* * *

I followed the procession to the River Islands where the waterways changed from time to time, and as a result, ships would often be cut off.

I had carefully planned the abduction of the prince’s body, so that, even if I head to the palace with Deric’s body, he wouldn’t be able to harm me or my family. The job was easy because I had an accomplice.

After we made it to the River Islands, we subsequently headed up to a certain point. And as expected, the ships were cut off and our one-day itinerary got delayed by a night and two days. Since I was the daughter of a Duke, I was the only one permitted to share a floor with the Crown Prince.

There was an ongoing storm outside, so I gave him a meek glance and muttered that I was afraid of lightning and thunder. Then, fortunately, he made the first move.

“Wash up and come out.”

He said in an arrogant voice as if he thought of me as his possession. Regardless, I was grateful that he came over. I immediately called in my maids to help me bathe and dress up.

A sweet and sensual aroma of roses permeated the room. The maids anointed the rose oil on their hands first before massaging through the lengths of my hair with great care. Their hands lent a more sensual scent to the red hair, which already looked as vivid as a freshly blooming rose.

When I thought it was time, the maids hesitated but got up from their seats.

“My Lady, His … His Highness, the Crown Prince is here.”

“Then, we’ll get going.”

They bowed and quickly left the room.

Deric, who had just finished bathing, entered the room with slightly damp hair. His face pretty much revealed his desires. Finally, the long-awaited moment had arrived. Watching him through the mirror, I rose from my seat with an innocent smile, showing no indication that all this was planned by me. I saw him leaning—arms crossed—against the wall, by the door.

Wearing a white shirt with a couple of buttons undone, he looked much more comfortable than when he was back in the palace. He was originally dissatisfied with the Emperor’s order to visit the Island’s villa to take a breather, but since he had overworked his body, a little rest seemed to be doing good for him.

His muscles, which were always so taut with tension, seemed to relax, but they weren’t lax to the point where they could be deemed defenseless.

“I’ve been waiting, Your Highness.”

I politely greeted him, pretending not to know anything about the affair between a man and a woman.

The movement, which was only lowering the head and raising it again, seemed like some part of an elegant dance. Red hair cascaded down onto my shoulders, radiating a sensual scent of roses from my chest.


Deric, who was looking at me, took a step without saying anything. His face flooded my view.

Contrary to my taste, he had a very muscular body, but his face was so awfully beautiful that there was no other like it in comparison. I could see why the noblewomen had a hard time taking their eyes off of him, even though they would call him a “barbarian” for growing up with the customs of the enemy kingdom.

His dark eyebrows and straight high nose peered through the screen of his black, wet, matted hair. His indifferent eyes seemed as if they were set aflame.

He came up to me in a flash. His lips were so close to mine that we could feel each other’s breaths. My golden eyes met his blue ones.

“… I’m happy, Your Highness.”

I curved my eyes and murmured. I felt the heavy sounds of rain, fiercely pounding against the window, disappear. I closed my eyes intending to give my consent. As he leaned in, his eyelashes brushed against my cheeks and held me more tightly.

Carefully stroking him with my well-maintained fingers, I raised my arms and wrapped them around his shoulders. The shoulders held in my hand were as hot and hard as rocks heated in the scorching sun.

Not only his face but even his body approached and closed on me. Something began to prod at my lower body, revealing its presence.

As I was doing a clumsy job stroking his ears, I had an instinctive realization that this first and last night with him would be very satisfying.

Deric stuck out his tongue and licked my lips. Tilting his head, he came closer and sucked my lower lip. The slight suction he applied stimulated me like an electric current. Deric pulled up his teeth and bit my tongue lightly. My hand, which had been stroking his neck, slid down powerlessly.

Before the feeling of dizziness could take over me, he held my wrists roughly and held them against the wall above my head. My hands were restrained and I stared blankly at him for a moment.

I had expected him not to be considerate or gentle, but now the situation looked that he would be much rougher than I had previously thought.

However, I would be the only one left disappointed if I tried to run away now. So, I pretended as if I liked being restrained and urged him in a delicate voice.

“…Your Highness.”

“Princess, I guess you don’t know my name.”

He responded in a stiff voice. I murmured awkwardly as I faced him with a seductive smile.

“Sir Deric.”

“That’s lengthy.”1

He spoke flatly, and then again pressed his lips against mine. His other free hand, which was not holding both of my hands, grabbed my slightly parted lips and spread them open. His tongue tenaciously entangled with mine. Despite knowing that it was my first kiss, he didn’t give me a break. I felt goosebumps when his tongue felt my palette, and like a coquettish actress, I struggled and let sultry whispers out of my lips.

“Umm … Deric …”


Just as I was about to ask him whether it was okay to call him like this, Deric swallowed my lips. He gave me no reply and continued to kiss me deeply.

As I gasped from the rough and overwhelming stimulus, his lips moved along my jawline. It was a place that one could not touch during normal times.

I flinched as I felt his lips. It felt as if someone was painting my neck, collarbone, and shoulder with a brush soaked in hot water.

