Cicada Moving

Chapter 776: misfortune

Chapter 776 Changes

While Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi were discussing how to deal with the suspected target, the cryptography inspection station was still a busy scene.

Until the clock ticked to five in the afternoon, members of the research team kept getting up, handing in documents and signing the notebook.

In any confidential organization, there are strict requirements for the storage of confidential information, and it is never allowed to be taken away from the workplace without authorization.

 After receiving these documents, Chen Shi responsibly checked whether they were missing or not, and stamped the seal of each document bag.

 After completing this process, he was accompanied by a subordinate to the secret room, where there was a safe where secrets were temporarily stored.

 Pretending to be similar was the only idea that Li Si and Li Shu had. They watched each other leave with their own eyes before walking out of the office.

 It’s half past five in the afternoon.

 The cryptographic research institute’s off-duty hours.

 The staff swarmed out of the gate of No. 7 Courtyard. Chen Shi rode a brand-new bicycle and mingled with the crowd, looking calm and composed.

"The target appears." The cigarette vendor not far away flashed his eyes, turned his back and made a hidden gesture towards the surveillance point.

Immediately, a secret agent wearing clerk's clothes appeared from the street corner riding a bicycle, with several pieces of bacon wrapped in paper hanging on the handlebars.

There were a few green onions in the cloth bag in the back seat. To anyone, he looked like a standard househusband.

Chen Shi glanced at the other party and ignored him. There were many foreign companies and agencies around the translation office, and such people were very common.

 The highest level of disguise allows people to figure out the identity and basic information of the pretender without the need for verbal introduction.

  After all, it is easier for people to believe the “facts” that you guess than what others tell you. This is a simple mindset.

 “Laogu, very good.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the targets and agents disappearing on the street, and nodded slightly: "Everyone performed well, but we cannot relax in professional training.

In addition, the nearest vegetable market to the code inspection station is a five-minute drive away. It is best to apply some oil on the paper outside the braised pork in the future.

The road is bumpy and soaked with juice, so the packaging shouldn't be so clean. Okay, let's set off and go to No. 1 Park. "

After saying that, he picked up his briefcase and chessboard, got on his bicycle, pedaled hard, and rode quickly towards the east of the city from other routes.

The packaging was too clean, which was a minor omission. Gucci patted his forehead in annoyance and quickly followed.

It is also strange. The current situation is tense, and a war can break out in Shanghai at any time, but the market is not depressed, and is even more morbidly prosperous than in peacetime.

Just like the road leading to the stadium from the cryptanalysis station, the road is blocked by various vendors, passers-by, shopping, and spectators.

This may be the last carnival, or it may be that you are drunk now. Jinling City is filled with a restless mood, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

It was nearly seven o'clock when Zuo Zhong and the two arrived at the First Park. The street lights in the park were like pearls dotted in the dark night.

Street lights were installed on both sides of the walkways and in remote areas as early as the 19th year of the Republic of China to facilitate nighttime tourists.

There is even a pool with a fountain, and advanced radios and public speakers ① are installed for band performances.

The summer heat in Jinling is very unbearable. Many nearby residents will choose to come here to cool off after having dinner, provided they have bicycles.

 Otherwise, you will be sweating profusely after coming and going, so it is better to escape the heat at home, so the parking lot at the entrance of the park will be almost full.

At the gate of the park, Zuo Zhong gave the car watcher a dime to deposit the money for the car. Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi came to a pavilion and opened the chessboard while talking and laughing.

There are many chess players playing chess at nearby stone tables and under street lamps. They are old and young, and they blend in without being conspicuous at all.

 “Red first, then black, Lao Gu, you go first.”


The two were playing chess leisurely, looking at the badminton court on the other side of the river from time to time, and soon saw the neatly dressed target Chen Shi.

 Today, there was a different person playing with him. Looking at his body movements and the distance between him and her when talking, he seemed unfamiliar.

This is normal. If the target meets here, in order to avoid suspicion, it is the right choice to maintain casual acquaintances with everyone.

 Where is the safest place to hide a drop of water?

 Put it in the sea, of course.

 Imagine if Chen Shi has a normal relationship with her upline and is close to other people, it would be tantamount to telling others that there is a problem between the two of them.

Zuo Zhong moved a **** and asked with a straight eye: "Are there any surveillance personnel in the locker room? It's a good place for connections."

"There are two of them, one is an old employee recruited temporarily, and the other is his brother." Gucci pretended to think and took a step forward.

 The two have been working together for so long, and he knows that his old partner pays the most attention to details, so he naturally works hard in this regard to prevent mistakes.

Gucci is becoming more and more cautious.

 This is a good thing.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied in his heart, and then he looked at the chessboard attentively, thinking about the chess game, and started chatting with the other party.

“Well, you must be very careful when recruiting people. If the recruiter is a Japanese spy, then the joke will be a big one.”

"Don't worry, this man has lived in Jinling City for generations and has never left. His relatives and friends at home have a clean background, and his son is in the army."

“That’s good, but we still need to monitor it for a while after the mission is over. Be careful and don’t be careless.”

“Okay, on our territory, no matter how powerful the Japanese are, they can’t change the world, and the Secret Service is not the same bunch of **** from the Secret Service Headquarters.”

Gucci made a categorical guarantee. This was not arrogance, but the self-confidence accumulated after winning missions one after another.


Zuo Zhong was amused when he heard something: "When you mentioned the secret service headquarters, I remembered what Director Xu Enzeng was doing recently.

Coming back from the Northeast, he got a Baoding Medal and was praised in front of the leader, finally securing his position.

