Cicada Moving

Chapter 889: Killing is illegal

Chapter 889 Murder is illegal


The chimney of a small cement factory slowly collapsed amidst the explosion. This was the fifth factory destroyed by Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang, and it was also the last target in the mission.

Before the sound of explosion left the sound, a small agent hurried over. After communicating with him, Wu Chunyang came to Zuo Zhong and reported the bad news in a low voice, his tone full of anxiety.

“Deputy Director, the other brothers on the mission have withdrawn from the city, and we are the only ones left. However, the small steamer originally used for the retreat was forcibly requisitioned by the military. These bastards!

The city is now in chaos, all shops are closed, the telegraph office is out of business, and the French Concession has also blocked the road leading to the Chinese border, closing the gates tightly and prohibiting anyone from passing through.

We will create a commotion later to cover your entry into the concession. I heard that the French shipyard has a small motorboat. You can take the boat up the river to Hunan Province first, and then transfer to the mountain city.

 I am in charge here. Don’t worry, the Japanese who can capture menial positions have not yet been born. I will lead everyone to evacuate safely. Without further ado, I will send you to the concession right now. "

As he spoke, he smiled and made up his mind that even if people like himself died in Qicheng, the deputy director must be allowed to leave safely. The national government and the secret service cannot live without each other.

Zuo Zhong looked at him and shook his head calmly: "Okay, let's go together and stay together. I, Zuo Zhong, will not leave my brother behind.

If you don’t have the tools, just think of a solution. At the worst, you can rob a few more Japanese motorboats. You are all professionals, so you can deal with a few Japanese. It’s no problem. "

 After a little teasing, Zuo Zhong looked into Wu Chunyang's eyes seriously, wanting to warn his old subordinates not to take matters into their own hands and not kidnap him like he kidnapped Lao Dai.

In such a situation where troops are approaching the city, there is no major general of the fruit army. Everyone is the same. No one has the privilege of leaving first. He does not want to become a "flying general left".

Wu Chunyang paused and nodded pretending to be relaxed: "Okay, deputy director, wait until dark before taking action. I promise to grab a few more ships for you."

“That’s right, let everyone retreat, keep their distance and move closer to the French Concession. Isn’t there a radio station at Changcheng Station? Go there and ask them to contact the headquarters to see if there is any new situation.”

Hearing his answer, Zuo Zhong smiled happily. He was raised by his parents, and he has no habit of letting others die. Besides, France is just a grasshopper after autumn, afraid of birds.

He was really pushed into a panic. What could he do if he led people directly into the concession? Could it be that a conflict would break out between Paris and the government? Don't forget, this shameful power had not even been defeated by the previous dynasty.

Had it not been for the cowardice and fear of the upper echelons of the previous dynasty, which resulted in the defeat without defeat, the troops of the Black Flag Army and the old general Feng Zicai might have reached Henei City.

He despised the Gallic Chicken in his heart and agreed on a meeting place. Zuo Zhong led the members of the demolition team towards the French Concession, while Wu Chunyang went to Jicheng Station alone to inquire about the news.

Walking on the messy streets of Hankou, everyone can see people dragging their families and even their livestock to enter the concession to avoid the war.

 In troubled times, people are worse than dogs, which describes this scene. Everyone is so frightened and uneasy, unable to see the future direction clearly, and unable to determine their own destiny.

 When Zuo Zhong and others arrived at the entrance of the concession, a group of French soldiers holding NAS rifles and wearing Adrian helmets lay behind barbed wire and roadblocks, looking lazy.

“I am a French citizen, God, let me in quickly, gentlemen, those Japanese lunatics killed countless citizens outside the city, and I almost died in this country.”

A banana man raised his passport high, pushed aside the people blocking the way arrogantly, and reached the roadblock with difficulty. He looked panicked and asked his masters for help in French.

The French officer leading the team took the passport, looked at it twice, handed it back to the man, and motioned to the soldiers on the side to open the door. They always give some preferential treatment to domestic dogs.

Seeing that there was a gap in the barbed wire fence, the surrounding people in Qicheng went crazy and rushed forward desperately trying to get in. The crowd easily pushed the Banana Man to the side.


