Cicada Moving

Chapter 863: Okada Takeo

Chapter 863 Takeo Okada

On the platform of Zhengyangmen Railway Station, Hiroshi Otsuki grabbed Takeo Okada's hand and shook it vigorously, and asked with a smile whether the journey went well.

"Okada-kun, now that Xucheng is in the hands of the Chinese, how did you pass the inspection? I really hope that the Jinpu Railway can be opened as soon as possible, so that the transportation between North China and Central China will be much more convenient."

He asked this not because he was suspicious, but out of curiosity. In fact, after the Jinling-Puzhou Railway resumed operation, many Japanese soldiers took the train directly from Jinling to Beiping.

The officers in charge of inspections always couldn't control their hands when faced with banknotes, even though they knew the person giving the money was Japanese.

Okada Takeo, who was opposite, heard his question, shook hands gently and then let go, shrugged his shoulders, and answered in a slightly frivolous tone.

“My identity is somewhat sensitive. In order to avoid being exposed, I can only take a navy frigate to the island city first, and then take a train from Zoucheng to Beiping.

As for whether the Jinpu Railway can be opened, it depends on whether your front army can destroy the national army entrenched in Xucheng. The Central China Expedition Army is no longer able to go north.

After the battles of Songhu and Jinling, many regiments were almost crippled and are waiting for domestic recruits. The situation is not optimistic. Okay, let’s get down to business first. "

With that said, he put down his luggage, took out the certificate from the outer pocket of his coat and handed it over with both hands: "Otsuki-kun, this is my certificate. According to regulations, please check it."

 “That’s rude.”

 Otsuki Hiroshi's expression was serious. This was a necessary procedure to prove his identity. He immediately took the certificate in a polite manner, opened it, and quickly checked it over.

 Handou, that is, the identification document of the Japanese army, including basic information such as department, military branch, place of origin, size of clothes, shoes and hats, unit number, military rank, name, birthday, height, skills, family residence, etc.

It also records personal service, retirement, reserve status and dates, personal resume, academic studies, awards, good deeds, job promotions and a series of military resumes, as well as the history of combat service and punishment and demerits. The content is very detailed.

Although there are no photos posted, there are secret marks on the hand certificate itself and the witness's seal, which is difficult for outsiders to imitate. Moreover, with so many records, no one can guarantee that there will be no loopholes. Therefore, so far, no one has successfully forged a hand certificate.

After careful inspection, Hiroshi Otsuki found no problem. He handed the certificate back with a smile, ordered the secret agent to pick up Takeo Okada’s luggage, and raised his hand to invite the other party to get in the car.

 “Dozo (please)~”

 “Arigadokosimas (thank you).”

The two of them showed humility to each other and sat in the back seat of the car together. The car immediately started and drove out of the station. Passengers and staff along the way avoided seeing the Japanese flag in front of the car.

"Okada-kun, this is your first time coming to Beiping. I have prepared a luxurious room at the best Central Hotel in the area, and I have prepared some wine to welcome you. Please give me a compliment."

 In the car, Hiroshi Otsuki said with a smile. After discovering that the other person might also have a background of studying abroad, he decided to make good friends with this young Imperial Lieutenant Colonel.

 In Chinese terms, a good man needs the help of three good men to succeed. These poor people who are not from the imperial military academy should unite and join the group to keep warm.

Okada Takeo didn't know what he was thinking. After hearing the invitation, he hesitated and asked tentatively: "Well... I just came to Beiping, so I should first pay a visit to Commander Juichi Terauchi.

Would it be impolite to go directly to the hotel like this? Moreover, I had heard that the best hotel in Beiping was the Liuguo Hotel, so I booked a room there before departure. It was really rude. "

As a result, Otsuki Hiroshi waved his hands contemptuously after hearing this, glanced at the driver and secret agent in the front row of Jun, and then told him some inside information in English with a heavy accent.

“Okada-kun, don’t you find it strange that when you came to Beiping as the secret envoy of the Central China Expeditionary Army, the North China Front only sent me, a colonel, to greet you?

To be honest with you, even I heard the news and came to the station to meet you on my own initiative. This trip was not arranged by the headquarters at all. The reason is very simple.

 The war started in North China, but it was you who gained the greatest benefit. Not only did you occupy Shanghai, the largest city in East Asia, but you also captured the capital of the Chinese people.

 Many people think that you have robbed the North China Front of the military merit and glory that should belong to the North China Front, so even if you go to the headquarters, Commander Juichi Terauchi will not see you. "

Otsuki spoke out the twists and turns without reservation, then patted Takeo Okada on the shoulder and persuaded him with a tone of experience.

“Well, don’t worry about this anymore. It’s hard for you and me, who have been outsiders who have been abroad, to enter the core of the army. It’s better to enjoy life if you have this time.

Forget it about the Six Kingdoms Hotel. There was a big robbery there and many Imperial soldiers died. It is said that some people saw some incomprehensible things.

 In short, I will send someone to check out the room. You can just stay at the Central Hotel. I heard that the most famous kabuki in Tokyo is also staying there these days. "

Speaking of this, his expression suddenly became serious. It was obvious that this man, like Xu Enzeng, was the master of the groom every night.

 “Nani? Yosi~”

Takeo Okada blurted out his native language, but thinking that these words would not be heard by others, he immediately expressed to Hiroshi Otsuki in English that he was a guest and obeyed the other party's arrangements.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and tacitly agreed to stop this topic, and instead discussed their respective study abroad careers. The cheerful atmosphere continued until Otsuki said two words - Zuo Zhong.

 Speaking of which, Otsuki Hiroshi’s understanding of Zuo Zhong was based on archives and written materials. After all, the Secret Service was mainly active in Shanghai and the south some time ago.

