Cicada Moving

Chapter 954: absurd

Chapter 954 Absurd

When Wu Chunyang and others searched Ji Boxian's safe house at Chuqimen, Zuo Zhong walked up to Fa Xiao Shen Dongxin in the military interrogation room. The two handed each other a cigarette and chatted in a low voice.

"Why did Zuo Jun leave in such a hurry? I also want him to bring some specialties from the mountain city to my family. Are you worried that someone will do something bad to him? Who dares to be so bold?"

Shen Dongxin lit a lighter for Zuo Zhong┴ and asked with some confusion. As an old friend of the Zuo family, he would naturally come out to receive Zuo Jun when he came to the mountain city this time.

Moreover, the Shen family followed the Zuo family to New Zealand. He was far away from his family. He originally prepared a lot of gifts for Zuo Jun, but he left the country in an instant.

This makes Shen Dongxin a little puzzled. With Zuo Zhong's current status, who dares to reach out to Zuo's family? Aren't they afraid of being hit by a car or drowning in the bathtub when they go out?

Hearing what he said, Zuo Zhong glanced at the agents in the room and shook his head slightly: "Penicillin's interests are too great. Not even me, even our Director Dai can't control it.

Rather than betting that others won’t dare to take action, it’s better to let Zuo Jun leave early. Anyway, there is a radio station to contact him. By the way, I will have your gift sent to New Zealand, so don’t worry. "

Shen Dongxin nodded, then raised his chin towards Lin Yuan and Ji Boxian: "What do you think of these two people? Some of them must be lying, but what is the purpose?

Ji Boxian took the initiative to surrender to our Central Commander and revealed a lot of information, which is theoretically very reliable. If he was just pretending, I can't figure out what the underground party wants to do.

There is also Lin Yuan. I have read his interrogation records. He spoke quickly after being arrested by you. This is indeed the case, but it is very strange to appear in such a sensitive case. "

 After saying that, he took a puff of his cigarette and looked at Zuo Zhong curiously, wanting to hear his thoughts. After all, the other person was recognized by the government as an intelligence expert and his mind was also very active.

“Well, there is indeed something fishy about this case.”

Zuo Zhong, who was on the opposite side, heard Shen Dongxin's words. He first expressed his agreement, and then said lightly: "If Ji Boxian is pretending to surrender, he is just trying to sow discord between the Central Command and the Military Command.

Since the old principal became the director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, our relationship is not as tense as before, which is definitely not a pleasant thing for the underground party and other forces.

So it is not impossible to send a dead man to alienate us. As for the underground party members he provided, they can evacuate at any time. At that time, it will be nothing more than another failure of the Central Unification.

It's just that the underground party didn't expect Ji Boxian's subordinate Lin Yuan to choose anyway. Now it depends on whether Lin Yuan really handed over the penicillin to Ji Boxian. If this matter is found out, the truth will be revealed.

Because the underground party will not give up such an important drug, don't forget, they fought several battles with the Japanese in the north, and they should know the great role of penicillin in restoring combat effectiveness. "

  After telling the reason why Ji Boxian may have faked surrender, Zuo Zhong put the cigarette **** into the ashtray and stubbed it out, looked into Shen Dongxin's eyes, and began to analyze Lin Yuan's actions.

“Assuming that it was Lin Yuan who lied, the purpose would be even simpler. First, to muddy the waters and cover up the informants hidden within the military command. The cleaner Zhang Laoqi was just a scapegoat thrown by the other party.

Because whether it was Ji Boxian who lied or Lin Yuan who lied, the informant is most likely real. Otherwise, the information leakage in the pharmacy cannot be explained unless the person named Lin knows clairvoyance.

Another inference from this is that if the insider is not the cleaner Zhang Laoqi, the other party's status must be very important, so important that the underground party is willing to let people fall into the trap to mislead our investigation.

The party in Erdi┴ knew that Ji Boxian was evil anyway, but because Deputy Director Xu protected him in every possible way, the dissidents were not completely sure to silence him, so they wanted to use our hands to get rid of this person. "

While Zuo Zhong was analyzing, he also did not forget to make a little joke. It has become a habit of the military commander to tease Xu Enzeng. Every time he does not talk about Deputy Director Xu in meetings or gatherings, he always feels that something is missing.

Shen Dongxin smiled helplessly. It was different from before. Now Xu Enzeng was his boss. There were some things he couldn't say easily. He could only smile to cover up his embarrassment, and then nodded slightly.

It is true that Lin Yuan can steal medicines through the wall. Intelligence is the key. The military commander, at least Renxin Hospital, has an insider. It is indeed logical for the underground party to use Lin Yuan's fake surrender to confuse the party.

At the same time, this would also put the charge of false surrender on Ji Boxian. We all know what the Guo Party will do to underground diehards, a standard plan to kill two birds with one stone.

While the two were talking in a low voice, Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian were also talking in a low voice. The two directors seemed to be in a good mood, with smiles on their faces.

“Director Zhu, how about the assistant that Shen Zhong recommended to you? If he hadn’t spoken so rarely, I would have been reluctant to give you the top student from St. Cyr Military Academy.” Lao Dai said with a smile.

