Cicada Moving

Chapter 859: Wait for the east wind

Chapter 859 Waiting for the East Wind

The next day, just after dawn, Zuo Zhong woke up Wu Chunyang. The two of them washed up briefly, opened the door and walked into the dark alley, heading east of the city.

On the way, they encountered several Japanese patrol teams. After checking their civil certificates, they let them go without any difficulty. Obviously, the management in the city was not strict.

  After all, the Japanese invaded the Republic of China in order to seize various benefits. If the inner city was disturbed, it would seriously affect commercial activities, which would not be a good thing for the Japanese.

Furthermore, as Beiping is the leading big city in the north, the Japanese also hope to use so-called "goodwill" behavior to paralyze people from all walks of life to prove the legitimacy of Japanese aggression.

After walking for about an hour, Zuo Zhong took Wu Chunyang to a small courtyard. After passing through the waste paper and worn-out furniture, the two sat down at a table in a side room.

“Jixiang, you will be waiting in the yard for a while for someone to deliver scraps. The prices of paper, metal, and furniture vary. For specific amounts, please refer to the items posted on the wall.

It is not easy for those who sell scrap products. Don’t skip the scale. It should be as much as it should be. By the way, you can use the scale well. If you don’t know how, just say, I will teach you now. "

Zuo Zhong poured himself a cup of hot water. After sitting down, he called Wu Chunyang's pseudonym and said a few words to him slowly.

Wu Chunyang understood that the deputy director was worried about being watched, so he nodded quickly: "Yes, I learned it in my hometown. Don't worry, brother, I will never embarrass you."

 Blowed on the steaming tea cup, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and continued to give him instructions.

"Well, that's good. I'll tell my boss later that it won't be a problem for you to make a living here. I forgot to mention that our boss's surname is Yu, and he is from Beiping Xinminhui..."

 “Brother Fugui, are you here?”

Just as he was talking, someone shouted twice outside, and then the door curtain was lifted open. As the cold air blew into the house, a tall middle-aged man wearing mink fur walked into the door.

When he saw Zuo Zhong enjoying his tea leisurely, he took off Hai Long's hat, revealing the curly hair on his head, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

“Oh, Brother Jia, didn’t I tell you already? Just come later. You are my Zhuge Kongming in Yu Yuju. You are different from the others. Who is this?”

The middle-aged man who called himself Yu Yuju noticed a young man standing next to him halfway through his speech. He didn't take it seriously and asked casually.

“Hey, I’m just staying at home. Why don’t I come over and help you keep an eye on it.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hands with a smile, stood up and walked to Wu Chunyang and said: "Boss Yu, let me introduce to you, this is my cousin Jia Jixiang, a native of Anqiu, who came to the city yesterday to seek life.

I thought that our scrap collection depot was short of people, so I brought him to show you. Don’t worry, he is a real relative who knows everything. He has a good citizen certificate and will not cause you any trouble. "

With that said, he pushed Wu Chunyang, who seemed to be stunned, with his elbow, and whispered: "Send hello to Boss Yu quickly. You are lucky. No matter how many people want to see Boss Yu, they can't."

 “Okay, cousin.”

Wu Chunyang ignored everything and bowed deeply to Yu Yuju: "Jia Jixiang has met Mr. Yu, and I wish you that all your wishes will come true for generations to come..."


Yu Yuju was amused by these words, and she waved her hand and said boldly: "Since he is your cousin, Brother Jia, he is one of our own. You can just follow the arrangements. This scrap station doesn't make any money anyway.

If my family hadn't asked me to set up an industry to facilitate the payment of bills, I wouldn't have put in all this effort. I would not be able to make much money even if I worked hard every day.

But the names of you two brothers are quite interesting. You are rich, he is lucky, rich and lucky, hey, you are so happy, better than mine.

Let's go to my house. I got some good wine from the old man. Let's drink some together. By the way, you can tell me how to get the money out of the government's account. I'm completely relying on you. "

With a smile, he took out a bottle of Fenjiu from his left pocket, and slipped a few brown paper bags from his right pocket. The smell of fried peanuts and braised beef filled the room.

Zuo Zhong looked at the bright sky, shook his head with a wry smile, winked at Wu Chunyang, then pulled Yu Yuju out of the side room, and came to the main room talking and laughing.

  The food and wine were placed on the table, and the two of them sat down one on the left and the other on the right. They picked up the wine glasses and clinked them against the charcoal fire that had just started in the room. They drank a glass of wine without eating anything.


After taking a sip of wine, Yu Yuju’s face wrinkled up and she smacked her lips happily: “Oh, this is how people live. They all say that our Yu family are traitors, but is this our fault?

So many troops from the national government have been lost. The Yu family is just a common people in these four or nine cities. How can they compete with the Japanese? It is enough to live up to their conscience in everything. Brother Jia, do you think that’s right? "

 “Ah, yes, yes, yes.”

Zuo Zhong raised his glass and nodded in agreement, took a sip of the wine, then picked up a large piece of beef tendon meat and greeted Yu Yuju enthusiastically: "Boss Yu, don't just drink, eat some food, this meat is good."

Yu Yuju, however, acted as if she hadn't heard anything, put the cup down heavily, and said to herself: "Brother, just watch, one day I will let those who talk nonsense know how powerful I am.

Hum, I spent all the money that the Japanese gave to the puppet government and the New People's Association, which is equivalent to helping the country. As the saying goes, oh, yes, I am in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han. "

 Good guy.

