Cicada Moving

Chapter 956: briefing

Chapter 956 Briefing

In May 1939, several days after the Penicillin theft case, Zuo Zhong ordered to relax the internal restrictions on the Military Command Bureau in accordance with the agreement reached with Lin Yuan to give underground party members a window to evacuate.

In order to make the play true, he suggested that Dai Chunfeng secretly monitor suspicious persons to see if he could find out the situation of the underground party in Shancheng. However, this suggestion was blocked by Lao Dai, who reasoned that it is better to do less than to do more.

This is not like Lao Dai's style. Zuo Zhong guessed that the huge profits from the penicillin transaction may have influenced the other party. After all, during the war, the drug business was hugely profitable, not to mention that the buyer was still a big force.

Of course, if one day the risks of the drug trade outweigh the benefits, Dai Chunfeng will not hesitate to uproot the underground party. This has nothing to do with doctrine, and is purely about seeking benefits and avoiding harm.

Since Lao Dai didn't want to get involved, Zuo Zhong agreed after a show of "reluctance", and then took people to the address left by Lin Yuan, where they found numerous evidences of Zhang Lao Qi's spies. .

The evidence includes the layout map of Renxin Hospital, a schematic diagram of the freezer in the pharmacy, the hospital's guards, weapon equipment, etc., as well as some low-level military and political intelligence. Each piece has Zhang Laoqi's fingerprints on it, and the location is unknown. ┴How did Xia Dang do it?

With this evidence, Zhang Laoqi, who could not survive the torture, finally admitted the fact that he was an underground party. Sometimes life is scarier than death, especially after being tortured for many days, the other party only wanted death.

Ji Boxian, the "strong underground party fighter", was beaten to death under the joint interrogation of the two major secret agencies of the Central Unification and Military Unification. After his death, with the help of the special agents, a **** fingerprint was pressed on the transcript.

Xu Enzeng was not a fool. He had noticed before that there might be something fishy in the case. However, with Zhu Liuxian's orders and the military commander "assisting" him, a deputy director could not save the situation.

 In addition, Zhu Liuxian promised to put a good word on him in the closing record, Xu Enzeng still chose to maximize interests-acquiescing to the outcome of the case, hello to me, hello to everyone, this is the way of being an official in the government.

So one day in May, the rumor that the government had uncovered the secret organization of the underground party spread like wildfire in the mountain city. Someone was happy and did not hesitate to reward, and both the central commander and the military commander gained something.

Since arriving in the mountain city, especially in the past two months, someone feels that he is doing well again. First, the spy hiding in the official residence was caught, and now even the underground party has suffered a major blow. It is really a double blessing.

Not only that, after the Battle of Chicheng last year, the national government abandoned the three towns of Chicheng. Although the Guo Party was scolded **** in the newspapers, most of the Guo army's combat power was successfully transferred.

In addition, the Japanese army, which used the north bank of Changjiang as the main axis of attack, had to face a problem after occupying the city of Changjiang, that is, the supply line was unstable, which increased the difficulty of transferring materials.

At the same time, in the final process of attacking the three towns of Chicheng, the Japanese army originally planned to sweep the south bank of Changjiang. As a result, the main offensive force suffered many setbacks in Wanjialing, and this tactical purpose was not implemented.

At present, the troops of the Ninth Theater of the National Government still control most of Gan Province, including Poyang Lake Pingyuan and the surrounding water systems. The troops of Chief Li of the Fifth Theater are also responsible for support and cover in Anhui, Hubei and Henan.

This can be said to be a thorn in the back of the Japanese army that captured Qicheng. The Guo army in Changcheng, Gan Province deployed a large number of mines or used the airport for fighter planes to bomb the Japanese logistics line on the water, which hindered the Japanese army's follow-up combat power.

Therefore, after a short rest, the Japanese army first planned to eliminate the Guo army in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang. As the headquarters of the ninth theater and an important water and land transportation center in Gan Province, Changcheng naturally became the main target of the Japanese offensive.

In mid-March 1939, the Japanese army began to attack Changcheng. Fighting broke out between China and Japan along the Nanxun line, Wuning, Wanjiabu, Anyi, Jing'an, Fengxin, and downtown Changcheng. Finally, the Japanese army broke through the defense line and captured Changcheng. .

