Cicada Moving

Chapter 958: Incorruptible as water

Chapter 958: Incorruptible as water

When Song Minghao heard Zuo Zhong ask him to elaborate, he tilted his head forward slightly, glanced at everyone, and said mysteriously: "Deputy Chairman, after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, the economic situation in various places was very chaotic.

Stimulated by wartime economic chaos and huge profits, financial crimes began to spread in mountainous financial markets, with the domestic foreign exchange, foreign exchange, gold and insurance markets seeing the most serious crimes. "

 Domestic foreign exchange, foreign exchange, gold and insurance?

These four words flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and he waved to his men to sit in the reception area. Well, Deputy Director Zuo is so realistic. If you can think of a way, sit down. If you can't, just stand.

 Everyone sat down one by one. Song Minghao licked his lips and said following what he just said: "I have some friends in the humble position. According to them, manipulating the black market exchange rate is the most common method in the mountain city's internal foreign exchange market.

Last year, the national government began to restrict remittances from mountainous cities to coastal areas and maintained a low exchange rate. As the amount of remittances became smaller and smaller, commercial banks began to manipulate the exchange rate as their profits decreased.

As a result, a domestic foreign exchange black market emerged. Banks in mountainous cities used funds from branches in various places to conduct arbitrage, deliberately lowering the exchange rate in one place and raising the exchange rate in another place, thus obtaining a large amount of additional income.

For example, there is a black market exchange rate between Shancheng and Chengcheng. The exchange rate in Shancheng is 1,000.5 yuan, and the price in Chengdu is 988 yuan. This is still a small amount. After all, some small banks have little access.

Those with backgrounds, such as Yexi, Hecheng, Chuankang and other 13 commercial banks, can achieve a maximum profit of more than 300 yuan per 1,000 yuan in business operations, which makes many remittancers complain.

These arbitrage techniques are all bizarre and seriously violate the national government's "Interim Measures to Facilitate Domestic Foreign Exchange", which stipulates that remittance fees shall not exceed 1 yuan per 100 yuan, and fees exceeding 100 yuan shall be approved by the government based on local conditions.

Therefore, similar businesses must have someone in the government. The biggest backend behind the dozen banks I just mentioned is our Deputy Director Xu, who has repeatedly used the name of the Central Government to excuse them. "

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but take a breath, it was really shameful, he could earn 300 in tears for a thousand remittance. The profit from this kind of capital-free business was nearly 30%. No wonder they all talked about making money by opening a bank.

However, Song Minghao does have some skills, and he can receive such hidden information. It is probably the contacts he left when he was doing arms business in Jinling. He is very good at dealing with all kinds of religions and nine schools.

There is also Xu Enzeng, this **** spends his days drinking, drinking and sensuality. It turns out that he exploits the remitter's hard-earned money. How much of the 300 profit can he share? I'm afraid it's at least half.

On the other side, Song Minghao swallowed: "Then there is foreign exchange. Also last year, foreign banks first broke the national government's "Approval Measures for Purchasing Foreign Exchange", which stipulates that all foreign exchange transactions must be approved by the central bank, buying and selling foreign exchange privately. A black market emerged.

At the beginning of this year, a large number of foreigners brought huge amounts of US dollars, pounds, francs, Japanese yen and even poisoned rupees to circulate in the black market of mountain cities. Speculators immediately drove up the prices of these currencies, and the foreign exchange black market broke out on a large scale.

Last month, the US dollar exchange rate rose by about 15%, the rupee also increased by about 10%, and other currencies also rose. It has become a common phenomenon that the exchange rate changes three times a day. Many companies engage in foreign exchange speculation and make hundreds of dollars in just one month. Ten thousand.

Such huge interests naturally aroused the covetousness of many people. Without official help, these speculators would have been wiped out long ago. Privileged departments like the Central Unification Committee have become the targets of many people.

As deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xu Enzeng earns tens of thousands of yuan in income from this alone every month. Director Zhu and Dongxin also received a lot of benefits, and they are quite rich. This is almost an open secret within the national government. "


Zuo Zhong frowned when he heard this and asked angrily: "How come I haven't heard of this? They are afraid of the Central Military Commission, so aren't they afraid of our military commander? This is simply unreasonable."

Song Minghao shrank his head and replied awkwardly: "Deputy Master, you rarely interact with the outside world. In addition, you have killed so many people before. Many people think that you are as incorruptible as water, so they did not come to see you."

Deputy Director Zuo became anxious and immediately yelled: "What do you think makes Zuo a breeze? This is a well-known fact. Even the committee members have praised me many times."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and slapped the table hard with a ferocious expression: "The problem is that I don't need it, but they have to give it. I don't care about the money, what I care about is the face of our military commander.

If others know that they give to the Central Government but not to the military, wouldn’t we be putting ourselves at a disadvantage to those **** in the Central Government? This is unacceptable. Why didn’t you remind me earlier? "


Everyone present lowered their heads. The foreign exchange merchants did not dare to approach Zuo Zhong, but they came to them. Without the acquiescence of the military commander, those merchants would not dare to do business in the mountain city even if they had a hundred heads.

