Cicada Moving

Chapter 949: Ukiyo-e

Chapter 949 Ukiyo-e

The Mountain City Central Park, covering an area of ​​15.3 acres, was built in 1921. It is located on Jinyu Mountain to the north of Taiping Gate. It is praised by literati as the first of the twelve scenic spots in Bayu and known as "Jinyu Liuxiang".

But twenty years ago, this place was overgrown with weeds and piles of garbage. It was once a place of execution, and there were even tombs lying in it. Perhaps because of the decline, this place was also called Housipo.

In 1921, after the first Shancheng Commercial Port Supervisor took office, he began to build a park here. At that time, he only cleaned the ditches. When the second Supervisor took office, he also invested a lot of material resources, and Central Park was finally completed.

Now it has become one of the main thoroughfares connecting the upper and lower half of the mountain city. There are many government agencies nearby and the population exceeds 100,000. It can be regarded as the Republic of China version of New York's Central Park.

Even though it was bombed by Japanese bombers one after another, Central Park was still very lively during the day, with tourists enjoying the beautiful scenery, vendors doing small businesses, and refugees begging for food.

Zuo Zhong stood on the second floor of a private house not far from the park, frowning at the bustling crowd on the road and Lin Yuan sitting on the stone bench, seeming a little dissatisfied.

Two hours ago, the emergency contact information was broadcast on Shancheng Radio, which means that underground party members codenamed Pencil may appear at any time. It is too dangerous to arrest people in this environment.

He said in a deep voice to Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi who were next to him: "When we take action later, separate a group of people to monitor and divert the crowd, and separate the target from the crowd. Let Lao Bai's people handle this matter.

 First, we must prevent someone from taking the pencil, and second, we must prevent accidental injury to the people. If something happens, the reporter's pen will not be forgiving. Now is the time of the crisis, and we must not cause trouble. "

To control an area with such a large population, military control alone is definitely not enough. Therefore, Zuo Zhong brought the police in, which was worthy of the few boxes of local specialties that Lao Bai sent to his dormitory.

At this time, Bai Wenzhi and a group of cronies are in the police station that has jurisdiction over Central Park. After the operation begins, they will cooperate with the special agents to control surrounding traffic and investigate all passing people and vehicles.

Wu Chunyang nodded when he heard Zuo Zhong's order: "Yes, with Lao Wu and Lao Song at the scene, there won't be any big problems. Both of them have been in the intelligence service for many years and have rich command experience."

Gu Qi also nodded slightly in agreement. This time, the first and second divisions jointly acted. He and Wu Chunyang accompanied the deputy director to watch the battle. The two deputy division chiefs Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong were in charge of the front line.

To this day, the arrest of military commanders has a fixed process. Everyone involved in the operation knows what they have to do. In most cases, there is no need for a director-level officer to do it himself.

Just like now, there are at least five teams and more than 30 operational experts hidden inside and outside the park. If you don't know about it in advance, you can't tell who the spies are from their appearance, even them.

 Seeing that his subordinates were confident, Zuo Zhong couldn't say much. Besides, there was really no need to be too nervous about arresting an inexperienced nerd. As long as the plan was correct, the operation would definitely succeed.

Time passed slowly like this, and soon after half an hour passed, Gu Qi looked at his watch and asked uneasily: "Deputy Director, is Lin Yuan playing tricks on us?"

“Yes, according to Lin’s explanation, the underground party called Pencil should have arrived ten minutes ago.” Wu Chunyang stared at Lin Yuan under the big tree in the distance, his eyes slightly focused.

Zuo Zhong was still calm about this. He looked at the bald man next to Lin Yuan, turned around and smiled: "Don't worry, even if he wants to play tricks, Gui Youguang is still watching, so he can't run away. .

How about we make a bet. I bet Lin Yuan will help us catch the "pencil". If you lose, invite the brothers to have a meal in Guanshengyuan. How about it? Do you two directors dare to take it? "

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang looked at each other and agreed without hesitation. Being able to invite the deputy director and his brothers to eat together was not a punishment, it was clearly a reward. Only a fool would refuse.

After finishing chatting, the three of them stood quietly in the room and waited. More and more pedestrians were outside. Suddenly, a marching team came out of a small street and rushed to Central Park.

 “The nation is in danger!”

 “Let’s fight against Japanese pirates together!”

The male students wearing Mao Zedong hats in the team held up small flags and roared at the top of their lungs, while the female students handed leaflets to passers-by, preaching the idea of ​​resisting Japan and saving the country.

Several students also walked in front of Lin Yuan and Gui Youguang. The agents' observation line of sight was inevitably blocked. This is a very dangerous situation in intelligence operations, and it is very easy to lose the target.

“What’s going on? Where are the students from? Didn’t they say that all adultery must be reported to the police station? It’s no use asking what they are doing for food!” The good old man Gu Qi slapped the table and cursed in a low voice.

Wu Chunyang thought more. His eyes scanned the school badges on the students' chests, and he keenly discovered that these people were not from the same school. He immediately drew out his gun and said in a deep voice.

“No, deputy director, it’s not such a coincidence. This team was either brought by Pencil to cover him, or the news of Lin Yuan’s arrest has been leaked, and Pencil wants to take the opportunity to kill and silence him.”