Unwilling to be defeated, the Guo army immediately sent troops to counterattack. The two sides fought fiercely in Gao'an, Fengxin, Dacheng, Xishan Wanshou Palace, Shengmi Street, Shicha Street, and Huangxi, killing a large number of Japanese troops. Unfortunately, the Guo army suffered too many casualties and had to retreat. .

This result is not good, but the Guo army also performed some outstanding operations during the period, such as the battle to capture Gao'an Baishi Ridge, killing more than 800 enemies, the remaining enemies in Gao'an City being eliminated, and occupying the top position in the battles in Fengxin and Jing'an counties.

Therefore, even if the national government failed to defend Changcheng during the defense and failed to recapture Changcheng during the counterattack, it had a positive military and political side and successfully stabilized the shaky government after the Battle of Qicheng. right.

Until early May, the situation in the national government seemed to be getting better. Someone lost himself in the wise command of the delegation, and once again picked up the three-character policy of integration, prevention, and restriction, and once again targeted the underground party. .

But what he didn’t know was that every time the government officials met, a female stenographer named Joanna would write down the contents and then send them through the northwest through secret channels, faster than the government’s own telegrams.

Zuo Zhong has attended several regular military meetings and met this strange woman. The calmness she displayed was completely unlike an agent who had not received any intelligence training. It could only be said that this was a talent.

It is worth mentioning that Zuo Zhong noticed that Zhu Liuxian was chatting and laughing with Joanna. He pretended to be curious and asked about it, only to find out that the other person was able to enter the government as a stenographer only because of Zhu Liuxian's recommendation.

 In the twenty-fourth year of the Republic of China, Joanna entered the Zhejiang Provincial Secretariat as a stenographer. After the war, she moved westward with the team. During the Battle of Qicheng, she visited her old boss Zhu Liuxian and successfully infiltrated someone.


The old principal was afraid that things were going to be bad. Zuo Zhong's first reaction after learning about this incident was that it was time for him to recognize a new principal. At the same time, he should stay away from Zhu Liuxian so as not to be involved in the future, so he should be prepared.

This is not because the students are unfilial, but because the blame is too big. The few meetings Zuo Zhong attended contained top-secret information on frontline troop mobilization, weapons and ammunition distribution, intelligence and other aspects.

 Imagine what would happen if someone knew that these information were leaked. It would be strange. No matter who goes to serve as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he will eventually have some wonderful connections with the underground party.

In order to remain useful and continue to serve the party and the country, Zuo Zhong kept a certain distance from Zhu Liuxian quietly. Dai Chunfeng was very relieved to know this and felt that his student was still loyal.

Time passed slowly like this for half a month. On this day, Zuo Zhong was sitting in his office and reading the briefing sent by the Second Office of the Military Command Department. He looked at the words "Hanoi Operation Failed" on the report and sighed.

 After Ji published a pornographic video, even though most people scorned it, many people still agreed with it, which had a great impact on the anti-war morale of the people across the country. In order to weaken the influence of the other party, and because the other party had been ruined and no longer a threat, someone gave Dai Chunfeng a secret order in early March, asking the military commander to impose sanctions on Ji who was hiding in Hanoi.

Zuo Zhong was busy finishing the Pao Ge spy case and entertaining Zuo Jun at the time. Lao Dai handed over the task to his old subordinate, Chen Gongshu, the current district chief of East China District, and ordered him to lead the team to Hanoi to perform the mission.

After receiving the order, Chen Gongshu summoned 18 operational backbones in East China and established an operations dispatch center in the port city, using military overseas stations to collect intelligence about Ji.

 After figuring out the target’s residence, guards, personnel, etc., Chen Gongshu led the team from the port city to Hanoi, where they held multiple centralized meetings and began to plan specific action plans for sanctions.

 After preliminary observation, the operators found that there were more than 20 people living in Ji's hiding place. These people never stepped out of the door. Food was delivered by Japanese diplomats in Hanoi.

In this case, Chen Gongshu first rented a house nearby with his Changi passport. A few days later, he finally saw Ji and his wife in the target yard, and the operation entered the second implementation stage.

One day in mid-March, the operatives spotted two black cars driving out of Ji’s residence, and hurriedly drove behind them, preparing to wait for an opportunity to take sanctions on the road.

