzhi, you are so disappointing. I have promoted and reused you many times, but you are not grateful but want to kill me.

 Thanks to Shen Zhong's decisive handling, Jinling was successfully controlled. Otherwise, you would have succeeded. It can be seen that destiny is on my side. "

 After speaking, a trace of disdain flashed on his gloomy face, and he immediately ignored the matter, not paying attention to Minister He at all.

 He was sure that as long as he came back safely, the other person would be the first to fall at his feet and beg for forgiveness, and there would be no second possibility.

 A dog will always be a dog,

 You cannot change a person.

The bald lady opposite heard her husband say this and nodded. It was indeed thanks to Zuo Zhong’s prompt decision, otherwise it would have been unthinkable.

Thinking of this, she suggested agreeing to the rebels' request as soon as possible and waiting until the mutiny was over. Then she lowered her voice and whispered.

"Darling, a country cannot live without a king for a day. He's behavior is just a sign of scabies. I'm afraid more people will have thoughts that they shouldn't have."

"Okay, I understand the matter. You go and talk to them about the details. I want to rest." The bald man snorted coldly, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

 There is a way of dealing with things called settling accounts after the fall.

 He has a lot of patience.

There are still 1 to 2 chapters to end this plot, and then the war of resistance begins.



 (End of this chapter)

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