Strolling on the beach, Ronia glanced sideways at Jiang He and said

, "Jiang, do you really plan to set up a security company?"

Ronia couldn't help but ask curiously.

Jiang He listened and nodded gently, without denying it.

"I'll help you with this..."

Ronia said and ran forward.

During this period, Jiang He basically stayed on this private island.

Either talk to Ronia about Jiang's assets, or talk to Roniya, in short, it's uncomfortable.

And then there's talking to Adams about his power.

In his heart, Adams still particularly hopes that Jiang He can take over his own power and business.

Anyway, Ronya followed this kid.

In his opinion, the essence of this river is a hero, but also a genius, simply the only candidate to take over his power, and even he has a little expectation, the river is enough to further develop his power.

However, what made him feel a little depressed was that Jiang He never showed much interest.

What made Adams feel shocked was Jiang He's hand, during this time, Jiang He was idle and bored, naturally he also received some training, and fought with some of his bodyguards.

As a result, the various performances of this kid are simply tough against the sky.

Maybe this is the so-called genius, after all, genius is so against the sky, Adams has such an idea in his heart.

After all, her daughter, Ronia, is also such a genius, she can learn all kinds of languages in the world in just a few days, as for reading and writing, she can get started with a little practice....

Jiang He glanced at Ronia and said,

"I plan to return to China!"

Staring at Jiang He's eyes, Ronia said with a serious face

: "After a while, I also plan to go in person!"

Jiang He listened and smiled, nodded directly and agreed, "


But when Adams heard that Jiang He was going back to China, the whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he nodded with difficulty and said

, "Okay!"

Looking at the river, Adams continued with a serious face

: "If there is anything unfair about the business accident, you can come to me!"

Jiang He nodded heavily, smiled and said

, "I will definitely do, thank you Uncle Adams!"

"Goodbye Uncle Adams!"

"Dad, goodbye!"


On the helicopter, Jiang He looked at Ronia and said,

"Or you can customize a plane!"

Listening to Jiang He's words, Ronia smiled sweetly and said,


At the same time, in the Middle East of Africa, a new security company has been integrated, this is Leon Security.

It was Jiang He who asked Wang Ye to set up a security company, although it is a security company, but in fact it is a mercenary organization, because all the members in it are mercenaries without exception.

As for the name of the security company, it is just to put on the cloak of legality.

Now the security company is integrating these mercenaries, and a big problem after integration is the distribution of benefits.

The operation mode of this security company is like a domestic takeaway platform, with Leon taking over tasks and then distributing them, and as for the benefits, the company and these mercenaries are divided in half.

This model, at the beginning, there were also many people who had opinions.

However, Wang Ye's words made them completely shut up.

"The biggest guarantee that our security company gives you is the security of payment, we must get the income, of course you can leave if you are not convinced, I want to see, without us, under the squeeze of other forces, how much living space you can have, as for me, my boss has a lot of money, big deal, I recruit troops myself, train by myself, but it takes more time!"

These mercenaries all knew in their hearts that what Wang Ye said was the truth.

Previously, in order to integrate them all, people spent hundreds of millions of dollars without blinking their eyes.

This already says a lot.

Also, Wang Ye directly killed those who started to coax, and the rest of the people were much more honest.

Don't look at them all unruly, but none of them are fools.

They know how to maximize profits, and following Wang Ye seems to be a loss in the short term, but in the long run, it is very aggressive.

With the name of the company, they are legal, coupled with the support of the gold owner, it will definitely rise rapidly, at that time, they will not earn more, more importantly, for Wang Ye, they are convinced in their hearts.

Strong strength they do not say, there is a gold lord to support them do not say, the most important thing is to get a large number of advanced equipment, you must know that many of the equipment in their hands before is still World War II equipment, what AK and the like.

But now you can get the latest equipment, and even Stinger anti-aircraft missiles!

It simply makes them blush to the point of willingness.

These equipment are undoubtedly funded by Adams, and

this arms tycoon is really not ordinary generous.

Since Jiang He's request, it has been directly docked by Wang Ye and Adams, and the two have been working very happily.

The weapons provided by Adams are provided at cost prices, and as long as they are the weapons that Leon Security wants, as long as he does it, they are all agreed, and the price collected is all cost price.

Now in Africa, other mercenary forces in the Middle East, even if someone is willing to pay money, no one is willing to agree to deal with Leon Security, in their words

, "This company is some famous madmen, and which of them is not crawling out of the pile of dead people, and now it is armed to the teeth, and they can't fight at all!"

In their eyes, this Leon security is a very powerful madman

, not that none of them are willing to deal with this group of madmen, but can occupy a side in the underworld of the jungle are very shrewd figures, they all know that once they deal with Leon security, then they will inevitably lose a lot, and then bring their opponents an opportunity, that is, there is life to earn money, no life to spend money.

Then there is Adams' warning to some forces.

In the previous scene, Adams said to Ronya

: "My Ronia, I have already said hello to the major forces, if they dare to attack Leon's security, I will cut off their arms supply!"

"Now you're satisfied!"

With a long sigh of relief, Adams felt more and more that Ronia was not talking about his daughter, and this elbow was always turning out.

But fortunately, now many faux pas still have to give themselves face.

Listening to Adams' words, Ronia took Adams' hand and said happily,

"Thank you dad!"

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