Cicada Moving

Chapter 891: real japanese army

Chapter 891 The real Japanese army

  Money can make the world go round. This is a wise saying. The power of 10,000 yen is greater than Zuo Shige imagined.

When the shipyard workers heard this intoxicating number, they went into the dark and knocked out the Japanese guarding the passenger ship. Then they tied themselves up and sat on the ground consciously, waiting for the arrival of the gold master.

I have to say that as long as the money is in place, the French people's work efficiency and enthusiasm are still very high, and they are not at all undisciplined.

When Zuo Zhong led people into the shipyard gate and saw more than a dozen workers squatting together, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He really didn't know how to describe this scene. She was so dedicated.

Just as he was thinking about it, an old white man **** in a knot struggled to stand up straight, jumped up to him, and greeted him warmly.

"Mr. Robber, I am Francois's friend, why did you come here? The Japanese Shipping Company sent three guards to protect the passenger ship, but they were knocked unconscious.

 We must let them see that we are forced later, otherwise the shipyard will not be able to explain to those dwarfs. 10,000 yen is not enough for us to completely offend the Japanese. "

The implication is that if Zuo Zhong and the others are willing to increase money, it will be no problem even if they completely offend the Japanese. This is what it means to ask for money rather than life.

"No problem, we will perform this play well. We will give one-third of the remuneration before starting work, another one-third after starting work, and the remaining one-third when the ship leaves Changcheng."

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense with the French. He took out a wad of Japanese yen from his pocket and shook it. Printing counterfeit banknotes also required costs, and he was not prepared to be taken advantage of.

The old white man shrugged regretfully, shook his body, and the rope tied to his body fell to the ground. He took the banknotes, inspected them carefully, and clapped his hands to the workers.

"Children, start working quickly. The ship must be launched before 12 o'clock. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will kick him back to Paris."

Following the old man’s words, the workers pulled off the ropes and jumped onto the passenger ship docked beside the river. They picked up tools and parts and began repairs.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong waved his hand, and the accompanying members of the demolition team immediately took control of the key positions of the ship and the shipyard. By the way, they dragged the three Japanese guards to an open space and poured cold water on them.


 “Let us go!”

“Who are you, the Empire of Japan~Army…um…uh”

The Japanese guard who had just woken up only yelled one sentence and was gagged. He looked angrily at the group of arrogant robbers who "forced" the workers to repair the passenger ship.

 Hongri Pill.

A new high-speed inland river passenger ship built by Yokohama Shipyard in 1930. It can carry 105 people and has dozens of first-, second- and third-class cabins. It travels between mountain cities and Shanghai all year round.

Some time ago, the water supply was exhausted. The Hongri Maru hit a reef during a night voyage and a large hole was created below the waterline. After several months of repairs, it was re-launched and is now waiting for its final trial voyage.

Zuo Zhong boarded the boat and walked around in the bright light. He roughly checked the progress. After he was sure that he could set sail on time, he felt relieved and slowly turned around to look at the other side.

In the night, several golden stray bullets rose from the city of Wuchang and cut through the dark night sky. The continuous gunshots and roars came along the wind, like a ghost.

Where Zuo Zhong couldn't see, groups of heavily armed Central China Expeditionary Army soldiers were walking through the complex alleys in the city in combat formations, rushing towards various strategic locations.

Next to a four-way intersection in the south of the city, a Japanese second lieutenant was squatting behind the wall. Using the firelight from a burning building, he stretched his head to observe for a long time and waved behind him.

 “Quickly, occupy the intersection ahead.”


The sergeant whose face was covered in black and gray suddenly lowered his head and responded to the order. Immediately, a detachment of 14 Japanese soldiers began to take action in an orderly manner.

First, the 4-man machine gun team moved to a pile of rubble to set up machine guns for warning. The black muzzles were aimed at all possible enemy positions and rotated back and forth.

 Then the remaining Japanese troops were divided into three three-person rifle groups, using bunkers and potholes to quickly maneuver towards the intersection. There was about 15 to 20 meters between them.

This distance not only prevents a swarm of swarms from rushing up and being ambushed and annihilating the entire army, but also enables timely support after a firefight. The layout is very reasonable.

 When the first rifle group arrives at the predetermined location, it immediately moves with the other two rifle groups to protect the machine gun group, while not forgetting to cooperate and cover each other.

 At this time, the members of Japan's frontline combat divisions were all veterans who had served for several years. They had fanatical ideas, proficient techniques and tactics, and accurate marksmanship.

These people have received the most brutal training, know how to defeat the enemy, and even more know how to protect themselves. They fight fiercely and greasyly, making them very difficult to deal with.

The Japanese soldiers who stood stupidly as targets in later movies and TV dramas, even the third-line divisions and garrison divisions, were impossible to appear. The Japanese had been preparing for this war for too long.

Since a long time ago, the Japanese government has been educating students and children of all ages in military skills, using various mini-games to teach them some basic military skills. Day after day, year after year, the quality of the soldiers in Japan's elite divisions is extremely high. After several actual battles, they are qualified soldiers and even low-level commanders.

