Cicada Moving

Chapter 759: Prepare(1)

Chapter 759 Preparation (1)

  A few hours later.

The meeting room of the Secret Service was buzzing with people. Gu Qi was holding a large plate of peanuts and melon seeds, and from time to time he would grab a handful and throw them to everyone and said with a smile.

“Happy Gregorian New Year, everyone has worked hard this year. I bought these personally. I will eat them first and go to Dehe Tower together in the evening.

Lao Bai knew that the deputy director returned to Beijing and insisted on inviting us to a banquet. Since the dignified Jinling Police Chief has a little face, he still has to give us a little face.

It is said that he prepared more than a dozen bottles of 20-year-old Nuerhong alone. Chunyang, you should drink more when the time comes to get rid of the coldness on your body. "

  “Well, it’s true that it’s good to get rid of bad luck.”

Wu Chunyang, who had just been discharged from the hospital a few days ago, stood beside the stool and replied helplessly. The gauze on his buttocks was clearly visible.

“Haha, Chunyang, tell me, how many times has this happened to you, and your **** hurts every time? Next time you might as well buy an iron pot and carry it on your back.”

The bald Gui Youguang was chewing melon seeds in his mouth, his eyes swept over Wu Chunyang's well-tested buttocks, he laughed and joked.

Everyone was leaning forward and backward with joy, and the veteran Song Minghao said something else: "Chief Wu's **** is really lucky."

Ha ha ha ha

Just when the conference room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, Zuo Zhong opened the door and walked in. The agents quickly stopped their smiles and sat upright.

Zuo Zhong looked at his subordinates who were trying to suppress their laughter expressionlessly, then raised his feet and came to Wu Chunyang's side. After a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled.

“I have applied to the Military Commission to receive honors for you. I heard that there is a new Medal of Precious Hips. In my opinion, you are the most qualified person.

Try to get a few more and hang them on the injured area when performing missions in the future. Maybe they can also play a bulletproof role, don't you think so? "


Shen Dongxin was drinking tea. When he heard this, he spit out the tea in his mouth. Wu Jingzhong opposite him immediately became a drowned rat.

Since Lao Dai was detained by the British while performing a mission in the port city, and Wu Chunyang was injured, the Secret Service has not been so relaxed for a long time.

The way of civil and military affairs is easy to break if it is stretched for a long time, so Zuo Zhong saw everyone joking and didn't say much.

 After a while, the conference room slowly returned to silence. Everyone looked at Zuo Zhong above them with bright eyes, ready to obey orders.

They understand that if there was no important task, the deputy director would not mobilize so many troops and call so many people here.

Large operations usually mean great achievements. Gu Qi and others who did not participate in the Northeast and Tokyo missions were even more excited.

 “Yijun, distribute the information.”

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette and turned to He Yijun, who had just returned from Chang'an and nodded.

A document bag with top secret written on it was immediately placed on the table. Everyone seriously opened the seal and took out the documents from inside.

“In 1936, Japan’s actual total national budget was 2.28 billion yen, and the navy and army budget was 1.078 billion yen, accounting for 47.3%.”

“In 1937, Japan’s total national planning budget was 4.74 billion yen, and its navy and army expenditure budget was 3.27 billion yen, accounting for 69% of the total.”

The document listed two strings of numbers at the beginning, and the hearts of those present were tense. They were all veterans of intelligence and knew what this represented.

 Generally speaking, such an obvious increase in the proportion of military expenditure is naturally to prepare for the war, and the Japanese are ready to take action.

Gucci looked down with a livid face and found that in addition to macroeconomics, the Japanese were also prepared for war in terms of industry.

 As of December 1936, the Japanese government had issued military purchase orders of more than 5 billion yen to private industrial and equipment companies.

 There are 110 private companies designated to receive military orders, including chaebols with strong capital such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo.

 The old chaebol’s military investment accounts for 14% to 26% of the total capital, while the new chaebol’s military investment accounts for 50% to 95% of the total capital.

