Cicada Moving

Chapter 763: There is still hope

Chapter 763 There is still hope

 July 10th.

In the second-class compartment of the blue steel express train from Jinling to Shanghai, Zuo Zhong, wearing a fake beard and glasses, leaned back on the seat and held a newspaper in his hand.

 This is the "Declaration" issued on the 9th. The headline on the front page is not news or an article, but a huge simple cartoon.

 The content is that a Japanese soldier carrying a gun saluted the commander wearing a command sword and asked: "When did I disappear?"

The words "mere" are full of irony and very pungent, revealing that the disappearance of people in the Lugou Bridge Incident was just a trick of the Japanese army.

 “Haha, that’s interesting.”

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but smile after reading it. These literati of the Republic of China really have two brushes. No wonder the bald man was so angry that he broke his guard.

 Turning to the second page at random, the entire article is a travel note written by a reporter who was ordered to go to Peking to investigate the conflict between Lugou Bridge and Wanping.

The other party took a train from Shanghai to Jinmen East Station and saw Japanese soldiers standing guard at the station. This had never happened before.

 According to the Xinchou Treaty signed between the previous dynasty and Japan, Japan only had the right to garrison troops from Beiping to Shanhaiguan, excluding Tianjin.

By doing this, the Japanese were obviously rushing to transport military supplies shipped by sea in order to prepare for a full-scale invasion of North China and even the Republic of China.

 This is a new situation. The reporters of the Republic of China were so dedicated. The war started the day before yesterday and they rushed to the battlefield yesterday, faster than the agents.

 Why doesn’t this place recruit these people?

 It’s better than the bunch of **** now.

It seems that the Secret Service should pay more attention to the collection of public intelligence in the future, which is both economical and convenient. Just go to the street and buy a newspaper for a few cents.

Zuo Zhong used his nails to make a shallow mark on the word "Jinmen", decided to let Gu Qi follow up on this matter, and then looked down.

When the reporter arrived in Peiping, he saw that the city’s main traffic thoroughfares were piled with sandbags, and heavily armed soldiers and police were on guard at the intersections.

 During the summer vacation, the faculty and staff who stayed in the school organized anti-Japanese support groups and relief groups to hold fund-raising and rescue training activities.

There were also some women's groups that sewed clothes and military shoes for the anti-Japanese soldiers. People's anti-Japanese sentiment was high and demonstrations could be seen everywhere.

 This is a good thing,

  is also a bad thing.

 Thanks to the support of the people, the officers and soldiers on the front line are motivated to fight, and the logistics supplies are sufficient, so they don’t have to worry about going hungry in the middle of the battle.

 The bad thing is that ordinary people do not know any military skills at all and can easily cause unnecessary casualties. The war should be left to more professional people.

 Especially those students in high schools and universities, who have learned so much scientific knowledge, should serve the country with their knowledge.

 You shouldn’t be hit by a bullet worth a few cents and then die in an unknown corner, at least not yet.


 It is the hope of a country.

At this moment, a large number of Japanese students wearing kimonos came from the back of the carriage holding small flags. They must have been on a study tour.

 The Japanese school in Hongkou, Shanghai, likes to organize such activities to increase students’ familiarity with the Republic of China.

 Su Province, Zhejiang Province, Shandong Province, and many cities in the Republic of China have left their footprints, as far as the northwest region.

 After the study tour, these students will record the local humanities, natural resources, customs and other conditions in the form of homework.

This kind of behavior is actually basic intelligence collection, but due to the other party's student status, the Secret Service can only maintain close attention.


 A bunch of wolf cubs!

Zuo Zhong adjusted his glasses, his eyes swept over the Japanese students naturally, and he put the luggage on the seat next to him with his left hand.

 If he guessed correctly, these little devils bought standing tickets to save money, and they were looking for extra empty seats.

So what would a normal Chinese person do when seeing this scene? Naturally, he would do the same thing and occupy his seat in advance.

The level of disguise is reflected in these small details. Anyway, the passengers around him saw him doing this without any surprise.

It just so happened that not long after the Japanese students entered the carriage, a group of Chinese students traveling together also came from the front carriage.

 The surroundings suddenly became quiet,

 Many people raised their concerns,

 You won’t be able to do it.

In the Republic of China, it was very fashionable to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Many students whose families had little assets were willing to spend this money.

  Different from Japanese students, Chinese students go out more to increase their knowledge or to participate in life-saving activities in various cities.

However, after the exchange of fire at Lugou Bridge, anti-Japanese became the topic of greatest concern to all citizens, especially young and energetic students.

 Shanghai students have attacked the Japanese residential area of ​​Hongkou many times. If the two sides meet on the train, they will probably fight.

 As a result, students from China and Japan stood in the aisle with their eyes wide open, glaring at each other, and the atmosphere became tense.

 “Classmates, come on.”

A few seconds later, Zuo Zhong stood up and waved, ignoring the kid who had been standing not far away for a long time, and called a few Chinese students to come and sit next to him.

