Cicada Moving

Chapter 97: Confrontation (2 updates)

 Chapter 97 Confrontation (2 updates)

When Lu Qidao knew that he had been captured by Chinese intelligence agents, he immediately wanted to commit suicide, but he was stopped by the guarding agents. Not only were he handcuffed and shackled, they were also tied to a rack and had a cloth stuffed in his mouth.

Zuo Zhong smiled when he saw it: "Look, does he look like Jesus?"

Song Minghao praised him and said, "Section Chief, when you say that, it really looks like him, hahaha."

 Lu Qidao recognized that the Chinese spy who was laughing at him was "Xing Hanliang" who came to apply for a job that day. He really regretted it. If he could have been more vigilant, he wouldn't have been blocked in the lobby and arrested.

Zuo Zhong had someone take out the cloth strip from his mouth and bite his tongue to commit suicide. That is a story in the storybook. As long as it is handled in time, it will have no effect except making him suffer. The other party is a professional spy and should understand.

Zuo Zhong asked politely: "Mr. Lu, we have met more than once. Although we dress up a little differently, we won't lose our acquaintance so quickly, right?"

Lu Qidao thought for a moment and suddenly raised his head: "You were the one who snatched my gun away. No wonder it looked familiar to me before."

He regretted so much. If he had loaded the bullet a second earlier, even if the Chinese caught him, he would have to pay a huge price. For example, the guy in front of him would definitely not survive. He looked like an important figure in the Chinese intelligence agency.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded. He had put on a little disguise before, and the situation was so thrilling. Who would pay attention to the opponent's appearance in a life-and-death fight? No wonder Lu Qidao didn't recognize him immediately.

"Mr. Lu, I won't say anything more. For the sake of your warm hospitality, let me tell you one thing. We have seized Yongfali's radio station, weapons, and code books, and your offline has also been seized. They were all caught," Zuo Zhong said with a smile.

Lu Qidao closed his eyes in pain. Several years of achievements were ruined in one fell swoop. How did the Chinese find him? He considered himself very cautious and strictly followed confidentiality procedures, without revealing anything.

 Zuo Zhongnuan comforted him: "You don't have to blame yourself too much. If it weren't for an accident two years ago, we really couldn't find you. It's God's foresight."

Lu Qidao knew that this was tempting him to speak. Even though the other party had caught the radio station and the offline, and even though he was very curious about what the accident was, he still remained silent and did not give the Chinese any chance to test.

He shouldn't have said the previous sentence just now, letting the other party know that he was annoyed and unwilling. Now he was using these two points to attack his own psychological defense. The interrogation was also a battle, and he had to win this one.

Seeing that Lu Qidao was not fooled, Zuo Zhong was a little disappointed, and then said: "There is a person who followed you, that is Gao Jiayi from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You should have killed him at that time, otherwise we would not have passed your smell. find you."

smell? Is it a metaphor? Lu Qidao didn't understand what the other party meant. He was indeed followed by Gao Jiayi, but considering that the department he was in was very important, he didn't pursue it. He just warned him and settled the matter.

Zuo Zhong clapped his hands, and Gao Jiayi was brought over. He was eating and drinking so much these days that he had gained weight. When he saw Zuo Zhong, it was like meeting his own father. He hurried forward to say hello, like a complete slave.

Zuo Zong was too lazy to answer him, pointed at Lu Qi on the cross and said: "Look, this is your previous boss, Lu Qidao from Yongfa Salty Goods Store. Boss Lu, this is your first time face to face, treat each other well." Let's see."

Gao Jiayi nodded in an awkward manner and looked at Lu Qidao. He didn't expect that the other party was so young. He might have been a teenager a few years ago. This made Gao Jiayi blush. He had never even fought with a child, and he was planning to threaten Japan with all his whims. people.

Lu Qidao didn't open his eyes, wondering why the Chinese didn't take action yet. He was already prepared to be tortured by the other party, but this Chinese kept going in circles. What was his purpose?

Gao Jiayi shook his head after reading: "Sir, I didn't see his appearance at the time. I just smelled the smell of mandarin fish and sweat on him. But if you say he is, sir, then he must be."

Lu Qidao finally opened his eyes and looked at Gao Jiayi in disbelief. During the time when he met him, he had just taken over Yongfa and fired many old guys. He could only move and handle the goods by himself, so it was inevitable that he would smell. , it was not until the empire sent four assistants that he escaped from the sea of ​​misery.

Zuo Zhong saw that Lu Qidao finally reacted, with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect him to have this ability. In fact, he just smelled the smell of salted fish back then. Not long ago, he helped us confirm that it was the smell of smelly mandarin fish. Human beings The potential is really endless.”

Lu Qidao was a little hysterical: "Impossible, no one can remember the smell from two years ago, and no one can distinguish the type. I only had contact with him for less than a minute. This is a lie, you are talking nonsense!"

It's not that Lu Qidao is unprofessional, but what the Chinese in front of him said is too much. Does this mean he is being treated as a fool? If Gao Jiayi had such ability, the empire would have already allowed him to become a Japanese national, and it would still make him miserable. Adventure lurks.

