Chapter 121


With the huge body of 2,900 tons of the four-level monster ridgeback turtle, with the momentum of the top of the mountain, it rushes to the [Dangerous Wanderer]!

And another four-level monster-tailed rat is still 800 meters away.

The world’s breathing has stagnated.

Staring wide-eyed.

There is only one sentence left in my heart: “Dangerous Wanderer, is this time over?”

at this time!

The dangerous wanderer moved!

No warning!

The fifty-meter long sword pierced obliquely upward!

Lin Jun in the cockpit showed a mocking sneer.

Ridgeback Turtle: “………………………………”

The hideous face showed an expression of fear at this moment.

It realizes this is a trap!

The EMP cannon of the tail rat didn’t work at all!

But 800 meters away, the tail rat roared and rushed over quickly.


The ridgeback turtle tried to adjust its body shape in the air, but it was impossible to adjust its body shape at the place where it had no effort in the air just now.

Its body finally ran into the tip of the sword very unwillingly.

Location: Heart! !

After encountering some obstacles, the kinetic energy of 2900 tons and the small contact area of ​​the sword tip formed a huge pressure, allowing the sword tip to penetrate quickly!


Pierce from the front chest, then directly into the heart, and then through the back.


The ridgeback tortoise let out a tragic cry.

At this time, the full power of the Dangerous Wanderer was completely turned on.

Both arms, with all their strength, held the hilt of the sword.

100% drive power!

Cut horizontally!

Cut the heart, cut off the ribs, along with the lungs, liver, and the thick fatty tissue, directly cut off.

The long sword raised.

A lot of internal organs and blood spilled out.

Half of the ribbed turtle’s chest and abdomen have been cut off.

The Ridgeback screamed and struggled, but after losing most of its abdomen, it was already unable to fight, and the blood kept flowing out, making it weaker and weaker.

ko! !


The dangerous wanderer was unscathed.

At this moment, the world was dumbfounded.

“I lost it!”


The original worry of the Longguo people has now turned into endless cheers.

“Boss Lin Jun…Awesome! (Broken sound~)”

“Let me just say, how could the boss Lin Jun lose so easily?”

“I remember, Lin Jun said last time that he has developed a technology to counter electromagnetic pulse cannons. Obviously, this time he pretended to be tricked deliberately and then tricked the monster.”(Read more @

“Level 4 monster, but so~~hahaha~~~”

“Now 1vs1, we are determined to win!!”

“Damn it!” In the lighthouse country, Emperor Black Palace was so angry that he overturned the precious desk on the spot.



The desk is broken~~

The desk in the office of the President of the Black Palace is not an ordinary desk. In the 19th century, the people of the lighthouse found the battleship “Resolute”, which was discarded by Victoria, and presented it as a gift to Queen Victoria at the time. To express their gratitude, the Victorians used the oak from the ship to create a desk after the retirement of the Resolute, and gave it back to the President of the Lighthouse Country as a gift in 1880. Successive Lighthouse Presidents have left traces of their work on it.

And now, Emperor Austrian broke it directly!

Emperor Austrian: “………………”

at this time,

The battle on the sea changed again.

The situation has changed suddenly!

The tailed rat finally rushed over, and his thick tail swept directly, hitting the arm of the dangerous wanderer.

The long sword was almost beaten out. Fortunately, it was blessed with vibrating gold, which blocked part of the power, but it also made the dangerous wanderer crooked.

Then the standing-tailed rat slammed his whole body over, and a pair of forelimbs grabbed the arms of the dangerous wanderer.

“not good!”


All the audience screamed in surprise when they saw this scene.

The tail rat roared in excitement and joy.

A pair of forelimbs, vigorously!


My arms are still…

Standing rat: “???”


My arms are still motionless…

Standing rat: “???”

Its face showed a humane awkwardness.

Why is it fat?

How do you keep breaking?

Lin Jun in the cockpit gave a sneer. With gold-forged arms, you can break it if you have the ability!

“Silent mode!!”

“Electromagnetic gun, start!”

Then, at the chest of the dangerous wanderer, the new element reaction furnace outputs a huge power current, which is transformed into a strong magnetic field. A giant needle of bone steel is being twisted by a strong magnetic field that is constantly increasing.

But outside the dangerous wanderer, there was no change at all, and the movement was hidden inside the dangerous wanderer’s chest!

The tail rat broke several times without breaking, and it was so angry that it screamed.

The tail was raised high, ready to give the dangerous wanderer a ruthless head. The tail of this tail, when combined, is a huge arrow, which is very threatening to stabbing, and it opens like a huge scissors, very sharp.


Poke the tail hard!

Suddenly it felt a creepy sense of crisis!

Quickly jumped away subconsciously.


Too late!

I saw the chest of the dangerous wanderer suddenly opened, revealing the red bone steel needle inside.



The bone steel accelerated to the extreme 613 at this moment!

Between the electric light and flint, it directly hit the tail of the rat in the chest.

When the huge speed, with strong wind pressure, hits the body of the tail rat, due to the sudden change of the motion medium, the bone steel needle becomes unstable, and the huge speed spreads to the surrounding muscles, fat, organs, and bones. Form an explosive effect.


The chest of the tailed rat exploded directly.

A large hole seven or eight meters wide, penetrates directly from the front of the chest to the back.

Then Lin Jun took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the grip of the opponent’s’hands’ with both arms and aimed at the’armpits’ of his forelegs.

Plasma pulse cannon, attack mode activated, 100% power output.

Boom boom boom boom~~~~




The Dragon Kingdom is boiling again.

“Yeah, I won!!”

“Lin Jun is awesome!!”

However, in the next second, the situation will change again…

The tail standing mouse yelled ferociously, and suddenly opened his big mouth.


Numerous fluorescent blue liquids are sprayed out under high pressure.

Drench the dangerous vagrants from head to toe.

This is a strong acid!

More acidic than aqua regia!

Zi Zi Zi~~~~

Many parts of the dangerous wanderers made corroded noises and corroded white smoke.

. .

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