Taking today's situation as an example, if it is to attack a target at a farther distance, the rifle team will set up multiple concealment points to cover the machine gun team in stages as it leaps forward.

 The machine gun team is responsible for suppressing fire and reducing the pressure on the infantry team. Both sides advance with a roller offensive, and so on until they advance to the vicinity of the enemy.

 They will stop at about 200 meters, deploy the firepower of the entire unit, and clear exposed fire points and important positions with dense troops.

At the same time, smoke grenades, light bombs, flags and signal flares are used to provide target guidance for direct-aimed heavy fire. The heavy fire attack usually involves two rounds.

 The first round is a frontal attack, which eliminates all frontal fire points facing the enemy. The main method is artillery bombardment and some air strikes.

 The second round is a point attack, attacking one side of the enemy's position, resulting in uneven deployment of the defenders and forcing them to maneuver, waiting for opportunities to break through.

At the end of the preparation for artillery fire, the infantry will insert bayonets and knives, crawl forward, and attack at full speed with the help of machine gun suppression at about 100 meters away, with the purpose of annihilating the maneuvering defenders to the greatest extent possible.

 This is a textbook fighting method, which may be slightly distorted in actual combat, but in previous battles, the Japanese have used this method to break through the national defense line many times, and it has been tried and true.

 An excellent basic commander of the Japanese army can often command hundreds of people and defeat several times or even ten times the number of Japanese troops. From a purely military perspective, this is a terrifying army.

Furthermore, when the Japanese second lieutenant saw that the detachment had safely occupied the intersection, he did not relax at all and vigilantly led the rest of his men to continue advancing from both sides of the road.

 And he also left a detachment before leaving, with the purpose of protecting the retreat route and material supply channels, acting in a strict manner, and not giving any opportunity to possible enemies.

At this time, in an abandoned house about two hundred meters away from the intersection, more than a dozen pairs of eyes watched the movements of this group of Japanese soldiers, and one of them frowned slightly.

This person was Wu Chunyang, who was ordered to protect the teachers and students of Jinling and Central University. After dark, the special agent named Yu swam through Changjiang and brought Zuo Chong's latest orders and meeting place.

 After receiving the news, he immediately organized his personnel to start moving the protection targets. A team of dozens of people moved among the Japanese army and reached the last checkpoint before leaving the city.

After passing this intersection, they could leave the city and head to Baishazhou. However, they did not expect the Japanese to move so quickly and completely control the urban area of ​​​​Qicheng in a very short time.

It's getting closer and closer to 12 o'clock. If we delay any longer, we will be in trouble if we miss the meeting time. Wu Chunyang's eyes flashed and he looked at the detachment that stayed in place.

On the other side, seeing the intersection being blocked, some of the students immediately fell into panic and began to accuse the agents who rescued them from the hotel.

“Teacher, what should we do? We can’t get out because of these **** spies. If they hadn’t gone to Baishazhou, we would have left Jiacheng long ago.”

A young male student with oily hair and pink face shouted excitedly. Fortunately, he remembered that there were Japanese people everywhere outside and lowered his voice. Otherwise, everyone in the room would have their heads dropped because of his actions.

This made the surrounding agents look at each other angrily. They risked their lives to save people, how could it be a mistake? Without them, a group of nerds trying to go out would be a dream.

The teacher in the student's mouth felt his heart sink when he saw the reaction of the agents. He knew that his student had offended this elite group of murderers, so he shook his head slightly and persuaded.

“Calm down, we are all powerless scholars. The Japanese have laid a dragnet. Without Mr. Wu’s help, we cannot leave.

A gentleman does not receive favors from others, but will never forget them. Thinking too much is not as good as cultivating his ambition, talking too much is not as good as keeping quiet, and having many talents is not as good as cultivating virtue. You should read this sentence several times when you go back. "

Awakened by his words, the greasy-headed and pink-faced male student quietly glanced at Wu Chunyang, who had a murderous look on his face. He was confused and took a few steps back, sitting in the corner without saying anything.


Wu Chunyang snorted coldly and winked at the agent surnamed Li who had performed well in the operation, telling him to keep an eye on this guy.

 There must be no omissions in his next actions. When necessary, he will not hesitate to sacrifice one person's life for the safety of everyone.

Besides, in troubled times, people are like grass. Such people don't even know when to say something. Something will happen sooner or later, so it is better to die early and be reincarnated.

Special agent surnamed Li stood next to the male student with a stern look on his face, folding his arms and looking at him without saying a word. A gun was vaguely exposed at the hem of his clothes.

The increasingly solemn atmosphere made the students afraid to express their anger. Several female students were worried that they would be left in the middle by the spies. They were so frightened that they covered their mouths tightly and their eyes were filled with tears.

Too lazy to care about the flowers in the greenhouse, Wu Chunyang discussed quietly with the professors from the two schools who led the team for a moment, and then led a dozen action experts out of the room.

Just as a dark cloud covered the bright moon, the area instantly became invisible. The agents formed a column and quietly approached the Japanese squad.

 (End of this chapter)

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