Zuo Zhong shrugged: "Whether you believe it or not, that's the fact. Gao Jiayi really has this ability."

 In fact, not only others didn't believe it, but Gao Jiayi himself didn't believe it at first. How could people distinguish such a distant smell?

When he heard Zuo Zhong praising himself, Gao Jiayi puffed up his chest proudly: "Thanks to the sir for reminding me, Gao knows there is such a big doorway here. For example, there is a trace of tree smell in shopkeeper Lu's smelly mandarin fish. I can do it." It must be the smell of pine branches." Lu Qidao had to believe that his downline was really a wizard. Yongfa's smelly mandarin fish did use pine branches when processing it. This was the workshop's exclusive secret recipe and it was impossible for outsiders to do so. Know.

And Chinese intelligence personnel locking a spy through scent is like a story in the Arabian Nights. This will be a miracle in the history of international intelligence, although the villain is himself.

Failed at the hands of such a strong man, Lu Qidao felt that he was not unjust: "Fumio Takeuchi, a second lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army."

Zuo Zhong also introduced him very formally: "Zuo Zhong, Army Captain."

But then both of them fell into silence. Takeuchi Fumio was not prepared to speak any more except for his name and military rank, and Zuo Zhong was not in a hurry. There was only one radio station left among the three. He had plenty of time. Zuo Zhong was curious about another thing.

“Takeuchi Fumio, right? Your Chinese is really good. Do you have any tricks in the special work class? Let’s talk about it. We are all peers.”

After finishing speaking, Saushige looked at Fumio Takeuchi and found that his expression and eyes were normal. He seemed to be unresponsive, but his jaw drooped slightly, indicating the other person's surprise.

Zuo Zhong said to test: "Isn't it just a Chinese village built, where you people live and learn skills? Don't think this is very confidential, we have already mastered this information."

At this time, Takeuchi Fumio could no longer remain calm. His mouth and eyes opened. He was afraid. How could the Chinese know about this?

Only the team members who participated in the training and a few senior officials knew about this matter. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. Fumio Takeuchi told himself over and over again, pretending that he did not hear what Zuo Zhong said.

Seeing that Fumio Takeuchi was deceiving himself, Zuo Zhong asked someone to put him down and thanked him: "Thank you Mr. Takeuchi for your cooperation. I already know the answer I want. I hope you enjoy your stay in the Secret Service and we can get to know each other slowly." ”

Killing requires killing one's heart. Zuo Zhong didn't expect to get any information from Fumio Takeuchi. Everything he did just now was to break the Japanese's heart and make him live in doubt and fear forever. This was more satisfying than killing him. .

This is the fact. Takeuchi Fumio is feeling stupid. He thinks of the painful training, the extremely stringent confidentiality measures, and the arrogance of the instructors. All of this is like a joke in front of the Chinese people.

Zuo Zhong looked at Gui Youguang and said, "This guy is a die-hard member like Kawada Taishi. Let's just use him as an interrogation device. We will start practicing later and let the Caogang people know that our Secret Service is not about fasting and chanting Buddha's name." Monk."

After giving instructions, Zuo Chong returned to the office. The written materials on the Takeuchi Fumio case still needed to be sorted out, especially the use of odor detection in this case. He needed to discuss it in detail and add Ling Sanping's experimental results as supporting evidence. This made him It feels like I’m back when I was writing my thesis.

But it won’t work if I don’t write. Dai Chunfeng must believe in himself. With so much physical evidence, no one can say that he was beaten by Zuo Zhong. However, Xu Enzeng and Director Chen are very likely to take the opportunity to find trouble, and they must be stopped scientifically and procedurally. .

 Zuo Zhong threw away the pen as he wrote, "Damn it, if he had such ability, would he even need to be a detective? He should have taken the civil service examination long ago. Let's leave this matter to Ling Sanping and Gu Qi."

 “Yijun, make me a cup of coffee.”

 “Okay, Brother Zuo.”

 After a while, He Yijun walked in with coffee. Zuo Zhong was already lying on the sofa in a daze. He took the coffee and took two sips. Zuo Zhong's frown finally relaxed.

He muttered: "Yijun, the coffee is getting better and better. Alas, where has Virgo gone? There are so many things going on now, couldn't he leave a message? At least let us know where to find him." , how can we be leaderless like now?”

He Yijun said with a smile: "Maybe there is an important mission. I heard that the Virgo took a few people from the Operations Department with him when he left. It is said that they are all sharpshooters, but no one dared to ask."

Zuo Zhong paused while drinking coffee, then returned to normal. He judged in his mind what mission Dai Chunfeng was going to perform, secret, sharpshooter, was this an assassination?

 Warlord? Underground party or sympathizer? Dog eat dog? It's possible, but it must be a very important person, otherwise Dai Chunfeng would not lead the team in person, maybe it was an order from the bald head.

Zuo Zhong felt that he wanted to warn the Jinling underground party, at least to be somewhat defensive. Thinking of this, he yawned: "I'm tired, go home and sleep."

 (End of this chapter)

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