The Japanese government is consciously supporting military enterprises and developing the military industry. In doing so, there is no other possibility except launching a war.

 In addition, the Japanese government has called on the people to live frugally and reduce unnecessary expenditures, and to purchase war bonds is also a new measure taken by the Japanese government.

 Open source,


The enemy is using a two-pronged approach to accumulate energy for the upcoming war of aggression, but the National Government is still living in a dream.

 No matter industry, agriculture, or the military were not ready, everyone was intoxicated in the illusory golden decade.

For example, the most popular profession in the Republic of China was not a soldier or a teacher, but a stock manager in Shanghai. It is evident that people are distracted.

 But do we rely on stocks to fight the war? Short buying and selling cannot save the country or the nation. The only thing that increases is meaningless numbers.

At the end of the document is a photo of a huge warship in the process of laying its keel. The dense welding lights on it are chilling.

Everyone was silent after reading the document, including Gui Youguang, who usually laughed and laughed all day long, because such a battle was impossible to fight.

 “You’ve seen it all.”

Zuo Zhong put out the cigarette butt, pointed at the map of the Republic of China on the wall and sighed: "What a great river and mountain, but it's a pity that it can't be peaceful for long.

The Japanese are fighting hard, and everyone knows what they are thinking. However, the leaders need to consider the impact and are not in a position to openly negotiate with Japan.

 But we cannot wait. The Secret Service is the sharpest spear and the last shield of the government. It must do its work at the front. "

  At this point, he stared into the eyes of the people present: "In order to predict the enemy ahead of time, I am going to make some adjustments to the local district stations.

Especially, there will be a big change in the intelligence system that I am in charge of. You are all my old subordinates, so I will say some things directly. "

The members of the Intelligence Section from Gu Qi on down knew that what the Deputy Director was going to say next would be of great importance, and they immediately stood up and held their chests high.

 They are the deputy director’s people,

 The entire Secret Service knows.

Over there, Zuo Zhong stretched out a finger and said word by word: "The first thing is to rotate the intelligence team agents in all districts and stations in the country.

 The specific principle of rotation is that those in the interior will go to the coast, those in the south will go to the north, and those in prosperous areas will go to remote places. Do you understand? The purpose of this is simple. If the local area falls, the newly arrived personnel will have less contact with the local area, making it easier to hide and perform tasks.

For the same reason, the leadership, field staff, and internal staff of the same district station must be dispersed and distributed, and the original network of contacts must be completely cut off.

To avoid a situation where one person is arrested and everyone on the line is exposed, we must learn from other underground parties on this point. "

 I will only give you three months to complete this work. Each unit must take the opportunity to screen the relevant personnel one by one, and no one shall be exempted. "


The agents suddenly stood up and responded to the order. Such a big move was related to the pre-war arrangements for the Sino-Japanese war, and no one dared to take it lightly.

Zuo Zhong pressed his hands and asked everyone to sit down, and continued: "The second thing is to establish supply points and safe houses in major cities.

 A certain number of guns, radios, and dangerous goods must be stored in the material point. After the fall, there is no need to call from the headquarters in case of special circumstances.

 You know how powerful Japan’s intelligence agencies are, and it will be very difficult to find these things on the other side’s territory.

 As the old saying goes, be prepared for danger. The gap in strength between China and Japan is too big. We must prepare for the worst and make the most pessimistic preparations.

There are only two requirements for the storage point. One is that the location must be hidden. I don’t want the weapons I finally raised to be discovered and stolen.

 Second, materials must be waterproof and moisture-proof, especially radio stations. Once electronic equipment is soaked in water, it will be troublesome to repair it.

 Small parts such as tubes, resistors, and capacitors have always been controlled items. Buying them on the market is tantamount to suicide. "

Everyone nodded when they heard the sound.

These things are really sensitive.

 The wastes in No. 1 like to hang around the electrical equipment stores in Jinling, following strange buyers to find suspicious persons.