Zhu Liuxian looked at Shen Dongxin not far away, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes: "Yes, Dongxin is not only familiar with field operations, but also very good at internal work, and he is a good assistant.

Without his help, a layman like me would not have been able to gain a foothold quickly. Director Dai, Zhu is really envious of you. You have all elite soldiers and generals under your command. No wonder the commissioner attaches so much importance to military control. ” ˆ ˆ This was not a polite word. Someone asked him to serve as the director of the Central Command. Zhu Liuxian was not prepared at all. He originally planned to be a clay Buddha, but Shen Dongxin gave him a surprise.

As soon as the other party was transferred to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the chief secretary, he immediately found an old fritter from the bureau office to scare the monkeys. He immediately suppressed those fools and no longer dared to cause trouble.

Subsequently, he roped in a few provocateurs with backgrounds and became brothers with each other. Through a two-pronged approach, he quickly took control of the bureau. Zhu Liuxian finally had his initial team.

Not only that, Shen Dongxin took the opportunity of cooperating with the military commander to arrest Brother Pao, and reached into the intelligence and action system that Xu Enzeng cared about most, and bribed some of the previously unsuccessful spies.

Although later, as Er Chen gradually exerted his strength, the wallflowers jumped back again, but not everyone was willing to follow Xu Enzeng's path to the dark side, and there was no shortage of people in the agency who were burning cold stoves.

So after several battles, under the guidance of Shen Dongxin, Zhu Liuxian fought back and forth with Xu Enzeng who was assisted by Er Chen. Don't think it is easy, you have to know what kind of person Er Chen is.

 A certain family in the world, Chen┴'s party, this is not just a saying. When someone went to the countryside for the first time, two Chens ran around, recruiting talents everywhere, and made great contributions to his comeback.

In someone's mind, these two people are definitely the number one confidants. It is not easy to remain undefeated against such extravagant figures. Zhu Liuxian understands this very well.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Dai Chunfeng smiled very happily. He could be praised by this veteran of the Fruit Party, especially when he was praising the military system he had established. How could he not be so happy?

 In fact, in his position, he has heard too much flattery from others, so he has slacked off. Ordinary horseplay can no longer move him, but who said these words came from the person in charge of an old rival.

At this moment, the iron door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Xu Enzeng walked in with a shabby look on his face. Behind him, Wu Chunyang was smiling broadly, with his bald head almost showing his back molars.

The people present were all human beings, and they immediately realized that Penicillin was really hidden in Ji Boxian's residence. It was the other party who lied, and he was also the one who knew the inside story of the army.

Sure enough, Wu Chunyang walked up to Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian and saluted: "I would like to report to you two bureau chiefs that we have found the suspected lost penicillin from the safe house.

 The specific purity and weight have to wait for further testing. Since Ling Sanping is avoiding it, the purity part of the work may require the cooperation and help of other agencies. "

Dai Chunfeng, who had been smiling just now, turned cold instantly. He glanced at the shocked Ji Boxian and replied in a deep voice: "Okay, just go ahead and do it. If the bureau needs to intervene, Deputy Director Zuo will coordinate it.

Work must be serious and careful, and one gram of penicillin must not be leaked out. This is related to the overall situation. Let me tell you that after the case is over, I will personally reward the meritorious officials. "

    Drawing a pie skillfully, Lao Dai looked at Ji Boxian again: "As for this person, I leave it to you to do whatever you want. You must pry open his mouth as soon as possible to find out the culprit.

I will not be involved in what happens next. Remember, we must give them a powerful response to the unrepentant dissidents, and we must not be merciful like a woman!

 Director Zhu, let’s go then. Someone just gave me a box of good tea. Let’s go sit in my office. By the way, I want to talk to you about our cooperation. "

Dai Chunfeng stood up and enthusiastically invited Zhu Liuxian. Zhu Liuxian readily agreed and ordered Xu Enzeng to serve as a jury member. He must let some people know the enthusiasm of Zhongtong.

With that said, the two of them walked out of the interrogation room together. Sir, you can't use steel whips or pokers to torture prisoners. That would be too outrageous.

But their words frightened Ji Boxian to the point of trembling. He had received training in the northwest, and the spy methods mentioned in it were frightening just to hear about them, let alone trying them himself.

 When he thought of torture such as the tiger bench and the electric chair, he immediately collapsed: "What I said is true. I really don't know why Penicillin was in my room.

Someone must be setting me up, yes, it must be like this, Deputy Director Xu, I have told you the address of the traffic station and the personnel information, you must believe me! "

 Xu Enzeng, who was full of anger, raised his hand and slapped the other party. He was framed, how to frame him. Lin Yuan was watching here, and the safe house was surrounded by Zhongtong people.

Before he came back, he specifically asked the staff on duty. Except for a few phone calls, no one approached the three rooms of Chuqi Gate. Could it be that people from the underground party and the military command could become invisible? This is ridiculous!

Looking at the angry Xu Enzeng, Zuo Zhong suddenly said slowly: "Old Xu, have you sent someone to keep an eye on those traffic stations? I suggest you contact them quickly to ask about the situation."

Xu Enzeng woke up from a dream and ran out of the interrogation room to make a phone call without bothering to talk nonsense to Ji Boxian. Ji Boxian was left looking at the bald man getting closer and closer to him in horror.

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