Cicada Moving

Chapter 902: Brother Pao will never have diarrhea

Chapter 902 Brother Pao will never have diarrhea

  The middle-aged man Goat Luo heard Zuo Zhong introduce himself as a civil servant of the government. His attitude immediately changed and he said something sarcastic.

“It turns out to be sir, all the brothers are bitter. I don’t know if I have offended our distinguished guests in some way. Please explain it to me.”

This unscrupulous attitude angered Gui Youguang, who was standing beside him. He glared, ready to give the other party some color.

 Whether it was the Secret Service period or the current military commander, no one dared to treat them like this, so what if Brother Laohui? Don't forget, a human being has parents, wife and children.

Even if they can't do it openly, people living in this world will inevitably encounter bumps or accidents. They just don't bother to target ordinary people, it's not that they can't.

 “There is light.”

But before he could threaten, Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop the conflict from intensifying further, and looked at Goat Liu with a smile and spoke honestly.

“Brother, I have misunderstood. I followed the leader to the precious land, and I always came to pay homage to the dock to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings between the two parties. That would not be good for anyone.

As the saying goes, the people do not fight with the officials. Now hundreds of thousands of Guo troops are stationed in Sichuan. Haha, I naturally have some connections in the government. Why don't we sit down and talk in detail? "

Hearing what sounded like an explanation and a warning, Goat Lu stayed silent for a moment and walked towards the inside of the tea house. He was not afraid of threats, but he had to consider his subordinates.

The three of them came to a tea table at the door and sat down separately. Gomu didn't say anything and waited quietly for the other person to speak first. The two sides began to compete in terms of momentum.

Zuo Zhong, who has traveled between life and death countless times, is naturally not afraid of such childish temptations and looks at the layout of the teahouse with a relaxed expression.

 It is similar to an ordinary teahouse, with a few square tables scattered around the room. The only difference is that there is an incense hall on the north wall of the main hall.

In the middle of the incense hall hangs a portrait of Guan Gong, and on both sides hangs a couplet with the inscription of one dragon, one tiger and one sage, three people with three surnames and three sworn brothers. There is also a plaque with the word Wenren written above it.


 Seeing this word, Zuo Zhong suddenly realized that in addition to Muddy Waters and Qingshui Pao Ge, Pao Ge was divided into five halls based on the background of the members: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust.

Among them, people with the word Ren are mostly landowners, gentry, and big merchants.

  The people with the righteous word Paoge are mostly small traders, small citizens, and ordinary freelancers.

The people with the courtesy name Pao Ge were mostly traffickers, beach workers, Gangunlong (gamblers), and Banqieyaobaba (second-rate men).

The two characters of "Zhi" and "Xin" are mostly lower-class artists and sorcerers of Zihu.

If the guess is correct, Goat Lu should be Brother Qingshui Pao of Renzitang who does business for a living. This is better. People who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, but people who wear shoes will always have scruples.

The tea waiter, who was also Brother Pao, saw that something was wrong. He asked a few tea guests away and ran into the back hall. When he came out again, he was followed by a few strong men in short shirts.

These people surrounded the table and stood one meter away with their arms akimbo. The handles of their guns were exposed under their lifted clothes, which was obviously a warning.

Yu Youguang glanced at the strong men who glanced at his chest and stomachache, and his footsteps were floating. Even the strong men who had no weapon hammers were disdainful in his heart. In this kind of goods, he could hit ten!

When Goat Fu saw his people coming, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He raised his hand and poured two cups of tea, one on the right and one on the left, and shouted.

“The two dragons playing in the water are very happy, just like Han Xin meeting Zhang Liang. Today the brothers came to meet each other and drank this tea first to discuss.

So that the chief can know that I, Sun Renyi, am the flag bearer of Wenrentang. Again, please tell me what you have to say. "

 This is the tea array of Ge Laohui. The different order of placing the tea cups represents different meanings. The name of this array is Shuanglong, which not only expresses intimacy, but also has the profound meaning of asking about the purpose of the visit.

Although he doesn't like people from the public family, Sun Renyi still saves some face, and it can be seen that he is a fastidious person. This is also the helplessness of Brother Qingshui Pao.

After all, those who have a family and a career, as long as they are not forced to have no choice, who would be willing to leave behind their glory and wealth and completely break up with the government.

Zuo Zhong's smile faded when he saw this. If someone gives you face, you must continue. So he picked up the tea cup with both hands, without covering the bowl with his hands and without touching the bottom with his palms. He drank the tea in one gulp according to Brother Pao's rules.

Then he clasped his fists in front of his chest and said: "It turns out to be Uncle Sun. Travelers worship guests, and heroes worship heroes. I have heard for a long time that your dragon head dock has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and outstanding people. My brothers are not polite enough. I hope you will forgive me."

To be honest, I, Zuo Zhong, am the deputy director of the Junweihui Bureau of Military Statistics, and am responsible for spying on intelligence. My visit this time does involve important matters related to the future of the Republic of China and the nation. Brother Qiubao.

The Japanese have carefully planned and placed many insiders in Shancheng and even around the committee members. Judging from the well-informedness of the Brother Laohui, they must have known what happened at the Huangshan Residence last night.

Zuo wanted to trouble Uncle Sun and sent his brothers to inquire about the relevant information. If these Japanese spies (eyes) could not be caught for a day, the people in the mountain city would not have a real stable life. "

 After speaking, he looked at the tea waiter and pointed at the tea pot in his hand. The tea waiter immediately understood that this was a knowledgeable guest, so he respectfully stepped forward and placed the tea pot on the table.

 In secret societies such as the Ge Laohui, the tea ceremony requires not only teacups but also teapots. Zuo Zhong picked up the teapot and placed it next to the unused teacup, with the spout facing the cup.