Banana Man became anxious and immediately uttered a French expletive. Just as he was about to push the person in front of him away, he felt a tightness on the back of his neck. He covered his mouth with both hands and was dragged into an alley.

“Xiao Li, search him and show me his ID.”


Zuo Zhong called to the shrewd and capable agent named Li, who quickly began to search the banana man's waist, upper body, collar, arms and legs.

On the other side, agents surnamed Xu and agents surnamed Yu put their guns against the man's lower back and whispered a warning to the other person not to move.

Other members of the demolition team were patrolling in groups of three and two at the entrance of the alley, quietly blocking the crowd to prevent others from seeing what was going on in the alley.

"Heroes, don't be impulsive. Murder is against the law! I have my wallet in my inner pocket, and all the dozens of francs and French currency in it are for you. Just treat it like I'm inviting my brothers to drink."

The Banana Man glanced at the pistol that shone with a cold light, knowing that he had encountered a professional robber. He quickly handed over the ID in his hand and lowered his voice to express his cooperation in the local dialect of Qicheng.

This kind of person just talks about ghosts and people. After confirming that the agent surnamed Li had not found any dangerous items, Zuo Zhong casually flipped through his documents and asked the other party with a sideways glance.

"Your name is Francois Huang? When did France have yellow citizens? Could it be that Mr. Huang is from South Vietnam? You speak Changcheng dialect very well."

Francois Huang acted as if he had not heard his sarcasm and laughed dryly: "Even if you say so, my brother has no choice but to make a living under the hands of the French. In fact, I am patriotic.

The money is here, take it, just to save my life. There is a checkpoint in the concession in front of you. Don't be impulsive. I don't care if the gun goes off. I'm afraid that brothers won't be able to escape. "

He's a smart man, so that's good, so as not to make communication difficult. Zuo Zhong smiled, took out a certificate made by the Secret Service and threw it over.

"How do we leave? Don't worry about it, Mr. Francois. Let's get down to business. The brothers want to enter the concession and I want to ask you for a favor."

 Don't refuse in a hurry. This is my ID. After reading it and thinking about it before answering, don't cause trouble to your wife, children and yourself. "

Francois Huang didn't know what the other party meant. He opened the blue book and looked down. When he saw the name of the agency clearly, he couldn't take a breath and almost fainted.     Secret Service.

  The Secret Service!

How come he was targeted by these murderous devils? He was shocked and fell into endless panic. He was just a profiteer. Why was it not the Secret Service's turn to deal with it?

By the way, the Secret Service wants to enter the concession. No matter what it wants to do, it still needs help. If we can build a good relationship with the other party through this matter...

He is knowledgeable and knows that even though the country is losing again and again, China is so big and has such a large population that the Japanese cannot hold on for long.

Aware that the opportunity was coming, Francois Huang did not hesitate at all. He respectfully returned the certificate with both hands and expressed his position unequivocally.

“Although I have changed my nationality, I have always cared about the country. Please make it clear, sir. As long as I can do it, Huang is bound to do it. Even if I can’t do it, I will help find a way.

This is not Huang’s boast. I entered a French foreign company to make a living at the age of fifteen. It took me twenty years to become an associate of a foreign company. I had certain connections in the Concession Board of Directors and the surrounding cities of Qicheng. "

Such Chi Guoguo's overture of kindness startled Zuo Zhong. He did not expect that the other party would react like this, but looking at the other party's eager eyes, he seemed to understand that he was going to hand over a certificate.

 “Oh, just a small thing?”

Looking deeply at Francois Huang, Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand to help him straighten his shirt that was messed up due to the body search, and told him his plan with a smile.

“Well, since Mr. Huang is so enthusiastic, I can’t refuse. In fact, it’s not that big of a deal. I just want you to bring my brothers into the concession.

Then let's set off a few eye-catching fireworks in the concession to make the consulate, public office, patrol room, and fire brigade lively. Isn't that going to embarrass you? "


Francois Huang, who was thinking fast, immediately understood that the Secret Service was going to attack the French. Faced with the fact that his parents were about to be attacked, this guy patted his chest.