 You are waiting for me here.

Zuo Zhong was a little helpless, but pretended to be extremely admiring and cupped his hands: "Boss Yu, Jia admires heroes like you. As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes. Those mud-legged people know nothing, what are you doing? Curve (separation) to save the country, please relax, I promise to find a way to give you a chance to serve the country and make the Japanese speechless.”

After pondering for a moment, he slapped his thigh: "Hey, yes, that's it. You go back and propose to the old man that the merchants of the Xinminhui donate money to the Japanese army to support the Great East Asia Holy War."

“Donation? No, then our family also has to give money? If the Japanese don’t come, we will give the money. If the Japanese come, we will give the money. What’s the difference between this grandson’s responsibility? No, no, no.”

Yu Yuju was very satisfied with the term "curve (divided) to save the country," but when she heard about donating money, she immediately became anxious and told the truth directly.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand to signal him to calm down, and said mysteriously: "You are too honest. After you get the money, if you have connections and connections, you will pay back the money in full. If you don't have connections, it doesn't matter. You and the Japanese will split the account 30-70."

In this way, you will gain face and reputation among the Japanese, and you will be able to extract some money from the Chinese merchants. Maybe the old man’s position in the Xinminhui can be further improved. "


Yu Yuju's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand and slammed the table: "Wonderful! This job can be done. This is what we did when we donated money to the Fruit Army. I don't believe that Japanese people are cats that don't get wet.

Hahaha, brother, you are really resourceful. I also have a happy event. Didn't you tell me to do more business with the Japanese to prevent unexpected events? This thing is done. Look at what this is. "

He proudly took out an official document from his arms, put it on the table and knocked it: "The scrap trading of various Japanese agencies in this city is now ours.

As you said when you first came here, this business is not about making a lot of money, it is just about getting familiar with the Japanese. If anything happens in the future, there will be many escape routes.

You should pay more attention and find an honest and kind person to collect the scraps. Tell him not to look at things he shouldn't see or ask about things he shouldn't ask. If he wants to pay more, I will replenish him when he comes back. "

Zo Zhong saw the red Japanese seal on the document and felt certain. He took a sip of wine, gave a thumbs up and flattered him.

“It has to be Boss Yu. How many people are watching this business? You won it without any effort. You are worthy of being a man with great hands and eyes. It’s a blessing that Jia can follow you in eight lifetimes.”

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Yu Yuju opened her mouth and laughed so hard that she could see the bench from her throat. She drank several glasses of wine with a bang, got up and went to a wealthy family in a certain alley with her hands behind her back.

Looking at his shaky back, Wu Chunyang, who was receiving a rag seller in the yard, became more and more confused as to what the deputy director wanted to do.

Are you trying to find Japanese military (separation) deployment documents among the scraps?

This possibility is very small. The Japanese are very careful in this regard. There are special departments and personnel responsible for the safekeeping of confidential information.

Even if the confidentiality period has passed, it will be destroyed secretly. Trying to obtain top-secret information from this aspect is tantamount to talking nonsense.

Also, what is going on with Yu Yuju? It sounds like she has a lot to do with Xinminhui, a traitor organization. Will it affect the mission?

Sent away the rag collectors, he hurried to the main room, glanced at the permission documents on the table, and opened his mouth to speak.

“Jixiang is here, please help me back to the house. It’s almost April and it’s still so cold.” Zuo Zhong shook his head and told the other party to go back and talk.

Although Yu Yuju's background is very clean, Mr. Yu is able to thrive both in the government and among the Japanese, so he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He must be on guard against the old guy's mischief.

Wu Chunyang understood and stopped talking, and helped him back to the side room. The two of them chatted about unrelated topics, and the whole day passed without realizing it.

During this period, Zuo Zhong handed over the task of collecting scraps from the Japanese agency to an old man who came to sell junk. He didn't make any special arrangements, but the other party was very grateful.

Since ancient times, any business that can be related to the public is a good deal, not to mention Zuo Zhong said that the boss will guarantee the bottom line. Who doesn’t want to do this kind of business that is sure to make money without losing money.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them locked the courtyard door and wandered away. It was a busy time outside, so Zuo Zhong put his hands on his sleeves and deliberately found a remote alley.

He whispered as he walked: "The Yu family is a local gangster in Beiping. It is said that they are related to the royal family of the previous dynasty. They have always been under the surveillance of Beiping Station and have a pretty good reputation.

After the Japanese came, the old man of the Yu family was forced to become the vice president of the Xinminhui. Yu Yuju was his only son. The relationship between the father and son can help us complete the task smoothly.

You don’t have to worry, the person who introduced me to Yu Yuju is my brother, and he has now gone to work in the mountain city. You just need to do your own thing, and I will handle the rest. "

 Turns out to be the target of long-term surveillance.

Wu Chunyang finally felt relieved. He was afraid of getting involved with random people when he was lurking. If he was implicated, he would die unjustly. He just didn't know how the deputy director would obtain information.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him sideways, not intending to explain more, and hurriedly walked back to his residence in Jiaozi Alley before dark, and ate the dinner prepared by He Yijun.

 “Have you dealt with it over there?”

While eating, Zuo Zhong suddenly asked, and when He Yijun nodded, he smiled. Now everything is ready, all he needs is that gust of east wind.

 (much better, but tired easily and have low back pain)

 (End of this chapter)

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