Not too many bells and whistles.

Just hit the throttle!

It depends on whose engine is powerful enough and fast!

Simple and rude!

Su Qin was driving the Yamaha R1 attentively at this time.

At this time, the speed of the Yamaha R1 has reached 200km/h.

At such a high speed, Su Qin must concentrate on controlling the Yamaha R1, otherwise the car will crash and die if he is not careful.

But Su Qin really enjoyed the excitement and excitement brought by this speed!

With the continuous secretion of dopamine and adrenaline, Su Qin felt an unprecedented blocky feeling!

So cool!

So exciting!


Su Qin shifted into gear again and jumped to the sixth gear, the highest gear!

At the same time, the throttle is increased to the maximum!

Boom boom boom...

Exhaust pipe fire!

Speed ​​increased again.

woohoo hoo...





The speed is still rising!

In the end, it directly hit the peak of the speed of 320km/h!

At this point the whole car is floating in general!

Feels like flying!

Too fast!

Su Qin felt that what was sitting under Kua at this time was not a Yamaha R1, but a flying land vehicle!

too fast!

If ordinary people can't control this speed!

Driving at high speed in a straight line is really cool.

Su Qin has not experienced this feeling for a long time!

woohoo hoo...

The world around the fast speed is a little blurry!

The take-off process of a jet aircraft consists of three phases: ground roll, lift off, and accelerated climb.

The aircraft first taxied to the takeoff line, braked the wheels, put the flaps in the takeoff position, and increased the engine speed to the maximum value, then released the brakes, and the aircraft began to accelerate and roll under the action of thrust.

When the rolling speed reaches a certain value, the driver pulls the steering stick backward, lifts the front wheel, and increases the angle of attack.

After that, the aircraft continues to roll with only two main wheels. The lift of the wing increases with the increase of the roll speed. When its value is equal to the weight of the aircraft, the aircraft leaves the ground and accelerates to climb.

Rise to a height of 10-15 meters, retract the landing gear, and end the take-off stage after rising to a height of 25 meters.

That is to say, as long as the pilot does not control the control stick of the aircraft, even if the Boeing 777 reaches the take-off speed, the aircraft will not take off, but will continue to taxi.

Now the Boeing 777 is taxiing at 300km/h.

high speed!

Looking down, the Boeing 777 and the Yamaha R1 are driving at high speed in tandem on the two tracks.

In seconds!

woohoo hoo...

A gust of wind blew across the finish line.

Su Qin drove the Yamaha R1 across the finish line for the first time!

The speed of the Boeing 777 on the next runway is not slow, and the speed is soon increased to 300km/h.

Crossed the finish line 1.5 seconds later than Su Qin!

In other words, Su Qin drove the Yamaha R1 to win the Boeing 777.

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