Not only him, but other passengers, either out of simple patriotic enthusiasm or under pressure, invited the students to sit down.

Just like that, only the Japanese students were left on the train with red faces, embarrassed and resentful at the Chinese people present.

“The Central News Agency sent an urgent message at 10 a.m. that the Japanese army had completed the siege of Wanping City and started shelling the gate tower post at 12 o’clock.”

 The announcement of the express train suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the carriage. People who heard the news had different reactions.

 “Onboard! Onboard!”

The Japanese students shouted together, looking hysterical. After shouting, they looked at the surrounding passengers with provocative eyes.

Unfortunately, before they could enjoy the joy of victory for long, the trumpet rang again, this time the matter was related to the government.

“A division of the Nationalist Government has entered Nanyuan, a strategic military location in the southern suburbs of Peiping. General Song said that he would sacrifice his life to kill the enemy and be worthy of the country.”

 “Long live! Long live!”

This time it was Chinese students who raised their arms and shouted. One young man jumped on his seat and shouted, "Down with Japanese imperialism."

Sitting, standing, and passing Chinese people all echoed, and the shouts were heard above the sound of the train and spread in all directions.

Zuo Zhong also raised his right hand along with the others, becoming more confident about the protracted and cruel war in the future.

 As long as the people's hearts and minds do not die, the Chinese nation will eventually be able to stand up again, but I am afraid that the entire country will become a pool of stagnant water.

With these slogans, the Japanese students left in despair under the leadership of their teachers, and boos immediately broke out in the carriage.

 The Chinese students seemed to have won a battle. Someone took out the harmonica and accordion and performed "March of the Broadsword" for the passengers.

Brothers armed throughout the country

 The day of the war of resistance has arrived

 The day of the war of resistance has arrived

 There are volunteers from the Northeast in front

 There are people from all over the country behind

Our brothers in the war of resistance march forward bravely

 Look at the enemy

 Destroy it, destroy it


  The big knife was used to chop off the heads of the devils.



Accompanied by the passionate singing, the train slowly drove into the Shanghai Railway Station, and the passengers on the platform looked at the Blue Steel Express with excited expressions.

This song was just composed by Shanghai composer Mai Xin at the beginning of this month. Once it was released, it quickly spread all over the country. This song was inspired by the fact that in March, the broadsword team of the 29th Army engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army at Xifengkou, and Japanese corpses were everywhere.

The Japanese tasted the power of the sword for the first time, and the victory of the 29th Army and the heroic deeds of the sword team spread throughout the country.

 But what made countless Shanghai residents angry was that the concession authorities banned the song from being disseminated publicly on the grounds that it promoted ethnic hatred.

  Radio stations are not allowed to play.

 Theatre, no performances allowed,

 In theaters, soundtracks are not allowed.

Although there is no official document in black and white, in fact this song has become a banned song, and many people were sent to the police station for singing.

This is so absurd. The United States, Britain or other imperialists are essentially no different from the Japanese. They are all colonizers.

 What the colonists feared most was, of course, national awakening and nationalism. It was normal for the concession to make such a move.

What is infuriating is that the Shanghai Special City in the Chinese border also suppressed people's anti-Japanese sentiments based on this. It is said that it was an order from the top of Jinling.

 How could conscientious Chinese not be excited to hear the March of the Swords at the sensitive moment of the exchange of fire between China and Japan at Lugou Bridge?


However, when the patrolmen at the train station heard the singing, they were immediately frightened and sweating profusely. They puffed their cheeks and blew their whistles and ran towards the train.

Seeing the actions of these gangsters, a passerby rolled his eyes and secretly stretched out his foot. A patrolman was immediately tripped and flew out.

The remaining patrol policemen did not become trapeze artists, but were blocked by a few white-haired old men who appeared out of nowhere.

 The crowded platform was buzzing with people, and many people followed suit, trying to create chaos to cover the singing martyrs from leaving the train station.

Noises, shouts, scolds, and police whistles suddenly rang out. Taking this opportunity, the passengers in the car gathered around the students and got off the bus.

 “Thank you, gentlemen.”

 “We in China will definitely not perish.”

 “Long live the people.”

The students thanked the kind people, including Zuo Zhong, all over the place, then lowered their heads and left quickly through the chaos.

The patrol police can only watch the other party disappear into the crowd. As for arresting the people who block it, there is a saying that the law does not punish the public.

If dozens or hundreds of people are really arrested today, they will be scolded by public opinion tomorrow and even become scapegoats.

 With a salary of more than ten yuan a month, what kind of life are you playing? Besides, why don’t they hate the Japanese who act arrogantly?

I heard that as soon as the gunfire was fired at Lugou Bridge, the Japanese ronin killed several Peiping patrol policemen. If things continue like this, they will be in danger.

So one party ran fast, and the other deliberately let the water slip. Soon the passengers dispersed in a hurry, and Zuo Zhong followed the flow of people and walked out of the station exit.