He bit and sucked at my pale and scarless skin. The stimulus was relentless as if he was etching his name on my skin and was marking me as his.

I was struck with intense pain and joy and I couldn’t help but moan for a long time. Under his relentless kissing, my lips swelled up. He just held my jaw and kissed me hard.

“Your Highness …”

“My name.”

“Deric, ah, umm.”

He did not act as if he didn’t hear anything. He neither slowed down nor kissed me affectionately. I gasped as I tried to keep up with his pace.

“Your clothes.”

“If you let go of my hands, I’ll…”

“Never mind.”

He roughly tugged at my dress, while still holding my wrists up against the wall.

Under the rough and crude hands, the buttons which had been meticulously fastened by the maids were ripped off. I sucked a deep breath as I felt the damp, cold air touch my whole body.

What on earth was this man up to now! He didn’t care a bit about the atmosphere, and I felt resentful at his rough actions which were similar to removing dry laundry from the clothesline.

He really wasn’t my type; however, I’ll be the only one who’ll regret it if I pushed him away now. I looked at him with an enticing gaze, exhaling heated breath. Deric, who had left dark traces on my collarbone, without hesitation began sucking on my ample curves. My waist, which was touching the wall, bounced reflexively in response.

A strange stimulus seemed to have invaded my heart. The resentment that I felt for his insensitive action earlier vanished. When he sucked a little harder, my eyes almost bulged out.

“Deric …”

‘A little slower, please.’

I murmured imploringly, but Deric wasn’t the type who listened to others. He diligently teased my lips and grabbed a handful of me in his hands. I felt my eyes getting heated. It would be nice if he could be a bit gentler, but the stimulus was so fierce and acute that I couldn’t even fully accept it.
I felt the power drain from my legs and I clung to him tightly. He behaved as he pleased. My vision turned white and my heart thumped violently.

His breath was getting ragged. Surprisingly, his expressionless face began to distort little by little.

Deric took a shallow breath, hugged me, and put me down on the bed. Because it was still raining outside, the bedding had dampened with cold moisture, but I was glad that it was, as it helped me cool down my body.

He was too hot and rough and I couldn’t handle it. When he took off his clothes and came up to the bed on his knees, I was frightened and swallowed hard.

My eyes turned to his center and the color drained from my face. I was prepared for it until a moment ago, but as of now, after having taken a look at it, it was obvious that I wasn’t well equipped to really handle that size.

Furthermore, it was clear that he had no intention of holding back any longer. Deric’s majestic shadow loomed over me. He lowered his hand and caressed my abdomen.

The exquisite skin shuddered at once. Soon, his desire rubbed at the threshold and gently made its way in. I held my breath, the pain making me grip the bedsheets.

I was a little prepared for the rough stimulus, but it was still far from enough to fully encapsulate his desire.

‘This shitty …’

I swallowed back a vulgar curse and shed some tears of pain. Instead of giving me time to adjust and kissing me affectionately, he grabbed my wrist even harder.

“Deric, wait a minute …”

I said it desperately, but Deric moved little by little. The slow movement quickly picked up the pace.

A heated breath leaked out of my mouth as I felt my whole body being set ablaze. It would’ve been hard as it is to accept him while lying still, but he had arbitrarily decided to move around as he pleased. As if trying to cut a path, his linear movements gradually altered course and became diverse and varied. I trembled unconsciously and bit my lip.

He startled me when he started going wild. It felt like all the blood vessels in my body were swelling and bursting.

My body felt like it was being torn apart every time he came in, and it gradually turned into an indescribable simmering feeling. My head felt like mush, and my stomach tightened.

As I swayed under the overwhelming stimuli he applied, I closed my eyes and cried out in a high voice.

“Ah …!”

My body flopped down on the bed. I thought that I should act beautiful and elegant, but my body just reacted on instinct.

I trembled for a long time because of the great joy I experienced for the first time. It wasn’t until a while later that I noticed that he was licking my tears.


His voice was a little different from before. It felt more low and sultry.

No, has he ever called me this way? I couldn’t think properly because of the lingering pleasure.

“Your Highness, wait a minute …”

“My name.”

“… Deric.”

I stared at his face with blurred eyes. Deric had a face that seemed to say he was a little unsatisfied.

His hands swept over my wet eyes. His eyes were like that of a cold conqueror, devoid of any kindness.

“Did you cry because you liked it?”

It was cold ridicule. I didn’t say anything and just looked at him. He chuckled probably because it wasn’t a question that he wanted an answer for.

“I’m not done yet.”


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I took even breaths and rolled my head to the side. Although his movements felt excruciatingly painful, the partial satisfaction that I felt outweighed the pain.

Moreover, it was him, not me, who would take over this body tomorrow.  Since he acted as he pleased without any consideration, shouldn’t I be grateful for his suggestion?

“Please keep going, Deric.”

Speaking in a seductive voice, I closed my eyes again and leaned my back. At the lift of my head, he started moving again.

He means that calling with the title is unnecessary and rather just call him Deric.

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