 Over the past few years, many underground parties have been recruited. This is a lesson learned. Stocking up on important parts in advance can effectively avoid this situation.

At the same time, the storage of weapons and ammunition is also a matter of great knowledge. There must be no mistakes in oil seals and packaging. Mistakes will cause rust.

Different from rusting cold weapons, guns rusting is equivalent to being scrapped. Using such weapons to fight the Japanese is not as satisfying as committing suicide.

 “As for the safe house”

Zuo Zhong paused, thought for a long time and shook his head: "Currently, the national government's fiscal deficit is serious, and the funds allocated are getting less and less.

If conditions permit, I think it would be best to buy the house and send someone to clean it and repair it, without having any vertical connection with the local district station.

  After all, the uncertainty of renting a house is too great, which is not conducive to lurking for a long time. We have no time to deal with those landlords who are only interested in profit.

Moreover, renting a house cannot make large-scale modifications to the internal structure, which is a fatal flaw. It is not a safe house if it does not even have a secret room.

Let's do the work. I'll figure out a way to make the money. Why don't you meet Lao Bai more often? I'm sure he won't have any objections. "

Everyone was happy. In the case of the smugglers attacking Wu Chunyang, Lao Bai made a lot of mistakes. He was probably eager to lose money and avoid disaster.

 Take it from the people and use it for the people.

 It’s not a loss.

With the next work clarified, Zuo Zhong asked Gu Qi and Gui Youguang to stay, then announced the meeting was adjourned, and the agents dispersed in a hurry.

After everyone had finished walking, he called Gui Youguang aside and asked in a low voice: "Has the secret tunnel on Jisi Feier Road been dug? Will there be any problems?"

"No, I made multiple supports and smoothed the surrounding areas with cement. It won't be a problem for it to last a hundred years." Gui Youguang assured, patting his chest.

 “Okay, I believe you.”

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and glanced at him: "But military law is strict. If something goes wrong, you kid, don't blame me for being unkind.

Alright, go back and make a list of the people who participated in the excavation. From now on, this group of people will try not to go out on field missions and just work in the headquarters.

 Don't give them a chance to be captured or reveal secrets. Keep an eye on this matter. Go ahead and report any problems to me. "

Gui Youguang saluted, turned and left the conference room. Seeing this, Gu Qi slowly approached and asked a question in a puzzled tone.

“Deputy Director, are the sources of this information reliable? You are making a big move against the personnel of the district station. There are inevitably people in the department who say strange things.

I'm afraid that the Japanese will launch war later than you predict, and Zheng Tingbing, Li Qiwu and others will definitely cause trouble.

These two people have repeatedly criticized the work of the Intelligence Section while you were away. They have sinister hearts and we must guard against them. "

 “Well, I understand your concerns.”

As Zuo Zhong said, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Gu Qi, and said seriously: "I will tell you even if you don't ask, this is a specific briefing.

 Economic information was obtained by Hayashi Fuichiro. This guy became prosperous after rescuing Kantaro Suzuki during the 226th Mutiny.

Relying on the recommendation of his father and Suzuki, he successfully entered the cabinet work and is currently serving as the Secretary Section Chief in the Minister's Office of the Ministry of Finance.

Mainly responsible for statistics on various aspects of the Japanese economy and reporting to the Minister of Finance. His official position is not very high, but he has access to top-secret information.

The photos of warships were obtained by Ryosuke Hase. Hase’s position also changed and he was promoted to deputy director of the intelligence department of the consulate.

 The identities of the two of them are top secret, especially Chang Gu. Only a few people in the bureau and division know the situation, so you must keep it confidential. "

Gu Qi suddenly realized that the seeds sown by the deputy director were finally about to sprout, and they might play a greater role in the future.

The higher the positions of Fuichiro Hayashi and Ryosuke Hase, the easier it is for our side to collect intelligence. In the intelligence war, they have the upper hand!

I’m so exhausted today. I climbed a fifth of the mountain and just sat there~



 (End of this chapter)

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