Cicada Moving

Chapter 948: Tell the dead alive

Chapter 948: Bringing the Dead to Life

Lin Yuan, who claims to be a member of the Shancheng Underground Party, heard the words "abandon the darkness and turn to the light", and the smile on his face became more bitter. The meaning is self-evident.

If a person has never seen the light, he could have endured the darkness. Only he himself can understand whether surrendering to the Fruit Party is truly abandoning darkness and turning to light.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to notice Lin Yuan’s complicated expression and said with a smile: “I am a soldier and I have no control over the struggle between doctrines. I only know that penicillin is related to the life and death of countless anti-Japanese soldiers.

If the Red Russians or the Japanese are allowed to get this kind of medicine, then you and I will be sinners of the Republic of China and the nation. As the saying goes, brothers are jealous of each other and guard against their insults. Mr. Lin, it is not too late for you to repent now.

This is an act that is responsible for oneself, so don't feel guilty. Besides, our two parties only have slightly different political views. On the premise of joint resistance, we still have to go hand in hand.

Tell me about your superiors and the insiders in the hospital. Don’t worry, I won’t kill them. You are helping them by speaking out. Isn’t it a good thing that you don’t have to worry and have enough food and clothing? "

 To incite rebellion against a person, the lower level is to seduce with wine, **** and wealth, the higher level is to rely on ideals or friendship to influence, and the highest level is to help the other person find a reason.

 A reason to surrender, turning a behavior that was originally harmful to conscience into a necessary choice that benefits the country and the people, removing the shame in the other party's heart, and the next thing will be a matter of course.

Hearing Zuo Zhong's words, Lin Yuan's originally ugly face looked better. Then he gave up the resistance completely and told all the information related to the front line and the hospital's internal line.

“My online code name is Pencil. I don’t know his true identity. He is about forty years old, about 1.7 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, and has a local accent from the mountain city.

Every time we need a connection, the other party and I will draw white marks on the stone lion near a teahouse in Nanji Gate, and use the number of marks to determine the time of connection.

As for the insider in the hospital, I really don’t know. The insider is Pencil, but I know that the other party must be able to enter the pharmacy because Pencil gave me the location and height of the freezer very accurately. "

Regarding this answer, Zuo Zhong was noncommittal. He circled around Lin Yuan twice and asked again: "Is he the one who hired the wedding team to attract attention near the hospital?"


Lin Yuan did not hesitate and nodded happily. He felt a little impatient for his superior to come in and accompany him. He clearly explained what convert fanaticism was.

“Then look, which one of the people here is a pencil.” Zuo Zhong still did not judge what he said. He turned around and took a stack of simulated portrait photos from Wu Chunyang and placed them in front of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan raised his handcuffed hands and spread out the photos, looked at them carefully and pointed to one of the portraits: "That's him, he's the pencil."

 The collaborator is the pencil.

Wu Chunyang and others wrote this record in the transcript. The facts are already clear. The underground party intelligence team knew the miraculous effects of penicillin through insider information.

So they sent Lin Yuan to rent the small courtyard of Nanjimen, which was only separated by a wall from the pharmacy. After the drug theft case, Lin Yuan handed over the drugs at Chuqimen and retreated to a safe house until he was caught.

 In one investigation of Lin Yuan’s photos and pencil drawings, it was found that a refugee did see a pencil having verbal communication with a person near Chuqimen.

All this sounds reasonable and reasonable, and there are many evidences and the confessions of the parties involved. It seems to be certain, but there are still two doubts in the minds of everyone present.

 1. Why did Lin Yuan suddenly steal the medicine and retreat in a hurry?

 Second, is Zhang Laoqi an insider?

  The latter needs to continue to interrogate Zhang Laoqi or catch the pencil to know, but for the former, Lin Yuan must give a reasonable explanation, otherwise his previous words will be flawed.

Zuo Zhong asked these two questions in a calm tone. He also wanted to hear Lin Yuan's explanation. Intelligence work is like playing a jigsaw puzzle, and you need to put the pieces together one by one.

As long as there is one thing that doesn't match up, it means no matter how much work they have done before. Of course, it will be equally difficult for the other party to deceive them, unless...

While Zuo Zhong was thinking, Lin Yuan answered his question honestly: "Sir, our original plan was to use the help of insiders to learn more about penicillin.

 But one day Pencil suddenly notified me to meet at the teahouse in Nanjimen. He told me that the news about penicillin had been leaked and that the drug samples must be taken away immediately to prevent any accidents. "

Lin Yuan's narrative is again consistent with the findings of the first investigation. Someone saw them meeting in a teahouse before, and there was more than one witness. The military commander also paid a lot of rewards for this.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong did not forget to emphasize: "It's not taking, it's stealing! What you stole is my penicillin!"

There is nothing wrong with what he said. The old man worked hard to deceive Penicillin... Bah, he earned the money to hire someone to research it. It should be the legal property of the Zuo family.

After clarifying the ownership of penicillin, Zuo Zhong patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder: "Look, isn't this great? You don't have to die and I can get my things back.

After chatting for so long, can you tell me your real name and background? I have no other meaning, but if the underground party knows about you anyway, it may be detrimental to your family.