This kind of tea formation is specially used to ask for help at the outer pier. If the other party can help, drink the tea in the cup. If the other party cannot or is unwilling to help, pour the tea in the cup on the ground and pour another cup to drink. Sun Renyi was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He raised his hand in the air as if he was going to pick up the cup of tea. He thought about it and then hesitantly took it back. He frowned and started an ideological struggle.

 The Ge Laohui does not prohibit members from cooperating with people in the government. The problem is that he has heard a little about the Military Command Bureau and knows that this department has always been ruthless in doing things and has killed many people in Jiacheng.

If you cooperate with the other party, you are afraid that you will be silenced when the thing is done. The government has done similar things before. They are like chamber pots to officials, and there will be no good end.

By the way, what did this pretty boy say his name was, Zuo Zhong? Deputy Director? Sun Renyi's heart skipped a beat and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, knowing that he had no room to refuse.

He had heard this name from his brother who was an official in the government. It was rumored that he was murderous and would kill people at every turn. It was said that just a smile would kill the unlucky guy.

Even if the other party is not a murderer, but a dignified deputy director of the government comes to ask for help, if he doesn't agree, he probably won't have a good life in the future.

Moreover, judging from the other party's familiarity with the rules of the Brother's Association and his standard mountain city dialect, he must have been eyeing their brother Pao for a long time. They are not afraid of thieves, but they are worried about them.

Looking up at the smiling Zuo Zhong opposite him, Sun Renyi wanted to refuse, but he involuntarily picked up the teacup and drank it, then gave a stern answer.

“Thanks to Commander Zuo for being considerate, Sun is not a fool who doesn’t know how to appreciate others. He immediately sent someone to inquire about the news. Don’t worry, Brother Pao will never show off.

The Japanese killed so many of our brothers and sisters last year, and everyone was punished. I will ask my colleagues to work together to avenge our compatriots. If you have any requests, just say it. "

He figured it out. Since he had agreed to the military commander and the person named Zuo, he might as well do things beautifully. Walking in the lake, bumps and valleys were unavoidable.

With this favor, it might be possible to save lives in the future. The premise is that these agents will not cross the river or burn down the bridge. However, if the other party really turns against them, they will not be unable to fight back.

Thinking of the huge network and power of Brother Laohui in the mountain city, Sun Renyi slowly regained his composure, and his body that was originally a little rickety straightened again.

Zuo Zhong didn't care what the old man Pao Ge thought. As long as Ge Laohui could help them find traces of Japanese spies, nothing else mattered. It was better to ask for help. There was no shame in keeping a low profile.

He listened to Sun Renyi's answer, and his smile became brighter: "Uncle Sun, you are so polite. I am grateful to Zuo for your help. I dare not ask for anything else."

The sedan chair is carried by everyone, and the polite words are free of charge. What these Zaohu people want is face. If you give them the right face, you don’t have to worry about the other party falling into the trap.

As Zuo Zhong spoke, he poured a cup of tea for the other party and himself, raised the cup and took a few sips, seemingly unintentionally mentioning an unrelated matter.

“I heard that the handymen in the Huangshan official residence have contact with your association. It’s a coincidence that the military commander is trying to investigate whether they are reliable, especially their relatives.

 Brother, you don’t know that the Japanese are the most cunning. If they fail to achieve their goal of instigating rebellion, they will start from the side. This is their usual tactic to recruit informants.

Sigh, it's a pity that Zuo's men are too few. It may be impossible to find out within three days. Sun Zhangqi, can you please help my brother find a way. "


 What a bastard!

Sun Renyi cursed in his heart, asking for help, because he wanted Wenrentang to check the relatives of the handyman at the Huangshan Residence again. This spy was pretending to be the real one.

But on the surface, he still patted his chest happily: "No problem, Huangshan is within the range of Sun's hall. Early tomorrow morning, I will find what Commander Zuo wants."

 “Good! Enjoy it.”

What I was waiting for was your words. When Zuo Zhong heard the other party's statement, he immediately slammed the table and asked Sun Renyi hypocritically without giving Sun Renyi a chance to regret it.

 “It won’t be too much trouble, right?”

"No trouble."

Sun Renyi, who almost broke his teeth, said word by word, "I wish I could have this shameless person beaten to death. You have said this, how else can I answer?"

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with this man's knowledge and interest. The conversation changed to the customs and folk customs of the mountain city, and by the way, he asked Sun Renyi if there was anything he needed help with.

 The way to control someone lies in their heart. Slapping someone with a sweet date is the most effective way. With benefits, the other party will do their best to serve the military commander.

Sun Renyi thought for a moment and then tentatively said: "Sir Zuo, Director Xu from the Central Command asked us to help find Red Head two days ago. I can't afford to offend both of them. What can I do?"

Also, Bai Wenzhi, Chief Bai from Jinling, has a very dark heart and wants a thousand French coins per month from Wenrentang. This money is really not something that Mr. Sun can afford. "

ha? Xu Enzeng, asking for nothing!

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows. These two **** had such sharp noses. One wanted people and the other wanted money. They really had the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

He immediately said that he would communicate with the Central Military Commission and the police station. Then he looked at his watch, got up and walked out. Before going out, he suddenly turned back and said something with a smile.

“Uncle Sun, your residence in the main city is in a good location. Your nieces and nephews are also very cute. I heard that my sister-in-law is a good cook. I will try it if I have the chance. I’ll say goodbye and won’t send it away.”

Gou Yanri really touched Lao Tzu's bottom, and Sun Renyi, who was about to get up, looked at the two backs of the departure. His complexion was extremely ugly, and his fart fell back to the stool.

 (End of this chapter)

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