North China has never had any dealings with the other party. It can be said that he has only heard his voice but not seen his person. This time he saw members of the Central China Expeditionary Army's Secret Service Department who had dealt with him. Naturally, he wanted to ask. Hearing his question, Okada Takeo thought for a moment, switched to Japanese and said: "Please Otsuki-kun, please be careful, Zuo Zhong is a very terrible enemy.

During the Battle of Songhu, in order to destroy the Chinese command system in the urban area, we activated many gang members who served the empire and successfully carried out bombings.

  However, the secret service, led by Zuo Zhong, quickly counterattacked, used our traps to set up an ambush, and eliminated and captured two very important personnel on our side.

Also, not long ago, the army and navy jointly organized a large-scale operation in order to raise funds, but it was also sabotaged by the other party's leaders, and His Excellency Shitaka Kusumoto was killed in action. "

 “Was Kusumoto killed by Zuo Zhong?”

Hiroshi Otsuki was shocked. Kusumoto Sanitaka had served in North China for a long time. Before he was transferred to Shanghai, he had met him several times. He heard that the other person had been murdered, but he did not expect that it was related to the Secret Service.

"Yes, what I want to say next is the top secret of the Central China Expeditionary Force. Please don't spread it outside."

Takeo Okada gave a solemn instruction. Hiroshi Otsuki nodded quickly and almost patted his chest to promise that he would never tell anyone. The driver and agents in the front row also pricked up their ears.

"Well, actually until now we don't know how Mr. Kusumoto and Yamamoto of the Naval Command died, and why they left the heavily guarded safe house."

After receiving the assurance, Takeo Okada said with a solemn expression: "I suspect that there is a Chinese mole with a very high status among the senior officials of the Central China Expeditionary Force or within the empire.

It was he who induced Kusumoto and Yamamoto into a trap, and even directly participated in the murder. Unfortunately, there is no evidence, and the superiors did not allow us to investigate in depth, Baga! "

Hiroshi Otsuki is not surprised at all. The intelligence system has always been a double-edged sword. The superiors must both use it and guard against it. You said you want to check for moles, but what if you are checking..., right?

 It is correct not to allow it. If the Central China Expeditionary Force allows intelligence personnel to investigate the matter, I am afraid that Tokyo will order a stop the next day.

While talking, the car arrived at the entrance of the Central Hotel. The group got out of the car and accompanied Takeo Okada to receive the room key, and then had a feast in the dining room.

 In terms of public (separate) money consumption, the Japanese are no weaker than the government elites, and all kinds of expensive dishes are served on the wine table as if they are free of charge.

During the dinner, Otsuki mentioned that they were hunting Zuoshige's men. Takeo Okada immediately proposed that he wanted to see the scene, without even mentioning whether the battle plan had been leaked.

 After all, this is a luxurious suite and a banquet. It would be a bit too unkind to talk about it now. Sometimes people are too serious and have no friends.

Hiroshi Otsuki heard this, and he smiled even more sincerely. He immediately said that there was no problem and North China would fully cooperate with the other party.

So after having had enough wine and food, everyone boarded the car again and headed to the south of Beiping City, because someone had seen the Jia brothers haunting this place with their own eyes, and now it was surrounded.

Japanese spies, military police, field troops, traitors, troops and police stations of the puppet North China government, all gathered here with only one purpose - to seize Zuo Zhong!

The entire Beiping City is currently under martial law, and everyone is watching the passage out of the city. Once the two people named Jia are caught, Zuo Zhong, who is responsible for the command behind the scenes, will definitely be unable to escape.


After many tight encirclements, the car finally stopped in front of a dilapidated courtyard. The military police lieutenant in charge of the scene opened the door and saluted Otsuki Hiroshi.

“Your Excellency Colonel, an informant reported a few hours ago that there were suspicious activities in this building. It is certain that one of them may be a saboteur with the pseudonym Jia Jixiang.

 After receiving the news, we immediately cut off traffic within a radius of 500 meters and sent people to search. However, we did not find the target. We only found some **** bandages and a warhead. "

"Yoshi, that's very good. You go ahead. I'll take Lieutenant Colonel Okada from Shanghai to take a look."

Hiroshi Otsuki nodded and enthusiastically led Takeo Okada into the courtyard and into a room. A faint smell of blood and liquor instantly poured into his nose.

 The two of them followed the smell and came to a table. They saw an enamel jar and a lot of used bandages placed on the table.

Okada bent down and looked at it in the dim sunlight for a while, then took out a pen and picked up all the bandages and looked at them carefully. He raised his head and said seriously.

“The bullet has basically no deformation, and it can be determined that it did not hit bones or other objects. It should be a long-distance penetrating gunshot wound, and the blood loss is about 600 to 800 ml.

  The blood stains left behind were very fresh, not the bright red color of arterial blood, but darker in color. If I read it correctly, it was most likely non-fatal venous bleeding.

The injured person still has some mobility. Otsuki-kun, I suggest that your people expand the lockdown area and search all residences within one kilometer. It is best to use military dogs.

 Furthermore, this warhead is an 8×22mm Nanbu pistol round. It cannot be ruled out that it was fired by the pursuers. As for whether it was fired, we can find out by calling the operational personnel who fired the gun today. "

 “The country is here! (Awesome)”

Hiroshi Otsuki raised his hands and clapped, and kept praising him. He was worthy of being an intelligence expert of the Central China Expeditionary Force. He could find so many clues in a short period of time from just one scene.

With the help of the other party, they might really be able to catch that **** Zuo Zhong. When he thought of this, he could no longer conceal the joy in his heart and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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