The old dog is also the most knowledgeable person in this group.

The old dog said with some uncertainty

: "I remember that this watch seems to cost hundreds of thousands!"

Jiang Liu was a little embarrassed, and he smiled and said

: "This is my son buying a car and giving it away by lottery!"

"So good?"

Others couldn't believe it, but it was possible to think about it, but the old dog's face was still a little suspicious, and he always felt that something was wrong.

It was late, so they went back to their homes, and the next day, as was customary, they invited a group of relatives to dinner.

Jiang He didn't have time to look at his phone until noon.

Jiang He saw that Lin Miaomiao actually posted a circle of friends at noon, see you for a long time!

A person who works out until noon

Jiang He is a little puzzled, this little nizi will not eat alone at noon, still in the gym? And also take pictures and send friends?

However, Jiang He didn't think too much, Jiang Liu took two ninety-five to Jiang He, and then carried a box of mooncakes and handed it to Jiang He and said

, "Your Grandpa Lan also has relatives at home today, you send these things over, if he leaves you for dinner, you will eat there tonight and come back!"

This is why Jiang He does not like to go back to his hometown, all kinds of relatives and friends, although it is said that the same village, but the ancestors are all one person, and they have to be called by generation, for example, this Grandpa Lan is actually a little smaller than Jiang Liu, but he is higher than Jiang Liu's generation, Jiang Liu calls him uncle, Jiang He is called Ye.

The relationship between the two is also relatively good, in the past, when they were children, the two almost got married, originally Jiang Liu went by himself, but Jiang Liu was entertained by relatives at night, and it became Jiang He.

"Grandpa Lan is good!"

"The river is here!"

Jiang Tianlan and his wife saw Jiang He coming, and invited him in very enthusiastically.

"You came here, why did you still bring things!"

"This is all requested by my father, I am a coolie!"

"Okay, I must talk to him about this!"

After speaking, Uncle Tianlan shouted towards a room inside

, "Jing Han, Xiaohe is here!"

Then, Jiang He saw the familiar and strange Jiang Jinghan coming out of the room.

"Aunt Jing Han, long time no see!"

Jiang Jinghan looked at Jiang He helplessly, he suddenly became so old, but he had to agree again.

She agreed and said

, "Nephew Jianghe, you haven't seen you for a long time!"

Jiang He also felt so helpless, he was called a nephew!

In fact, there is no blood relationship between the two at all.

The two have indeed not seen each other for a long time, and they have been back with the river for more than half a year, and they used to come back with the river every New Year festival, but in recent years, the river has also changed cities, that is, they only come back for the New Year.

This Jiang Jinghan looks at this and is also a beauty, and her whole body has a unique temperament.

The two Tianlan couples looked at the helpless and helpless name between the two and said

, "You young people go out and walk around by yourself, so that there are no such old rules!"

Not only Jiang He, but even Jiang Jinghan felt relieved, between the two of them so called, she felt quite awkward, this is obviously the same age as herself, but she has become an old aunt.

Jiang He said politely to Jiang Tianlan and his wife

, "Grandpa Nalan, let's go out and go around!"

Jiang He can't help but get out quickly, if he stays longer, I'm afraid he won't have enough knowledge, and he almost doesn't know what to call those people behind, whether to call uncle or uncle or uncle, Jiang He is almost messy.

Jiang He took Jiang Jinghan to the car.

Jiang Jinghan sat around the co-pilot and looked around, and said to Jiang He with a smile

: "This career is developing well!"

Jiang He smiled and said,

"It's okay!"

These two are actually childhood sweethearts, and Jiang He said when he was a child that he would marry Jiang Jinghan as his wife, so that he would not have to call her aunt.

It's just that everyone thinks of it as a fairy tale, and the two have a chat without a ride, and before they know it, Jiang He drove the car to the vicinity of the former elementary school.

Jiang He looked at the brand new school gate and said with emotion

: "This time flies so fast!"

"yes! This school gate is completely different from before!

Then the two seemed to remember some things when they were children, and looked at each other tacitly.


, the two laughed almost at the same time, because they both felt that some things were too childish when they were children.

After laughing, Jiang He said

: "Your aunt is quite bad, and often follows outsiders to bully me!"

Jiang Jinghan looked at Jiang He proudly and said

, "Who let your nephew always shout at school before, I have become an old woman!"

The two said and laughed very tacitly, Jiang He had never called an old woman before, and naturally Jiang Jinghan did not teach Jiang He lessons.

Then the two went around again and came to a high-end restaurant in town.

Jiang Jinghan said

, "Oh, today my nephew invited me to eat in such a high-end restaurant!" I finally had a chance to experience a high-end restaurant! "

Jiang He is a little helpless, this is still called, but with Jiang Jinghan's conditions, I am afraid I don't know how many people invite her to eat at high-end restaurants!"

Jiang He responded with a smile

: "Yes, my aunt is very old, all old women, a lot of age, I brought her to taste it today!"



While sitting waiting for the meal, Jiang He asked curiously

, "What are you doing now, I always feel that you have a unique temperament!"

Jiang Jinghan listened and smiled and said

, "I, ah, in a charity fund, usually runs all over the country to help those in need!"

Jiang He listened and finally understood, it turned out that Jiang Jinghan's unique temperament is great love and kindness, no wonder people feel very comfortable and close.

"That's good! Send me your fund account, and I will give some love! "

Thank you!"

Jiang Jinghan said for those who helped Jianghe

, and then gave Jianghe a public account, and then continued

: "We are a private charitable foundation, and we have to disclose the financial situation every month, you can check on it, you can even find my salary!"

As soon as Jiang He heard this, he immediately prepared to donate money, and he had long wanted to do charity, but he had not found a way, especially after reading those news, he wanted to set up his own, and there was no manpower, he looked at the situation of this announcement, that is, to be transparent, not afraid of anything, he was afraid that his money would be eaten by dogs!

Then Jiang Jinghan told Jiang He about her charity work in recent years.

After eating, Jiang He sent Jiang Jinghan home, and then he went home himself.

Seeing Jiang He come back so early, Luo Yujiao asked in surprise

, "Why did you come back so early, I thought you didn't come back tonight and spent the night outside!"

Rivers are now full of black question marks.

Then Luo Yujiao continued to look at Jiang He with a smile and said

, "Why did you two just go out for a meal?"

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