However, Ji’s bodyguard was very vigilant and soon discovered that the motorcade was being followed. In order to get rid of the tracking vehicle, the bodyguard chose to drive the car into the downtown area of ​​Hanoi.

There was a serious traffic jam in the center of Hanoi that day. Several other cars squeezed in between the vehicle of Chen Gongshu and others and Ji's car, and the speed of the vehicle suddenly dropped to the minimum.

While crossing an intersection, the target convoy took advantage of the red light and rushed over. The operators' vehicles were blocked behind them. They looked at the cars and sighed, and the first assassination operation failed.

On the second day of the assassination, Ji and his wife seemed to have a dispute. The two quarreled on the lawn of their residence, looking extremely excited and seeming to be arguing about something.

Seeing the opportunity, the surveillance personnel rushed to get their rifles to prepare for sniping, but when they got the rifles, the target had already returned to the house, and this good opportunity slipped from their hands again.

Two consecutive failures made Chen Gongshu anxious. What worried him even more was that their whereabouts seemed to have been discovered by the target's bodyguards and the French, and Ji was likely to be transferred.

So he applied to Dai Chunfeng to directly launch a frontal attack on someone Ji's residence. This bold plan was approved by Lao Dai, because someone had asked about the progress of this matter several times.

At about 11 o'clock that night, Chen Gongshu led several military special agents and headed towards the target's residence under the cover of darkness. However, they were discovered by two Cochin police detectives, who stopped several people and began to interrogate them.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Chen Gongshu took out some banknotes from his pocket and put them into the hands of the Cochin police detective. The detective immediately released the money and returned it, and thoughtfully pointed out several checkpoint locations for the operators.

After sending away the police detectives, the operators successfully arrived at the back door of the target residence. Following Chen Gongshu's order, the agents began to act according to the previous arrangement, climbed over the wall and began to sneak in.

Although the agents from the East China District who participated in the operation were all good operatives, they still made some noises that alerted the guards in the house, and a moderately intense firefight ensued in the yard.

The reason is that the people responsible for the outer protection are all Cochin people, with a salary of dozens of yuan a month. What kind of life are they trying to do? After shouting twice, these people threw away their guns and very wisely squatted on the ground and became prisoners.

With the cooperation of the Cochin people, the operators successfully rushed into the house. Based on their observations in the previous few days, they knew that the target couple usually slept in a bedroom on the north side of the third floor at night.

But on the stairs, they encountered a tough situation. Three unidentified young men took advantage of the terrain to block Chen Gongshu and others. Their actions were very tough and they refused to retreat.

 Thanks to the good planning of the East China District, they had considered the possibility of encountering obstacles before the operation. The operators took out their German-made MP18 submachine guns and fired at them, turning the three men into a hornet's nest.

  After solving the last obstacle, the operators came to the door of the explored room. Because the door was very thick and the structure of the door lock was quite complicated, the agents still had no way to get in.

In desperation, Chen Gongshu asked someone to bring a small axe, and successfully broke a small hole in the door. Then through the hole, he saw a man and a woman looking for a hiding place in panic.

In the dim light, Chen Gongshu determined that the two people were the target couple, took out a submachine gun and fired through the small hole in the door. The two people inside the door struggled for a few times and then became motionless after being shot.

At this time, the Jiaozhi police received a report from a neighbor and were rushing to the scene. Chen Gongshu heard the sound of sirens getting closer and closer. In desperation, he gave up and confirmed the target, and evacuated in a hurry.

When the operators returned to the assembly area and began to celebrate the success of the operation, news came from Ji's undercover that they had killed the target's secretary, not the target himself.

Zuo Zhong looked at the word "failure" on the document, shook his head and threw it aside. After this incident, he was afraid that Ji would become frightened and move closer to the Japanese in order to protect himself.

This will definitely have a big negative impact on the domestic anti-war situation. This action between a certain person and Dai Chunfeng can be regarded as losing his wife and losing the army, but it has nothing to do with him.

He picked up the second document and glanced at it. His originally lazy eyes condensed, his waist straightened slightly, and he opened the intelligence briefing titled "Investigation of the Black Market in Mountain City" with a serious expression.

 (End of this chapter)

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