Cicada Moving

Chapter 765: War is inevitable

Chapter 765: War is inevitable

 “Fat Tiger, why are you here?”

 Hase Ryosuke glanced around the area and asked nervously in a lowered voice. The current situation is too sensitive and one must be careful.

Although Fat Tiger put on a disguise, if someone from Tokyo recognized him as Okamoto Shigenobu from 226, he would be doomed.

For Okamoto, the chief culprit who incited the riots in Tokyo, the Locust ordered that he be seen alive and dead, and that this person must be killed.

The head of the Residents Committee was implicated and died in the interrogation room of the Super High School. He didn't make enough money and didn't want to die.

 “What are you afraid of? Stay calm.”

 “How courageous is the smuggling tycoon?”

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at him, lit a cigarette and said calmly: "Your business is so big that you even dare to smuggle cigarettes.

They are using warships to transport ship after ship to the Japanese mainland. Do you think your head is too heavy on your neck?

Do you know that I heard the name of the boss Qin Changgu even in Jinling? He is known as Song Gongming in Shanghai, and his hands and eyes can reach the sky, right?

 I'll give you a chance to explain why you made this stall so big and whether you need our help in evacuating it. "

 After all, they have cooperated for so long. Changgu has no blood debt and has also produced a lot of high-value information. Zuo Zhong will not leave Zuo Zhong alone.

At worst, we can find a boat to send him to the South American rainforest. As long as he doesn't commit suicide and return to Japan for the rest of his life, he should be able to have a good death.


Hase Ryosuke knew what Zuoshige meant, and immediately bowed to express his gratitude, then raised his head and explained helplessly.

“This was not my intention, it was the poor and crazy **** from the Third Fleet who came to me and asked for cooperation, and threatened to kill me.

 They have already transported some contraband piecemeal to Xiaoliuqiu and the mainland, but the scale is not large and the profits are not much.

So they approached me, and I provided capital and intelligence, and they provided transportation and military support, split 50-50 between the two parties.

Moreover, not only the senior leaders of the Third Fleet were involved, but also their people from the Tokyo Naval Command, so I couldn’t refuse. "

what is this,

Navy smuggling gang?

Sasushige frowned slightly. Is the Japanese Navy really corrupted to this extent? Ryosuke Hase's statement needs to be investigated and should not be taken lightly.

 Thinking quickly for a while, he glanced at the nightclub behind him and asked: "Has there been anything unusual in the Third Fleet these past two days?

The war in North China has begun, and Shanghai will not be quiet for a few days. Once the war begins, the Japanese navy stationed in Shanghai will definitely take action.

 I need all relevant information, such as combat plans, ship status, personnel transfer orders, etc. You must seize the time to collect it. "

 “No need to collect, I know.”

Hase Ryosuke shook his head and told everything he knew: "The staff officer of the Third Fleet is one of ours, he revealed it to me.

On July 7, the Military Command asked them to wait for orders to blockade Chinese waters and choose the opportunity to attack or destroy the Chinese fleet.

At present, the aircraft carriers Fengxiang, Ryujo, and Kaga are rushing to Shanghai, and the first and second aviation teams of the naval aviation force are deployed on the ships.

Their mission was to air raid Jianqiao Airport and Aviation School in Hangzhou, destroy the aviation power of the Republic of China in one fell swoop, and completely occupy the air superiority.

 The First United Air Force, composed of the Kisarazu Air Force and the Kanoya Air Force, was responsible for air strikes in Sioux City, Shanghai, Jinling and other places.

At the same time, the Military Command requested naval personnel to enter a state of war preparation, and expats in cities on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to return home immediately until August 9. "

 He sold out the Japanese navy in one breath, and gave a critical time point - August 9, when war was imminent.

 “By the way, there’s one more thing.”

After reporting the information, Chang Gu suddenly frowned as if he had thought of something: "I received a piece of news yesterday, I don't know if it is true or false.

There are rumors that the North China Fleet stationed in Tianjin will be integrated with the Third Fleet to form a new Third Fleet to increase the combat power in East China.

The upper management intends to let Hasegawa Kiyoshi serve as the commander of the fleet, and transfer the Izumo ship from the mainland to Shanghai to serve as the flagship of the Third Fleet.

If this is true, the Third Fleet will have more than fifty combat ships. I will give you the specific ship names and organization as soon as possible. "

 Three aircraft carriers!

 More than fifty warships!

Zuo Zhong was shocked when he heard this. With the military strength of the Republic of China, he might not be able to fight back against such a combined attack from multiple arms.

This is not to destroy your own prestige and boost the ambition of others. At this time, you must be calmer and face the objectively existing gap.

 As well as what the completion of the evacuation of overseas Chinese before August 9 means, everyone understands that this is a sign that a large-scale war is about to break out.

He said in a deep voice: "Verify the information as quickly as possible and report it immediately after confirmation. I promise that your reward will be paid to you every penny.

 In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked whether the consulate and your special affairs section have assigned tasks. It is best to have original documents, which require evidence. "

 “There is not much movement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

Hase Ryosuke did not ask how much it cost, but seriously answered Zuo Shige’s question: “It’s just that a special commissioner came to investigate smuggling.

  Don’t worry, that guy has just been fed by me. He is a close confidant of the Foreign Minister. We will have an additional intelligence channel in the future.

I can learn about the situation in Tokyo from him later. If I don’t get anything from him, I will contact my seniors who are working in high-level positions.

 There were great changes in personnel after February 26th, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was no exception. The Tongwen Library and the Department where I worked benefited greatly.

 Otherwise, the people Tokyo sent this time were not special commissioners, but secret police. With their help, it would not be difficult to get information. "

 It turned out that there were people above who were supporting me.