But then this guy disappeared. I went to the bureau headquarters several times and never saw him once. Could it be that he was listening to the wall root somewhere? ” ˆ ˆ ˆ “Or linger among the flowers. "

Hearing this, Gu Qi immediately agreed. After all, the two complaints were about political correctness. After speaking, he told another piece of gossip.

“I heard from Lao Song before that the Secret Service Headquarters is currently fully monitoring the Northwest Office in Jinling, especially the person in charge named Li.

The man surnamed Xu personally led the team to conduct 24-hour surveillance, clamoring to show some shame to the bumpkins who did not understand modern intelligence technology. "

 Don’t understand modern intelligence technology?


Is Old Xu so brave? How dare he? His surname is Li, he is in charge of the Jinling office, and there is no one else but a certain red spy king.

Zuo Zhong almost laughed angrily. Did Xu Enzeng drink a lot of fake wine, or did he simply not know the other party's true identity?

A few years ago, they almost turned the secret service headquarters into the Jinling Party branch of the underground party. You still have the nerve to show off to others.

 Perhaps everyone knows exactly what color underwear he wore today. It is true that the ignorant are fearless and have a funny brain.

 “This matter has nothing to do with us.”

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong sneered: "The underground party is not easy to mess with. I think Xu Enzeng is going to fall into trouble again. Just wait and see.

Not to mention other things, District Chief Yu Xingle is from the underground party. You and I know very well what his intelligence level is.

There is also Wu Jingzhong, who also studied intelligence systematically at Sun Yat-sen University in Red Russia and is no stranger to surveillance technology in previous missions.

It can be seen that the dissidents are different from what many people think. They are not country bumpkins. Those who say such things are just looking at the sky from the bottom of a well.

Alright, go back and tell the brothers to stay away from the people at the secret service headquarters. I'm afraid that blood will splatter on our faces. It would be too unlucky. "

 “Okay, I will arrange it.”

 Gu Qi smiled slightly and said yes. He had seen too much fratricide in the camp investigation class and was not interested in fighting the underground party.


Only Xu Enzeng stared at the other party stupidly, but what would happen even if the secret service headquarters arrested all the underground party members.

 The Republic of China was still the Republic of China,

 Can't change anything.

 Having no overall view and being unable to distinguish between interests and harms, this is his view of this person. The tide of the times always divides and combines, and combines and combines.

If you offend people to death now, you may be listed on the list in the future, so it is better to turn a blind eye and leave yourself a way out.

 Gu Qi looked sideways at Chen Shi, who was still playing, and whispered: "One more thing, Li Qiwu and Xu Enzeng are very close.

 Some people saw them hanging out together in a nightclub and seemed very happy. Do you think there could be any problems here?

Li Qiwu is the chief secretary and has mastered many secrets of the Secret Service. If these two people work together, it may be detrimental to us. "

 Li Qiwu and Xu Enzeng,

They actually got mixed up together? !

 Hey guys, this is really a standard sleeping dragon and phoenix chick, so what is the reason why they are connected? This is very important.

Reminiscent of Dai Chunfeng's weird reaction when he blamed Li Qiwu after the gunfire at Marco Polo Bridge, Zuo Zhong thought thoughtfully.

 Historically, Li Qiwu rose to power by brutally suppressing the underground party, and became the head of the military command after Lao Dai's crushing defeat.

So is there a possibility that this person is already preparing to take this path and has Dai Chunfeng's permission or even support?

Anyway, it would be bad if these two **** got together. It seemed that Old K and the organization needed to be warned, so he secretly made a decision.

 “The target is gone.”

Just as Zuo Zhong was thinking, Gu Qi suddenly reminded him, and Chen Shi packed up his racket and moved toward the locker room.

 The question is where the contact person is. During the game, Chen Shi was under the surveillance of the Secret Service and had no suspicious contact with anyone.

Assuming that the other party is here to contact us, there are two possibilities. One is that he finds that he is being monitored, and the other is that the information on the mobilization of the supplementary brigade has been sent.

 What is the problem?

 Has it been exposed?

Zuo Zhong looked solemn, and after a quick analysis, he issued an order: "Notify everyone that all people leaving the stadium will be tracked.

The key point is to focus on the targets within the scope we have defined, and then notify Lishan Company to detect unknown radio signals in Jinling.

Be sure to be concealed when taking action. Each person can only follow for one kilometer at most before changing people. Even if the line is disconnected, you can't alert the snake. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Qi calmly stood up and pretended to say goodbye before joining the operatives. Zuo Zhong was left alone in the pavilion, lighting a cigarette and waiting quietly for something.

After a while, the crowds in the park gradually became sparse. Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo, who were responsible for on-site control, came over. After confirming that no one was watching, Shen Dongxin reported a strange thing.

“Deputy Director, we saw people from the Secret Service Headquarters on the outskirts of the First Park. Although the other party did not reveal their identity, it was definitely unmistakable. I recognized those people who turned into ashes.

 Judging from their appearance, they should be following someone. They followed us in sections, but they didn't learn enough. Tong Suo saw the problem at a glance and how to deal with it. "

 It is also the secret service headquarters,

  Why are there these people everywhere?

 Zuo Zhong was puzzled and thought, MD, Chen Shi wouldn't have stopped talking just because he discovered some action. If so, he would have a good talk with Xu Enzeng.

For example, why do traitors always appear in the secret service headquarters? Why do personnel always appear in places they shouldn't be? Could the related problems lie with their senior officials?

Having quickly thought of a countermeasure, Zuo Zhong said coldly with a dark face: "Let's go to the bureau headquarters and alerted the Japanese spies. I'll see how Xu will explain to the Chairman this time."

 Lao Xu, Lao Xu,

  You are definitely taking the blame for this.




 (End of this chapter)

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