Their reaction stunned Zuo Zhong, and then he realized that he was an "alternative". On the contrary, on the contrary, these guys dared to collect money privately without telling him, so he would have to collect less souvenirs!

Covering his heart in distress, Zuo Zhong sat down on the sofa and weakly pointed at everyone: "You, you, alas, next time something like this happens, you must report it in time, no one can be special.

It doesn’t matter whether we have money or not. What’s important is the friendship between us. We are all brothers in life and death. We must advance and retreat together. We can’t make people think that our military is not united. Lao Gu, are you right? "       "You are right, Vice-President. "

Gu Qi took the lead and responded, but was embarrassed to explain: "The other party has just been found. Since you only talked to Lao Bai before, we didn't dare to tell you. We originally planned to report to you after a while.

Don't worry, I'll notify the other party right away to come and visit. This group of foreign exchange merchants is very powerful. They have given away several houses in the city alone. If Mr. Zuo and the others come back in the future, you can make arrangements easily. "

Zuo Zhong's face looked a little better now. It turned out that the two parties had just started to contact each other, so it would be fine. However, he didn't want a house in the mountain city. He still stood firm and the gold bars that sounded were the most solid.

 He ​​straightened his hair, which was a little messy due to excitement, and looked at Song Minghao: "Old Song, go on, what do you mean, Xu Enzeng is involved in domestic foreign exchange, foreign exchange, gold and insurance?"


Song Minghao nodded and explained all the ways Xu Enzeng made money: "The main profit method of the mountain city gold black market is gold speculation. The national government promulgated the "Measures for the Exchange of Gold into Legal Currency" as early as September 26 of the Republic of China.

It is stipulated that the exchange of legal currency for gold must be traded according to the central bank's market price. However, the black market price of gold in various places quickly exceeded the central bank's market price. By November of that year, every tael of gold rose to about 130 yuan.

This year, the national government promulgated the "Measures for Banning the Collection and Sale of Gold", which stipulates that gold transactions can only be operated by government agencies. However, the private demand for gold is very large, and many commercial banks trade gold privately.

 Shancheng Police Station discovered that various branches of Shancheng Meifeng Commercial Bank were secretly engaged in gold transactions. The other parties privately purchased, sold, and manufactured gold worth tens of thousands of taels. The Central Government personally sent people to suppress the matter.

Bai Wenzhi refused to give up and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune, but Xu Enzeng scolded him on the phone, saying that Meifeng Bank had helped the government transfer a lot of funds and had made contributions to the anti-Japanese war and could not be investigated and punished at will.

But the truth is that the person surnamed Xu had an extra US$30,000 in his HSBC account, and his wife also purchased more than a dozen shops in the city. There must be beneficial transactions involved, and even Xu Enzeng is a shareholder of the bank. "

Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and said with a righteous look (envy, jealousy and hatred) on his face: "This worm, did he use the power given to us by the party and the state like this? I, Zuo, have nothing to do with this kind of behavior that harms the public and enriches private interests." !”

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone agreed and scolded Xu Enzeng with indignation - Meifeng Bank did not contact the military commander for some unknown reason. Since he was not a customer, he could not be scolded too much.

Song Minghao waited for everyone to finish scolding, and then introduced: "After the war, the insurance market in Shancheng flourished for a time, and the number of insurance companies increased from two or three before the war to 13.

However, illegal acts are not uncommon. The "Wartime Insurance Industry Management Measures" clearly stipulates that companies operating insurance are not allowed to concurrently operate other businesses, and insurance premiums must be charged in accordance with the industry's public standards.

Some insurance companies privately set premium rates in the process of handling business, do not follow unified regulations, and absorb funds from the black market, or recruit insurance without authorization in the black market.

Just like Tai An Feng Insurance Company, which privately charges additional fees to policyholders, at the same time, many speculators have used Tai An Feng to raise funds to speculate in US dollars, gold and commodities.

The other party also had close business contacts with the banking industry and used banks to promote funds to obtain additional income. Strangely, all of these funds lost money without exception, and investors suffered heavy losses.

In addition, Tai Anfeng also used the premiums collected to engage in commercial transactions, transfer short-term high-value loans, act as a real estate and water and land transportation broker, and buy and sell foreign exchange gold on the black market, etc.

Relying on these illegal profit-making methods, Tai'anfeng Insurance Company's surplus is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Moreover, according to its registration with the government, one of the shareholders is Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law. "

After introducing the general situation, Song Minghao made a decisive suggestion: "If the person named Xu is having trouble with us, then we will attack those domestic foreign exchange banks, foreign exchange merchants, Meifeng and Antaifeng, and completely cut off his funding channels.

This group of people only cares about money. Once they find out that Xu Enzeng caused their losses, they will only have two reactions, either to fall out with our military commander, or to squeeze Xu Enzeng out, or a combination of both.

 Based on my guess, the other party is likely to choose the second path. Businessmen seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and making money is the first priority. However, we are stronger than the Central Government and receive more attention from the committee! "


Everyone present applauded, and Zuo Zhong also showed a satisfied smile. Song Minghao was right, those businessmen would definitely choose the second path, because no one would be willing to be buried with a sunken ship.

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