No wonder he is so arrogant. After hearing this, Zuo Zhong suddenly understood. He looked at his watch and stared at Changgu: "Be careful and be sure to find the original document.

 If anyone asks about our meeting today, there is no need to hide it. My current identity is Kato, a tobacco merchant, from Osaka.

I came to China from Japan last year and landed in Tianjin. I usually travel in the southwest. We met in a nightclub three months ago.

 You don’t need to remember the specific time you met. It doesn’t fit in with your daily performance. Try to be as vague as possible when describing it.

Someone will contact you tomorrow and send you some tobacco. The quantity is not large, two tons. This is purchased with the funds of the Secret Service.

Remember to sell it for a good price, and don’t mess it up. If something goes wrong, the hundreds of thousands you deposited in the Swiss bank will be gone.

The division will be according to the rules, and it will be the amount that should be divided. No special treatment is needed, so as not to arouse others' suspicion. Okay, let's go. "

 After saying that, he turned around, raised his hand and waved it left and right, and quickly walked into the darkness, leaving a stunned Hase Ryosuke behind.

 The Secret Service must also join in smuggling,

 Two tons for the first time!

It seems that the price of tobacco in Tokyo will be reduced this month. Hase Ryosuke thought about it for a while and walked back to the nightclub with a sad face.

The music continued to sound, the lavish dance was held as usual, and several luxury cruise ships slowly passed by on the Huangpu River in the distance.

Thousands of miles away, the area around Lugou Bridge was in dire straits. After nightfall, the Japanese army suddenly launched an artillery attack on Wanping.

The shells passed through the sky like meteors, landed on the ground and exploded on buildings, sending shrapnel flying in all directions, and the firelight reflected the night sky red.

 Japanese artillery fire raged,

 The defense side is not a vegetarian either.

At this time, stationed in Wanping was the 3rd Battalion of the 219th Regiment of the 37th Division of the 29th Army. This was a fully reinforced battalion.

There are four companies of infantry, one company each of light and heavy mortars, and one company of heavy machine guns, totaling more than 1,400 people, all of whom have received strict training.

Long before the Japanese took action, the three battalions realized that if the Japanese army attacked again, they would first destroy the city wall with powerful artillery fire.

 Then use armored fighting vehicles to cover the infantry to seize the outer positions. At the same time, the enemy artillery will fire extended shots to the rear of the position.

 So in order to reduce casualties, they dispersed their personnel as soon as they entered Wanping, occupied various commanding heights and established concealed firepower points.

The light mortar company was deployed inside the east gate. With the cover of the city wall, it used direct fire to support neighboring troops and prevent Japanese counter-artillery attacks.

 The heavy machine gun companies were placed at the southeast and northeast corners of the city. All the sorghum fields and trees within the shooting range were leveled, leaving an unobstructed view of the outside of the city.

 Suddenly attacking shells,

 It proves that such preparation is necessary.

At the moment of the Japanese shelling, a few people from each company were left to monitor, while the rest were hidden, and the personnel did not suffer much losses.

  After the opponent had finished showing off its power and several beetle chariots covered the infantry to seize the position, the hidden teams of each company quickly attacked to meet the enemy.

 The light and heavy mortars and heavy machine gun companies lost no time in attacking the most threatening targets and successfully repelled the attack.

But a small local victory could not cover up the failure of the overall situation, let alone solve the difficult problems faced by the Republic of China.

  Morning of July 11th.

At dawn, He Yijun, who was responsible for liaising with various operational personnel, knocked on the door on the left side of the room. After entering, he handed over a telegram and said.

“Deputy Director, the National Government and the Military Commission held several meetings to discuss strategies in response to the complex situation of the Lugou Bridge firefight.

 Finally, it was decided to make military preparations first and transfer part of the German weapons troops to fight in North China to prevent the Japanese army from continuing to attack southward.

 The troops participating in the war immediately checked their ammunition and food reserves, distributed cutting-edge weapons, and prioritized replenishing troops in Shandong Province to stabilize the situation in the north.

He also ordered all camps and appeasement offices to carry out secret mobilization, and required all localities and troops across the country to make effective preparations just in case.

The task our Secret Service received is to send capable personnel to go north to conduct a detailed investigation of the intelligence of the Japanese troops stationed in northern China. There must be no mistakes. "

"in addition."

She hesitated for a moment and said in a low tone: "Beiping Station reported that the Commander-in-Chief of Peiping City Defense is making peace with the Japanese side.

The intelligence department’s lurking personnel in the other party’s home also sent corresponding information. The agreement that the two parties are about to reach is extremely harsh on the national government.

Section Chief Gu asked for instructions on whether he wanted to know more about the status of the negotiations or sabotage the negotiations. The brothers in the North China District have already sent a message to ask for help. "

  “No need.”

 “Just keep monitoring.”

On the other side of the room, Zuo Zhong picked up a towel and wiped his face, answered vaguely, and then replied expressionlessly.

“The chairman of the Generalissimo said in the newspaper that the second before peace is completely despaired, we must still hold on to the hope of peacefully resolving the conflict.

How could the commander-in-chief of Peking City Defense dare to negotiate with the Japanese without permission from the top? That is not our business.

There will be a lot of similar information in the future, so everyone should ignore it. The Japanese will not give up invading the Republic of China just because of an agreement.

 Let me talk about the deployment of the Third Fleet. You record it and send it to Jinling immediately. I hope this information will not scare some people. "

He didn’t want to say anything about the bald man’s unrealistic fantasy. After retelling what he learned from Chang Gu, he looked out the window and sighed.

 “War is inevitable.”

 (End of this chapter)

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