"calm down."

Zuo Zhong pressed down his pistol, looked leisurely at the team outside the window and said calmly: "Believe in Lao Wu, Lao Song and Youguang, they are just a few students and cannot make big waves, just wait."

Hearing what the deputy director said, no matter how anxious Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang were, they had no choice but to bear down and look outside anxiously, praying in their hearts that Gui Youguang and the other three would keep an eye on Lin Yuan and not let the other party escape.

Just as the two of them thought of this, something happened outside. Several refugees quietly approached Lin Yuan, holding tattered rice bowls and pushing the students aside.

One of them was Song Minghao, who was half-bald. His face was dirty and his body was hunched over. He shouted to beg for money from the person in front of him, and his peripheral vision quickly glanced at the person in front of him. With just one glance, he was sure that these students were not carrying weapons, at least firearms, and he felt relieved. If they fought a fire in the park, the casualties would be uncontrollable.

In a pavilion dozens of meters away, Wu Jingzhong, with his legs crossed, turned over the newspaper and glanced aimlessly at the marching team. Then he raised his right hand and stroked his shiny back.

 Following the movements of King Jinju, refugees, ordinary tourists, and police officers squeezed into the crowd one after another, unknowingly dividing the group into small groups, and the observation line of sight was restored immediately.

Gui Youguang, who was responsible for close protection and monitoring Lin Yuan, took the opportunity to find a seat with the widest view while carrying a pole, and disguised himself as a "dandan" without makeup.

 “Well, it’s good, but it’s still a bit stiff.”

Zuo Zhong from the surveillance point nodded when he saw this scene and commented: "In the future, the support team will conduct relevant training to deal with this situation. You two will follow up on this matter. I will check later."

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

After hearing this, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang puffed up their chests and replied, today's incident has really reminded them that their opponents are using more and more methods, and the military commander must make plans early and not think about it until the end of the matter.

At this time, Zuo Zhong took out his telescope and looked into the distance. In the eyepiece, a pedestrian wearing a felt hat and carrying a briefcase walked slowly with his head lowered. He chuckled softly.

“Our guests are here, it seems you are going to lose.”

Gu Qi and Gu Qi quickly looked in the direction where he was speaking, and immediately saw the sneaky "Pencil". No wonder Lin Yuan said he had no experience. With the way he looked, even a fool would know there was something wrong.

Looking down at the pencil's poor anti-tracking action, Zuo Zhong and the other three gnashed their teeth. If the other party was in the military command, he probably wouldn't even graduate from the training class. The underground party was really careless this time.

They really want to ask the dissidents whether they look down on the military commander by sending such a person to fight against the military commander. Compared with pencils, even the Zhongtong losers can be called masters.

Zuo Zhong shook his head silently and turned the telescope to the side of Pencil. Two vendors carrying bamboo baskets caught his attention, but he just smiled and said nothing.

In the distance, Pencil had already seen Lin Yuan with a fake beard. He did not join hands rashly, but looked around consciously and vigilantly. After confirming that "no problem", he came to Lin Yuan's side.

“Why did you send an emergency contact code? Is there any new information from the hospital’s internal line?”

He sat on the stone bench next to Lin Yuan, shook the hem of his robe, and asked two questions in a low voice, but the information revealed in his words was different from Lin Yuan's previous explanation.

In the interrogation room, Lin Yuan said that the insider was communicating with Pencil, but now Pencil is asking Lin Yuan if he has any information about the insider. Obviously one of them is lying.

Lin Yuan did not answer after listening, but looked at the pencil quietly, with regret, hatred, doubt, anger, and determination in his eyes.

After a long time, he quietly asked the other party a question: "Pencil, why did you betray the organization, why did you become a traitor and surrender to the enemy whose hands are stained with the blood of comrades!"

I heard the traitor two words that had a serious face, and stood up frightened. She looked at Lin Yuan in a pale look: "What are you talking nonsense."

 “Is that nonsense?”

Lin Yuan smiled brightly, took a deep breath, suddenly grabbed the pencil's arm, and shouted loudly towards Gui Youguang and the agents: "I've caught the target, come quickly!"

While shouting, he pushed his knee into the opponent's popliteal area and pinned the opponent down with force. This shocked the surrounding military commanders and they immediately ran to support him.

Gui Youguang was the first to react and rushed to the pencil in three steps at a time. He stepped on the man's right hand with one foot and touched the briefcase he was carrying with both hands in case there was a weapon in it.

But the next second, a dozen people from students, pedestrians and vendors rushed out. These people pointed their pistols at the agents. The agents raised their guns not to be outdone, and both sides roared loudly at the same time.

 “The Central Unification Committee is working, so don’t move!”

“The city defense headquarters is arresting the underground party, raise your hands and surrender!”

 “Let it go, I am the commander of the military, you **** girls must raise your hands and surrender.”

“Shancheng Police Station, put down the gun!”

 A branch of Walther, Brown, and Zi Lai was shining with cold light, and each piece of scorpion printed with a bright day was waving in the air, with ferocious faces glaring angrily, just like an ukiyo-e painting.

  (I don’t know what to say, I’ll just watch it, there’s nothing I can do about it anymore)

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