 “Hello sir, are you going to drive by car?”

A rickshaw puller in blue cloth pulled the rickshaw up, smiled and said hello in a half-baked Shanghainese dialect.

 “Well, it’s Julaida Road in the French Concession.”

Zuo Zhong whispered a few words and then stepped into the back seat of the foreign car. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and stopped talking. His body seemed a little tired.

Seeing that the guest didn't want to say anything, the driver bent over, raised the handlebars, changed the direction of the car, and ran quickly along the road towards the French Concession.

 Along the way, the prosperity of Shanghai remains the same, not affected by the Sino-Japanese conflict at all.

 Luxury jazz music floated through the streets, and flower sellers hawked their goods everywhere barefoot.

The ladies and ladies continued to paint their eyebrows in red and swagger through the streets wearing sparkling jewelry. Everything was just like before the war started.

The well-dressed gentlemen also did not forget the gentlemanly demeanor, wearing crisp suits and holding civilized sticks in their hands as they walked leisurely with their heads held high.

 Only at the intersection from the Chinese border to the concession, there were a few more lazy French soldiers pretending to be checking, but nothing else changed.

The foreign car passed the checkpoint smoothly, and after another ten minutes, it finally arrived at Julida Road, the core control area of ​​​​the French in Shanghai.

 “There is no need to change the fare.”

Handing out the banknotes, Zuo Zhong picked up his luggage, held his hat and walked into an alley, not caring whether there was anyone following behind him.

He walked back and forth through the complicated alleys, and after a long time he walked into a small hotel called Yunke Lai, where he checked in successfully.

 After carefully checking the room, he lit a cigarette and sat in front of the table, looking at the door and waiting patiently for something.

We waited for a long time, until when it was getting dark, there was a gentle knock on the door, and a gentle female voice immediately sounded.

 “What would you like to have for dinner, sir?”

“I looked at the menu and the door was unlocked.”

Zuo Zhong heard this and replied in a normal tone. It was common for hotels in this era to provide meals. The meals were cheap and relatively hygienic.

Hearing his answer, one person opened the door and entered the room. After closing the door, he quickly came to the table and raised his hand in salute.

"Deputy Director, Wu Chunyang and the brothers outside have checked. There is no problem behind you. It is safe here now. Please rest assured."

"Yea, very good."

Zuo Zhong glanced at the visitor and said with a smile: "Yijun, you came to Shanghai in batches yesterday, there weren't any problems on the way.

Wu Chunyang's skills in pulling foreign cars are getting better and better. When he defeats the Japanese in the future, it will not be a problem for this kid to open a car dealership. "

He made a joke, and then his face suddenly changed: "Tell me about the progress of the mission. The chairman of the committee attaches great importance to this operation."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

He Yijun, who was disguised as a hotel waiter, moved and left the visual range of the window, and then began to answer Zuo Zhong's question.

“The journey went smoothly. Deputy Section Chief Song, Wu Jingzhong, Wu Chunyang, and Gui Youguang arrived safely and used disguised identities to lurk.

 This hotel was purchased a few months ago in accordance with your requirements for a safe house. It is located at a certain distance from the surrounding residences, making it safer to enter and exit.

 The accounts are also very clean and will not attract the attention of the French due to economic disputes. Corresponding improvements have been made both internally and underground. "

 Arrangements for a rainy day,

 Finally it worked.

Zuo Zhong looked at the furnishings in the room and nodded. If the standard of decoration is too high or too bad, it is easy to cause trouble. Now this is good.

The purpose of opening a hotel is to hide, not to make money. Business can be just so-so, otherwise the coming and going of people will not be conducive to confidentiality.

Just as he was thinking about it, He Yijun over there spoke again to introduce the situation: "The movements of the Japanese Navy and Marine Corps have not yet been ascertained.

After the 7th, the Special Higher Education Section of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai launched a large-scale campaign and conducted multiple rigorous searches at the port and HK area.

Our people cannot get close to the target, but Deputy Section Chief Song and Wu Jingzhong have a plan, and relevant information will be sent soon.

As for the person you want us to investigate, he lives not far away. Gui Youguang has opened a tavern nearby and is approaching the target. "

 Special high school search?

Zuo Zhong frowned after hearing this. Has this **** Hase Ryosuke gone crazy? How could he really become the filial son and grandson of Tian Locust?

Why didn't he report it to himself or Gu Qi when he sent people to search the HK area? Or was there a reason why he had to do it?

Zuo Zhong thought silently for a few minutes, and only thought of one possibility, that is, someone from Tokyo was coming, and Chang Gu had no other choice.

If this is the case, Chang Gu’s behavior is understandable. After all, no matter how good the money is, it doesn’t matter how good the money is. If you have money, you must have the life to spend it.

However, this guy spends his days drinking and having fun, and he doesn't worry about being discovered by people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You should think your surname is Li!

 (End of this chapter)

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