Chapter 109

Austrian Emperor gritted his teeth and made his own decision: “I choose to use a nuclear bomb!”

Member: “Excuse me, the Great Emperor, do you want to launch a nuclear bomb in Gotham City? Or did you use the nuclear bomb only when you hated the tauren to go south to Boiling City.”

Emperor Austrian took a deep breath: “Naturally, nuclear bombs were used on the way to Boiling City south. Gotham City has its important significance. Nuclear bombs cannot be used.”

Another congressman: “I have a question. With the wisdom of a monster, how can it be possible to go south on land? It must go directly to the sea… It’s like Xini arrived in Campbell.~”

“Yes, the last time the Eighth Pacific Fleet fired a nuclear bomb, it did not kill the monster moving forward in the sea. We all know that after the monster enters the sea, the nuclear bomb cannot kill the monster-.

Therefore, the lighthouse nation now faces two choices.

If the lighthouse country does not nuclear-level Gotham City, it is bound to nuclear-level city.

Option 1: Intact Boiling City + Nuclear Flat Gotham City?


Option 2: Ruins of Gotham City + Heping’s boiling city?

Must choose one of two! !

At this moment, the audience was quiet again.

Gotham City is important, but Boiling City is also the fifth largest city in the lighthouse nation.

Are you really willing to exchange a boiling city after nuclear peace for a ruined Gotham City?

The Austrian Emperor did not dare to make such a decision.

“Then vote by secret…”

After 10 minutes, the voting results are counted!


Nuclear Ping Gotham City! !

Of the 129 votes, 79 votes were for Gotham City.

After this result came out, we faced another question: Should we neutralize the monsters now, or should we neutralize the monsters when they go out to sea?


It seems that the consequences are the same.

Gotham City, which has become a death forbidden city, can no longer rise up, so the consequences of bombing any area are the same.

10 minutes later……

The Beacon State held a press conference facing the world.

The conference has not yet started, and people all over the world have a hunch: This time the Beacon Nation will be nuclear peace.

On the lawn of the Black Palace.

All the reporters kept silent, watching Emperor Austrian quietly, waiting for Emperor Austrian to announce the news.

The whole world also waited quietly.

Aussie: “I’m sorry, the Black Palace, the Kokufang Ministry, and the Science Association did not take the responsibility of guarding the lighthouse country and let the monsters wreak havoc in Gotham City… And now, after all the members of Congress, the important personnel of the Kokufang Ministry, and a member of the Science Vote resolution!”

“Now,’Fat Boy’ will be launched to kill the abominable Minotaur!”

At this moment, the whole area was silent.

Although it had long been expected, when the Great Emperor Austria announced this decision, it still surprised everyone.

As for the citizens of Gotham City who had evacuated, some cried, some yelled in anger, and some attacked others as if they were crazy.

Soon, a black box was mentioned on the podium.

That is the nuclear launch button.

Austrian Emperor inserted the key and opened the safety lock.

Reach out.

Press down.

In another place, Minister Guofang pressed the nuclear button.

In Jersey, a silo opened, and a fat large nuclear bomb + thruster flew into the sky.

At the same time, the detested Minotaur seemed to feel something, looked up at the sky, and then stopped the action of destroying the city.

As if waiting for the arrival of the nuclear bomb.

It fulfilled the goal set by the pioneers: to change the earth’s atmosphere, soil, and water environment through nuclear bomb suicide, and to exterminate the earth’s life.

The nuclear bomb is moving fast in the air…

At this moment, the eyes of the world are watching it!(Read more @

10 minutes later,

The nuclear bomb fell into the place where Gotham City hated the Minotaur…


The world has changed color!

The sun and the moon are dull!

The whole world seemed to be left with that dazzling huge mushroom cloud.

The eyes of human beings around the world finally saw the power of mankind’s most powerful weapon at this moment.

Infinite wind…

Infinite radiation…

Endless high temperature…

The building collapsed like powder and was blown away…

Gotham City, no more!

The strongest economic city in the lighthouse country is gone!

At this moment, the world is silent and the mood is complicated.

Dragon Country, Mecha Land.

With the explosion of the nuclear bomb, the entire base fell silent.

Didi didi~~~~

At this moment, the wormhole detector sounded an alarm!

The researcher rushed over and said anxiously: “Professor Lin, the remaining two monsters seem to have made an appointment and suddenly changed their course!”

Lin Jun’s heart moved: “Where did you go?”

Researcher: “If their direction remains the same, the monsters in the northwest direction will finally reach Hesenwei in the bear country, a distance of 200 nautical miles; those in the southwest direction will go to the Arab country Dibai, a distance of 170 nautical miles!”

Xiong Guo Hesenwei, 200 nautical miles!

Arab country Dibai, 170 nautical miles!

·· ·········Find flowers 0 0

Lin Jun nodded: “Okay, send this news right away!”

Researcher: “Yes!”

Long Guo soon held a press conference to announce this news to the world.

Monster: Xunlong Beast

Energy level: level three

Height: 92 meters

Weight: 2900 tons

Current direction: Xiong Guo·Hasenwei

Distance: 195 nautical miles

Monster: Giant Ape

Energy level: Level 4

Height: 120 meters

Weight: 3800 tons

Current direction: Abola Kingdom·Dibai

Distance: 165 nautical miles

As soon as the news from Longguo came out, the whole world started to fry again.

The nuclear bomb in Gotham City has become less important, and everyone’s eyes have shifted to the bear country and the Abola country.

. .. 0

More of the eyes are on the country of Abola.

That is the core of the world’s oil. If something goes wrong, there will be huge problems with the world’s oil supply.

Bear country.

As one of the most powerful military countries in the world before, when the monsters were about to arrive, all kinds of military materials were quickly shipped to Hesenwei.

Electromagnetic guns, fifty!

Although the performance is not as strong as that of the lighthouse country, there are many!

Moreover, the bear country also used a huge mech made by their own bear country.

【Monster Terminator】number.

It weighs 3,000 tons!

Four legs, a huge body, and four hands, a variant spider mech.

It’s more than enough to deal with a level three monster.

On the Abola country side, it’s completely Muggle.

Level 4 monster!

Is this so beaten?

You must know that the Abola country sells oil. As for the science, technology, and industrial foundation…

sorry, we do not have that!

I used to lie down and sell oil and count the money.

And now, when the fourth-level monsters arrive, the whole country is in chaos.

Dibai, the first city where 80% of the wealth of Abola is concentrated!

When the monster comes,

80% of Abola’s wealth is about to evaporate instantly!

“Contact Longguo! I’ll give the money!!”

The chief was suddenly ill and rushed to the doctor, and began to seek the Dragon Kingdom.

I forgot to say that the lighthouse nation was a natural ally and the Dragon nation was a natural enemy at the beginning, and I forgot to spend 500 billion dollars in foreign exchange to delay the collapse of the US dollar system.

. zero.

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