Chapter 102

“Is he crazy?!”

Robert of the Area 51 Mecha Project looked at the crazy behavior of [Dangerous Wanderer] and screamed in surprise.

Emperor Austrian was confused: “What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Robert shouted: “There must be a problem. His descent speed is at least 3000 km/h, plus the 2000 tons of [Dangerous Wanderer] weight, how strong is the kinetic energy, do you know?!”

Austrian Emperor shook his head.

The others also shook their heads.

Robert: “……………………”

He wanted to find a reference and tell him how miserable it would be to crash at such a terrifying speed, but after deliberation, he seemed unable to find the reference.

“…As long as you know, this kind of kinetic energy knocks down, the monster may die, but the mech will not get better, it will definitely fall apart!”

“That Lin Jun, he is committing suicide!”

“The strength of the human body is simply impossible to withstand such a large kinetic energy.”

Robert categorically cut the railroad.

Emperor Austrian eyes lit up: “You mean, that Lin Jun will definitely die?”

Robert is very sure: “Yes, I will definitely die!”

Emperor Austria laughed loudly: “It’s good to die, good to die!”

At this time, the location of the impact is being enveloped by countless smoke and dust, so it is still not clear what is going on inside.

But it didn’t affect Emperor Austrian’s brain to make up for it: [Dangerous Wanderer] fell apart and Lin Jun died.

Neon country.

More than 100 million neon people looked nervously at the center of the smoke and dust.

Clench your hands and pray:

“Lin Jun, don’t have anything to do!”

“I hope he is safe!”

Many people feel that with such a high speed and such a large impact, [Dangerous Wanderer] may not be intact.

They couldn’t help but worry a little bit about Lin Jun’s safety.

And Fujiwara Takusai, the host of Fuji TV, was quiet at this moment, watching the live screen nervously, for fear of damage to the [Dangerous Ranger] mecha and for Lin Jun to be injured.


As the sea breeze keeps blowing.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

A standing silhouette appeared in the smoke and dust.

It’s getting clearer.

I saw [Dangerous Wanderer] standing in a deep pit, standing tall, like a god of war.

And that monster lay in the deep pit, no bones in its whole body stood upright, as if the whole body had no bones, and it stuck to the ground like soft mud.(Read more @


During the live broadcast, Fujiwara Takusai stood up abruptly, waving his hands excitedly and shouting in surprise.

“Hahaha~~~ Mr. Lin Jun is okay!!”

The underground bunker, originally the Edo people in dead silence, exploded at this moment and shouted frantically.

“The monster is dead!”

“Jun Lin is okay!”

One by one excitedly hugged, excitedly shouted, danced wildly, cheered and celebrated.

And there were countless cheers everywhere in the whole Neon Country.


“Lin Jun, long live!”

“[Dangerous Wanderer] Long live!”

The black palace.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

Robert yelled in surprise, staring at the standing mecha figure.

“Such kinetic energy, it is logically impossible to do nothing at all!”

“Does the mecha use a very strong alloy?”

“No, even if the alloy is very strong, electronic components and other components can’t withstand this huge kinetic energy.”

“This mecha has a problem!”

Robert was yelling, frowning, looking shocked and confused.

He doesn’t understand why?

And beside him, Emperor Ao and others were not from science, so they didn’t understand the difference.

Moreover, Emperor Austrian was still annoyed at this time, why Lin Jun did not die.

At this time, the [Dangerous Wanderer] in the camera started to move, holding the forest dragon beast’s tail, and lifting the forest dragon beast.

take off.

At an extremely fast speed, it cut through the sky and headed towards the Dragon Kingdom.

Fujiwara Takusai was grateful and grateful: “Thank you Lin Jun for helping, thank [Dangerous Wanderer] for saving Edo from fire and water…Thank you (bow deeply in the direction of Ryukoku)!!!”

Throughout the Neon Country, countless people silently thanked Lin Jun and the dangerous wanderers, and bowed deeply to express their gratitude.

In the second year, Edo City built a huge sculpture of a dangerous wanderer in the center of the battle pit, and made a high-altitude fountain using the pit.

In the end, it became a famous spot in Edo.

Countless tourists visit here every year.

This is something.

Time, three days passed in a flash.

In these three days, nothing major happened in the world.

In the lighthouse country, under the control of a powerful fishing vessel, the culpability of [Hope] was finally eliminated. However, Area 51 did not slack off. Instead, it learned its shame and courage to continuously improve new technologies and combine the rare elements in the monsters. , Developed an alloy of 15 times the diamond, named-[Sparse Steel].

Then using this 15 times the hardness of the thin steel alloy, successfully produced three new generation mechas.

The three mechas are named: [Angel], [Dawn], and [Freedom]!

Height: 80 meters

Weight: 2000 tons

Power: nuclear power drive, diesel engine

Weapon: Shield/Iron Fist/Chain Saw

Their defense power is more than 10 times stronger than [Hope]!

Robert is confident that if he encounters a monster again, this new generation of mecha will definitely be able to easily kill the monster!

suddenly! ! !

Didi didi~~~~~~

A sirens came from area 79 next door.

“¨” It’s not good, it’s not good, two monsters are rushing towards Gotham City! ! ”

. C.

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