“It’s not difficult. Huang’s subordinates manage several large warehouses, including industrial bombs... No, they are fireworks. If it is inconvenient for the officer to bring things in, he can use the ones inside first.”

He thought very clearly. He had already sold everything, so it would be better to sell more thoroughly. The benefits of being a dog to the French were just that, and he would be almost done until he became associate director. There was no room for improvement.

If he can get in touch with the Fruit Party and the Secret Service, he can build his own business in the future. Any business related to the government or the military will be profitable.

 So, isn’t it a good decision how to choose? Back then, he joined French citizenship for the sake of living, but now he still does it for the sake of living. The life and death of French people is none of his business.


This guy has something. Zuo Zhong was a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he asked the other party if there was any sugar or other common items in daily life in the warehouse, and got a positive answer.

He nodded slightly after hearing this and called a small-eyed man named Yu: "Xiao Yu, you followed Mr. Huang into the concession as a servant. Do you know how to use those things to synthesize explosives?"

I'll give you five hours. At 5:30 this evening, blow up the targets here on time. Note that the concession is full of people fleeing. Try not to hurt anyone, as long as it doesn't affect the mission. "

Moving his eyes away from his watch, Zuo Chongyou took out a piece of paper to write and draw, and after finishing it, he handed it to the honest-looking and loyal agent named Yu.

  The power of industrial explosives (separation) is too small and unstable. It is easier to control the damage range and power by synthesizing it yourself, so you can feel more confident when using it.

“Reporting to the deputy director, I know that Instructor Wu gave basic demolition courses to the telecommunications class during the special training class. As long as the materials are good, the students can build it in five hours.”

Special agent surnamed Yu was very steady. After thinking carefully, he answered the question in a student tone. Zuo Zhong was the executive deputy director of the Qingpu class, so it was not overstepping his bounds.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied after hearing this, and turned to warn Francois Huang, who seemed to be obedient: "Mr. Huang, I understand what you mean, don't worry, we will take care of your business, and everyone will come and visit often in the future.

  But if you dare to lie to me, let alone hiding in the concession, even if you hide in France, I can still find you and your family. The French will not protect you, they will only replace you with a new associate minister. "

Mr. Banana Man, who is well aware of the virtues of the French people, strongly agreed with this statement. He did not explain much, but handed over the photos of his wife and children in his wallet.

 The meaning is self-evident, he is taking his family as hostage, he is a ruthless person!

Zuo Zhong watched as the other party and the agent named Yu slowly squeezed to the entrance and chatted with the French officer for a few words, then secretly put something into the officer's arms, and then the two of them entered the concession smoothly.

In terms of reaping benefits, the French are not inferior to the Guojun. Also, they traveled across the ocean to come to the Republic of China not to do good people or good deeds. Exploitation is the essence of colonists.

Finding a clean stone to sit down on, Zuo Zhong waited leisurely for the time to take action until Wu Chunyang, who was going to contact the headquarters at Chicheng Station, walked over quickly.

 “How are you doing, any news?”

He looked at the increasing number of refugees and asked casually. He thought that the government was retreating and there was nothing special going on. Unexpectedly, Wu Chunyang actually brought a piece of information.

“Reporting to the Deputy Director, the headquarters called, 30 Jinling University faculty and students, and more than ten well-known scholars from Central University are trapped in the Dafa Hotel in Wuchang.”

Wu Chunyang briefly reported the situation and said nothing else. Out of duty, he did not want the retreat plan to get out of hand, and just wanted to safely deliver the deputy director to the mountain city.

Faced with the danger of escaping, and a group of strangers who would determine the future of the country and the nation, Zuo Zhong did not hesitate and immediately ordered the other party to take people to protect them.

 All the agents in the team, including Xu and Li, all followed Wu Chunyang. The engineers of the demolition team were able to fight, but rescuing people required professionals.

One more thing, the original evacuation plan had to be changed. Looking at the French shipyard in the distance, he thought quickly in his mind and finally formulated a new plan.

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