“Is Lin Yu still so handsome now?”

“At that time, there were many girls who liked him openly and secretly!”

“He studied well, he must be mixing well now, right?”

Everyone talked about Lin Yu again.

“Notified! I still came with him. Wang Jie said, “But when he entered the private room, he met an acquaintance, and was forcibly pulled away by that acquaintance to chat, he should come immediately!” ”

The words just fell,

A man walked into the private room.

The man said:

“Sorry for being late…”

The person who came was Lin Yu.

“God, Lin Yu, you’re even more handsome!”

“It’s several times more handsome than when I was in school!”

“Your skin is so good, is there a girl who takes care of you every day?”

As soon as Lin Yu appeared, the classmates exclaimed.

Lin Yu has undergone a qualitative transformation regardless of his appearance or temperament!

Under the pressure of Lin Yu’s appearance, everyone had some difficulty breathing!

Nor is it strange that they are so fussed

After Lin Yu had the system, his physique was repeatedly strengthened, and he was worth tens of billions, making him full of unparalleled charm when he raised his hands and threw his feet!

In front of him, ordinary people are inevitably ashamed of themselves and humble and small!

And Lin Yu is not wearing a courier suit today.

I wore a T-shirt and jeans.

People have no idea what he does.

“Lin Yu…”

Seeing Lin Yu’s appearance up close this time, Chen Jingjing couldn’t help but shine her eyes, and her heart was bumping!

“You’re boiling?”

“I really want to tell you that the most terrifying thing about Lin Yu is not his appearance at all!”

“You can’t imagine how terrifying his worth is!”

“We are all scumbags compared to him!”

Yang Xinxin glanced at her classmates, and her mouth moved.

But she didn’t say anything.

Then he lowered his head.


Liu Yiming saw the blazing fire in the eyes of his fiancée Chen Jingjing, and inevitably became displeased, cleared his throat, and asked Lin Yu: “Lin Yu, look at you, as soon as you appear, the atmosphere is immediately different from just now.” By the way, when you come here, isn’t the business in the store gone? ”

His words were a little disrespectful to Lin Yu.

It is clearly to hint to everyone that Lin Yu is a ten-yuan shop!

Lin Yu didn’t say much, and sat down next to Wang Jie lightly.

“Lin Yu, what kind of shop are you opening? Business should be big, right? ”

“I’m just a ten-dollar shop, and I can only make ends meet in a small business.”

Lin Yu said his profession indifferently, picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for the classmates next to him.


“Ten Dollar Shop?”

It was as if a thunder rumbled in the private room!

The students all exclaimed!

Lin Yu studied so well at the beginning, but he actually did such a low career?

And it’s also spicy and handsome, just find a rich woman to eat soft rice!

Isn’t this ruining your appearance and ruining your life?

“Can’t hide it!”

Seeing that under his guidance, everyone successfully knew Lin Yu’s work, and the corners of Liu Yiming’s mouth hooked a touch of pride.

Lin Yu!

Your skin is outstanding!

But what this society values most is not appearance, but wealth!

Without wealth, everything is!

“Three hundred and sixty lines, the line is out of the top, no matter what you do, it is Lin Yu’s choice, everyone stop talking about it!”

Liu Yiming raised his hands, pressed down, inadvertently glanced at the Patek Jade watch on his wrist, and continued: “The dish has just been ordered, it hasn’t been served yet, let’s take a look at today’s news first!” ”

Saying that, he turned on the LCD TV in the private room and tuned to the city news channel.

He didn’t want to watch TV on a whim

Instead, he already knew that the city news channel would broadcast an interview with him tonight!

After all, he is the vice president of a department of a listed financial company.

A friend of the TV station gave face and asked him to express his opinion on the current financial situation.

He’d seen the sample before.

He appeared for 8 seconds!

Sure enough,

Two minutes later.

The news presenter appeared on the screen!


Liu Yiming took a sip of tea proudly, and also patted Chen Jingjing’s leg, signaling her to take a good look too.

“What’s so good about the news.”

Chen Jingjing wiped the water stains that accidentally splashed on the bag with paper.

“You’ll know right away, surprise you!”

Liu Yiming brought his mouth to Chen Jingjing’s ear and said mysteriously: “Don’t worship me too much at that time!” ”

“Dear viewers, before we officially carry out tonight’s news broadcast, please review today’s morning news…”

The news host suddenly said such a sentence.

Liu Yiming couldn’t help but frown.

What is the morning news looking back on?

Why is it so verbose?

But then,

His eyes widened!

Not only him, but also the students present widened their eyes!

A figure appeared on the TV screen!

The figure was climbing on the building, almost falling, and then broke the window and entered the family’s room!

Then the picture changes

It turned into the picture of Wen Tingting interviewing Lin Yu!

Wen Tingting held the microphone: “May I ask what makes you go to save people regardless of the danger?” ”

Lin Yu: “Save people but by conscience…”


O heroes!

The students couldn’t help but focus their eyes on Lin Yu again!

The eyes are full of adoration!

Today I actually ate at the same table with the rescue hero!

What an honor!

The hero is still his classmate!

It’s an honor to have it!

“What’s so great about that?”

“It’s just saving someone, what’s so unusual about this kind of thing.”

Liu Yiming leaned back in the chair and put the BMW car key next to the teacup, and put it in his trouser pocket a little panicked.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but think: “It’s time to play me next, right?” ”

But what happened next

Again to his surprise!

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