Half past eleven.

The first wave of guests came.

There are repeat customers, and there are new customers who have heard from others that this store is delicious.

The role of word-of-mouth is reflected at this moment.

"Boss Lin, I've brought you guests, twenty, eat here. "

"I didn't eat it in the morning, I have to eat it at noon!"

"Boss Lin, give me 30, my grandson loves to eat. "

"Lin Feng, I also want 40, pack. "

"Teacher Fu. Lin Feng said hello to her and gave her 40 in a bag.

Fu Ying finished paying and walked aside.

Looking at the customers in the queue gradually getting longer, she didn't make small talk and delay Lin Feng.

I was just surprised in my heart, Lin Feng's business was really good.

"Boss Lin, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope. "

"Coincidentally, my daughter doesn't have a boyfriend either. "

"No, my granddaughter is single. "

"I envy Boss Lin's future girlfriend in advance. "

"Boss Lin's girlfriend can grow to at least two hundred pounds!".

Some uncles and aunts were very enthusiastic, but Lin Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

Career-oriented, women or something stand aside.

I haven't bought a house yet, I haven't bought a car yet, what girlfriend do I want?

Isn't she fragrant five girls?

"Oh, no, I ate too much again...... Hiccup. "

"If I eat like this, I will have to grow ten pounds a month!".

"I just bought a fitness card, and I just want to bomb Boss Lin's store at the moment!".

As soon as these words came out, the customers inside and outside the store all brushed their eyes, and their murderous eyes made the young man almost scared to pee.

"Boss Lin, it is recommended that this kid be blacklisted and forbidden to eat in the future!".

"I think he's violent, or call the police. "

The young man was frightened: "Just kidding, I'm just kidding." "

On both sides of the road, pedestrians who came out to forage for food also looked curiously at this side.

"That shop is doing so well, what does it sell?"

"It's an exaggeration to have such a long queue. "

"The one who sells tea eggs. Outside a noodle restaurant, a man sits at a table in the open air, eating and talking.

"Tea eggs sell so well?".

"Do you Jinling have the Xi of eating tea eggs at noon?"

The man said, "Of course it sells well." "

"How good can it be?".

"Let's put it this way, I can eat more than a dozen tea eggs at a meal. "

"Then how do you eat noodles here?".

These words seemed to poke at the man's sore spot.

He took a puff of noodles, lit a cigarette, and looked at Lin Feng's shop, his eyes deep and melancholy: "I used to be the king, and I don't feel distressed when I spend three hundred yuan a day." Now that I'm married, the cost of a meal is only twenty yuan. Boss Lin's tea eggs, I have to eat 12 at a meal, 36 pieces, I ...... I can't afford to eat!".

The noodle shop owner came out to collect the dishes, and when he heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Damn it, I thought it was because my noodles were better than the eggs on the other side.

It turned out that it was cheap.

Heartache, so painful that I couldn't breathe.

Someone said: "But you're still smoking." "

"What does this have to do with the fact that I can't afford to eat eggs?".

"How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?".

"One and a half packs a day. "

"How much is a pack?".

“25。 "

"If you quit smoking, you can save 37.5 a day, won't you be able to afford to eat?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then stood up: "Yes, can't I afford to eat if I quit smoking?"

"A word wakes up the dreamer! I realize! Brother, thank you!"

The man's face was full of surprise, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, threw the remaining cigarette into the trash can next to him, and ran across the road.

A cheerful voice sounded from his mouth and spread throughout the streets and alleys: "Boss Lin, I can finally eat your eggs again! My happiness is back!".

Lin Feng: ......

He felt like he had to unlock another recipe quickly.

Pedestrians were surprised.

"This brother cow, quit smoking and quit, ruthless!"

"Is that tea egg really so hanging? In order to eat it, even quit smoking?"

"Hey, husband, you don't have to buy groceries at night, I bought you something delicious. "

When some women saw this, they were also a little moved.

If it's really so delicious, can my husband quit smoking just to eat?

It's better to be fat than to smoke.

Thinking of this, they also ran over to line up.

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