In order to better protect them, and to enable you to better work for the party and the country, I will immediately pick them up and bring them to the mountain city, and I will never let dissidents hurt them.     If you can help us find your online pencil, I can assure you that your relatives will receive the best treatment, and the military commander is willing to pay for your horse bone. "

No matter what he thinks in his heart, Zuo Zhong must go through the process of instigating rebels. According to the rules of the military commander, a rebel like Lin Yuan must have something in the hands of the military commander.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan heard what he said. He was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you sir for your concern, but no need. All my family members died during your several rural raids.

  So it doesn’t matter what my name is. Sir, just call me Lin Yuan. I can help you find pencils. I’m sorry that I can’t do anything. The rules of the underground party are very strict. I can’t find him. "

 The so-called Qingxiang refers to the period of the underground party in the southwest, where the party colluded with militia groups and landlord armed forces to carry out large-scale massacres against ordinary people in the southwest and people who sympathized with the alienation.

 Politically, they printed and distributed a large number of anti-separation propaganda slogans and pamphlets, carried out reactionary propaganda, and brainwashed young students in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

 In terms of organization, we will conduct an inventory of household registrations, rectify the Baojia system, implement the linking of ten households, if one household is guilty, nine households will sit together, organize a surrender group and a self-reinforcement group, and formulate new surrender regulations.

●Strict economic blockade was imposed on the underground party, and food, salt, cloth and other daily necessities were strictly prohibited from entering the mountain, in an attempt to trap the underground party to death and starve to death in the mountain.

The several-year rural cleanup operation resulted in countless murders, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed, and the already poor villagers were taken turns to have their bones and marrow sucked out by the teams.

It turns out that Lin Yuan still has such a past, and the sadness in the other person's eyes cannot be deceived. Zuo Zhong felt extremely complicated at the moment, and the smile on his face remained unchanged and he laughed.

“Well, if that’s the case, I won’t say much more. Mr. Lin doesn’t have to be sad. When this matter is over, I can hand over the murderer of your relatives to you. How about that?”

 “Are you serious about this?!”

Lin Yuan asked loudly while picking up the table, his eyes were red, and the handcuffs and shackles on his body were shaking violently, which proved how excited he was.

"Of course, they are nothing more than a few landlords and militia scum. If you want, I can send them to the mountain city at will." Zuo Zhong was like a poisonous snake in the Garden of Eden, seducing the other party in a low voice.

“Although you can’t find Pencil, you can ask Pencil to come to you on his own initiative. Today’s operation is top secret. Pencil should not know about your arrest. Do you have a backup communication channel?”

Lin Yuan immediately understood the meaning of Zuo Zhong's words. The secret agent wanted to use the connection to arrest people, and at the same time, he wanted to submit his name. After careful consideration, he did not object.

“Yes, we have an emergency contact by placing an advertisement for bamboo chips on the local radio at eight o’clock every morning.

The meeting place is in Central Park. This is determined by pencil. According to what he said, the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. The enemy will never think that we are operating in their heart.

 So congratulations to you, sir, your plan is indeed possible. Pencil comes from a mountain town in the northwest. He was originally engaged in propaganda work and does not have much experience in intelligence.

  Previously, I did not agree with hiring trumpeters to attract the attention of hospital staff. After all, the situation in the northwest rural areas is different from that in mountain towns. But he said that I was passive and avoidant and as timid as a mouse.

 Including handing over medicines at Chuqimen, I also have different opinions. There are many Fruit Party agents there, and you will find them if you are not careful. But due to discipline, I can only execute the order. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan sighed helplessly. In any era, it is painful to encounter a layman commanding an expert, let alone dangerous intelligence work.

 Concerning this point, the generals of the Guo Army should have a deep understanding of this. Over the years, someone's military micro-management has cost countless lives. This is the kind of person that people like to talk about.

Zuo Zhong looked at Lin Yuan seemingly sympathetically and patiently persuaded him: "So we are helping him by finding him. It is irresponsible to let inexperienced intelligence personnel direct operations.

 At that time, not only will your companions be harmed, but you will also be hurt yourself. When Pencil figures it out, he will definitely thank you for your actions and for rescuing him from dire straits.

But Mr. Lin, my friendship is only once. If you dare to play tricks, I guarantee that you will regret coming to this world. Okay, let’s talk about how you can connect. "

Lin Yuan smiled bitterly. The other party's mouth was really powerful. He could talk dead people alive. No wonder so many Japanese spies fell into the hands of the military commander. He was not unjustly arrested this time.

Willing to admit defeat, he did not hesitate to report the contact code, points of attention, and every detail of the connection, and proactively requested cooperation.

Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong on the other side of the room were not surprised at all. When the deputy director took action, a mere underground party was easily captured. They were all used to it.

The two of them picked up a pen and wrote down all the contents. Although Lin Yuan was very cooperative, only half of what he said could be believed, and the confession must be screened before use.

In short, as the interrogation room was broken through, a big net was about to be opened in the mountain city. The strange thing was that Zuo Zhong didn't make any move, and still looked at the frustrated Lin Yuan with a smile.

  ①This is not an invention of the Japanese, but something I learned from someone who "loves the people as a son".

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