Chapter 129

After 30 minutes……

Off Mammoth City, a not-so-fierce battle ended.

The [King Holibari] mech, which was highly expected by the opening country, only cut off 2 octopus tentacles, and was killed by the octopus beast.

What invincible God of War ~ King Holibaly,

What bloodline of God of War,

What is the latest technology of the lighthouse country,

In front of the fourth-level monster is scum!

Especially this octopus monster, with 8 strong tentacles, entwines the mecha, it is definitely a nightmare of mecha.

[King Holibari] The mecha was hanged alive.

However, [King Holibaly] The mecha is not without merit, at least two tentacles have been cut off, the martial arts… that Xiaohe…

Next, the octopus rushed into Mammoth City.

Mammoth City, the country’s largest port, cotton textile industry center, important trade center and port city, and regional capital, is the second most densely populated area in the country, with a population of approximately 21.3 million, second only to the population of 25 million. The capital city of Delhi.

At the same time, Mammoth City is also the wealthiest city in the country. The millionaires and multi-millionaires here are the highest among all cities in the country.

And today,

After the octopus solved the [Bally Holi King] mech, it began to land on the Mammoth!

Global silence!

Another world-class first-tier city, ruined!

When the octopus stepped into Mammoth City, it was destined that Mammoth City would be destroyed!

As for the nuclear bomb?

At this time, the people in Mammoth City have not been completely evacuated. Of the 20 million people, less than 10 million have been evacuated, and 10 million are still evacuated from Mammoth City by walking.

How can you get past the giant octopus when you walk on your feet?

Open the country, the prime minister’s office.

Prime Minister Rahr frowned, and the grim situation made him frustrated.

Thirty kilometers north of Mammoth City is another city, Gata City. All citizens of Mammoth City were evacuated there. Now there are 25 million people in Gata City.

Now, the Prime Minister faces a difficult choice.

Option 1: The nuclear bomb blows up Mammoth City and destroys the monsters, but it will leave millions of people who have not been evacuated in Mammoth City within the explosion range.

Option 2: Evacuate everyone as soon as possible, regardless of Mammoth City and Gata City, exchange the lives of the Chinese people with these two cities, wait for everyone to evacuate, and then bomb the monster with a nuclear bomb. However, the difficulty is very high, and it is very likely that the city and the people will not be saved.

“Prime Minister, make a decision as soon as possible!”


“The earlier you decide, the less you lose!”

Everyone looked at Prime Minister Rahr.

Finally, the Prime Minister made up his mind: “Send all the air forces and bomb it for me! Delay time and let everyone evacuate as soon as possible!!!”

In fact, there is no need to choose, because if he dares to abandon the lives of millions of people, what awaits him will be downfall + jail + historical sinners!

Only speed up population evacuation!

Although this is a bit of drinking poison to quench your thirst!(Read more @

Everyone said: “Yes!!!”

The order is issued,

Twenty minutes later, the first batch of bombers arrived in Mammoth City and began to bombard the octopus.

Hundreds of tons of oil were poured between the octopus and the evacuation force to form a huge isolation zone.



The raging fire tried to block the octopus from going north.

However, Kai Kuai Guo underestimated the wisdom of Kai Jumon.

Seeing this situation, the octopus beast went northward at a faster speed to persecute humans.


Prime Minister Ral looked at the octopus in disbelief as it was going northward at twice the speed.

Stealing chicken is not eclipsing rice!

“How is this going?”

He quickly ordered:

“Call up more bombers right away and block it for me!!”

Three hours later…

The octopus beast went all the way north to hunt down the retreating humans, killing more than a million.

All the way to the second city of Gata.

In Gata City, more than 10 million people were stranded in the city due to the delayed evacuation.

As soon as the octopus appeared, it was a disaster of extinction!



World-class tragedy!

The death toll is catching up to 4 million!

The entire opening country was completely stunned, and countless people cried in pain.

The world is also confused!

This matter is worse than the destruction of the country on the African side, and there are more deaths!

Prime Minister Lal’s eyes flushed: “No, now we can only ask for help from the Dragon Kingdom. Only the four mechas of the Dragon Kingdom in the Palestine State can save us Kai Hang Nation!”

What dignity!

…… …… 0

What hatred!

He doesn’t care anymore!

Soon the secretary dialed the number of Elder Long Guoda and handed it to him.

Grand Elder: “Do you want to hire the four mechas of our Dragon Kingdom to kill the level 4 monster? I am afraid that will not work, because the four mechas have already returned to the Dragon Kingdom…”

Prime Minister Lal was taken aback: “What? Have you returned to the Dragon Kingdom? No longer the Pakistan Iron Kingdom?!”

Grand Elder: “The mission is completed, you must be back? What are you staying there for?”

Lal: “…………………………”

At the speed of the Dragon Kingdom Mecha, it would take at least 2.5 hours to trigger from the Dragon Kingdom Imperial Capital and reach Gata City.

However, the octopus is raging in Gata City.

After waiting another 2.5 hours, everything is too late!

Prime Minister Lal fainted.

Fell to the ground.

His face was pale.

“Gata City is over!”

“The 10 million people are over!”

“I’m guilty!!!”

Two hours later…

A nuclear bomb fell on the city of Gata.

When the mushroom cloud rose, the octopus died, the city of Gata was gone, and the bodies of 8 million people were buried.

this moment,

The world loses its voice!

Can’t speak for a long time.


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